Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 2011)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 2,2011 - THREE Child vaccination updates needed by Feb. 16 HHS senior service Parents, make sure nations. Children will not Hib vaccine, which is now a two-dose series now re auction to be held your child’s immunization be able to attend school or plentiful, is back on the quired for children ages 18 records are up to date by Feb. 16, or risk having them sent home from school. State law requires that all children in public and pri vate schools, preschools. Head Start and certified child care facilities be up- to-date on their immuniza tions, or have a religious or medical exemption. Parents or guard ians will receive a letter in late January or early Feb ruary 2011 if their child’s immunization record shows that he or she has not re ceived the required vacci child care starting Feb. 16, 20 M, if their records on file show missing immuniza tions. This year, parents should take note of some new information: -Hib vaccine re quirement: Hib is a severe bacterial disease that most ly affects young children. In recent years, there was a shortage of this vaccine, so children weren’t required to be up-to-date on Hib immunizations to stay in in child care and preschool. required vaccination list for children through age 4. -Tdap vaccine re quirement: Tdap vaccine is required for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students. Tdap is a tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) booster. Whooping cough is a serious health concern in Oregon, with more than 255 cases recorded in 2010. -Hepatitis A vac cine req u ire m en t: The Hepatitis A vaccine, which protects against a commu nicable viral infection, is months through 2nd grade. P arents seeking im m unizations for their children should contact their health care provider or local health department, or call Oregon SafeNet at 1-800-SAFENET (1-800- 723-3638). No one can be turned away from a local health department because of the inability to pay for re quired vaccines. Additional information on school im munizations can be found at ph/imm/school. Heppner High School will hold their annual senior service auction on Saturday, February 12, during halftime of the varsity boys’ and girls’ games, starting at approximately 4 p.m. Community members are invited to attend and bid on members of the senior class. Funds raised will go to the drug and alcohol free senior grad night. American Legion and Auxiliary to meet The American Legion and Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday, February 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the basement of the Methodist Church. The Auxiliary unit will be initiating its newest members. There will be no potluck but refresh ments will be served after the initiation. $ 162(0001 [Pri^Reduced D iner and B akery Located in H eppner, Oregon. Operating diner and bakery business with attached 3 bedroom home in the back. Includes all equipment to operate and run the business. Real property included. Including separate lot w/ large shop $225,000 WMotivated.Seller makerai7offer}M New master bedroom & bath in this 3 bedroom Stop spending your time fixing up your house and move into a home where it's all been done. You'll adore this 3 bedroom. 2 bath on a quiet street near downtown Remodeled in 2008 with a new master suite, bath and more Walk in closet, jet tub and tile floors. Well kept fenced back yard with room to park your RV or other toys. Auto Repair Business in Heppner, OR This is a going concern which shows a profit each year. Includes real property, business, inventory and equipment. Loyal customer base and good $ 339,000 reputation. $2*e&oo I P r ic e R e d u c e d — vated seller. OfcïïyZZi, «Sta fÄS 'S N t " v' \ i ~ Price Reduced Highway frontage Commercial Property with rental income in Power City, Oregon 4.52 acres of commercial highway frontage property in Power City between Hermiston and Umatilla, Oregon. Several busi nesses providing rental income. Includes bare land and .62 acres of residential zoned property. Owner will carry contract. Call me for financial details and potential for this property Make an offer, price reduced moti Building lot in Heppner 5,250 sq foot lot. Nice view of town. 2 Bedroom near schools and downtown Heppner Just blocks from school and downtown shopping, this 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath charmer has a fenced yard for children and a separate small yard in the back. Enjoy your reading room, living room and kitchen with window looking out on the street. This spacious home comes with its own view of the lake. Sit in the living room or the deck and enjoy the view. Entertain guests in the large living room downstairs and even prepare the meal with the complete bonus kitchen located downstairs, off the patio and backyard. Plenty of room in this high-quality, stick-built Stratford modular home located at Lakeview Heights. Call for a showing itoday Sale Pending epp n e r 3 Bedroom 2 bath home in Lexington T h is h o m e h a s m e ta l roof, c e m e n t fo u n d a tio n & p ro p a n e F /A . 