Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 2012)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 11, 2012 SEVEN Community Counseling Solutions, a community mental health program that provides comprehensive services in Eastern Oregon, has a position opening for Clinical Director. This position will be based in Boardman Oregon, and will oversee clinical services in Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties. Clinical services include, but are not limited to: outpatient adult and c h ild r e n ’s mental health treatment, outpatient adolescent and adult addictions treatment, gambling treatment, quality assurance, contracted providers and peer delivered services. This position may from time to time carry a small caseload. A strong background in outpatient mental health and addictions treatment is required for this position. As such, knowledge of various evidence based practices is essential. Individual will need to work positively and effectively with a wide variety of community partners. Individual will need to work to diversify the service array for the residents o f M orrow, W heeler and G illiam Counties. Some duties include: supervision, report preparation, utilization review, preauthorization, s c h e d u lin g , h ir in g , termination, individual/ group/family counseling, adherence to administrative rules and contractual obligations, and work with various advisory boards. This demanding position requires that the individual be able to multi-task and follow through thoroughly. Strong and e ffe c tiv e communication is a must. This individual will need to be able to carry out the mission, philosophy and quality services that CCS delivers, as well as adhere to a high standard of professionalism and ethical behavior. The qualified candidate needs to be able to work independently with minimal supervision and will be required to participate in the supervisor on call schedule for crisis services. This salaried position is overseen by the Executive Director o f Community Counseling Solutions. The salary range for this position is $48,000 - $72,000. based upon the in d ivid u al’s education and experience. Minimum requirements for this position include five years experience in the delivery of clinical services, three years of which are in supervisory capacity, or an equivalent combination. Licensed applicants (PhD. LCSW, LPC or LMFT) preferred . S elected applicant must be able to start no later than June 30, 2012. For additional information please contact Kimberly Lindsay by email, at kim berly.lindsay@ Phone: 541- 6 7 6 -9 1 6 1 . For more information visit www. com m unity cou n selin g 4-11-4c FOR RENT One bedroom apartment d o w n to w n H ep p n er W/S/G paid $300/ month $150 deposit. 2 bedroom apartment available in April. 541-934-2534,541- 256-0389. __________________3-7-tfc Two apartments for rent on Gale St., 2 bedrooms, remodeled, appliances, washer/dryer in each unit. First & last, 541-676- 9202. 4-11-2c Cottage Creek Apartments l bed / l bath apartments All utilities included! 160 N. Chase Street Call toll free: ( 877 ) 967-6583 W illow View Apartments 515 N. Elder, Heppner Choice 2-bedroom ground & second floor. 541-256- 0388. 12 - 2 -tfc Home for rent in lone. 4 bedroom/1 bath, $800/ month 1 st, last and deposit required. 541-422-7324. 3-21-tfc SERVICES AFFORDABLE FAMILY EYEW EAR I Lowest Prices ‘ Top Quality I SAME DAY SERVICE MOST PRESCRIPTION LENSES CAN BE READY WITHIN 30 MINUTES TO 3 HOURS Eye Exams $ 85.00 Todd G. Anderson 0D Se Hablo Español 1045 N 1st St • Hermíston 888-567-3790 • 541-567-3790 Home for sale in lone, 4 bedroom. 1 bath, newly remodeled, fenced large lot, single level, $119,500. 541-422-7324. 3-21-tfc PUBLIC NOTICE Scholarship Applications Available The McRae Scholarship Com m ittee announces that 2012-2013 academic scholarship applications are now available to graduates o f Grant County high schools. Graduates of high schools within Morrow, W asco and W h eeler counties may also be considered for a scholarship award if too few Grant County applications are received. Preference will be given to Grant County high school graduates who reside in Oregon and have completed one or more years at an accredited college. For an application form and list o f student criteria contact the McRae Scholarship Committee c/o Grant County Court, 201 S. Humbolt St. Box 280, Canyon City OR 97820 or call 541-575-0059. Completed applications and required documents must be received on or before July 13, 2012. Published: April 11 and 18, Morrow County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, will be held at the Morrow County Annex, 150 Rock St., Heppner Oregon. The meeting will take place on the 25th - 27th day of April, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. A copy o f the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after April 24th, 2012 at the Morrow County Courthouse, 100 Court Street, Heppner, Oregon, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee. Published: April 11,2012 Affidavit Notice also available at http:// news-and-announcements/ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow No. 12PR007 Estate of: Frances M. Smouse, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the person named below has been appointed personal