Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 2012)
EIGHT- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 13,2012 CITY COUNCIL -Conti true Jfrom PACE ONE applications for the job. A special city council meet ing will be held on Monday, June 18, at 6 p.m. at Hep pner City Hall to continue the process o f finding a replacement. The meeting is open to the public. -heard that there will be a meeting on Tuesday, June 26, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at city hall with the engi neers of the Sperry Street relocation project, explain ing the job and answering citizen's questions. The public is invited to attend. -decided to declare two city lots on Riverside as surplus and sell the lots to the public. Last month the council was approached about sell ing the lots to David and Terri Denton. The Dentons said the lots have weeds and trash on them and, if they bought them, they would clean them up and maintain the property. One o f the lots had been used for the community garden, but that was moved up by the high school because of the weed problem. The Dentons did not offer a price, but the council told DeMayo to do some research and come up with a proposed asking price. The lot was appar ently donated to the city in 1997. Monday, DeMayo re ported that he talked with co u n ty a s s e s s o r G reg Sweek, who said there was not much value on the prop erty and that $500 “isn't a bad offer” for the land. DeMayo said the lots had no comparable properties sold in the area, were in the flood plain, so had building restrictions, and that the city has been putting main tenance into the property with no return. “Let’s put it on the tax roll and get a return of some amount,” DeMayo recom mended. lone celebrates graduation The council also re ceived the following police report for the month o f May. Traffic There were five traf fic stops, resulting in two citations. There were three park ing complaints. A hit and run crash was reported. A person reported a driver of a vehicle drove fast on Baltimore Street. The driver of the vehicle was contacted by a deputy. A hit and run crash was reported. The caller said they would resolve it civilly. Code Enforcement Thirteen animal com plaints were reported. One dog and three cats were transported to Pet Rescue. A deputy w orked a code violation involving construction debris. A person complained their neighbor threatened to poison the thistles on the caller’s property. The neighbor was trespassed from the property. The re porter was warned about the thistles. Theft Complaints A person reported pop cans were stolen from a residence. A person reported items were stolen from her and now someone was trying to sell them back. The victim reported she did not want to pursue charges. An employee of a store bought an item for a cus tomer with the agreement the customer would pay back the em ployee. No payment was received. It was determined it was a civil issue. A lost cell phone was reportedly being used by som eone other than the owner. It was determined to be unfounded. MCSO received a re port of a gas drive off. MCSO received a com plaint regarding a person's water rights and the theft of pipes. A residential burglary was reported. All Other A person left a message with a state agency threaten to harm another person. A deputy investigated and it was determined the person who left the message was frustrated and had no inten tion of harming anyone. Two ju v e n iles were cited for M IP-A lcohol, and one of them was also issued a citation for PCS Marijuana. Deputies assisted Com munity Counseling Solu tions with a suicidal person. A deputy investigated a juv en ile who possessed tobacco. A gun shot was re ported. A deputy checked the area and was unable to locate the source of the noise. Graffiti was reported on a downtown building. An adult was arrested for harassment relating to a domestic disturbance. An intoxicated male was reportedly yelling near the RV park. A deputy re sponded and was unable to locate the male. A deputy responded to a custody dispute. The parents will be working out the issues. A damaged toilet at the city park was reported. MCSO received a com plaint about a female wear ing inappropriate clothing while doing yard work. A door to a business was damaged. A person called MCSO about painted arrows on the road. It was determined a construction company painted the arrows. An assault was reported to MCSO. The case is still under investigation. Boardman to hold July 4 horseshoe tournament The Bo ard man Chamber o f Commerce is sponsoring a horseshoe tournament at 1 p.m. at the Boardman Marina Park during the Board- man Thunder 4th o f July celebration on Wednes day, July 4. Registration will begin just prior to the tournament. The entry fee is $5 per person, with the first and second place winners receiving ribbons and a 50 percent pay-back. The more entries received, the greater the chance o f winning. “This event has been going on for many years, and we are looking for ward to a great turn-out this year,” said a chamber spokesperson. For more inform a tion, call the chamber at 541-481-3014. PUBLIC NOTICE FORM LB-1 '^ g o n C e m ete ry M ain! wi)| S h e l d o n 06/27/2012 (Governing body) 13 7 :00 at (g Stokes p . Oregon. The purpose ot this meeting is to discuss the budget for the (Location) fiscal year beginning July 1. 