Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1976)
Pae 7. THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner. OR. Thursday. April 29. 1978 OSU Extension Service News by Hor row Extension Staff FRANCINE EVANS APPOINTED TO STATE 4-H ADVISORY COUNCIL Francirw Evans, Irrigon, has been appointed to serve a three year term on the Oregon 4-H Advisory Council, representing District XII, Morrow, Gilliam, Grant, Umatilla and Wheeler counties. She will attend the spring meeting in Corvallis. April 29 30. Francine has been an active 4-H leader for a number of years, currently leading three clothing clubs with members from Boardman and Irrigon. In addition, she is involvedin many county and community projects involving youth. The state 4 11 Advisory Council is the overall group which makes decisions and recommendations concerning the entire 4-H program in Oregon. MAKE AND TAKE T-SHIRT WORKSHOP FOR 4-11 GIRLS A special workshop for 4-H members on making T-shirts will be tauKht Tuesday afternoon. May 4. 4 p.m. at the Sewing Room, Judy's Fabrics, Heppner. Those interested in participating are asked to call tne Extension Office, 676 9642 and register to attend, as the workshop will accommodate only a limited number. Members will receive help and instruction on construction techniques, and may actually make a shirt in the workshop if , they wish. Those wishing to make a T-shirt should bring their sewing machine, fabric, pattern and sewing notions. MORROW GIRL TO JAPAN ' Bobbie Devine, Heppner, has received notice of departure plans for Japan for the Oregon 4-H Japan Labo exchange this summer. Plans call for a flight out of Eugene, Monday, July 19 and return via San Francisco August 21. Bobbie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bloodsworth, will be one of 12 young 4 H members from Oregon who will spend approximately one month with a host family in Japan, living and learning the Japanese culture. The group will be accompanied by Lois Redman, state 4-H youth specialist and Bob Alger of Lakeview. Recently all the 4-H members who will be traveling to Japan met for an orientation meeting in preparation for the trip Now that plans are finalized, those who will be going will be busy learning some of the Japanese language, preparing sorapbooks on Oregon and their part of the state, and other informational materials to help them serve as ambassadors of good will from Oregon. MINI COLLEGE TIME AGAIN I The 1976 Mini College for Humemakcrs, June 2115. is your time to learn together. Mini-college is your time . . . it's time to aset aside the day-to-day work and activities and to Investigate a subject you've been wanting to know more nboiii. whether it is legal rights of women, or how to make a quilt . and a multitude of subjects in between. Plan now to spend a week in the college atmosphere at Oregon State Universitv. Corvallis While Corvallis can't promise perfect weather, the mini-college does promise a program that will challenge you to think about familiar subjects in different ways, introduce you to new views of the world around you and help you meet women of similar interests from all over Oregon. r Mini College i open and available to all. with registration forms available ai Extension offices. Costs have been kept at a minimum w ith full fee for room, board and registration just for the week. Pre registration is required to attend, with a due date of May 29 Should some emergency prohibit attendance after registering, the fee will be returned. Registrations should be sent in just as soon as possible, according to Birdine Tulbs, Morrow Program Assistant, as the more popular classes both in the core and creative class areas fill fast. Be sure to list first, and second choices, she cautions. Just a call to 676 9642 will bring a registration form to you by mail, or you may come by the Extension Office in Heppner and pick up your copy. Do it soon. Obituaries EARL WARD Earl B. Ward. 73, died April 18 at his home in Woodburn. He was a native of Morrow County. He was born at the ranch home of his parents near Lexington. Earl attended school in Lexington and graduated from high school in 1921. He attended tfie University of Oregon and Oregon State Uni versity where he studied civil engineering a profession he followed throughout his work ing days. Before retirement, he was employed in Saudi Arabia, where he did engine ering work on construction of pipe lines and other structures for the Arabian-American Oil Company. After returning to the Unit ed Slates, Earl married Ethel (Cummingsi Vanderpool in 196.1. a former classmate at U-xinglon High School. They moved to the Woodburn Senior Estates in l7, where they have since resided. He was a charier member and past president of Woodburn chapt er of the American Associa tion of Retired Persons, and was active in numerous other groups which fostered the welfare of senior citizens. Surviving are his widow. Ethel; one uncle. Roy Mun- kers. Woodburn; a niece. Bene Osterman. San Jose, CA; and numerous cousins. His ashes are interred at Portland Memorial. ALYCE CASON BENDER Funeral services for Alyce Pearl Bender. 