Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1966)
HEPPNER Lindsay ICincaid Sustains Injuries in Farm Accident a A ETTE-TIMES By XATHCRINC LINDSTROM ()NK I.Iii.Nmv Klntnlil was limllv lnun.1 In art an Mi nt al Id KliKt.ll lamh lato lat 'I liurxil.t v HttrrniNin Hit mm lK llnMiliitf loading Iruik with wheal, win-it h rt'iirhftl nrritH ihe dirt fr a ra (If anil ftlinx-'l Hi l"" i.hikM In a"k'-r, an 'hm Vm lull, mill k'l 1'iilllinr un til his lift l'K. from Ix hlnd lliw Muf tlowti through tin' ralf of Ihe liie was lrn. All I In mus- i lUmn anl lies It wrr ililroy I from llml I'.ul of lh Ifir. hut tin Ihiiu-h wrre hmken. l wan takrn li ami lion nn to IViicIIiIiim (r ex liiilve auri'iTV anil skirt Krafl Intl. t. '. Iiiininr wan at I lie mmh loaitlnx Ihe trurk ami ralli'd for lirl. I.lnitsuv will In cunf ini'ij o IVritlli-loii (nmmunity hiHllal for tiiiin 1 1 mi- ami wouM wil- nilllP h(hc. I' mi City Council met Tuis lav night with (hi IiuiIk'H cum-mltti-e l draw un a new builtf I. Mrmlii'M of Ihc builtft'l "m mill. nr ItolM-rt Iraki K. W. Hrhluw, K. J, Aki-rn, Paul IVt Ivlohn. Sr.. K. T. Martin, (harlt iK'onimr, ami KMon Tucker. AiTwrdlnif In niw rules lh IiiiiIki-I committee will present Ihe hutlcct at tin nrnt round I niortliiK ami I hi roum-ll will at I umiii a. ami after 15 days of local imstlng and a hearing la held. thi iiuil ft! U aiecjtril. Itelotlvc here fur the funeral services of Mrs. Ksthc Bergs trum on Thursday, March 31. at the United Church of Christ were her three sons ami families, Mr. am Mr. Arthur llcrgstrom and Hevrrly. Pattv. ami Jeff of Tort land; Mr. and Mm. Norman lWirtrom nd Donna and Diana of W I niton; Mr. and Mr. Walter IfaTRRtrom of San Jose, Calif.; her hrother-ln Inw and alater. Mr. ami Mr. Itov Janln and IVte Carpet Spots and Paths Easily Removed If you haven't time (a clian your carpet wall-to-wall, you can still rvmovt spota and traffic pathai lilue Lustre Carprt hham xx (America's new favorite!) makes matted nap opn and fluffy stain. reitorea forgotten colora. Kant Mfy-to-UM eloctric shampooer for II a day at Case Furniture Company II JjiiIii of I'oilUnil; ami Mr. Iterg Mrom's ttciihew, Mr. ami Mr. Hubert Cochrsn ami Mra. Opal lltiletimn of Vaktmn, Mra. I'muI Tew served an or Knlt ami accom'tanlcd Mra. F'riil llnHklru Jr.. wim sang f.vt solus at the service, t'aikct heater were Itiivtnond l.umli'll, lliHUr I'eterHOll, lltllMTt I'eler on. liul CailMm, (herald ltrK fclroin, and liouiilai lrake, Yul lowlnu the horvhea at om I'nlt ctl t hurih of ( hrlM. Mr. Ht fk' klrorn and the f.irnllv drove lo I'ortlund for nrrvliv at I'eiirMiiij M-x t ii.ii v Ihim I u llh Inli-rntent al ltie.e Cltv t enictery. Tht Attend 0C3 Reception Mit. Itov YV. I.liidslrom in 'oiniuili'l Mlv Howard Hi lint, wotthv ni.itrun of Ituth Chiipter No. .1.', llipi'iiiT, and Mr. In. Ihiffinnii to Coo Hay oxer the wii k end On Saturday they at tended Ihe reception honorlni,' the nssot i.ite i?rrif conduct retta, Mr. Winifred Nel-mn of Cihhi H.i v ; urand chaplain. Mm. Hel en H.iclulili-r of Otenn l.nki', erand iniirliHl, Mra. Maiy ker of O.tkl.intl. and yrand Itulh. Mr. Mae rennlnclon. of Shadv Cove. Mrw. IIoImvI Klttm.inn wa hohieni for a coffii" party on WediM-vlay, March 311. The pro- reed were Klven to the Kaster .Seal Campnlk'n fuinN, nMinMtred hy Ihe mi'inlicn of Heta Dmi-w Sonwlty. Co-hifctei'i were Mra. Hill Kittmnnn arid Mr. One Kletmann. Guestt during the rnornini; were Mm. Ted I'alma leer. Mr. Hoy A. I.lndHtrom, Mrx. t'hiulle loherty, Mr. Sain Crawford. Mr. Iitini reterton. Mr. Ilcrhert l'eteron, Mr. Iu I Curium, Mr. Keith Ilea. Mr. Tad Miller, and Mr. Itotiert llo kin. Mr. and Mr. I A. McCain? drovr to Colfax over the week- end to viNlt their Hon and duu-Khter-ln law. Mr. and Mr. Al vtn McCIm. Their tlwee aona re turned with them for a