1 2 8 X 1 2 1 .6 6 lot. 2 4 6 5 sq ft h o m e h a s full b a s e m e n t a n d la rg e fe n c e d y ard w ith a p p le , n e c ta rin e a n d c h e rry tre e s . G a ra g e . ___________ $ 1 1 6 .0 0 0 660 range land acres near Ruggs. Create your own place on this 660 m/l acres of range land near Ruggs. Fenced. Pick out your building spot. W ater available. W ater available. Priced at $260,000 rjght Th is nice 2 0 0 7 M arlatt h om e is in excellent condition E verything w as d o n e right w hen this h om e w a s put in. It has a deck, cyclone fe n c e d yard and a 18 X 31 g a ra g e . Ceiling fans, along with the en erg y p a c k a g e will k e e p you w a rm in the w inter and cool in the s u m m e r T h e re is a den/office, living room a n d lots of extras M ust s ee inside this one C all and sch ed u le an app o in tm en t today. , 3 Bedroom 2 bath near downtown This two story home is close to grade school and has fenced back yard. Central A/C and Electric F/A. Carpet, laundry room and large family room downstairs. Dishwasher refrigerator and stove included. $ 120,000 Major Price Reduction! Top of the world view Or at least top of the town Great view of Heppner from the exciting 4 bedroom 2.1 bath home on the hill overlooking the fairgrounds Visit with friends and family while preparing meals in your beautiful open kitchen. Enjoy the expansive carpeted living room in this one of a kind home Must see to fully appreciate, call for an appointment today. Three bedroom one bath home in Lexington. 1520 square foot home built in 1946. Good roof and foundation. Wood stove and propane heat. Aluminum siding. _ „ $ 7 2 ,0 0 0 1 6 0 a c re s w ith home site - Heppner 160 acres of rolling native grasses -deer, chukars. quail. 4 LOP tags. 3 miles to town, level home site with power and DEQ approved, fully fenced and separate pasture with small horse corral and year round spring, raise 1-10 animals year round and drive your golf cart to Willow Creek County Club Good view of the valley. School bus runs on county road through the Property Owner will consider carrying contract. Call for details 3 bedroom near dow ntow n H eppn er This turn of the century home in Heppner has been completely remodeled. It has 3 bedrooms and 1.1 bath Lots of living space at 1893 square feet It has a wood stove large yard and a nice front porch to sit on and watch the world go by. Close to downtown too. Call now for an appointment to view this home. Acreage for Sale 6 a c re p a rce l (1/2 in c ity lim its) If you are looking for s o m e e l bow room to build your hom e, here It is. 6 acres, m /l, half of it located w ithin the city limits. P o w e r a n d w a ter n earb y $39,000 32 A c r e s in sid e H ep pn er c ity lim its H a s a good building spot and room for anim al. W a te r and electricity lo cated n earb y $49,000 3 bedroom 1 bath on 1.6 acres in Lexington You’ll enjoy this cozy 3 bedroom home snuggled beneath pine trees on 1.6 acres inside the city limits. Has a bam for horses and a large shop with cement floor Comes with 2 tons hay and 2 cord oi firewood. New siding and windows. 1 6 acres fenced for animals Seller says will pump septic before moving. Refrigera- .tor, washer & Dryer, freezer included 4 bedroom home in Heppner This targe older Victorian home has a new furnace and a new deck. Large living room and lots of quaint features like old style hand railings, dormers and indoor transoms. Call me for an appointment to look at this unique home. 2 a p a rtm e n ts an d s h o p b u ild in g fo r S a le in L e x in g to n O n the b o tto m flo o r is a fo rm e r au to b o d y s h o p an d a 1 b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t n e w ly re m o d e le d re n tin g fo r $3 5 0 U p s ta irs is a 2 b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t th a t has be en c o m p le te ly re d o n e renting fo r $ 3 7 5 B u ild in g has a g o o d ro o f an d o w n e r says th e sh o p h a s be e n c o m p le te ly rew ire d 'Price! Reduced MORE COVERAGE! MORE BUYERS! BECAUSE WE ARE RMLS MEMBERS $MäÖ0 .Price Reduced List your property with Sykes Real Estate and receive wide exposure to selling agents in Oregon and Washington. This means more potential buyers see your listed property. In addition your listing will be shown on the website. Call me today to list your property. Three Bedroom 2 bath in Fossil This fixer upper is priced right. 1220 square foot home with a small shop building. Do some work and have a nice little place to live or rent out. David Sykes iq L a k e Impressive 3 bedroom 2 bath home set on hill overlooking Willow Creek Lake Entertain guests in front of the fireplace in the Great Room just off of the dining room and kitchen Lots of extras including diamond premier cabinets, lazy susan turntables tile look laminated floonng and under cabinet lighting Enjoy the recessed can light throughout the home with 9 foot ceilings There is a two- car garage, underground spnnklers and an immaculate Washer. Dryer & Refrigerator Included 188 W W illo w • P O Box 337. H eppner, OR 97836 Phone (5 41 ) 6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 Cell (5 41 ) 9 80 -6 6 7 4 • Fax (5 41 ) 676-9211 E-mail: david@ 9 Information deemed correct not guaranteed Owner/Broker David Sykes If you are looking fo r a p articular proparty please co n tact m e To h ave yo u r p ro p e rty lis te d h e re c a ll m e