Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 2010)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - FIVE “Justice in Frontier Oregon” Program scheduled in Heppner, Boardman Just over 100 years ago, many Oregon cities held public executions with men, women, and children congregating to watch con victed criminals hang from gallows erected in local fields. A public program titled "Justice in Frontier Oregon, 1851-1905” will be presented by the Oregon Trail Library District at the Boardman Branch Library on Monday, April 5, at 6:30 p.m. and again on Tuesday, April 6, at 6:30 p.m. at the Heppner Branch Library. Oregon historian and author Diane Goeres- Gardner will present a lively hour program on the state’s early public executions. The program is free and open to anyone interested in the state’s colorful past. “Even after it was common for stockades to hide an execution, thou sands watched and waited outside their walls,” Go- eres-Gardner said. “ In a state known for its peaceful agrarian communities, such events were accepted and even celebrated.” The names of many persons involved in Or egon’s early executions now dot the state’s roads, buildings, parks and his tory, Goeres-Gardner said. Her program will explore changing attitudes and per ceptions - from the 1850 hanging of Native Ameri cans for the Whitman mas sacre to 1905, when the last execution in Oregon outside of a state peniten tiary took place. A former presenter for the Oregon Humanities council, Goeres-Gardner resides in Oakland, Oregon. Her most recent book ex plores early women crimi nals of Oregon and newly- released information from her research will augment her program in La Grande. The program is hosted by the Oregon Trail Library D istrict and is sponsored by Libraries of Eastern Oregon (LEO) as part of LEO’s ‘A Sense of Place’ series of programs in the arts, sciences and humanities. F u n d in g fo r A Sense of Place has been provided to LEO through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), our nation’s leading federal agency in support of muse ums and libraries. For more informa tion, contact library district director Marsha Richmond at 541-481-3365. Informa tion about LEO is available at librariesofeastemoregon. org or leolibraries@gmail. com. To learn more about IMLS, please see on line. Morrow County Court weekly meeting held The Morrow Coun ty Court met on March 3 in Heppner with Judge Tail- man, Commissioner Grieb, and Commissioner Rea in attendance. Following is a summary of the meeting provided by Leann Rea. The court reviewed and approved the minutes of February 24, 2010. The court reviewed and approved accounts payable, retirement taxes, and payroll in the net total amount of $36,032.67. Road Report B om bing Range Road: Finished installing the guard railing along the Bombing Range portion of the project as well as added a new end treatment for the guard rail along Hwy 207 at the old Bombing Range junction. On the afternoon of February 26, the road was opened back up for traffic. Since then, some areas were filled with left over excavated material and sloping of the banks where the old section of Bombing Range road was completed and seeded to grass. Mulch will be put out over the grass seed where needed. The Kilkenny Road portion of the project was finished as well as the new approach into the North Lexington el evators. All of the signs for the Kilkenny Road portion of the project will be put in place by the end of the day. Ella Road: As the Bombing Range project was finished the equipment was moved to Ella Road. The crew will begin working on the road from Baker Lane to Immi grant Lane. Road Grading: Roads graded in the past couple of weeks are as fol lows: County Line Road, Homestead Lane, Lindsay Feedlot Road, Lunceford Canyon Road, Stock Drive Lane, Balm Fork Lane, Up per Rhea Creek Road, Al pine Lane, Doherty Road, Melville Lane, Dry Fork Road, Dalzell Road, Spring Hallow, and touched up Sanford Canyon and Shobe Canyon Roads. Bid Awards: On the recommendation of the