Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 2011)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 25,2011 - NINE PUBLIC NOTICE FORM LB-1 FORM LB-3 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING FUNDS REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED 355 Publish ONLY completed portion ol this page. Lexington T o w n Council A meeting of t h e ____ . will be held on . (Oal»l (Govamaig bociy) □ am . 6 :30 O r m . a t . at Jun e 14. 2011 425 F Street Lexington. O regon (Location) . Budget Committee. (Municipal corporation) A summary at the budget is presented below A copy ot the budget may be inspected or obtained at 425 F Street Lexington, Oregon _______ between the hours ot 8:00 am anp 4:00 pm . This budget was prepared on laæw i sai n t a basis ot accounting that is: E l consistent; □ not consistent with the basis ot accounting used during the preceding year Maior changes, it wiy. and thee effect on the budget, are explained below. This budget is tor 12 Annual Period; □ 2-Year Period. Ch«nMr*on of governing body Si Lexington M orrow Telephone number ( Jea n Brazell 541 > 9 8 9 -8 5 1 5 FINANCIAL SUMMARY □ K X h L 'J S L « . 3. Total Capital Outlay............................................................. 4. Total Debt Service............................................................... Anticipated Resources Estimated Ad Valorem Property Taxes 6. 7. 8. 9. Approved Budget Next Year: 2 0 1 1 -2 0 1 2 Adopted Budget This Year: 20J O -2 0 TO TA L O F ALL FU N D S 2. Total Materials « id Services............................................... Anticipated Requirements Total Contmgenoe*............................................................ Total Special Payments....................................................... Total Unappropriated and Reserved for Future Expenditure ... Total Requirements-add lines 1 through 6...................... 63,351 206,078 64 050 175,932 33.920 6.522 16.000 46,662 241.929 8.522 46.225 57,277 19.610 16.565 613.53d 393.318 585,414 372,396 20,922 _______________________ 28.122 613.53d 393.318 28.122 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Total Raaourcas Excapt Proparty Taxaa............. _.............. Total Property Taxes Estimated to be Received.................. Total Reeources - add hnee 10 and 11 Total Property Taxes Estimated to be Received flme 11) — Plus Estimated Property Taxes Not to be Received......— A Loss Due to Constitutional Units B. Discounts Aiowed. Other Uncodected Amounts------------ 15 Total Tax Levied-add does 13 «id 14............... .............. 4 600 28,72^ 745 21,667 Rate or Amount Rate or Amount 16 Permanent Rate Limit Levy (rate limit Tax Levies By Type l ...... 7289/1000 2 00/1000 7289/1000 2 00/1000 18. Levy for Bonded Debt or Obligations.................................. ... — 8522 __ _____ 8522 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Debt Outstanding B ) As Summarized Below f~l None Debt Authorized, Not Incurred □ As Summarized Below [ 2 None PUBLISH BELOW ONLY IF COMPLETED 16.926 Bonds................................... Interest Sewing Warrants..... Other..................................... Total Indebtedness.............. FORM LB-2 Estimated Debt Authorized, Not Incurred at the Beginning of the Budget Year (July 1) Estimated Debt Outstanding at the Beginning of the Budget Year (July 1) Long-Term Debt 60.288 77,214 i FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED Publish ONLY completed portion of this page. Total Anticipated Requirements m ust equal Total Resources Actual Data of Nam « Street F u n d 1. 2. 3. 4. Personal Services............................................ Matsrtala and Services................................... Capital Outlay................................................... Debt Service..................................................... Total Total Total Total A d o p te d B u d g e t T h is Year 2 0 J Û - H Last Year 2 0 M - 1 H Fund 10.537 10,019 A p p ro v e d B u d g e t N ext Year 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 11.275 14,753 8.730 17,470 25,000 25,000 S. Total Transfers............................................................ 1 7. 8. 9. 10. Nam e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ••• vJ aVN Total Special Payments............................................ Total Unappropriated and Reserved for Future Expenditure... Total Requirements................................................... Total Resources Except Property Taxe6................ 20,556 51,028 47,806 51.028 Actual Data Last Year 2 0 0 9 - i n of Fund W a te r F u n d Total Personal Services............................................ Total Materials and Services.................................... Total Capital Outlay................................................... Total Debt Service..................................................... Total Transfers............................................................ A d o p te d B ud ge t T h is Year 20 i n - 1 1 36.281 51,200 51,200 A p p ro v e d B ud ge t Next Year 20 1 1 - 17 27.028 1.979 40.106 58,712 2.000 40.600 58,330 2.000 ' -W .- "*? 6,732 5,370 9. Total Requirements................................................... 