Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 2010)
SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, December 29,2010 Heppner Chamber Award recipients through the years With the annual Heppner Chamber Town and C o u n try B an q u et ap p ro ach in g , C ham ber Executive Director Sheryll Bates has provided a recap of previous winners: Man o f the Year: 1980-Oscar P e te rs e n , 1 9 8 1 -J e rry P eck , 1 9 8 2 -F o re st Burkenbine, 1983-Louis Carlson, 1984-HaroldPeck, 1985-Bill Collins, 1986- L arry M ills, 1987-D r. W allace W olff, 1988- B ill K u h n ,1 9 8 9 -D o n Bristow, 1990- Bill Rawlins, 1991-Jim Farley, 1992-George Koffler, 1993- John Edmundson, 1994- Ken Turner, 1995-Glenn Ward, 1996-Kevin Erich, 1997-Skip Matthew s, 1998- B ob D e S p a in , 1999- Sam B e lla m y , 2 0 0 0 - Bob K ahl, 2001 -Steve Rhea, 2002-Bob Jepsen, 2003-Dick Sargent, 2004- Jim Sw anson, 2005-A1 Riney, 2006-Ken Bailey, 2 0 0 7 - F a t h e r G e r a ld C ondon, 2 0 0 8 -D a le Bates, 2009-Tom Mafera. W om an o f th e County Health D istrict, Year: 1981-Theta Lowe, 1997- B arbara Peterson, 2005-Morrow County Grain 19 8 2 -F ra n c in e E v an s, 1998- Ralph Werner, 1999- Growers, 2006-Cornerstone 1083-lrene Anhom, 1984- Walt Pilgrim, 2000-Dean G a l l e r y , 2 0 0 7 - L e s Vera Cooley, 1985-Jean R o b in so n , 2 0 0 1 -S tev e S c h w a b , 2 0 0 8 -S w e e t Nelson, 1986-Jane Rawlins, Brownfield, 2002-Cherry Pro duct io n s /V ic to ria n 1987- Justine Weatherford, Webber, 2003-Mary Ann Rose, 2009-CenturyLink. 1 9 8 8 - D ot H a lv o rs e n , Elguezabal, 2004-Karen Youth Achievement 1*989-G ladys H o b b s, Smith-Griflfith, 2005-Duane Award: 1999-Abby Kahl, 1990- C lau d ia H ughes, Neiffer, 2006-Dave Fowler, 2 0 0 0 - L i n d s a y Wa r d , 1 9 9 1 - B ird in e T u llis , 2 0 0 7 - J e a n S t r a n g e , 2 0 0 1 - J u l i e P r o c t o r , Am # & 9 »té 1992- Maryan McElligott, 2008- Mary Haguewood, 2002- Diana M cElligott, 1993- C orrine Lindsay, 2 0 0 9 - J o h n F la h e r ty . 2003- Bryan Haguewood, 1994- H elen C raw fo rd , B usiness o f the 2 0 0 4 - K yle H uddleston 1995- Jean n e B e rre tta , Year: 1987-The Shoe Box, and Shanna R ietm ann, 1996- Merlyn Robinson, 1 9 8 8 - M u r r a y ’s D ru g , 2005- Heather Rill, 2006- 1 9 9 7 - J a n e t G re e n u p , 1989- Peterson’s Jewelers, R.J. Farrens, 2007-Whitney 1998- Aloha Despain, 1999- 1990- Court Street Market, M atthews, 2008-M aggie Cyde Estes, 2000-K ay 1991 - K i n z u a C o r p . , Armato, 2009-Erin Price. Proctor, 2001 June Crowell, 1992-B ank o f E astern L i f e t i m e 2 0 0 2 - S uzanne Jep sen , O r e g o n , 1 9 9 3 - R & W A c h i e v e m e n t : 1996- 2003- Sharon H arrison, Drive Inn, 1994-Allstott Ron D aniels, 1997-Ray 2 0 0 4 - Ju d ie L a u g h lin , & Gentry, 1995-Columbia F ren ch , 1 9 9 8 -B arb ara 2 0 0 5 - D o ris B ro s n a n , Basin Electric, 1996-Clark S tru th e rs and E lean o r 2006- Arlynda Gates, 2007- Ranches, 1997-Wilkinson Jan Stroeber, 2008-Molly Ranch, 1998-S w eeney Gonty, 1999-Delpha Jones, 2000-Wilbur Jackson, 2001 - Rhea, 2009-Peggy Fishbum. M ortuary, 1999-C al & John Edmundson, 2002- E ducator o f the Bev Sherman, Devin Oil, Bill Rietmann, 2003-Cliff Year: 1988-Cara Osmin, 2000-H eppner G azette- G reen, 2004-Ed Baker, 1989- Jim Bier, 1990-Dick T i m e s , 2 0 0 1 - M i l l e r 2005-Gwen Healy and Don Allen, 1991 -Betty Rietmann, M a n u f a c t u r i n g , McElligott, 2006-JoAnne Santa Claus stopped by for a visit at the Heppner Day 1992-Linda Shaw, 1993- 2 0 0 2 - C e n t r a l R e d Burleson, 2007-Larry Mills, Care’s Christmas party Dave Gunderson, 1994- A p p l e , 2 0 0 3 - E l k s Barb Hayes, 1995-Jannie C l u b , 2 0 0 4 - M o r r o w 2008-Kay Robinson, 2009- Ron and Ginger Bowman Allen, 1996-Greg Grant, Irrigon City Council plans goal setting session Marriage Licenses The Morrow Coun ty Clerk’s Office has issued the following marriage li censes in December: December 16: Der ek John Harrington, 36, f Irrigon, and Beth Claudine Hopkins Lafferty, 40, Ir rigon. D e c e m b e r 23: Genaro R. Rodriguez, 37, Boardm an, and Veroni- S S C H W A B ¡ I QUICK FIT 'D IA M O N D CABLE LINK TIRE CHAINS PAS.'itNGlR They take the work and frustration out of u 'in q tire chai ns. They g c o n and off quickly jftd fit right to provide erce lle n i traction duringtoud"! w inter driving condtions. passenger STARTING AT { IIE H f ¡RUCK 6 SUV CABLE TIRE CHAINS pa STARTING AT 25SS