road Department the court awarded the follow ing bids: portable toilets to CB’s Portable Restroom in the amount of $1,687.50 per month and asphalt to Granite Northwest Incor porated at a cost of $53 per ton at the plant or at a not to exceed cost of $956,173.75 delivered to various proj ects throughout the county. Permits: A permit between Umatilla Electric and the county for the installation o f an electric line along Eastregaard Road was re viewed and approved. Sheriff’s Report S h eriff M atlack presented and reviewed m onthly activity report dated February 2010. He then updated the court on the Cain Lane property, which was foreclosed on for non-payment of property taxes. A memo regarding the CSEPP Pickup that was purchased through Mor row County Sheriffs Office (MCSO) for the CSEPP program was review ed. The court requested Sheriff Matlack deliver the 1997 Chevrolet three-quarter ton pickup to the road Depart- ment to determine the value o f the vehicle. The road Department will make the decision as to whether the vehicle should be sent to the state surplus for auc tion or transfer the vehicle to the road Department for their use. Health Department Sheree Smith, Pub lic Health Director, pro vided the court w ith a report regarding the HINI Clinic that was held at the rest areas in the Boardman area. The court authorized Smith to advertise for the vacant nurse position as a full time position as opposed to the 0.8 position. The use of the tele-language phone line was discussed. Public Hearing A public hearing regarding adding an ag gregate site to the list of significant aggregate sites in the county was held. The proposed site will produce less than 500,000 tons of aggregate. The request was approved and the court instructed the county plan ner to amend the Compre lone horticulture class take field trip to Oregon coast HHS Junior High Track Schedule HHS Varsity Baseball Schedule March 30 - Pendleton at home, 4 p.m. April 2 - Grant Union at home, noon. April 3 - at Bums (double header), 1 p.m. April 6 - Weston McEwen at home, 4:30 p.m. April 9 - at Dufur, 11 a.m. April 10 - at Stanfield (double header), 11 a.m. April 16 - Irrigon at home (double header), 11 a.m. April 20 - at Pilot Rock, 4:30 p.m. April 24 - at Weston McEwen (double header), 11 a.m. April 27 - Stanfield at home, 4:30 p.m. May 4 - at Irrigon, 4:30 p.m. May 8 - Pilot Rock at home (double header), 11 a.m. Dinner Specials HHS JV Baseball Schedule At John's Place starting Tuesday, March 30 Tuesday - Meatloaf Dinner Wednesday - Fish Dinner Thurs. -3 pc Fried Chicken Dinne Friday - Prime Rib Dinner r Saturday - Pork Loin JOHN'S PUCE MW im m illi for the girls' division. The cheerleaders finished their season with the Ewe-do-Bingo fundraiser during the St. Patrick’s Celebration. The winner of Ewe-do-Bingo was David Jay Cox of Hermiston. -Photo by Sandy Matthews April 2 - at Umatilla (UMMSAA All League Opening), noon. April 8 - at Riverside, 3:30 p.m. April 9 - at McLoughlin, 2 p.m. April 16 - Heppner/Ione Invitational at home, 1 p.m. April 23 - at Sunridge MS, 2 p.m. April 30 - at Sunridge MS, 2 p.m. May 7 - at Stanfield, 11 a.m. Check Out These Great New only $1 committee members. Dr. Mike Flowers at OSU was his primary professor. Jepsen is a 2003 graduate of Heppner High School and a 2007 graduate of the University of Idaho w ith degrees in anim al science and Spanish. He is the son of Bill and Nancy Jepsen of lone. Jepsen will be mov ing to the Klamath Falls area w here he has accepted a position as an agronomist with Gold Dust Farms. HHS Varsity Track Schedule Hair Expressions at 541-676-5271. With adult purchase only - Starts April 1 ase - kids menu on Hours: 11:30 - 7:30 Tues. - Sat 8a.m. - 3p.m. Sun. D a n ie l J e p s e n successfully defended his master’s thesis at Oregon State University this past Wednesday, March 17. His m aster’s re search project which in cluded sites at Lexington, Arlington, and Pendleton was on “Nitrogen Manage ment and Variety Selection for Dryland Production of Hard Red Winter Wheat