Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1975)
Heppner, Ore., Gazette (A MR. M MltS, ;V IIMISIIMW Harshman-Eubanks vows exchanged In ii mm, ill family wedding. I'.-itty Eubank, daughter of Mm. Alicf Mrfabe, Heppner, b-miiic iln bride of Gay ll.iisliniiin. Min of Mr. and Mr Everett Harshman, of IN ppniT. Ihe 39 t 2 p m. Thr ceremony Hits rd by Itcv KnreM (iodin al I hp honit" of thi' groom's parent on Wil'tm Creek The bride wore n long ("Id colored (own and carried a mfy;iv of red and while in nations and baby's breath with hit streamers Matron of honor was Mr I ).ic Harnett , lone Hest man was Jerrv Hiischke, I'ilol liotk Mother of the hride. Mrs McCahc. ttorea long skirt and blouse ensemble Mother of the groom, Mr llarshmaii, wore a long rose colored gown with matching jacket. Following the wedding, Inciuls and relatives attended the reception which Was also at the Harshman home. The house was decorated with IKiniM iias. carnations, and on the mantle, red candle in sihcr candelalira with red carnation and hollv. America's all-time Gift Favorite... PAUL REVERE BOWLS in Gorham Silverplate Tn twtl Iritnoi a glt sriopp' ftad' Ptul Rvr Bowli ir lu'KMt lot any occasion al mm m any tling And with ijhl .jes lo cwo liom in i aiwayi on m you one lano Fof antra touch ol Wganc rich gold plat or DnlliarM nami lined bowls a'0 avaitaW All al compaiatx u pnc Now on tr viy v ol our Nation s Hcninniai rt it In gill lo b gifting' PRACTICAL. COLORFUL LINERS No i Mit additional cnatg noo yout l intM cowrtul tompanmnt lintil in Jparmng (Kicimi nun imhuiii Pitngiai to wrv m tiyt in uta ai a pinif boi Cowi 'tO tiu grn and cwai Su lift pnui e aiaii ari r in a PDPiit ar SI7FS I 1 JtWCLtrw I 4'j" 5" 6V 8- 9" 10V 12" 14" 1 lr 1 Cum D'm I D'im 0-m Omm 0m Dum Oiam I &MMMaMMMHHMHMMMMMI 1971 $1106:$13.12 SU37 $20 62 $28.12:141.25 $63.75 ! Mj Spry:f A " - U I f Street MM s He'd like fe"H si..l..i '-Ja-'iMi "Somthtnj tram th w.Uri k 0 know MarKet JZ'Sf T "'"OT omthlB ipctor I j0U bf (rr jMpO y oUI l K- W A J6yif l HEPPNER ORE. y HEPPNER y- QXQJlAC 1 iss I cal's Oi Pettyjohn's JEWELERS S Lounge 4, ? Everything rv- V Stor Hcurti a.m. to M. f i' X lA and home ti " 177 MAIN ST. HEPPNEII tuutaiMMll I Cafe f PH-,76-9M0 f I I'PTOWN 4 I EATING. -4 1 1) n mm u n mm n n u n n n J Ji DOWNTOWN Vj7 I "ESL - Times, Thursday, Jan. I'mirtng cre Teresa Har shman. sister of the groom, and Kelly Mahon, sister-in-law of the bride. Arletha Mcltanicl attended the gifl litlile and Sandra Hill the MCS tMHlk For her gning-away en seinhle the bride wore a mint green pant suit. After a wedding trip to Pendleton, the couple is at home in Heppner where the groom is employed at Kinua Corporation and the hride al Pioneer Memorial Hospital. Grange Master to visit here Slate Grange Master W.'c, Harris and Mrs Harris will visit Willows Grange. Jan 19 Since this will lx- his official visit to Morrow County, all (.range members are urged to attend Harris will discuss plans for the Granges and legislative matters for the coming year There i II he a pot luck ilinner at 1 pin. with the (Meeting to start al 2 o'clock. I I 1 16, 1975 I0I1E UEVS The Women's Fellowship of Ihe United Church of Christ will hold Its annual sewing meeting Thursday, Jan. 23, at Ihe church, beginning at 10 a.m. All church women are asked lo participate, and should bring their sewing machines and other sewing equipment. A politick salad luncheon will be served al noon. The sewing projects from this meeting will be donated to the stale hospital in Pendle ton. The lone Grand Squares will meel Friday. Jan. 17, at the Grange Hall. Dancing will begin at 8 p.m. and a pot luck dinner will he served at 10:30 o'clock. School Athletic Calendar: Fri., Jan. 176:30 p.m., varsity basketball, lone al Kcho, Sal . Jan. 186:30 p.m., girl's basketball. Girl's vs. Hoy's C learn. -8 p.m., varsity basketball, Umapine al lone. Man.. Jan. 206 p.m., Jr. varsity basketball. Pilot Rock al lone. Tues . Jan, 216 p.m., girl's basketball, Riverside at lone. Thurs.. Jan. 23-3:30 p m.. Jr. high basketball, lone at Cmaiilla 7 p.m.. girl's basketball, lone al Weston McKwen, The lone Umg Hange Plan ning Committee will meel Wednesday. Jan 22. 