fur /assttpr ctt eiiiis. rtitnUto ssmu mm H R r jw i tW tul rtiné ist Olir tit litt H in Mi ttr títiüi Uns. SHUSH PSUEHAM fSses tó t& j li tk SßAts S ftjtr ¡rxtiM ttn s j BATTERIES MCN7H WARRANTY MONTH WARRANTY 550-750 500 575 Cold Cranking Amps ColdCrankmgAmps MCN7H WARRANTY 590 900 Cold Cranking Amps Stop ¡s loUay lor your FREE BATTERY CHECK a a s m ca Sanchez Mensoza, 35, Boardman. D e c e m b e r 27: Richard John Fisher, 51, Heppner, and Samarra Dan ielle Van Doom, 43, Hepp- The Irrigon City Council will be holding a goal ner; Robert John Siedman, setting, visioning, and strategic planning session January 31, Hermiston, and Kan 11 at 6 p.m. at Irrigon City Hall. The purpose of this plan dis Brooke Horrocks, 28, ning session is to set goals and plans for the development Hermiston. of the Irrigon community for the next fiscal year and into the distant future. The city council wants to include the general public and members of community organizations that may have needs and issues to bring forward. Once a direction is established for the immediate and long range future, goals will be formalized by the city council and efforts of staff will be directed to fulfilling the community take college courses. vision. The goals will help to guide budget preparation Northeast Oregon to ensure that funding is addressed in the context of the AHEC was established in needs of the city. 1990. Their mission is to “The city of Irrigon has come a long way and it is attract and retain health care time to take a collective breath and reexamine where ef professionals by providing forts should be directed in the future,” said a news release. regional educational op “There are many directions that the city could go and it is portunities. Northeast Or important that the city council hears what the community egon AHEC is a nonprofit feels is important. By creating and understanding the organization that primar “Community Vision” the city can choose the road(s) that ily serves the 10 counties will help take the community there.” (Baker, G illiam , G rant, Although all are welcome to drop in for the meet northern Malheur, Morrow, ing, organizers say it would be helpful to know how many Sherman, Umatilla, Union, people will be participating. If many people would like W allowa, and W heeler) to attend, the city will attempt to locate a larger meeting by working in partnership space to accommodate a larger group. with Oregon Health Sci Please RSVP by January 5 so that appropriate ences University, four other plans can be made. AHEC centers and other Wildhorse Foundation funds Ì MedQuest scholarships .--------- r ] U Santa visits Heppner Day care a a m s With a set of four new Les Schwab snow wheels with tires mounted youcan save time and mon^. You'll save more tfen $ 50 each time you haveyoursnow tires installed in the winter or removed in the spring by eliminating dismotnt/mounting and balancing charges with each change over Les Schwab snow wheels, th e /r e a great way to save money and gd back on the road. Les Schwab Tire Center 124 N Main Street, Heppner 541-676-9481 V_________________________ J The W ildhorse Foundation in Pendleton has donated $3,500 to N ortheast O regon Area Health Education Center (AHEC) to sponsor students for its summer MedQuest camp. MedQuest camp is a w eek-long residential experience for high school students. While at camp, students participate ifi tours of medical facilities, panel presentations with medical professionals, job shadow rotations, and lab trainings. Scholarship funds will be provided to students from Umatilla, Morrow, Union and Wallowa counties as health training institutions well as Walla Walla and to achieve its m ission. Benton County, Washing ton. Northeast Oregon AHEC places emphasis on The objectives of “growing its own.” Medi M edQuest camp are to: cal school surveys indicate Provide an opportunity health care professionals for 32 high school aged who grew up in a rural students to seriously ex community are more likely plore health care careers to choose a rural practice by providing them with the opportunity to understand than those who have no ties the environment in which to a rural community. Over the health care profession the years Northeast Oregon als work (through tours of AHEC has ignited a pas the local hospital, clinics, sion in the health careers of specialty care facilities); Randi Gibbs of Pendleton be placed in three different and Trisha