20 at (D m e ) Landing Sr. Center, 190 Opal Place, Irrigon as approved by t h e _ C e m ete ry Maint District Budget Committee A summary of the (Municipal corporation) 1395 NE Main St., Irrigon, OR. budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at B 'O O ____________________between the hours of a.m .,and R f io ^ The Goldwings are coming, the Goldwings are coming. No, it's not an inva sion. June 14 through 16. the Goldw ing Road Riders As sociation will be in Heppner for their 30th annual Oregon District Convention/Rally. This year the group is planning for about 125 members to attend, with people coming from Or egon. Washington. Idaho and “ Who knows where else.” “Every year we try to find a new location for our rally, such as last year's rally in Joseph. OR. Part of the fun is riding and seeing new places,” says Oregon district co-director Terry Huffman. “This year we chose Heppner and will be staying at the Morrow County Fairgrounds.” The Goldwing Road Riders A ssociation has 70,000 members worldwide and has been around since 1977. The Oregon district has 450 members and five chapters throughout the state. • “We differ from other motorcycle groups as we are an association, not a club, and we prefer Dairy Q ueens to bars,” Cheri Huffman, Oregon co-direc tor, says. “Also, you won’t hear us disturbing the peace with our loud pipes; these are quiet machines.” The group has planned scheduled rides to take in Members of the Goldwing Road Riders Association cruise into a different community every year for their annual Oregon District Convention and Rally. Terry Huffman (inset) is one of the directors for the Oregon chapter.-Contributedphotos the local scenery, with the more twisties (curves), the better. The group also has some public events planned for the weekend, to which the community is invited. There will be a light parade on Friday night, June 15, around 9 p.m. The parade will begin at the fairground and go through town by vyay of downtown. Many riders take pride in showing of their “ultimate touring machines.” Most bikes are customized to the rider’s tastes with “safety chrome,” custom paint and extra lights. A bike show will be held downtown at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 16. It will be held on Willow Street between Murray’s Drug and Artisan Village; the street will be closed from noon to 4 p.m. to accommodate the show. “We encourage people to stop and take a look,” says Terry Huffman. “We all like talking about our Honda Goldwings.” Everyone is invited to stop by the fairgrounds exhibition hall at 11 a.m. on Saturday, when the Gold wings will be making a donation to Janice Skaggs from the Neighborhood Center. “ We like to help the communities we go to; it’s just a small way we try to give back for allowing us to share your town, if only for a few days,” Cheri Huff man says. The convention starts at noon on Thursday and goes till closing on Saturday night. Residents are invited to stop by the fairgrounds and check out the group, or go to www.gwrraore- for more information. WHS class of ‘82 plans reunion NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Twenty-five students graduated at the lone Community School commencement exercises held on June 8 at the school. Graduating seniors included Kaytee Burghard, Nereida Calvillo, Trent Cannon, Collette Cason, Jeremy Coleman, Adam Collin, Kaleb Dumler, M elanie Fid ridge, Luke Emmet, Mason Hagucwood, Steven Holland, Rebecca Jepsen, Omar Juarez, Mary McEI- ligott, Shannon Metcalfe, Zachary Orem. JoAnna Patton, Jordan Peterson, Christine Raible, Makenna Ramos, Mary Rietmann, Tashina Rushlow, Dominika Senkerikova, Micah Stillman and Yezmin Verduzco. Rebecca Jepsen was the valedictorian. - Photo by David Svkes p.m., or on the city’s website at The W heeler High School class o f 1982 is holding its 30,h reunion on Saturday, August 11, in Fossil, OR. The class would also like to invite all stu dents who attended school at K inzua K indergarten the school and a picnic lunch. For more informa tion, contact Glenda Mad den Lantis at glendalantis@ or Te resa McClure Aldrich at PUBLIC NOTICE This budget is for an [El annual; □ biennial budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is: E the same as; NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING F O R M L B -1 r j different than the preceding year. If different, the major changes and their effect on the budget are: and Fossil Kindergarten in 1969-1970, Fossil El ementary from 1970-78 and WHS from 1978-82 with their class. The class is planning an afternoon of catching up with friends, touring A pubic meeting of the Oregon Trail Library District will be held on June 20, 2012 at 7 00 pm at 200 South Men Street. Boardman, Oregon The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginnng July 1. 