Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 2010)
SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Annual Watershed Field Day to be held UMESD Board agrees to move forward This year’s Willow with Union-Baker merger exploration Creek Watershed Field Day will be held on April 28 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Duane N eiffer’s property west of Lexington. A p p ro x im a te ly 150, fifth grade students from M orrow C o u n ty Schools will attend the an nual field day. Water will be the focus of the presentations during the daylong edu cation program. The day is divided into hands-on teaching sessions includ ing: soils, weather, plants, com pass and GPS/map- ping, macro invertebrates, water quality and stream bank restoration. Also, the students will plant trees to stabilize stream banks. The continued suc cess of this field day is due to the support from many agencies, teachers, stu dents, parents and schools. Tami Sasser, Umatilla Ba sin W atershed Council, Heppner High School science teacher Dieter Waite talks to fifth grade students at previous Watershed Field Day. The even is coordinated annually by the Umatilla Basin Water shed Council, Umatilla County SWCD and Morrow SWCD. -Contributed Photo Heidi Hartman, Umatilla County SWCD and Merilee McDowell, Morrow SWCD are coordinating the field day. “The Corps of En gineers supports educa tional outreach for future scientists and engineers,” said Laurie Rice, a hydrau lic engineer w ho helps man age river flows in Portland District. “To support this great learning opportunity, the Corps will reduce flows so students and scientists can learn about how a wa tershed works.” Although unlikely. Rice noted that the Corps may not be able to reduce water flows if a heavy rainstorm or other water event happens just before April 28. T he U m a tilla - Morrow Education Service District Board of D irec tors voted unanim oùsly Wednesday night to move forward with the explora tion of a voluntary merger between the UMESD and Union-Baker ESD. The vote com es after a work session a week ago in which the board dis cussed six different options for moving forward after a voluntary merger between the UMESD, Union-Baker ESD and M alheur ESD fell through. Malheur ESD pulled out of the merger due to community unrest regarding an increase in taxes in that county had the merger gone through. The U ME S D Board, as well as Superin tendent Dr. Mark Mulvihill, believes a merger explora tion with both Union and Baker counties bodes well for the students of Eastern Jr Med Stars Health Careers Honors Experience applications being accepted ortheast O regon Area H ealth E ducation Center (N EO A H EC) is currently accepting applica tions for the Jr Med Stars Health Careers Honors Ex perience at Oregon Health and Science U niversity (OHSU). Jr Med S tars is open to 9,h and 10lh grad ers who are interested in pursuing careers in the health care field. There is no cost for the program, which includes two nights of lodging at OMSI, meals, transportation while in the lone to host 10th annual TV Shoot The 10th annual lone TV Shoot will be held Saturday, May 1, at Frank and Joe Halvorsen’s Farm located at 64686 Halvorsen Lane in lone. The fee is $20 per person per shot. Registra tion is from 8:30-9:30 a.m. All you can eat lunch will be available for $6 for adults and $3.50 for children 10 and under. All proceeds will be used for children’s games, prizes, and lone 4lh of July celebration. Prizes include $ 100 for hitting the target at 1,000 yards. There will be three classes this year, and prizes for all three classes. Class #1 for elk or deer rifle. Class #2 for heavy target or bench guns. Class#3 open site 600 yards. Pat Schmidt and Jeff Thompson of Allison Carey Gunworks of Port land will be in charge of the clay pigeons. This part is free for children. Bill BreshearsofB & B Barbeque of Gresham will be serving tri-tip sand wiches, brats, hot dogs, baked beans and potato salad. Coffee, juice, and pastries will be offered earlier in the day. For more informa tion, or for anyone who would like to help sponsor this event and get your com pany’s name on the reader board, can contact Tanna Padberg at 541-422-7276 or Brandi Orem at 541- 989-9808. Mexican Special Come Try John's Tamales! B N . Main’ Heppner m k íw o ii program, and program ma terials. A $25 refundable deposit is required to hold a spot once a student has been accepted, and will be returned to the student at the beginning of the program. Acceptance into the Jr Med Stars program is competi tive, and based on academic performance and letters of recommendation. Oregon. M ulvihill noted that the deterioration of the U nion-Baker ESD ’s financial situation isn’t go ing away, and neither is the legislature’s push for forced ESD m ergers. “ Moving forward