Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1966)
SEWER SINKING RESERVE FUND SUMMARY fOIl THE FISCAL TEAR 1966-1967. BEGINNING JULT 1. 1966 I 3fl.0R2.31 t 32.638.55 Time Certificates of Deposit Etlmnted Interest Transfer from Sewer Sales 36,082.31 32,038.55 Total Sinking Fund Sower ,. 34,11730 ... 1572.50 ... 3,710.00 ...$ 39,400.00 GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY General Government Department rOB THE FISCAL TEAR 1964 1967. BEGINNING JOLT 1. 196 $ 2.400.00 20.593.57 $ 22.603 57 S 2.400.00 14.153.51 S 16,553 51 $ 2,400.00 Personal Services Material! and Bvrrlceti 22.400.00 Operating Materials and Supplies Capital Outlay I Equipment ... I.and and Improvements to Land ... $ 20,300.00 Total Requirements - ..9 2,400.00 .. 21.924.00 soaoo 1,400.00 ..$ 26,224 00 Fire Department S 1.255.00 1.79R19 B.000.00 Norm None S 11.053.19 S 1,21300 1.50060 5,000.00 None None S 7.715 60 S 1.600.00 1,150.00 Nono None 16,a.'ttRS Personal Services Materials and Service! Operating Materials and Supplies Capital Outlays Equipment Trannfer to Reserve Buildings and Additions New Fire Trurk and Hose ..$ 1,500.00 ... 1,150.00 $ 17.785.88 Total Requirements ... 1,000.00 500.00 None ..$ 4,150.00 S 4HO00 950.80 I 1.436H0 S 720.00 231.34 S 951.34 Garbage Disposal Department $ 720.00 Personal Services Materials and Services: 40000 Oiwratlnit Materials and Supplies $ 1.12000 Total Requirements 4 720.00 400.00 $ 1,120.00 $ 1312.00 1.21207 S 3.024.07 S 1.454.50 1.159.99 S 2.614.49 Swimming Pool Department S 1,950.00 Personal Services Materials and Service! 1.30000 Operating Materials and Supplies.. 3.250.00 Total Requirements ..$ 2,100.00 .. 1,500.00 ..$ 3,600.00 Police Department S 12.200 00 S 13.518.00 S 14.300.00 Personal Services Materials and Services! 1.303.80 1.868.24 1.600 00 Operating Materials and Supplies None 183.90 100.00 Contractual Services Capital Outlay: 1 .048.13 None 1.800.00 Equipment -. I 15.151.99 S 15.570.H S 17.860.00 Total Rqulrements .. TOTAL GENERAL FUND ..$ 14,660.00 - None 500.00 None . $ 17,100.00 . $ 52,194.00 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. May 12. I960 i Notice of Budget Hearing The budget for Heppner Rural Fire Protection District for the fiscal year 1960-67. beginning July 1, 1J66. as detailed and summarized In the accompanying schedules was prepared on an accounting basis consistent with that used in nrior veara Mat ir rha nat. it n are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the budget document may be Inspected by Interested persons between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Gazette-Times. The budget doeu- mi-Hi, ur ny poruun oi h, may oe ooiainea I or juju complete, or Jl.OO per sheet at the Gazette Times. A meeting of the Heppner Rural Fire Protection District 6-609 will be held June 15, 1966, at 7:30 p.m. at Fair Annex for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget Any person may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of It DICK T. WILKINSON Chairman of Governing Body FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL TEAR, BEGINNING JULT 1, 1966-67 Total TAX LEVT COMPUTATION All Funds Total Budget Requirements S 6,082.37 Less Budget Resources. Except Taxes to Be Levied 75150 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget . 4,554.00 Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year 136.00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED .$ 4,690.00 ANALYSIS OP TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6 Limitation $ 4,690.00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 4,690.00 All reserve funds and special revenue funds. If any, are Included. General Fund S 6,082.37 4,554.00 136.00 S 4,690.00 $ 4.690.00 S 4,690.00 Equipment Fund $ 75150 75150 FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL TEAR BEGINNING JULY 1. 1965-68 TAX LEVT COMPUTATION Total Budget Requirement Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6 Limitation TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED Total AU Funds -...$ 5309.00 755.00 4,554.00 136.00 ...$ 4,690.00 .S 4,690.00 .$ 4,690.00 General Fund $ 5.309.00 755.00 4,554.00 136.00 S 4,690.00 S 4,690.00 $ 4,690.00 'All reserve funds and special revenue funds. If any, are included. STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding July 1 Ensuing STREETS AND ROADS FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Streets and Roads Department S 8.220 00 586.90 $ 8.806.90 S 11.833.80 2.50000 2.46384 3.410.00 696.81 S 20.904.45 S 14.160.00 Personal Services ..4 14541.00 Materials and Services! 2.600 00 Operating Materials and Supplies .... 2.000.00 6.800.00 Contractual Services - 3,500.00 1.190.00 Operating Contingency - 1,659.00 Capital Outlay! 1.40000 Equipment None 350.00 Other Structures 300.00 Land and Improvements to Land Morgan Street 8,000.00 S 26,500.00 Total Requirements $ 30,000.00 S 10,91045 ZT99.53 2,005.28 None 1.884 92 12.605.00 3.200 00 16.65R00 50,069.18 S 1.200.00 15,329.00 S 16.529.00 UTILITY FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Water Department 3 11,115.00 $ 10,500.00 Personal Services . .L $ 10,865.00 Materials and Services! 2.773.45 3.90000 Operating Materials and Supplies 3,430.00 3,394.35 2.200 00 Contractual Services 2500.00 1340.00 1.200.00 Operating Contingency ... 1335.00 Capital Outlay! None 900.00 Equipment .... None 2.KM.0O 3,000.00 Improvements 11.000.00 11,456.25 12.440.00 Bond It Interest Payments - 12.125.00 4.238.00 2.950 00 Transfer to Sewer None 6.547.00 5,000.00 Transfer to General Fund - None S 43,698.05 S 42,150.00 Total Requirements $ 40,955.00 Sewer Department $ 1,070.00 $ 1.200.00 Personal Services $ 1,200.00 Materials and Service: 1.937.63 2.100.00 Operating Materials and Supplies . 2,000.00 Capital Outlay! 14,995.00 14,420.00 Bonds & Interest Payment ...... 