Adams of Hep one-on-one “shadowing” pner, to name a few local situations with a health care students. professional (2.5 hours per The members of the Wild session); experience written horse Foundation under material and speaker pre stand the benefits of creat sentations about academic ing awareness and oppor requirements for profes tunities for youth to choose sions (including what to health careers and support take in high school); and long-term bonds with their encouraging them to de health oriented youth and velop their self knowledge health care providers in about personal temperament their community. Wi l dhor s e styles and abilities through Foundation was established temperament identification January 1, 2001 for the and use of the local ROPES purpose o f form alizing course. charitable giving on behalf The project addi of the Wildhorse Resort & tionally assists youth in then Casino and the Confederated choosing health careers by: providing them with posi Tribes of the Umatilla Indian tive adult role models and Reservation. Funds from contacts during their shad the Wildhorse Foundation owing experience; link are to be used for education, ing them with people who pu b l i c heal t h, publ i c are “home grown” health safety, gambling addiction care professionals; giving pr event i on, educ a t i on them inform ation about and treatm ent, the arts, how to continue their career environmental protection, preparation; affirming their education or preservation, identification of personal cultural activities, salmon tem peram ent styles and restoration, and historic characteristics which will preservation. be needed in a health career; For more i nf or mat i on providing EOU credit to about M edQ uest camp students who are interested and Wildhorse Foundation thus helping them to build scholarships, visit Northeast confidence that they can Oregon AHEC’s website at Sheriffs Report The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office reports han dling the following busi ness: Nov. 19 cont.: -MCSO was advised that Stanfield PD had arrested James Rodney Clements, 60, on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine on a Failure to Appear charge. -MCSO was ad vised that Umatilla Coun ty arrested Kevin Joseph Wilson, 27, on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Fraudulant Use of a Credit Card. Nov e mbe r 20: -BPD issued a citation to Thomas William Baxter, 19, Minor in Possession. Nove mbe r 21: -BPD arrested Heriberto Afanador-Olguin, 23, on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Criminal Tres pass I. The subject was also issued a citation for Driving Uninsured, Driving While Suspended Viola tion, and Failure to Stop When Emerging. -BPD issued a cita- tion to Smokey Lee Hibbitts for Unlawful Parking in a Disabled Parking Area. Nov e mbe r 22: -MCSO received multiple reports of Motor Vehicle Accidents throughout the day. -BPD issued a cita tion to Irma Calvillo, 20, for Driving While Suspended Violation. Nov e mbe r 23: -MCSO issued a citation to Singh Mukhtiar, 38, for Un safe Passing on the Left. -MCSO issued a citation to Victor Manuel Lemus Hernandez, 45, for No Operator’s License. -MCSO received a report of a juvenile female out o f control. The call er stated that the juvenile threw a hot tea pot at her father. MCSO arrested the juvenile female for Assault IV. The juvenile was trans ferred to NORCOR. -MCSO received multiple reports of Motor Vehicle Accidents through out the day. Nove mbe r 24: -MCSO issued a citation to Andrew Cody O’Neil, 27, for Driving While Suspend ed and Unlawful Operation of an Off Road Vehicle. -Continued on page 8 If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available and that help Is FREE of charge. If Y O U h a v e a fa m ily m e m b e r w h o su ffers from g a m b lin g a d d ic tio n . Y O U c a n als o re c e iv e F R E E tre a t m e n t e v e n if th e g a m b le r is not re ce iv in g tre a tm e n t. If yo u a re a re s id e n t o f M o rro w C o u n ty a n d you w ish to ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f th e s e rv ic e s a b o v e or d e s ire m o re in fo rm atio n , P le a s e call a n y o f th e fo llo w in g n u m b e rs to s e t up a L O C A L a p p o in tm e n t o r ju s t to talk: B o b b y H a rris @ 5 4 1 - 6 7 6 - 9 9 2 5 o r 5 4 1 -2 5 6 -0 1 7 5 Community Counseling Solutions (C C S ) @ 541-676-9161 O R 1 - 8 7 7 - 6 9 5 - 4 6 4 8 ( 1 - 8 8 8 - M Y L IM IT )