65,288 10. Total Resources Except Property Taxe»................ 98,349 107,550 107,550 106,300 106,300 6. Total Contingencies................................................... ► 4an*1 - v ■ * 7. Total Special Paymsnts............................................. 8. Total Unappropriated and Reserved for FiXure Expenditure... Nam « Actual Data A d o p te d B u d ge t Last Year 2 0 0 3 .-1 0 . T h is Year 2 0 H - 1 1 of Fund F E M A G ra n t F u n d 1. Total Personal Services............................................. 2. Total Materials and Services.................................... 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 54.607 Total Capital Outlay................................................ Total Debt Service...................................................... Total Transfers........................................................ Total Contingencies.................................................. Total Special Payments.'........................................... Tota Unappropriated and Reserved for Future Expenditure... N irT H rr Nam e r r " ’ r r r r . T i J------------------------- 67,214 67,214 113,281 A d o p te d B ud ge t T h is Year 20___ - ___ Actual Data Last Year 20___ - ___ of F ire D ep artm e nt B u ild in g F u n d 30,225 30,225 30,225 A p p ro v e d B u d g e t Next Year 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 1. Total Personal Services............................................ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total Total Total Total Total 36,425 208,000 Materials end Services................................... Capital Outlay................................................... Debt Service..................................................... Transfers............................................................ Contingencies................................................... Total Special Payments............................................ Total Unapproptiread and Rsaarvad tor Future Expenditure... Total Requirements................................................... Total Resources Except Property Taxes................ FORM LB-2 W a te r B on d 2. Total Materials and Service*................... ............... 3. Total Capital Outlay.._________ - ............ ................. 4. Totel Debt Service..................................................... 244,425 244,425 A p p ro v e d B ud ge t Next Year 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 M D C Fund A c tu a l D a ta A d o p te d B u d g e t A p p ro v e d B u d g e t Last Year 2 0 f i a -lf l . T h la Y e a r 2 0 1 0 - 1 1 N ext Year 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 1. Totel Personal S ervice * ................................................. 24,867 2 . Total Materials and S srv tca s.......___...___ ....-------- 24,867 24,869 3 . Total Ca pital O u tla y ......................................................... 4 . Total D eb t S e rv ic e ........................................................... . 8.522 I f * I i .................. . 18.585 27.107 18.585 27.107 18,585 18.585 8 5221 27 107 8522 8.522 27,107 19,610 2ÎM33 19,610 8.522 28~Ï32| 8.522 Rate or Amount Rate or Amount 18. Levy for Bonded Debt or Obligations.................... I ' ’ ■ / /• A c > ! u x o Y o / râ t* » Published: May 25, 2011 Affidavit NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC N o tic e o f B u d get The Morrow Coun ty Sheriff’s Office has in its physical possession the unclaimed personal prop erty described below. If you have any ownership interest in any of that unclaimed property, you must file a claim with the Morrow County Sheriff’s Office within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, or you will lose your interest in that property. Cash, Bikes Cell Phones Watch Tools MP3 Players Air Gun Chainsaw Camera Jacket Wedding Ring Gun Ammunition Flower Pot Shotgun Purse Published: May 11, 18, 25 & June 1,2011 Committee Meeting A public meeting o f the Budget Committee of the Heppner Cemetery M aintenance D istrict, Morrow County, State of Oregon, on the budget for the fiscal year July 01, 2011 to June 30, 2012 will be held on Thursday, June 9th, at 7:00 p.m., at 171 Linden Way, Heppner, Oregon (Columbia Basin Electric Co-Op conference room). The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message, discuss the proposed budget, and hear public comments on same. A copy o f the budget document may be inspected or obtained at the meeting, or after June 9th at 180 Rock Street, Heppner, Oregon, between the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. The proposed budget is for a one-year period, and will be prepared on a basis of accounting that is consistent with the basis of accounting used during the preceding year. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Public questions and comments are invited. Published: May 25 and June A Public Hearing will be held at the Regular Meeting o f the H eppner C ity Council on June 13, 2010 to consider a special request to utilize the City's Right- of-Way in the vicinity of the August street-Kirk street intersection for the parking of a temporary residence. (This is about two blocks south of the County Court House., and one block west of the Court House). City Council begins at 7:00 P.M. Published: May 18 and 25, 1,2011 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE 31,2013. Interested parties residing in Morrow County are encouraged to submit a letter of interest to the Morrow County C ourt,. P.O. Box 788, Heppner, OR.