2012 as approved by the Oregon Trail Library District Budget Committee A summary of the budget is presented beta* A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at the Oregon Trail Library District Boardman Library, between the hours of noon and 5 p.m This budget is for an annual budget period This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as used the preceding year Contact Marsha Richmond 9 Telephone number E-mail >922-3197 A c tu a l A m o u n ts TO TA L O F ALL FUND S 20 10 -2 0 1 1 1. B e g in n in g F u n d B a la n c e / N e t W o r k in g C a p i t a l ........................................................ 2 T O T A L O f A L L FUND S 2010-11 A d o p te d B u d g e t A p p ro ve d B u dg et T h is Y e a r 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 1 N e xt Year 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 3 2 5 .7 7 8 28 000 2 6 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 F e e s . L ic e n s e s . P e rm its , F in e s , A s s e s s m e n ts 4 O t h e r S e r v ic e C h a rg e s 3 . F e d e ra l, S ta te 4 all O t h e r G ra n t s . G ifts . A llo c a tio n s 4 D o n a t io n s ............... 0 0 0 4 R e v e n u e fro m B o n d s 4 O t h e r D e b t ................ ................................................. . ........... 0 0 0 5 in te rfu n d Trg n s fe rs / ln te rn e l S e r v ic e R e im b u r s e m e n ts ................................. 0 0 6 . A ll O t h e r R e e o u rc e s E x c e p t P ro p e r ty T b x b b ............................................. ................. 266 600 758 1 5 ,3 6 9 15 8 6 6 1 6 .5 1 5 7 P r o p e r t y Ta x e s E s t im a t e d to b e R e c e iv e d 8 To ta l R e e o u rc e e .......................................................... a d d k n e e 1 th ro u g h 7 3 0 .9 6 4 44491 4 3 ,2 7 3 | P e rs o n n e l S e r v i c e s ................................................................................................................... 0 1 ® M s t e n a is a n d S e r v i c e s ................................... ......................................... . . ..................... 0 o 1 2 .0 4 0 17 7 0 0 1 7 ftO O 11 C a p ita l O u t la y ........................................................................................................................... 237 2 0 ,0 0 0 20 000 12 D e b t S e r v ic e ....................................... . ......................... .............................................................. 0 0 o 13 In te rt u n d T ra n s fe rs .................................................................................................................... 0 0 0 14 C o n t in g e n c ie s .................................................................... . . ............... ............................ 5 ,4 7 3 15 S p e c ia l P a y m e n t s 16 Unappropneted Ent»ng Balance and Reserved tor Future Expenditure 17 Total Tax Requirements add lin e s - 9 through 16 - 0 6 .7 9 1 o o 0 0 1 2 .2 7 7 o - 4 4 ,4 9 1 4 T 0 2 7 3 I Í 259 894 10,877 28 605 Fees. Licenses. Permits. Fines Assessments 4 Other Service Charges Federal State and All Other Grants. Gifts, Allocations and Donations Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt Intertund Transfers / Internal Service Reimbursements All Other Resources Except Property Taxes Property Taxes Estimated to be Received Total Resource* 0 F IN A N C IA L S U M M A R Y - R E Q U IR E M E N T S B Y O B J E C T C L A S S IF IC A T IO N 9 FINANCIA L SUMMARY R E SO U R C ES Actual Amount deppenba@msn com f -n ( 541 Telephone (541)481-3365 i Donald V Eppenbach 1 I Contact Email otlddirector®centurylink net Adopted Budget Nexl Year 2012-13 342,626 8850 »28 172 270.047 283 149 172,992 221,462 208 438 173.011 11S.SS4 1.375.405 22,679 i^ ^ 7 5 i926B FIN AN CIAL SUM M ARY Approved Budget This Year 2011-12 254,097 8,650 125,000 R E Q UIREM ENTS BY O B JE C T C LAS S IFICA TIO N Personnel Services 147 489 98 629 C .p «M OuM y___________________________________________________________ Debt Service Intertund Transfers Contingencies 0 18358 37 993 15,915 17,624 3365 Special Payments Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure 46.273 lie s 20,000 »00 44» FIN AN C IA L SUM M ARY Name of Organizational Unit or Program FTS for that unit or program Library Dtttnct Staff FTE Total Requirement* Total F T ! 1,tss,SS7 R E Q U IR E M E N TS BY O R G A N IZ A TIO N A L UN IT p R P ROG RAM ’ __________ 147 469 3 172 992 147,489 172,992 ___________________ Ü 1 Ü Ü 4 4 17J.0T1 • PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Permanent Rate L e v y ............. (Wate U m it 0: 1022 Per $1000) Rate or Amount Rate or Amount 1022 1022 Rate or Amount 1022 Local Option Levy Levy tor General Obligation Bond» STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Long Term Debt Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1 Debt Authorized, but r Incurred on July 1 Pat* or Amount Approved 2536 Rat# or Amount imposed Permanent Rate Levy (rate Hm« 2536 per $ 1.000) Local Option Levy Levy For General Obligation Bonds LÖ NÖ TE R M D E B T S T A T E M E N T OF IN D EB TED N ES S Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1 E ir tm M M O M rA u lh o re « But Not Incurrm on Ap r 1 G R Ò » OMgMlon Bor*» Obligation '" ' - B o - r m n g . »100 000 Tom » 00 one * If more space is needed to complete any saction of this form insert lines (rows) on this sheet or add sheets You may delete unused lines Othar Bonovringe Published: June 13, 2012 Affidavit Published: June 13, 2012 Affidavit I I I