representative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the personal representative at: P.O. Box 218, Pendleton, OR 97801 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative or the attorney. Dated and first published: April 4, 2012 Kenneth L. Smouse Pers. Rep. P.O. Box 127 lone, OR 97843 Karin E. Dallas Corey Byler Rew Lorenzen & Hojem, LLP 222 SE Dorion Ave Pendleton, OR 97801 541-276-3331 Published: April 4, 11 and 28, 2012 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE The M orrow C ounty Wranglers Riding Club is considering sellin g the property they own (2S 2627 Tax Lot 801). Please send any comments or suggestions in writing to Wranglers P.O. Box 924 Heppner OR 97836. Comments will be accepted until May 1st, 2012. Published: April 4, 11, and 18,2012 Affidavit 2012 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting o f the Budget C om m ittee o f Mountain Glen Apartments Units Now Available Two and Three Bedroom Apartments For Rent Rent Based On Income Modern Appliances • Laundry Facilities Location behind Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner For waiting list and application, call 676-9232 TDD #1-800-545-1833 for hearing impaired This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting o f the Budget Committee of the Morrow County Unified Recreation District, Morrow County State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 will be held at the Morrow County Courthouse, Heppner, OR. The meeting will take place on the 26th day of April, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. The purpose o f the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public ) on the budget. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after April 26th, 2012 at the Morrow County Courthouse, 100 Court Street, Heppner, Oregon, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee. Published: March 28 and April 11,2012 Affidavit o f Morrow and State of owing an obligation, the Oregon; Commonly known perform ance o f which as 890 East Califonia St, is secured by said trust Irrigon, OR 97844. Both the deed, the words “trustee” beneficiary and the trustee and “beneficiary” include have elected to sell the said their respective successors real property to satisfy the in interest, if any. If the obligations secured by said Trustee is unable to convey trust deed and notice has title for any reason, the been recorded pursuant successful bidder’s sole to section 86.753(3) o f and exclusive remedy shall Oregon Revised Statutes. be the return o f monies The default for which paid to the Trustee, and foreclosure is made is the successful bidder shall grantor’s failure to pay have no further recourse. when due the following DATED: 0 3 /1 4 /2 0 1 2 , sums: monthly payments Katrina E. G logow ski, o f $909.92 beginning G logow ski Law Firm, on 1 1 / 20 / 2 0 1 1 ; plus late PLLC, 2505 Third Ave Ste charges o f $ 20 . 00 ; plus 100, Seattle WA 98121, advances of $ 0 . 00 ; together (206) 903-9966 with title expenses, costs, Published: April 11, 18, 25 PUBLIC NOTICE trustee’s fees and attorneys’ and May 5, 2012 NOTICE OF BUDGET fees incurred herein by Affidavit COMMITTEE MEETING reason of said default; any IONE SCHOOL DISTRICT further sums advanced #2 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY by the beneficiary for the TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF protection o f the above GIVEN, pursuant to ORS SALE Loan No: 365797 T.S. described real property 294.401, that a meeting of No.: 11050330R Reference and its interest therein; the budget committee of the is made to that certain deed and prepayment penalties/ lone School District #2 will made by, FRED A YOUNG, premiums, if applicable. be held on the 24th day of BONNIE T YOUNG as April, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. for By reason of said default Grantor to C AL-WESTERN the b e n e fic ia r y has the purpose of receiving the R E C O NVEYANCE declared all obligations budget message and budget CORPORATION, as trustee, secured by said deed of document o f the district in favor of MORTGAGE trust immediately due and for the fiscal year 20 12 - 2013. The meeting will be payable, said sums being E R E L G E I C S T T R R A O T N I O I C N held at the lone Schools, the following, to wit: The SYSTEMS, INC., acting 445 Spring Street, lone, sum of $95.223.08 together solely as nom inee for with interest thereon at the Oregon. MORTGAGE, This is a public meeting rate of 9.49% per annum A FIDELITY D I V I S from 11 / 20/2011 until paid; where deliberations of the plus advances o f $ 0 . 