Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1973)
HEPPNER (HKK.I C.AZETTET1MES. Thumday. M U, inES roves Congratulations on that di ploma. It's the key that'll un lock many opportunities for you. Higher education. A fulfilling career. That feeling of self ac complishment. Enjoy our praise . . . good wishes for your future. Paul Pettyjohn Co. The Future is in your hands Leaders of tomorrow, There s plenty of elbow room for you CHARLES O'CONNOR Insurance IONE Ho' Step into tomorrow. .. Best of Luck all... GENE'S CHEVRON IONE EVERY SUCCESS yours. Build on the bedrock of high principle not idle dreams. DOBYNS PEST CONTROL IONE V THIflM W is ITI1 1973 lone Has Annual By CASSANDRA CHAPEL The Annual Awards As sembly was held May 15 at 8:00 in the school cafeteria The Awards were as follows: Aca denic Awards: Mathematics and Science presented by Mr. Wilson went to Gregg Wilson and Kathleen McKlligott. Music presented by Miss Bahr went to Gregg Wilson for band. Kent Gutierrez for chorus and John Hietmann for pep band director. Drama presented by Miss Langston went to Phil Carlson. Kent Gutierrez. John Riet mann. Mickey Hoskins. Kay Bergslrom, Melissa MeElligott and Kalhy Gilbert. Home Economics presented by Miss Talley went to Kathleen MeElligott. Business presented by Miss Waibel went to Doris McCabe and Nancy Pettyjohn. Boy's Athletic Awards pre sented by Mr. Meyers and Mr. LaRue. Rebounds went to David Warren and assists went to Dick Snider. Outstanding Athlete present ed by Mr. Meyers went to Dick Snider. Girls Athletic Awards present ed by Miss Talley went to Pres. Kathleen MeElligott. Vice Pres. Chris Lindstrom, Sec. Trea. Jan Ekstrom, Heads of Sports Joan MeElligott and Cassy Chapel, Bouncer Mickey Hoskins, Stu dent Council Rep. Sherri Wilson. Cheerleader Awards presented by Miss Langston went to Jan Ekstrom. Sherri Wilson, Cindi Martin and Chris Lindstrom. Citizenship Award presented by Mr. Killpack went to John Rietmannand Kathleen MeElli gott. Activities Awards: Ionian presented by Miss Frazier went to editor Anne Hoskins and Asst. Donna Flack. Cardinal Spirit presented by Mr. Meyers went to editor Mary Pat MeElligott and Asst. Cheryl Hams: After the awards were pre sented the gym was opened for the Industrial Arts show spon sored by Mr. Killpack's shop classes. The new ASB officers are Pres. Mike Warren. Vice Presi dent Joel Peterson, Sec. Treas. Mary Pat MeElligott, Asst. Sec. Treas. Gayle McNary. The Ionian editor is Cassandra Chapel and the Cardinal Spirit editor is Catherine MeElligott. r;-T WANT ADS PAY THOMSON BROS. GROCERY You ve done w.lil Keep op the good r work. lone Seniors Choose Former Instructor Commencement Speaker Members of Ihe graduating class of 1973 at lone llijih school have asked three former teachers to return to participate in their Commencement Kxer cises. May 2C. Dr. Harold O. Heggs who was principal of the lone High School 1966 to 19 will Rive the Commencement address. After leaving lone he returned to school to get his doctorate and is now Superin tendent of Schools at Electric City. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Worrell James are coming from Turner. Mr. James, former music instructor will play the processional and the recessional. Mr. and Mrs. James w ill sing "Friend". Mrs. James formerly taught Home Ec, PE and F.nglish in the high school. Kathleen McKlligott will lead the class as valedictorian and Gregg Wilson as salutatorian. David Warren will give the invocation. Jerry Pettyjohn will lead in the Pledge of Awards Assembly lone Baccalaureate was held on May 20. After the service, seniors went to Chris Lind strom s for refreshments. Marianne Competes in Rodeos Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn and her daughter, Patti McCoin, at tended the college rodeo at La Grande this past weekend where daughter Marianne was competing as a member of the Central Washington State rodeo team. Marianne works all three events for the girls -- roping, goat tying and barrel racing. Marianne went to the finals on Sunday and had the fastest time of the show in barrel racing. She is currently splitting 2nd and 3rd in the region in barrel racing after participating in 7 rodeos. Their last Rodeo, which is the Regional Finals, will be next weekend May 25,26. & 27 at. Pendleton. The two top winners in each event fo- the year will go to the National Finals in Bozeman in June. Susan Fitterer, Pendleton was a guest of Marianne for the weekend, and attended the 3 rodeo performances. Salmon Bake attended Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree met Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Goodwin of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Meyers of Lincoln City at Cascade Locks and attended a Salmon Bake Saturday night. The Salmon Bake was at the Cascade schoolhouse and spon sored by the Bridal Veil Masonic Lodge. Sunday they attended a Spaghetti Feed at the Parkrose Masonic Hall. TOPS Convention Those attending the State Convention of the TOPS Club in Pendleton from lone were: Mrs. Del LaRue, Mrs. Willard French. Mrs. John Eubanks, Mrs. Ray Heimbigner, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn. Mrs. Charlotte Millman, Mrs. Wayne Hams, Mrs. Janet Lindstrom and Mrs. Margo Sherer. Mrs. Lindstrom won the KOPS Award at a Circle of Lights Grand