Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1976)
Page 8. THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner. OR. Thursday, July 22, 176 Fires blazed last week but the one at Kinzua Corporation was under control from the initial first match. Russ Stienhauer, Western Propane sales manager and Monte Stookey, Kinzua Corp. plywood plant manager, held a two day seminar for employees at Kinzua on how to contain pro pane fires. Seriousness up Juvenile crime decreases In lone for high school students on alcohol and drugs. Two days worth of films, drugs on display and answers were given to Heppner's classes from fifth through eighth grades. "We've made a breakthrou gh," Ms. Davis said. Plans are for an adulthood workshop in Heppner for juniors and No services There will be no ser vices, July 25, at All Saints Episcopal Chur ch, because of the An nual Deanery Blue Mo untain Mass, held at Emigrant Springs park at 12 noon. Parishioners are invited to attend and bring their own picnic lunch. Deadline S August 15 is the dead line date for applying for this year's IRS Spe cial Enrollment Exami nation. The examination, giv : en each year to qualify jj: persons who are neither :$ CPAs nor attorneys to represent clients before the IRS, will be given in i;i Portland on Sept. 27 and :: 28, 8:30 a.m. for all : : Oregon applicants. : For information on if: applications, write Tax- f fff payer Service Division, f :: IRS, P.O. Box 2709, :' iff: Portland or call toll- f iff' free, Portland 221-3960 ; : or 1-800-452-1980. f; Camp nlanned ': is being planned at tne j : Irrigon Assembly of if God, according to Pas- fi if tor Robert Schmoll, this fj :f Friday, Saturday and :f: luiuy uu 7 p.m., Friday and if: I Saturday. A waffle feed fff : . ! l I f,.- a a m '' Saturday and "fun in fif the sun" at 1 p.m. ffi On Sunday, Sunday jf: School at 9:45, morning if; worship at 11:00, even- fif ing service at 7 p m. f:f Everyone is welcome. :fff Class combined f Due to the small num- iff U-r of students in each iff tU, two and fif three will be combined fif this fall at lone Elemen- iff tary .School. fff Matt lherty, super- iff intendent of Morrow County Schools, made fif the recommendation at if: the June 21 board mcrl- if: ing. The school board fif unanimously approved : the hiring of leat her tide to ansiM with the :: m-ly formed combina (urn I seniors this fall to learn more about their future lives in family living. The chamber members rai sed some questions on a new law that phases out a juveniles record after two years after the crime or when he or she turns 18. The law says a juvenile has the right to petition the court when he or she has turned 18 or since two years after a violation. If the court does not contest the petition, all re cords will be destroyed, in cluding police reports, court reports, virtually everything. And that includes all cases, except traffic or game orient ated violations. Even a juvenile that has committed murder can have his hands cleaned of the crime, according to the law and Ms. Davis. Ms. Davis said the juvenile WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Automotive it SHERRELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales & Service 3rd A Main Hermiston Building Supplies SEE IS FOR ALL VOI R Bl I LDING SUPPLIES We feature Boysen Paints TL'M-A-Ll'M LI MBER CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. 4.12 SE Dorion 276-6:'2l PENDLETON Cafes, Lounges Cars LOUNGE & CAFE Specialist in mined drinks and fine foods. 676-34115 Heppner Construction CIRCLE TRENCHING Guaranteed Performance Irrigation Drain Tile Power Cable Bonded and Licensed for Sewer and drain fields Trenching of all kinds tobert Duncan llepunei I'll. S76-31.VI UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday. , and Saturdays and Sundays if necessary. I'll. (76-9106 or 99 167 PRINTING WEDDING INVITATIONS BUSINESS FORMS GAZETTE-TIMES 76 922S 7 9492 V . department is even "obligat ed" to notify that juvenile and start expurgation procedures for juveniles that reach 18 or Kinzua Irene Samples is a citizen of the United States now. In a ceremony held July 15, at the Portland Court House, Football camp KINZUA -Mr. Orvis Pike accompanied his son, Don and grandson Bruce to Arlington on Sunday morning where Bruce took a bus to Spokane. Bruce will attend Bulldog Football Camp held at Gonza ga University. Drugs, Prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free prescription Mail Service Open9a.m.to7p.m. Gifts for all occasions Snack Bar MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions Hospital Supplies Open Mon-Fri. 9-6p.m. Sal. 9-1 p.m. Located in the Medical Cenler. llUQSouthgale Pendleton 276-15.11 Floor Covering KEIMIG F1.00RCOVERING Carpets, draperies, linoleum counter tops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales A installation 500 V 1st St. Hermiston. Or . - M4R FLOOR COV ERING . Carpet, linoleum, ceramic Tile, kitchen cabinets Free estimates All work guaranteed Matt Hughes m Linden Way 676-91111 Heppner Furniture .wwcotscowiT$iT!