00 ; D E L T A F I U O N N D I N OF G budget committee will take C O R P O R A T I O N its place and any person may together with title expenses, successors, and assigns, appear and comment on costs, trustee’s fees and as B en eficiary, dated proposed programs with the attorneys’ fees incurred 2 /2 7 /2 0 0 6 , record ed budget committee at that herein by reason o f said 4/1 4 /2 0 0 6 , in o fficia l any further sums time. A copy of the budget default; advanced by the beneficiary records o f MORROW document will be available Oregon in book/ at lone Schools at the time for the protection o f the County, reel/volume No. at page above described real of the meeting. No. ,fee/file/instrument/ Mark Mulvihill, Budget property and its interest microfile/reception No. therein; and prepayment Officer (indicated Published: April 11 and 18, penalties/prem ium s, if w 2006-16464 h ich ), coverin g the applicable. Whereof, notice 2012 following described real is hereby given that Katrina Affidavit E. Glogowski, Glogowski property situated in said Law Firm, PLLC, the County and State, to-wit: undersigned trustee will APN: R03497, LOT4, Block PUBLIC NOTICE on 7/21/2012 at the hour 2, West Boardman in the Public Hearing of 1 1 :00 am standard time, City of Boardman, County H e p p n e r P la n n in g as established by ORS o f Morrow and State of Commission 187.110, at the at the front Oregon Commonly known Monday, May 7,2012 at entrance to the Morrow as: 137 NW COLUMBIA 7:00 P.M. County Courthouse, 100 AVE, B O A R D M A N , Request for a Variance Court Street, Heppner, OR, OREGON, 97818 Both the The Heppner Planning sell at public auction to the beneficiary and the trustee Commission will hold a highest bidder for cash the have elected to sell the said public hearing on May interest in the said described real property to satisfy the 7, 2012 at 7:00 P.M., at real property which the obligations secured by said City Hall to consider a grantor had or had power trust deed and notice has variance request form to convey at the time of the been recorded pursuant to Mr. Ed Struthers at 235 execution by him of the said Section 86.735(3)ofOregon Rock Street (Tax Lot # trust deed, together with any Revised Statutes: the default 100, Assessor's Map 2S interest which the grantor or for which the foreclosure 26 35BC). The variance his successors in interest is made is the grantor's: request is to alter the side acquired after the execution Installment of Principal and yard setback distance from of said trust deed, to satisfy Interest plus impounds and/ ten feet to seven feet, to the foregoing obligations or advances which became allow for the construction thereby secured and the due on 5/1/2011 plus late of a garage on his property. costs and expenses of sale, charges, and all subsequent If you have questions or including a reasonable installments of principal, concerns please contact charge by the trustee. interest, balloon payments, Dave DeMayo at City Hall Notice is further given that plus im pounds and/or (Tel. 541 -676-9646). A staff any person named in ORS advances and late charges report will be available 86.753 has the right to have that becom e payable. on or about May 02,2012. the foreclosure proceeding Monthly Payment $ 1290.00 Copies will cost $0.10 per dismissed and the trust M onthly Late Charge page. deed reinstated by payment $64.50. By this reason of Published: April 11 and 18, to the beneficiary of the said default the beneficiary 2012 entire amount then due has declared all obligations Affidavit (other than such portion secured by said deed of of said principal as would trust immediately due and then be due had no payable, said sums being the PUBLIC NOTICE not default occurred), together following, to-wit: The sum Reference is made to that with the costs, trustee’s o f $106,615.54 together certain trust deed made and attorney’s fees and with interest thereon at the by Victor M Landeros curing any other default rate of 10.19% per annum and Josefina Landeros, complained of in the Notice from 4/1/2011 until paid; Grantor(s), to Glenn H. of Default by tendering the plus all accrued late charges Prohaska, Attorney at Law performance required under thereon; and all trustee's trustee, in favor of Conseco the obligation or trust deed, fees, foreclosure costs and Finance Servicing Corp, at any time prior to five days any sums advanced by as beneficiary, recorded before the date last set for the beneficiary pursuant 2/1/2001, in the Records of sale. Notice is hereby given to the terms o f said deed Morrow County, Oregon as that reinstatement or payoff of trust. Whereof, notice Instrument No. 2001-235, quotes requested pursuant hereby is given that First which was subsequently to ORS 86.757 and 86.759 American Title Company, assigned to U.S. Bank N.A., must comply with that the undersigned trustee will as Trustee for Manufactured statute. Due to potential on 7/20/2012 at the hour of Housing Contract Senior/ conflicts with federal law, 1:00 PM, Standard of Time, Subordiante Pass-Through persons having no record as established by section C ertificate 2001-2 on legal or equitable interest 187.110, Oregon Revised December 9, 2011 under in the subject property will Statues, AT THE COURT Instrument No. 2011-29278, only receive information STREET ENTRANCE and Katrina E. Glogowski, concerning the sale status TO MORROW COUNTY Glogowski Law Firm, PLLC and the opening bid. In C O U R T H O U S E 100 being the successor trustee, construing this notice, the COURT STREET County covering the follow ing masculine gender includes o f MORROW, State o f described real property the feminine and the neuter, Oregon, sell at public situated in the above- the singular includes the auction to the highest mentioned county and state, plural, the word “grantor” bidder for cash the interest to wit: APN: R09132; Lot includes any successor in in the said described real 3, Hillcrest Estates, in the interest to the grantor as -Continued on page City o f Irrigon, County well as any other persons EIGHT »