8 p.m., in the high school library. The public is welcome. DWII) II M I S II U K NEW l)U (.IITKIt Mr and Mrs David E. Hall of Madias are parents of a baby girl. Linda DeAnn, born !. 23 at Mounlainview Hospital in Madras. She joins a sister. Jodi Lvnn, 2 years old The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Gene Hall of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Itichardson of Mad ras The great grandparents are Mr and Mrs. A. C. Ball and Mr and Mrs. D F. Hall. .toJtff ..Heppner. and Mr. and Mrs John Itichardson of (.akeview and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Kennedy of Palm Springs. Ca. amwuainimfliHmMnimiu "WHO'S WHO Hhrie to look for clues: Clues may be hidden in any ad in this section of 30 merchants whose ads are printed below. When an addi tional ad from one of these sponsoring merchants ap pears elsewhere in the paper, they loo may have clues hidden in them. Clues will be scattered. There may be from one lo five in any ad or none. This is a contesl of skill, and we intend to do our best lo outwit you! We invite you lo do your best to outwit us. KINZUA CORPORATION fOHKST PRODUCTS fort (.IMMINO AMERICA or, astern Unux Vol H HOMETOWN BANK s w Idaho choir coming Morrow County lovers should mark music their calendar now for Feb. 8. The College of Idaho Tour Choir will give a concert that day al S p.m. in the Heppner High School Cafetorlum. The 60-voice group sings a wide rnge of music, from madri gals lo classical and modern. No set admission will be charged, but concert-goers may make donations at the door. Following the concert, a spaghetti supper will be serv ed in Ihe cafelorium to enable the public to meet the singers before going on to the Mustang basketball game with Maupin lo be played here, The group is sponsored by Ihe local chapter of AAUW. The concert program will be published next week. Art show at high school until Jan. 30 "Nostalgia USA." an art show sponsored by Ihe State wide Services of Ihe Uni versity of Oregon Museum of Art. is on display in the Heppner High School Library. The show will run through Jan 3(1 and w ill be open for Ihe public on Tuesday and Thurs day evenings al 7:30. The program is made pos sible In the work of Librarian Marian Abrams. Other simi lar art exhibits sponsored by Si a I runic Services are set up throughout Ihe slate. Dona tions will be accepted al the library lo assure other such programs in the future. f INVENTORY SPECIAL Misses and Childrens House Slippers $1.95 pair Gonty's Contest rules: 1. This is a family fun contest. One entry per person (a family of four could submit four entries). Anyone may enier unless a member of your family is employed by the merchant whose ad is heavily bordered Ibis week (this applies ONLY during the week this ad is bordered). Em ployes of other sponsoring merchants are eligible. 2. Nothing to buy. Use any slip of paper for entry blank. It is not necessary lo be present lo win. Ii is not necessary to be a subscriber to Ihe Gazette Times to enter. (OIlMBIA BASIN ELECTRIC CO-OP Serving Morrow. Wheeler and Gilliam Counties t; NORTH MAIN (IIIUI CHIT 1111(11 Farley Motor Co. HE CLOSER YOU LOOK, THE BETTER WiLOOK r Irrigon Irrigon's Mayor Chester Wilson received word on Jan. 8 from Sen. Mark Hatfield's office that a $40,000 grant and $100,000 loan had been ap proved in Washington by the Farmers Home Administra tion for Ihe City of Irrigon's Water Improvement District, The present water system has many deadend lines which will be looped into a grid to assure belter waler pressure lo all users. It will also provide for an additional storage lank, pump house and pump im provements. Bids have been called for and Ihe bids will be opened at a special council meeting. Jan. 31. Bruce Buchanan left for Unrton. England, on Jan. 2 to continue his education. He will study for three months in London then spend three months in France. He will receive credit from his studies in Europe towards his college degree from Oregon Slate University, where he is a senior. During the summer months Buchanan drove a tour bus as a lour guide in Anchorage, Alaska. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Buchanan. Irrigon. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, LaVern Christiansen were her brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey Dunn of Little Rock. Ark., and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Dunn and family of San Jose. Ca.. and Bessie Dunn of Richland. Wa.. mother of the family. Also visiting while relatives were here were members of their own family, daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. William Cooley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Christ iansen, all of Irrigon. Their OB0H0 IN MORROW COUNTV'COtJTEST Copynahf. dm Enterprise 1 3. The Mystery Person may be anyone in Morrow County. Clues for his or her identity will be hidden only in ads for sponsoring merchants. If by coincidence Ihe name of Ihe Mystery Person (or other facts about him , or her) happens to appear in news items, editorial matter or other places in this news paper, Ihese will not count as clues in this contest. 4. To enter, write down Ihe name you think to be Ihe Mystery Person. Add Ihe total number of clues you can find in ALL Ihe ads of sponsoring merchants in lliis issue. You WAGON WHEEL Try dining with us. There's a real friendly difference. HEPPNER Bristow's MARKET QUALITY FOODS IONE MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS INC. PARMER OWNS O AND CONTROLLED LEXINGTON, OREGON Serving Morrow County ELMA'S Apparel Fashions for the Ladies Flower Shop daughter. Mrs. Mike Creigh lon and family of Baker spent several days here. Pastor and Mrs. Robert Schmoll spent the past week at the World Evangelism Deeper Life Conference at San Diego, Ca. In their absence Pastor Don Smith of the Umatilla Assembly of God ministered at Ihe Wednesday night ser vice. The meetings with Ihe Dale Lidstrom Jerry Gillock team continue through Friday night at 7 p.m. at the irrigon Assembly of God. A women's luncheon is planned for 11:30 a m. Fridav. Terri While, Irrigon. Craig Munkers. Lexington. and Mark Bogart. Kinzua. are among undergraduate stu dents al Eastern Oregon State College whose names are on Ihe honor list for the fall term. Deborah K. Warren, Hepp ner. senior agriculture student al Oregon State University, has been named to the scholastic honor roll for the fall term. Directed to j Ladies who need small sizes We have just received a k shipment of Take Too Junior Pants Sizes 3-13, 14.95 and Mr. Fine Ladies Pants Sizes 6-8, 13.95 xr Lebush Associate All rights reserved. do not have lo list all these clues, just give the total number of them. Don't forget to add your name and address. Then drop your entry in Ihe box located at the sponsoring merchant whose ad is border ed with a dark border in the ads listed below in this issue. 5. There is no other place where entries will be accept ed. Any member of Ihe family may bring in all Ihe entries for thai family. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. 6. This week's contest starts when you receive this issue and closes at 5 p.m. Friday of Murrayso) ! ON THE MAIN CORNER DRUGS YOUR HOMETOWN PHARMACY 'immtimiiiiHilmiiiiiiiimiHiMmHiHiiii Ji HKPPNER AUTO PARTS Your Ilome-OM ned Auto Parts i -.1 Heppner Nor-Gas Tanks Appliances RV Equipment HEPPNER MARKET Lacking in experience Where Service is a Pleasure V-G TAVERN ToiSi I ijfSJX'KRTa -mt Vtt SdMMIMMM INSURANCE i Annual dance date set Beta Omega Sorority met Jan. 9 at the home of Mrs. Paul Proudfoot. Al the meet ing. Ihe Annual Spring Cotil lion was confirmed by Dance Chairman Mrs. Del La Rue for Saturday. April 5. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.. at the Legion Hall in lonr. Rod Esselstyn will provide the music again this year. Tickets are $10 per couple and $5 50 single. Advance tickets will be available be ginning Wednesday. Jan. 22. from sorority members and thr RAW Drive-In. Heppner. Receipts from the dance are for charity. The next meeting of Beta Omega will be Tuesday. Jan. 21. at Ihe home of Mrs. John Edmundson for a "German" social. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The regular meeting of the Morrow County School Board will be held Monday. Jan. 20. al the lone High School beginning at 7:30 p.m. All merlings of the board are open lo Ihe public. Shoppe this week. 7. At thai time (5 p.m., Friday ) a drawing will be held al the store where entries have, been received for this week's contest. .The first entry drawn that correctly identifies Ihe Mystery Person will win $20 in cash. If that entry also lists the correct number of clues hidden in all ads of sponsoring merchants, a bonus of $7.50 will be paid. Whenever this bonus is not won, it will be added to the following week's bonus, which will continue to grow until it is won. 8. Every precaution will be "Everything in Ladies Keady-io-wear The Lebush Shoppe Rietmsnn's HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS "Your Family Hardware" IONE. OREGON ma C or nett Green Feed HEPPNER Feeds Salt-Gardes and Veterinary Supplies s 5 A Page 3 LEGION AUXILIARY UMTS TO MEET The Heppner and lone units of the American Legion Auxi liary will be co-hosts at a gathering honoring Mrs. Hugh tJuanita) Murchison. depart ment president, and Mrs. Lois Chadwick. District No. 6 president, both of Pendleton, Monday, Jan. 20. 7 p.m., at the American Legion Hall. Al this time initiation of new members, both junior and senior, w ill be held, with Hazel Hamlin as chairman. The regular pot luck dinner, with the meat dish furnished, will be served before the program. Church Directory METHODIST SS 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. LUTHERAN SS 9:45 a.m. Worship U a.m. Children Choir, 9:30 a.m. CHRISTIAN SS 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Even. Serv 7:30 p.m. NAZARENE SS 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Even. Serv 6 p.m. EPISCOPAL Communion 8 a.m. SS 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Adult Ed io a.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD SS ; 9:45 a.m. Worship M a.m. Sun. Eve. service .... 7:00 Bible Study .... Wed.. 7p.m. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath School .... 9:30a.m. Worship 11a.m. CATHOLIC Catechism.... Mon. 4 Wed. Worship: Heppner, Sun Ham. Saturday 6:30p.m. lone. Sun 8:45 a.m. Saturday worship, 6:30 p.m., St. Patricks track CHURCH OF CHRIST. Lex ington SS 10:45a.m.: Worship 7 p.m.- Worship 9:45 a.m. INTERFAITH FELLOWSHIP Bible Study. Wed., 10 a.m. 340 Baratt Blvd. Sponsored as a community service by ' LEBUSH SHOP laken lo prevent typographi cal errors that might be mistaken for clues, but error less typography cannot be guaranteed by anybody. The publisher of the Gazette Times will be the judge in all questions and his decision is final. Family participation gives you a belter chance to win the jackpot. Your wife, husband or some bright-eyed youngster may spot a clue that you miss ! Think you can outwit the contest? You can't win if you don't enter. Moilj LEONARD'S Mobil Service W here service is not old-fashioned GONTY'S "SHOES FOR ALL" RED VYING Heppner Oregon HEADIN'FOR BEECHER'S The reason for coming to lone for dinner: On the Highway. IONE OREGON i DEAN'S 2ND HAND Bfs I I OLDIES but GOODIES ' I 1 Come in and Browse t I GARDNER'S I I MEN 'SWEAR I I "The Store of Personal I I Service" ur I "SKI I ' I 676-9218 Heppner r.' CAL'S A R CO Cat-Ou-LikricitloR Aau Repair HEPPNER pAl E4f Itpt Limn Ajntj 1 1 -4-J mm H here friends neet Pool and your lavtrke driak. LEXINGTON. ORE. , , II II ' - , , ' J