Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1977)
1 J i i Page 4, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR, Thursday, Jan. 20. 1977 tWK.' ' ' " " II I -- f i 1 Party Line IV' v '1 Jerry & Joyce Kay Holloman Holloman's take over shoe store By Dorothy Zita The good times are over. Sound sad? For all the people who let go for the good times over the holidays, they are now looking at extra pounds gained. Ann Skow is circulating a Weight Watchers petition at her office of the Northwestern Motel. She called the Weight Watchers' main office in Portland and they informed her that she needs over thirty signatures on the petition for this area to become a chartered club. But she would like to see over fifty signatures. The dues are $5.00 and $3.00 for every meeting. Only those who are sincerely interested in losing weight should sign. Join and watch those pounds melt away for the good times ahead. I see Liz and Dick Curtis jogging in the early morning hours when I am taking my son to basketball practice. Of course, I'm not jogging. Snowmobiling is the greatest sport going on for local entertainment. Every weekend, the roads leading to the Jerry and Joyce Kay Hollo mon are the new owners and operators of the Shoe Box. The Shoe Box was renamed from Gonty's Shoes when the Heppner couple purchased the store from Ed and Elinor Gonty. The Hollomons are 14 year residents of Heppner, where Jerry has owned Jerry's Bar ber Shop for that time. The shop is up for sale now. The Hollomons have no previous experience in the shoe business, but are jump ing in with both feet, so to speak. They will man the store, along with daughters Kaedene, 14, a freshman at Heppner, and Darcy, a 13-year-old seventh grader. Hollomon said he had plans for remodeling in the future, including taking out one wall. Lexington happenings A joint installation for of ficers of San Souci No. 33, Holly No. 139, Lexington No. 168 and Willows No. 66 was held at the Heppner IOOF Hall on Saturday evening, starting with a delicious meal served at 6:30 p.m. The installing team of District Deputy President Hil da Yocom and Deputy Grand Master Cecil Jones was intro duced by the installing Mar shall Cornett Green and Ruth Bergstrom. They were as sisted by other members of the lodges in their work. Those installed from Lex ington were Maureen Davis as Past Noble Grand, and at this time was given the official PNG jewel, belonging to the late Dimple Munkers. The of ficers elected were Carolyn Howard NG; Irene Padberg V.G.; Sec. Delpha Jones; Treas. Linda C. Jones. Appointed officers installed were Florence McMillan RSNG; Donna Schmittle LSBG; RSVG Freida Majes ke; LSVG Hilda Yocom; Chaplain Eula Bloodsworth; RSC Norma Groce; LSC Venice Hendrickson ; RSPG Catie Padberg; LSPG Donna Papineau ; Warden Debra Pet tit; Conductor Ann Chich; ISG Marion Robinson; OSG Ruth Robinson; Musician Leita Messenger. Other members present to assist were Gladys Van Winkle, Alma Vinson, Darlene Klinger, T.E. Messenger, and Joe Yocom. Carolyn Howard has return ed to her home after a stay at the hospital in Portland. Mel ba Fish, an aunt of Mrs. Howard, from Seattle, is visiting at the family of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard. Mrs. Ken Palmer enter tained on Monday afternoon with a card party at her home. Present were Geneva Palmer, Marrianne Palmer, Beulah Sherer, Carmen French, Vera Rietmann, Mary Wright, Mur-, iel Palmer, Cleta Walters, Margerat Akers, Delpha Jones and the hostess. Prizes were won high, Mrs. Riet mann, low, Carmen French, and traveling, Delpha Jones. Lovely refreshments were served. A lovely cradle shower was held at the Sheirbon home one day last week for Penny Hoff man. The rooms were deco rated as was the cake with the shower theme. Those present were Martha Munkers, Donna Papineau, Magerat Baker, Gayle Medlock, Darlene Klinger, Joyce Bergstrom, Debbie Pettie, Ruth Robinson and the hostess, Debbie Sheirbon. m h ii i i .jn i i z in I i i i u III is i D D s D a o 0 B D a a a D a B B off on complete service job 4) D V at nn. May Street erry's JUL m n B . B B Heppner obii 676-5800 FEDERAL LAND BAHX JMZ SERVES .. -L) --ssSJ-i ( STAn Field --a AionuAd I IVTJ I til p Branch Office K P Aeaingtom v I A . I ? 