in Northeast Oregon.” Mor row County Crops Exten sion Agent Larry Lutcher served as one of Jepsen’s April 2 - at Mac-Hi, 11 a.m. April 10 - at Riverside 12 p.m. April 16- a t Stanfield 14 a.m. April 17 - at Cascade, 11:30 a.m. April 23 - at Umatilla 1 p.m. April 24 - at Hermiston (JV), 10 a.m. April 27 - Heppner/Ione Invitational at home, 4 p.m. April 30 - Mustang Invitational at home, 12 p.m. May 8 - at Riverside, 11 a.m. May 15 - BMC District Tract at Stanfield, 11 a.m. Tamara Lobdell, Massage Therapist, is coming to town Wednesday, March 31st and Thursday, April 1st at Hair Expressions and will be offering a 10% “get to know her” discount. Her charges are $50/ hour and $30/half hour; athletic discounts available. Appointments available both days from 9 am to 7pm. To schedule an appointment, call Tamara Lobdell at: (503) 806-4727 Of Thursday Is Kids Night All Kids 12 A Under Eat for Pictured are Daniel Jepsen (left) and Larry Lutcher at OSU at Jepsen's Master's Thesis Defense Seminar. - Contributed Photo hensive Plan Map to show this site. The court conduct ed the following business: A number of contracts be tween the county and the various fire departments were reviewed and signed. An extension of the agree ment regarding the Reuse Authority for the Army Depot was reviewed and signed. The court heard from Gerald Breazeale, HHS cheerleaders collect trophy Irrigon City Manager, re and finish season with fundraiser garding the city’s request to obtain a seat on the Lo cal Reuse Authority (LRA) Board. The court advised Breazeale that this was a decision that would need to be made by the LRA Board. However, the county representatives would re quest that the matter be put on the agenda for the next LRA meeting. M iscella neous correspondences and notices for meetings were reviewed. If you would like to be placed on the list to receive county minutes, The Heppner High School cheerleaders recently won the please contact Karen Wolff halftime performance competition at the 2A State Basketball at (541 >676-5620. Tournament. The cheerleading team also received a trophy Need a Massage? (all trimmings Included) Local student earns master's degree in crop science Student* in the horticulture cla** at lone Community School recently took a field trip to the Oregon Coast. Top Photo: Over looking the Pacific Ocean at one of Oregon State University's C 02 research sites are lone High School greenhouse class members Jordan Braun (seated). Shannon Metcalfe (kneel ing). Back Boss L-R Darla Vandever (chaperon) Adam Collin. Mary McF.lligott. Mary Rietmann. Micah Stillman. Zac Orem. Jeremy Coleman. Steven Holland, Jordan Peterson and F.rin Heideman (teacher). Middle Photo: Members of the horticul ture class at Yaquina Bay. Front Ross L-R: Shannon Metcalfe, Mary Rietmann. Jordan Peterson and Zac Orem. Back Row L-R: Micah Stillman. Jordan Braun. Adam Collin. Jeremy Coleman. Steven Holland and Mary McF.lligott. Bottom Photo: Touring the Hatfield Science and Marine Center standing L-R: Micah Stillman. Jordan Peterson. Mary McF.lligott, Steven Holland. Zac Orem and chaperon Darla Vandever. Shannon Metcalfe and Jeremy Coleman seated. -Contributed Photos I March 29 - at Pilot Rock, 4:30 p.m. April 2 - Grant Union at home, 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. April 8 - at Umatilla, 4 p.m. April 12 - Pilot Rock at home. 4:30 p.m. April 15 - at Stanfield, 4:30 p.m. April 19 - Umatilla at home, 4:30 p.m. April 23 - Stanfield at home, 10 a.m. April 26 - Pendleton at home 4:30 p.m. April 29 - Umatilla at home, 4:30 p.m. HHS Varsity Softball Schedule March 26 - Union Tournament. TBA March 27 - Union Tournament, TBA. April 3 - Grant Union at home (double header), 11 a.m. April 6 - Weston McEwen at home, 4:30 p.m. April 10- a t Stanfield, 11 a.m. April 13 - at Umatilla (double header), 4 p.m. April 16 - Irrigon at home, 11 a.m. April 20 - at Pilot Rock, 4:30 p.m. HHS JV Softball Schedule March 29 - Riverside at home (two five-inning games), 3 p.m. April 15 - at Riverside (double header). 3:30 p.m.