Ceremony. The KOPs Award is given to a member when they reach their goal and hold it for three months. KOPs stands for Keep Off Pounds Sensibly. Mrs. Eubanks and Mrs. French were recognized as new KIW's (KOPs in waiting). This convention was held May 17 and 18. Kith Birthday On May 17 Carol Holtz DESI WISHES And good luoh, Hera's hoping you'll continue to do well I BRISTOW'S MARKET IONE Allegiance. Principal John Ed mundson will make the prcseti tat ion of aw ards. IHhi McKlli gott, member of the Morrow County Hoard of Education will present the diplomas Melissa McKlligott will give the bene diction The class colors are red. while and blue, their flower is the w hile rose and their motto is i.tfe is a Journey: Not a Destination". Cordon Meyers is class advisor. Members of the class are: Nancy Jean Ashurst, D-Ann Harnett Hloodsworth, Karen luise Crowell, Kent Anthony Gutierrez. Honnie Anne Hos kins. Christina Janet Li ml stntm. Hon a I Verne McCarty. Kathleen Marie McKlligott. Melissa Marie McKlligott. David George McNary. Jerry Lee Pettyjohn. John Robert Hietmann, Kichard William Snider, David Arthur Warren, (iregg D. Wilson . Edwin Adornn Winkelman. celebrated her Kith birthday at her home with a dinner. Those present were Barb Palmer, Cassandra Chapel. Delsie Chapel and her mother Mary Dabbs. Later in the evening Kevin Gutierrez took the guests to Beecher's for milk shakes. WAC met May 18 at the home of Mrs. Larry Prock with Dot Halvorsen as co-hostess. There was a potluck dinner at noon. General order of business was held. There were eleven mem bers and two guests present. The guests were Mrs. Roy Ball, Morrow County Pomona Chairman, and Mrs. Hazel Carpenter of Greenfield Grange. Grange met Saturday night with a potluck dinner at 6:30 and Grange at 8:00. The charter was draped in memory of Mrs. Mable Crawford. Friends were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Wate Craw ford. Mr. and Mrs Berl Akers went to Gresham on Friday to take their grandchildren home. Their other son, Berl Jr., was in Gresham on business. 8th Grade Graduation The eight grade graduation dance and banquet was held Saturday night. Heppner was also invited. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Imel have recently returned from a 2 week trip to Sacramento, Calif. While there they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kirsch. Mr. Kirsch is the Counly Agent of Union County and is a former agent of Gilliam Counly. llPPY BIRTHDAY Friday lo Jerry Martin, lone. His school kids surprised him with a cake. NOEL IIAHSHMAN of Ketch ikan. Alaska flew in to Pendle ton Sunday evening where he was met by his grandmother, Mrs. Everett. Harshman and her mother. He is enrolled as a junior at Heppner High School. He will spend the summer here with his grandparents. is Congratulations fo each of our graduating seniors. RIETMANN'S HARDWARE IONE Martins at State Garden Meet Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Martin returned home this week after unending the -4tti annual con vention ol the National Council Sincere Beit Wishes to the Grids... AKERS MOTOR SERVICE IONE till (CP HONE'S GRADUATING CLASS 73 t N AM Y JEAN ASHURST BONNIE ANNE HOSKINS MELISSA MARIE McELLl- (iOTT HU H RI WILLIAM SNIDER ji 1 1 I r I if I ; " ' LA 1 ; v ,t n ft J1" f XfftfgfHtlgt (flfll,,, 2 r . f If " " :f I ,'y f : - ihv : p ' " er f I a )eeSe leV v j0 -.. 1 2 . ). rt Tf ft I .' t : " i-. 1 " . " ,1 ; s ' v ''y ..... il Stale Garden Clubs, held at the Olvmpie Motel in Seattle Mav II 17 Preceding the naiinmil meeting to which over l.oon garden club memlers representing 51 federations and alliliates in Jamaica and New calami attended, she. along with Mi , Mat tin, went on Hie pren-on vent ion ferry and bus lour ol Ihe Olympic Peninsula, a bus tour of ttio city and a Ixiat trip to Kiana Udgi for a salmon Iwn becue on a beautiful warm evening. There were 2M registered for Ihe Pacific Regional meetings held prior lo National Pacific Region includes Oregon. Wash., Idaho. Nevada. Calif.. Ariz., Alaska and Hawaii, 'ijoveis the Reason" was Ihe theme of Pacific Regional meetings, while the National's was America is Beautiful" as expressed in Ihe many repre sentative floral arrangements by federations, guilds and hostess clubs. Mrs. Harlan Lundell of Hoist, daughler-in law of the late Oscar Lundell of lone, created Ihe arrangement for Idaho Federation as she was named Arranger of the Year" for 1'I72. Following the convention, the Marlins attended the Oregon Conference Council of Ihe United Church of Christ at Camp Adams on Friday and Saturday. Other representa tives from the lone church were Mark Hietmann, Rev. Wm. Arthur, Hill Hietmann and Don Hrisiow. i-T WANT ADS PAY D-ANN HARNETT BLOODS- WORTH CHRISTINA JANET LIND STROM DAVID GEORGE McNARY DAVID ARTHUR W ARREN X G-T Want Jerry!: Barber Shop Will Be CLOSE Saturday, Hay 26 L. CLASS OF You're beaming with accom plishment . . . we're beam ing with pridel The goal you set out for has been reached and new horizons wait. Go after them with strong perseverance. Ruggles-Boyce Insurance KAREN LOUISE CROWELL DONAL VERNE McCARTY KATHLEEN MARIE McELLI- GOTT 1 1 f 1 JERRY LEE PETTYJOHN JOHN ROBERT RIETMANN I ' v h ' - r'" r , 1 - v i ) L J 'V (;reggd.(wiion Ads Pay "1 HI -o. KENT ANTHONY GUTIERREZ EDWIN AIK)RN0 WINKELMAN n o j . V 1 1