10,090.00 Transfer to Sinking Fund 3,710.00 $ 18,002.63 S 17,720.00 Total Requirements $ 17,000.00 Public Notices IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW PETITION FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARJDMAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT To the Honorable Taul Jones, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon: We, the undersigned petition ers, constituting a majority of the owners of land, respectfully represent, that each of us Is the holder of title to lands of one awe or more situated within the boundaries hereinafter describ ed, all being duly qualified electors, under the law of the State of Oregon for organizing Irrigation districts, and that the lands within said boundaries are situated In Morrow County, Oregon, and are susceptible to Irrigation from a common source or combined sources, and de airing to provide for the con struction of works for the irri gation of the same utilizing the waters of the Columbia River and other sources, for the pur pose of irrigation and the rec lamation of said lands, do here by petition your Honorable Court as follows: That it is the purpose of the undersigned petitioners to orga nize an Irrigation District under the provisions of ORS 545, pro viding for the organization and management of Irrigation Dis tricts. We hereby allege that It is the purpose of the petitioners to organize an irrigation district comprising the here 1 n a f t e r bounded and described lands under the provisions of said Act. That the boundaries of said proposed district are hereby set forth and particularly described ftB follOWS I Beginning at a section corner common to sections twenty. nliu thlrtv thlriv.nnn and thlr- tytwo of township four North, range twenty-six East, Willam ette Meridian; thence East to the Northeast corner of section thirty-two, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section twenty-eight, town ship four North, range twenty six East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section twenty, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section twenty, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section eighteen, town ship four North, range twenty six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of the South west quarter of section eight een, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of section eighteen, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section eighteen, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of section twenty, town ship four North, range twenty six East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section twenty, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of section twenty-eight, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence South to the South east corner of section twenty eight, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section twenty-eight, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section thirty-two, township four. North, range twenty-six East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section five, township three North, range twenty-six: East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section five, township three North, range twenty-six East; thence North to the North west corner of section five, town ship three North, range twenty six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section thirty-two, township four North, range twenty-six East being the place of beginning; and a sec ond parcel of land beginning at the section corner common to sections two and three in town ship three North, range twenty six East, Willamette Meridian and sections thirty-four and thirty-five, in township four North, range twenty-six East, Willamette Meridian In Morrow County, Oregon; thence East to the Northeast corner of section two, township three North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of section one, township three North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of section six, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence South to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of section five, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence East to the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of section five, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section five, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section five, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence South to the North west corner of the Southwest quarter of section eight, town ship three North, range twenty seven East; thence East to the Northeast corner of the South east quarter of section eight, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence East to the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of section nine, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section nine, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section nine, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence West to the South west corner of section eight, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence West to the Southwest corner of sec tion seven, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section seven, town ship three North, range twenty- seven East; thence West to the Northeast corner of section elev en, township three North, range twenty-six East; thence South to the boutheast corner of sec tion eleven, township three North, range twenty-six East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section eleven, town ship three North, ranee twentv. six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section eleven, township three North. range twenty-six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section two, township three North, range twenty-six East Demg tfte place of beginning. All within ranges twenty-six East and twenty-seven East, and township three and four North, Willamette Meri d 1 a n Morrow County, Oregon. ine peuuoners accompany their petition with, and herebv present for the approval of this Court, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of one-thousand dollars, which is double the amount of the probable cost of organizing such district condit ioned that