62, Portland, were held Thursday. April 22, 3 p.m., in Riverview Abbey Chapel, followed by vault entombment at Riverview Abby Mausoleum. She was born Oct. 10, 1913, in Monument, the daughter of John and Ada Cason. When she was 3 months old her parents moved to Heppner. where she lived until her mar riage in January, 1933 to Gordon Bender. She was a member of AH Saints Episcopal Church. Heppner. and of B of RT Trainmen Auxiliary. Port land. Survivors include the wid ower. Gordon; daughter. Bar bara LeBarron. Portland; sisters, Patricia Scritsmier. Portland: Vivian Elder and Gladys Prock. both of Hepp ner. and two grandchildren. The family suggests re membrances be to the Holiday Center for Handicapped Children. inniGON news Frances Rose Wilson A utility maintenance man has been hired in Irrigon. under the Comprehensive Training Act. which is funded b the government until July. The community has grown unlil a full time worker is needed, according to Mayor Chester Wilson. An ordinance was adopted during the April Council meeting authorizing a tax base election in the May primary. The move was made because of projected budget requirement for the coming year which would require a vole of residents bec ause ol an amount proposed requiring laves outside the six jier rent limitation. Taxes lev ied in the present ImdiM-i lor c ity o'ralion were in the amount of S2-'."l the hiutiesi in the past 1 years become the tax base lor next cai budget The li- was based on 51 lit per Sl.oon evaluation The proposed new tax base is sil.uon which should noi lie fulh utilized tor several years under piesent ooratinal lev ¬ els. Yearly inc reased evalua tion of the city through new growth may more than offset future requirements. II fully utilized immediately it would require a levy of SH Kii per $1,000 or an increase over hist year of S7 W per $1,000. The budget inc rease would assure future employ men! of the Utility Maintenance man win ii ETA funds are deplet ed The promised amount of increase this year is St per SI.IHNI Visitors at the borne ol Mr. .Hid Mrs. AI Partlow during the Kasier weekend was their daughter iind her classmate of Seattle Pacilic College. Jo Inula Moslad of llonalulii. Hawaii Easter Sunday dinner uuests mi hided Mr and Mrs Kmdir Mills and sol's o llel'itiislun Word has Ix-en received here of the death of Emery Potter at a Redmond Hospital Sunday. April II Emery had made his home recently at a Redmond hotel. ; ' " 1 - i I m nnnann n fjfnnn rearers mm msem Drought to you by the Union Pacific Railroad People. mm NOTICE OF ACTION BY WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 43.21C RCW. notice is hereby given that: . . Zl!Z Public Power Supply System e "System", d"o, Ag JJJM ""'J " held or deemed to be "a majof action significantly affecting the qaaHty of the environment. Any acZto set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge snch aetto. on the grmjnd. rlm provision, of Chapter 43.21 C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commence within days or be barred. The action token by the System, notice of which to hereby given, was as follows: VVSS 0F PARTI CIPANTS'S AGREEMENTS NOS aND $ AND OF OWNERSHIP AGREEMENT RELATING TO NUCLEAR PROJECT NO. S. ?2' Tte Participants' AireVmenU authorized by said Resolution No. 823 provide for a sale b, the System to each of the Projects Nos. 4 and J for the purpose of financing of said project, and providing electric energy to said ntnitles. Districts Public Utility District No. 1 of Benton County, Washington Central Lincoln People's Utility District Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Clallam County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County, Washington Clatskanie People's Utility District Public Utility District No. 1 of Cowlitz County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County, Washington Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Grays Harbor County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Klickitat County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Lewis County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Mason County, Washington Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County, Washington Northern Wasco County People's Utility District Public Utility District No. 1 of Okanogan County, Washington Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Pend Oreille County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Skamania County, Washington Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County, Washington