- 97836, by May 27, 2011. DATED this 11th day of May 2011 M ORROW CO UNTY P L A N N I N G DEPARTMENT Published: May 18 and 25, 2011 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR. : QUALIFICATIONS FOR j A Environmental Recovery . ! Clean up organization Morrow County Road, . ; Bridge, and Public Works Projects - Morrow County, \ j Oregon \ ! Morrow County, Oregon, ' • requests proposals from : qualified environmental ' : r e c o v e r y c le a n u p ; organization services to provide services for ' j various County R oad,.', : Bridge, and Public Works projects. Organizations . ; submitting qualifications . : shall be considered based l , ’ ; upon the following general V, j evaluation criteria: 1. Fee schedule. ; 2. Experience, im ' - ’! 3. Method of approach. . \ 4. A vailab ility o f ’ ; labor and equipment. Copies o f the Request**' for Qualifications may be* ~; obtained from Morrow ! County, P.O. Box 428, 365 W Hwy 74, Lexington, ! Oregon 97839,(541)989- 9500. Complete proposals will be accepted at the same address until 4:00 p.m., June 03, 2011 Published: May 25 and June u k j The M orrow C ounty Court will be considering one appointment to serve on the Morrow County Planning Commission for the greater Boardman area. The term will begin at the time of appointment and run until the end of the vacated term, December 1,2011 Publish ONLY completed portion of this page. Total Anticipated Requirements m ust equal Total Resources N am e of r.iT 8.522 16. Permanent Rate Limit L e w (rata um.t ) ..... 17. Local Option Taxes.................................................... 2011 FUNDS NOT REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED Fund A d o p ted B ud ge t Th is Year 2 0 1 Q .-1 1 8.522 5. Total Transfers............................................................ 6. Total Contingencies................................................... 7. Total Special Payment*................................... ........ 8. Total Unappropriated and Reserved for Future Expenditure . 9. Total Requirements................................................... 10. Total Resource* Except Property Taxes................ 11. Property Taxes Estimated to be Received........... 12. Totsl Resources (add lines 10 and 1 1 ).................. 13. Property Taxes Estimated to be Received (line 11) 14. Estimated Property Taxes Not to be Received A. Loss Due to Constitutional Lim it........................ B. Discounts, Other Uncollected Amounts........... 15. Total Tax Levied (add lines 13 and 1 4).................. PUBLIC NOTICE A p p ro v e d B u d g e t Next Year 2 0 1 1 - 1 ? 67,214 54,607 9. Total Requirements................................................... 10. Total Resources Except Property Taxes................ Fund Fund 1. Total Pereonal Service*............................................ T o w n of Lexington the fiscal y e « beginning July 1. 2011 as approved by the . County Actual Data Last Year 2 0 f i f i - J f l N a m e of . The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for PUBLIC NOTICE FORM LB-1 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING [ | RopuNication 5. Total Transfers _________________________ ______........ 6. Total C o n tin g e n cie s......................................................... ■ w u L - 38.527 29 245 .v+t 7 Total S pe cia l P a y m e n t«................................................. 8. Total Unappropriated and Asswvsd for Firture Expenditure... FORM LB-3 63,394 54.114 54,114 54.112 54,114 9 . Total R e q u ire m e n t«......................................................... 10. Total R aeources Exce pt Property Taxe e .................. 63 394 FUNDS REQUIRING A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED M ajo r changes, i f an y , an d th e ir effect o n the budget, are ex plained below . Publish ONLY completed portion of this page. Actual Data N a m e of F * "^ A d o p te d B ud ge t Th la Year 2 0 1 f l . - J l Last Year 2 0 f i f i - J f i Fire D ep artm e nt F u n d 3. Total Capital Outlay................................................... 4. Total Debt Service..................................................... 5. Total Ttanefera............................................................ Total R e q u i r e m e n t « ........ .................— ........... Total Resources Except Property Taxee................ Property Taxes Estimated to be Received........... Total Resources (add Unes 10 end 1 1).................. Property Taxee Estimated to be Received (line 11) Estimated Property Taxes Not to be Received A. Lose Due to Constitutional Lim it.................. B. Discounts, Other Uncollected Am ounts....... 