the bondsmen will pay all said costs in case said organization be not effected. WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that this Court approve the said bond and that said irriga tion district be organized under the provisions of said Act, and that this Court shall make and enter an order, establishing and defining the boundaries of such irrigation district; determining whether the requisite number of owners of land within such proposed district shall have pe titioned for the formation there of; and whether the petition and notice of the time of nresenta tion thereof shall have been duly published as in said Act provided; and designating the name of said district, that there may be three directors for said district, that this Court proceed to call an election for the pur poses above set forth, and es tablish a convenient polling place; designating the time and place or places for voting at TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds -. Interest Bearing Warrants .. Short Term Notes TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS Current Tear (Actual) None None None None Year ( Estimated) None None None None Authorial. Not Incurred JlY 1 Current Ensuing; Tear Year (Actual) (Estimated) None None PETTY CASH Balance July 1 None None Notice of Approval By Budget Committee Approved by Budget Committee May 2, 1966 HOWARD PETTYJOHN Chairman of Budget Committee GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1906-1967. BEGINNING JULY 1. 1966 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear First Preceding Tear Budget Current Tear S 275.00 S 600.00 S 630.00 234.00 270.00 100.00 25.00 $ 509.00 $ 870.00 S 755.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis), or Savings Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Resources Interest on Investments Total Resources Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Budget For Ensuing Year Approved S 1,413.32 ...J 90.00 25.00 1,528.32 4,554.00 6,082.37 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1966-1967. BEGINNING JULY 1. 1966 Second First Preceding Preceding Year Year 35.00 None 5.700.00 75.00 None 18.00 None None 41.16 10.00 None 5.00 None None 5,884.16 $ 35.00 100.00 5,700.00 125.00 30.00 50.00 100.00 545.00 60.00 5.00 None None None None $ 6,750.00 Budget Budget For Current Ensuing Year Year Approved Materials and Services $ 35.00 Insurance Bond $ 100.00 Legal Fees 3,775.00 City Contract 75.00 Audit - . None Stamps 22.50 Election 40.00 Travel Expense 930.00 Operating Contingency 96.50 Advertising Budget 5.00 Filing Fees 200.00 TaehoeraDhv None Emergency-Miscellaneous None None Secretarial Expense 50.00 None Equipment - 1,524.87 $ 5,309.00 TOTAL $ 6,082.37 35.00 100.00 3,775.00 None None 22.50 60.00 400.00 110.00 5.00 None in. anrt to do all things necessary as may be Just and proper under said Jaw for the formation of said district. Dated May Jack A. Fnsbie Max Hellberg W. C. Starke ll-15c NOTICE OF PRESENTATION OF PETITION tt Ti WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice hereby is given by the . . , .hot tho fnre- saia peuuuiicia, mm -going petition far the orgamza- b, " mW .iin riistrlft Will lion oi an ; . i-rf De presemeu iu u '-'""" of Morrow County, Oregon in n l n., rxf Cain 1 T111TL ine touri nuuiu - ' in the Court House in Heppner. Oregon, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.. on Friday, the 10th day of June 1966, for action thereon by said coun; ai wiuin i" "" f,;r" all interested in said petition and in the organization thereof, or in any matter reiming i organization of said district, or to ine iixiiiK ui "'c thereof, may be heard. Dated May 4. 1966. Jack A. Frlsbie Max Hellberg W. C. Starke 11-15C When you patronize Gazette Times advertisers, you help make a better paper Tell them you saw it in the Gazette-Times. Hardman News Dallas McDaniel sh e a t e d sheep for Jim Hams on Satur day. Mrs. Olive Hughes of Hepp ner is working at the Darold Hams home for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Les Robinson were in Pendleton on Tuesday for medical attention. Dean Graves pulled a verte brae in his back last week and has been taking treatments in Hermiston for it. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grissom from Heppner visited at the G cil McDaniel home Saturday evening. On Sunday, Cecil Mc Daniel and Steve accompanied Melvin McDaniel to Elgin where they got Model A parts or the car which Steve is making. Roice Fulleton and Raymond French of Heppner were visit ing with Merlin Stone on Sun day, s B and C RENTALS and SALES, INC. This 1966 Reviw would like to salute this fine company as one of the most complete rent al and sales centers in all of Oregon. Here in one location Is practically everything for rent or sale that you can mention. For example, you can rent or buy lawn mowers, garden trac tors, power tools of every des cription, welders, post hole dig gers, floor sanders, polishers, and scrubbers, heaters or cool ers, crutches, automotive repair tools, wheel barrows, concrete mixers and all types of lawn building equipment. If you need it, they will probably have it. They are exclusive dealers for the famous McCulloch line of chain saws and outboard mo tors, they are dealers for the "Tule Trooper" trail bike, with prices as low as $249.00 and also exclusive sales and serv ice on Jacobsen power mowers. They can rent or sell any of these Items and you will find their prices mighty competitive. For your vacation this year, they have a good supply of camp trailers for rent and sale. These trailers range in size from 13' to 25'. The self-contained is available in Thunderbird or Winnebago. You may rent a one-way util ity trailer from 3' by 5' up to 5' by 12' vans. Of intereset is the walk through tandem axle swing par tition, two horse trailer. This trailer Is available for rent, al so sell for $895.00. They are now In their new store at 1852 S. W. Court and you are invited to stop in and look over the complete display. The phone number is 276 368a