Tillamook People's Utility District Vera Irrigation District No. 10 Public Utility District No. 1 of Wahkiakum County, Washington Cities City of Bandon, Oregon City of Blaine, Washington City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho City of Burley, Idaho City of Canby, Oregon City of Cascade Locks, Oregon City of Centralia, Washington City of Cheney, Washington City of Coulee Dam, Washington City of Drain, Oregon City of Ellensburg, Washington City of Heyburn, Idaho City of Idaho Falls, Idaho Town City City City City City City City City City City Lity City of McCleary, Washington of McMinnville, Oregon of Milton-Freewater, Oregon of Monmouth, Oregon Port Angeles, Washington Richland, Washington Rupert, Idaho Seattle, Washington of Springfield, Oregon of Steilacoom, Washington of Steilacooa, Washington of Sumas, Washington of Tacoma, Washington Cooperatives Alder Mutual Light Company, Alder, Washington Benton Rural Electric Association, Prosser, Washington Big Bend Electric Cooperative, Inc., RItzville, Washington Blachly-Lane Electric Cooperative Association, Eugene, Oregon Central Electric Cooperative, Inc., Redmond, Oregon Clearwater Power Company; Lewiston, Idaho Columbin Basin Electric -Cooperative, Inc., Heppner, Oregon Columbia Rural Electric Association, Inc., Dayton, Washington Consumers Power, Inc., Corvallis, Oregon Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative, Inc., Coquille, Oregon Douglas Electric Cooperative, Inc., Roseburg, Oregon Elmhurst Mutual Power & Light Company, Tacoma, Washington Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., Ashton, Idaho Glacier Electric Cooperative, Inc., Cut Bank, Montana Hood River Electric Cooperative, Odell. Oregon rvanoovtlle Idaho Idaho County Light & Power Cooperative Association, Inc., Grangeville, Idaho Inland Power & Light Company, Spokane, Washington Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc., Coeur d Alene, Idaho Lane Electric Cooperative, Inc., Eugene, Oregon Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc. Eureka, Montana Lincoln Electric Cooperative Davenport, Washington Lost River Electric Cooperative, Inc., Mackay, Idaho Lower Valley Power o Light, Inc., Afton, Wyoming Midstate Electric Cooperative, Inc., LaPine, Oregon Missoula Electric Cooperative, Inc., Missoula. Montana Kespelem Valley Electric Cooperative. Inc., Nespelem, Washington Northern Lights, Inc., Sandpoint, Idaho Ohop Mutual Light Company, Eatonvllle, Washington Okanogan County Electric Cooperative, Inc., Winthrop, Washington Orcas Power and Light Company, Eastsound, Washington Parkland Light & Water Company, Tacoma, Washington Prairie Power Cooperative, Inc., Fairfield, Idaho Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., Malta, Idaho Ravelli County Electric Cooperative, Inc., Corvallis, Montana Rural Electric Company, Rupert, Idaho Salem Electric, Salem, Oregon Salmon River Electric Cooperative, Inc., Challis, Idaho Tanner Electric, North Bend, Washington Umatilla Electric Cooperative Association, Hermiston, Oregon Unity Light and Power Company, Burley, Idaho Vigilante Electric Cooperative, Inc., Dillon, Montana ' Wasco Electric t ooperativc. Inc., The Dalles, Oregon Weils Rural Electric Company, Wells, Nevada West Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc., Veronia, Oregon n,. n,r.hl. Acrccmcnl aulhortied by said Resolution No. 3 provides for the Joint ownership of the System s r enUbar, J ?N Jk.r Project No. I for the porpos. of prnktrng electric energy fro- sncb shnrt to Its ctomer, to ?'?J ZZt Project No. 4 to a oodear fneled electric generating nalt enrreoUy scheduled to begta commercial l'tXS U animate,, .Jimlh jj. CRn'.r,""ft" ZTrn Borttoo of Ik United States Energy Resources and Development Administration I Hanford Reservattoa. n.m-i Nlcl." PiSVN to aocW.r foeled generating nit cnrre.U, Khedled to begin commercial JZZ i Mm! WIS b tocsted a,pre,.m. I three mile. Moth of the c.n-lty - Sato to Gray. 'TltT.cupert'to'snrty wtthto tt. electric power seok. ar. ol tU noblk otdityJatricU. t ntUrgdtatrkl. clue. tns and electric cooperative toemdtog tho service are., of Pacific PM1 Vie y,?tor.?l. ResotaUon No. KJ referred to .Wv. to s.boeooeM to and la hrtherae of to .elk. Ju bJ nTn-rd of Directors ResotoUons Noa, Tl and TSJ adopted October B. It74 and Jn !. Wi ITU? !i E reserve, ... right, nnder the notice, W m ReW.tton. No.. Ill and TM Published aad filed "tsVpmtntmeny esTtoed daring regular bosmes. hr, a, the office. - the System a. Bsted betow: YYsthlngtea Pnhllc Tower Sopply System AiteMkm: Mr. Dusne Reohergef MM Georce WsthlgU Way Rkhlsod. Hsthlniuoj Dsted this ttlk day of April rt. FILED BY. WaUlngto. P.WK P.-er Sooply y.lem. J.J.8teto,M.g1-g Director P.O.BasKl Rkhtan4.f A msi Pnblhhed AprU . May s, ItTI ? ( .-. m h h 7. .1 '