15. Total Tax Levied (add linea 13 and 1 4).............. CoiMly City Dale ( hatrpereon of froveniin* Body Telephone Numhet M o rro w B oardm an 05-23-2011 D on R ussell 541-481-3473 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1,500 28,810 5,000 680 5,300 14,506 32,132 33.205 26.005 38,658 7,200 33.205 4Ô4ÎÔ1 26,010 14.400 40 4101 8. Total Contingenclee................................................... s ir * — 7. Total Special Payments............................................ 0. Tote Unappropneled and ««sweater Future Expend««... 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. A p p ro v e d B u d g e t Next Year 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 . 1.400 26.125 5,000 1,396 9,168 4,014 1. Total Personal Services........................................... 2. Total Materiels end Services................................... 16. Permanent Rate Limit Levy (ratakm a___ A m eetin g o f th e B o ardm an R ural Fire P rotection D istrict w ill be held on June 9th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m . at B oardm an R ural Fire S tation, 3 0 0 W ilso n R d. T h e pu rp o se o f th is m eeting is to discu ss th e budget for the fiscal y ear beginning Ju ly 1, 201 la s approv ed by th e B o ard m an R ural Fire P rotection D istrict B udget C om m ittee. A sum m ary o f th e bu d g et is presented below . A copy o f th e bu d g et m ay b e inspected o r ob tain ed at B oardm an F ire S tation, 3 0 0 S W W ilson Rd. betw een th e hours o f 8:00 a.m . and 5:00 p.m . T his budget w as p rep ared on a basis o f a c co u n tin g th at is consisten t w ith th e basis o f acco u n tin g used du rin g th e p reced in g year. TOTAL O F ALL FUNDS Rate or Amount J.. 14,724 Rata or Amount $2 00/1000 >1 00/1000 17. Local Option Taxea............................ 2 Total Materials and Supplies 803,791 00 194 470 00 187 892 00i Anticipated 4 Total Debt Service 215 800 00 216 000 00 215 600 00 Requirement« 5 Total Transfers 7 Total All Other Expenditures and Requirements 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 1.201.753 00 1 203 284 00|j 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 488 792 00 495 871 OoJI Anticipated 11 Total Property Taxes Required to Balance Budget 712 961 00 707.413 00 j Reeources 12 Total Resources - add lines 10 and 11 1.201.753 00 1 203 264 00|| Estimated 14 Plus Estimated Property Taxes Not to be Received 9 Total Requirements - add lines 1 through 8 712 961 00 A Loss Due to Constitutional Limits B Discounts Allowed Other Uncollected Amounts Ad Valorem Property Taxes 15 Total Tax Levy - add lines 13 and 14 16 Permanent Rate Limit Levy (rate limit 7464) Tax Levies By Type N a m e of G e n e ra l F u n d Fu™ * 1. Total Pereonal Service*.................................. .......... 2. Total Matarlola and Services................................... 9,039 12,823 3. Total Capital Outlay— ...... ............... ......... ............. 4. Total Debt Service...................................................... 1,021 5. Total Transfers__________ ______— ____________ 0. Total Contingencies................................................... 5.000 A d o p te d B ud ge t 19 241 00 35 390 00 21 200 00 709 593 00 746 034 001 0 7464 ___ J Th la Year 2 0 - l f i - J l 10570 13,220 14 405 1 920 11,430 1,920 ( ) Nona Bonds 15. Totsl Tax Levied (edd Ena* 13 and 1 4)........ .......... ■ i 16. Levy for Bonded Debt or Obligations... 1 I-... 0 0 0 STATEM ENT OF INDEB TEDNESS Debt Authorized, Not incurred Debt Outstanding [ ] None ( J As Summarized Below lx] As Summarized Below PUBLISH BELOW ONLY IF COMPLETED Estimated Debt Authorized Not Incurred « the Beginning of the Budget Year ................................. Interest Bearing Warrants Total Requirements_________ — .— . ___— ..... Total Resource* Except Property Taxee................ Property Taxes Estimated to be Received............ Total Resources (edd lines 10 and 1 1 )__________ Properly Taxee Estimated to be Received (Una 11) i i u r n r j u w i Estimated Property Taxes Not to be Received A.Loes Due to Constitutional Lim it................. . B.Discounts. Other Uncoiected Am ounts........... 18 Permanent R et« Limit L e w i m a m 0 7464 0 Estimated Debt Outstanding at tha Beginning of the Budget Y e « Long-Term Debt 16,000 8,060 16,000 10 205 7. Total Special Payment*________________________ 0. Tot« unqtptopneledeidffeeaned tor Fufc« Expense«.., 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 17 Local Option Levy 18 Levy for Bonded Debt or Obligation« A p p ro v e d B ud ge t Next Year 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 707 413 00 21 242 00 16. Levy for Bonded Debt or OtoUgsttons... Actual Data Last Year 2 0 .Q 2 .-lfi. i 614,334 00 157 350 00 13 Total Property Taxes Required to Balance Budget (line 11) 7.632 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-2011 Adopted Budget This Year 2009-2010 27.883 87,200 6,229 i ip 49.4501 44 250 53.100 47,900 5,200 5,200 53.100 49.4501 5,200 ____________________ I M O "* 6 * R S »* e »4 fC . ..v ii £L! »«■ ¿ i f u y* **• i 2 313 5,513 Rats or Amount 7289/1000 1 * 2 234 5.434 Rats or Amount 7289/1000 1.120 948 00 Other T otal indebtedness ........... 1,120.948 00 Short-Term Dot* This budget includes tl Fund Liebte General Fund Published: May 25, 2011 Affidavit of revenue ("Short-Term Sorrowing") m summarized bolow Estimatoti Intoroot Roto E film «tod Amount to bo Borrowed 290 000 00 3200 00