1 MILTON-fREWATER Vra GIBBON BTOM Main Office "S PILOT ROCK. UMATILLA IRV TIPPIT LOAN CONSULTANT L UK I Art IMPORTANT BENEFITS of LAND BANK LOANS: 1 Tm my npwj pari mtMwf Imm ar aw4 t Itwtft MllWt Mtf tt Mi, lMfr Itrifll M)wr tW mmX Mr otmmjI mymtmt. Tm rchrt mmI sarvk. A MMMtMHI iMTM t, MV HI SM MflT Ml. IN PENDLETON PHONE 276-7361 IN HERMISTON PHONE 567-7176 NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for the County of Morrow for the fiscal year 1976-1977 will be held In the County Judge's Office In the Courthouse at 9:30 A.M. on February 2, 1977, Copies of the supplemental budget are available without charge -at the office of the County Clerk. The budget may be In- . spected by Interested persons at the office of the County Clerk during the regulsr office hours. Any person may appear at the public hearing on the supplemental budget and discuss the budget or any part of it. COUNTY OF MORROW SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARY FOR THE riSCAL YEAR 1976-1977 ANTI-RECESSION riSCAL AID FUNDS RESOURCES O.R.S. Anti-Recession Fiscal Aid Program $13,412 REQUIREMENTS PERSONAL SERVICE: Sheriff Department 1. Deputy Sheriff Salary $ 4,700. Payroll Costa 800 Total Personal Service... 5,500 MATERIALS AND SERVICES: Uniform and peraonal equipment 250 Car Expense 750 Vehicle, Car 4,711 Siren for Car 275 Total Materials and Serv. 5,986 PERSONAL SERVICE Road Department Laborers, at $4.88 hr. for 2 months.. 1,774 Payroll costs 162 Total Personal Service 1,926 Total Requirements. .. . $ 13,412 1 mountains are busy with vehicles pulling or carrying snow mobiles. It is a great sport. Mr. and Mrs. Carl S.J. Bauman and baby son, John, of Anchorage, Alaska, were recent visitors to the Clarence Bauman home. After a nice visit with John's parents, they traveled to Portland and Eugene to visit with relatives and friends there. Darlene Arrington has been traveling to Portland for medical checkups. Her daughter, Cathy Hedman, went with her. Jeanne Hansen has been undergoing medical treatments in Portland, staying with her aunt. Now that the busy season for Paul is over, he is able to go with her. They are always home on the weekends, and Jeanne would like to hear from her friends when they are home. Home from a week's stay in the hospital is Gladys Beckett. Gladys is feeling much better. JMYF trip set Banquet Fried chicken 2 lb. pkg. The Junior Methodist Youth Fellowship group, with lead ers Shirley Connor, Barbara James, and Rev. Steve Tollef son, will leave the Methodist a a 6 COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding Industrial- Commercial Farm and Home Pendleton 276-7761 Church for Fossil next Sun day, Jan. 23, at 3 p.m. Heppnerites A new or used car in your future? If so, contact: Ed Wells at Keith Farley Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. !'The Walking Man's Friend' A Pendleton Ph. 276-7341 i Home Phone 276-0576 4 Lube Specie! $14 For the above price,. I will furnish the oil and oil filter for your car or pickup. Give it a complete lube job, check all gear boxes, battery, power steering, auto, trans., brake fluid, PCV, etc. Clean all windows inside and out and vacuum the inside. Your choice of oils, Super 10-40 or Premium 20 or 30 wt. Union Oil products used. Compare this price with that of your last com plete lube job. VERN'S UfllSil STATION Heppner, OR. Rhodes bread 5pk. QQc bag white or whole wheat 1.89 ea. Lg.juicy Oranges 7lbsAor 100 Cauliflower 69c est u.s. No 2 nrkc Potatoes 20 ibs. 99 Celery bunch 39c Lettuce 3 heads 1.00 Oregon Chiefs stab wBki-n Oregon Chief Dinner franks 89, Specials for Fri. & Sat. Jan. 21, 22 Court St. Market Heppner 676-9643 i Jcp, VJestern Sports Coats I I f MfF VJeStern Reg. $90 Panhandle Slim I If ?2m $40 off I 111 Reg. $100-115 Ji f pisaa-(t m, JfjS Rc0 Sports Coats i 12 price ! 1 'I Heppner 676-9218 a WilW OUR BRANLVd Jhr lb