in this manner will allow us to maintain local control and local gover nance rather than have the legislature dictate merger configurations,” he said. In addition, Mulvi hill said the school districts in Union County have ex pressed strong support of the new merger configura tion. The UMESD is cur rently visiting with school boards in U m atilla and Morrow counties, in which support has generally been positive at this point. Union-Baker ESD Superintendent Mike S ow der also a tten d ed Wednesday’s meeting and expressed a sense o f ur gency from Union County schools with moving for ward with a merger explo ration. The next step is for Mulvihill to complete con versations about the merger with the local school dis tricts, as well as with other stakeholders. The UMESD Board will hold a work ses sion on May 5 to evaluate feedback from the explora tion process. The Oregon Department of Education requires a joint petition from both the UMESD and Union-Baker ESD boards to approve the consolida tion.’ Both boards plan to take action on the petition during their respective May 12 regular board meetings. The petition must be ap proved by May 13 for the merger to meet fall dead lines for new ESD board elections. Morrow County Museum to celebrate 50th anniversary Jr Med Stars will be held October 7-9 at OMSI. To request an application, or for more information, contact Brenna Dunlap, Education Coordinator at (541)962-3801 orbhines@ More information can also be found online at: hel.html. AFSCME Local 2479 distribute funds Museum volunteers pose for a vintage photo shoot. - Contrib uted Photo The Morrow County Museum will be celebrating its 50th anniversary throughout the month of May. The museum will host vintage photo shoots on May 1 and 8 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. People can choose to have their photos taken in different venues at and around the museum. The photos will be $5 for a 4x6. On May 26 the museum, »long with the library, will be having an open house from 12-5 p.m. Cake, punch, and coffee will be served. Different demonstrations will be set up including quilting, spinning, and weaving. For more information contact. Cherrie Clark at 541-676-5222. American Legion and Auxiliary honors ladies at meeting The AFSCME Local 2479 union employees of Morrow County and the Morrow County Health District recently contributed funds to local organizations for the 2010 years. Pictured above is Tony Clement, president of the AFSCME Local 2479, pre senting Robonai Disque, director Home Health and Hospice, with a check for $200. Each year the members of AFSCME Local 2479 designate funds to contribute into their commu nities at the annual meeting. The funds are provided by the membership. This year's recipients are: Hospice ($200), Irrigon Boardman Emergency Assistance Center ($200), South Mor row Neighborhood Center ($200), Heppner American Legion ($200), lone American Legion ($200), and two $400 scholar ships. Photo bv April Sykes Justin The American Legion and Auxiliary held their regular meeting with the highlight honoring two ladies for their continuous service to the auxiliary. Mabel Heath for 62 years and Bebe Munkers for 57 years of service. Heath is eligible through her husband Bill who was in the Navy during WW1I and Munkers through her husband Riley who served in the Coast Guard during WWII. Both ladies worked on many projects during the years helping raise money for many veteran projects from local to state levels, to having booths in the fair, floats in the parade, and helping food sales to raise money for Girls State and scholarships. A certificate of appreciation was presented by president Evelyn Sweek to Heath, and Martha for Bebe. In other business, plans are being made for Poppy Days during Memorial Day week, and finalizing plans for the Girls State attendee and scholarship recipient. The next meeting will be held May 11 begin ning with a potluck at 6:30 p.m. in the Methodist Church basement with special guest Jody Marsh. Marsh is the District 6 president pro tern and Dept, of Oregon first vice president. Marsh is seeking election for Dept, of Oregon. Unit 87 will be casting their vote for her at the state convention in June. The group feels she is highly qualified and it is nice to have representation for the eastern side of the state. Advertise with the Heppner Gazette-Times Call 5 4 1 -6 7 6-9 22 Ô "puli S& wicc 'DettUdtnq Please rome visit us in llermiston! For DISTRICT ATTORNEY w w w .n e ls o n 4 d a .c iim From regular cleanings and exams to reparative dental work to educating young patients about proper brushing techniques, you can count on Hayden Dental to take exceptional care of your family’s smiles. •n Hayden, 1050 W. Elm Ave, Suite 240 Hermiston N t m w ROOTS ft MR I Mill un (541)567-8414 Open Monday - Friday 1