-- Curtis-Malhes TV Ouaiar TV. N'orge A Admiral Applianees Large! selection of furniture in the area 2200 N'. F. Ilermlnlon i7-H'M WILC OX FURNITURE AND APPLI ANCES See us Im ln e bn vour color TV r stereo system I'.t V. Her minion Ave, l7 :.t)l Hermiston 4!: v X. 1 A that two-year period. If a court contests, then a hearing is set and the juvenile goes through that procedure. woman citicenized Mrs. Samples became a citizen of the United States of America. There to witness her big day was her husband, Jerry, her mother-in-law, Mrs. Camilla Samples, Heppner, and Ir ene's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karl, Germany. Mrs. Samples, Kinzua, had taken her examination on June 8 in Portland and passed with flying colors a test most natural citizens would have trouble passing. Following the swearing in, Furniture TWO-VETS DISCOUNT FURN ITURE 230 S.E. Court Pendleton. Oregon 276-1674 Hydraulics & Welding Jim's W elding Service Either in the shop or on the job. Hydraulics. Hose & fittings Jim Barrett Riverside Ave. Heppner Bus. 676-5XM Home C76-8I7C I Insurance RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Health. Fire. Auto. Marine Group Plans Ray Boyce, 676-S3M 676-9625 Heppner Monuments SWEENEY MORTUARY Cemetery, grave markers Granite, Marble, ftronie 24-Hr. phone 676-9600 or 676-9226 Also serving lone Lexlngtan Heppner. P.O. Bos 97 Laundromat HEPPNER LAUNDROM AT WHEAT ,0 H hUa j j, Juty 3. JO July Barley 109.94) July '1 Melvina (Mellie) Harris, 82, died in Heppner July 15. She was born February 10, 1894 in Heppner, the daughter of David and Julia Ferguson Presley, Morrow County pio neers, and had lived in the area all of her life. She was a member of the Degree of Honor Lodge. Services were held at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 17, at Sweeney Mortuary Chapel with Fr. Renne Harris and Fr. John O'Brien officiating. Sac red selections "The Old Rug ged Cross" and "Rock of Ages" were sung by Fay and Hubert Wilson, with Mrs. Wilson at the piano. Concluding services and vault interment were at Hep pner Masonic Cemetery with Sweeney Mortuary In charge of arrangements. Casket bearers were Clar ence Baker, Elwyn Hughes, Steve Baker, Howard Bryant, Bill Baker and Cornett Green. Mrs. Harris is survived by a daughter, Julia Hill, Coos the new citizen was taken to enjoy a meal of foreign food at the Rhinelander. COLE ELECTRIC Motor ' Rewinding Industrial Commercial Farm and Home Pendleton . 276 7761 Nursery Nursery Stock. Shrubs, trees, instant lawn ( Delivery avail.) Landscape & Irrigation DANIELS EASTERN OREGON NURSERY 610 S. II wy 393 Hermiston. OR 567-9267 Optometrist DR. E.K.SCHAFFITZ Optometrist el to Hotel Heppner tili'HiKr. 676-9163 HeppnrY jj Saw Sharpening ED'S PR ECI.MON SAW A TOOL SHARPENING SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. 676 9JI3or 676 9281 Alfalfa St. Heppner. OR. Title Insurance MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office In Peters BMg. 176-9912 Heppner Sewing Machines SINGER Sales A Service We repair all makes and models GKOGANH Approved Singer Dealer 211 H. Main Pendleton 276-2332 WEATHER III U Tuesday 82 42 Wednesday 12 411 Thursday 90 50 Friday 96 M Saturday 92 65 Sunday 85 M Monday 89 51, Obituary Bay, OR; a son Darrel Harris, Heppner; seven grandchild ren and ten great-grandchildren. THE GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS A7VAudi VQt Volkswagen Mel Winter Volkswagen lYmllHon. Oregon Mn muntn Mobile Homes 20 homes NEW & I'SKI) MOBILE HOMES on our lot. ready for Heppner customer. Free set up and delivery YOU MAY EXPOSE YOURSELF DANGER IN MANY WAYS . . . REACT AND LIVE Consider any overhead line dangerous. Keep objects at least 10 feet away from powerlines. In areas where your equipment will be operating, inspect for possible interference with overhead lines. Don't attempt to raise or move electric lines . . . call your power supplier. If powerlines are burled ... let your electric service representative locate them before digging. Report any potential powerline hazard to your electric power supplier. IF AN ACCIDENT HAPPENS . . . Never touch a person or equipment In contact with a high voltage. Cut off power if you can. Use a rope or dry board to pull or push victim away from contact. Send for help and give artificial respiration until It comes. We are Interested In your safety. You need to be concerned about overhead and underground lines. Serving your electric needs Columbia Dash Electric Co-op COH'MHIA BASIN ELECTRIC COOP-serving IQ square milci In Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam. Sherman and Wheeler Coundes, 711144 Get more miles Us 1 For Complete Tire Service PILES TIRE SERVICE 676-9481 441 N. Main Heppner We will be closed All Day Saturday July 31 DUES with lYJilco 1 TO OVERHEAD Ktttntt