week a vUlt. The nursery. kindergarten, ami primary department vc wnted an Hauler program dur- Inif the church nchool hour on Sunday. All the little children from the varlou took part. Mra. Warren Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, April 1, 1966 Sec. 2 t-hior In law, Mr. and Mra. Mel vln Martin at Othello. Wath. on April 3. She weighed lb, 14 ft , and ht heen named Melene Mlrii Other vrandpiireni are Mr, and Mr. Itoyce llollowny of Altianv and freal erandpa eril ue Mr and Mr. It. A. Ilor . ton of liallji. Eaater Sarvlcaa Announced I The lone frilled Chunh of Christ U iiiintiuni ini? the follow. ilrur anlvitle fur .dy Wiik. (M.iuntly Tlnir-l.iv M-rvin will Im Iii IiI at M.f p m. ThurMlay even I nit with a candlelli-ht com munion aervler and reci-ptlon of new ini-mltcr. i:stir .1 Utilise M-rvlir wll he held ron Mired hy the uni' and m-nlor ihiinll Mlimd liaftiM followed hy an Kuxter hrcakfaot In Ihe chun h m ;i room mionnored lv the Women' Fellownhlp. Mr. Keith Ilea will he cenernl chairman. At 9:-tt am. the film 'The First Kualer" will he khown to tin church m hool claM from Ihe third erade through the adult cI.ih. Kveryone I Invited to attend these wrv li-e and the regular Knster wiahlp mtvIiv at 11:M) a.m. I The Cardtn Club I urk'InK tillen to mart deep watering on any of the new treea planteil recently tv the Garden Club. If tree are near a procr1y own er' place, they are asked to ple.coe Me that the tree receive water very Mxni hlmi they are ! lM-iniilnic their Kprinif growth. ! Mr. Herbert KkHrom, Sr., ha , been Mcndlnfc" lieveral dav In llonecr Memorial hoxpltal In 'HeppniT following a painful In Jury to her hack. Jim Trancnrud, who 1 attend InK Luther TheoloKlcal Semi nary In St. Paul, Minn., I iMmlinif hi M-rlnu vacation here with hi MMcr, Mrs. I'aul Tew and family. Mr. and Mr. Keith Peck of Poitland arrived this week to attend the funeral wrvlces of Alfred Nelson Sr., on Wednes day and to take home their lit- departments tie daughter, Natalie, who has "been visiting with her grand trutcher of parent. Mr. and Mrs. Milton t.rosiiam a rr 1 veil on rrlday fur Morcrnn a visit with relatives here. She Baptism services were held was accompanied by her aunt, during the morning worship Mrs. Algott Lundell of Portland. Itu-rvlce at the lone United Chun-h of Christ on Sunday morning. April 3. Kenneth Mi Carl Linn of 1-nrtland was vis Itlng relatives and friends here over the week end. MelTla Hartlns Kara Girl Mr. and Mrs. F, T. Martin are announcing the birth of their first grandchild. The baby girl was born to their ion and dau- chael. small son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Klinger of Kenne wick, was baptized with Qdon I-ee Pad berg und Mrs. Bill Klinger of Lexington nervine as sponsors. Also being baptized on states, I Palm .Sunday Jariueline Kay. baby dauihti-r of Mr and Mrs. James Martin. SxmM were James Ilowt'.n ami s,itulta Aldrlch of llerrr,it.m. Thf Junh ("la upon,,!,.! a movie at Ihe lm. c.ifitt.riurn on Siinilny, whih wa well at tended. Mr. and Mr. I'tai.k lltlina and John 'f Naitle arrived at the lioine of her brother anil slsler-In-law. M an, Mi ljy W. I-lndstrorn on Tuesday for a with relative! lure. MKh Anna (,f ivrt land h it " MhihUv ulit r a few lvs visit with ln-r nitj-f and family. Mr. and Mm, p.ijl Tews. Mr. and Mr. F, T. Mart i n sjient last Tnuisday and Friday In Portland, where Mr. Martin attended a me-tlng of the fi nance committee of the State Board of Kducaticm. t On niurmlav afternoon Mr. Ciurv Tulll wan honored on her birthday with a coffee p,irty at Ihe home of Mr. Marion raini er. tueM irwiuucci her mother, Mr. I. Stingle; and her ulster, Mr. Howard Bryant, and Mrs. Madire Bryant of Heppner: Mrs. Ie Palmer. Mrs. Harold Sherer. Mrs. John Jepen. Mrs. Lewis Halv"en. Mrs. Roy W. Llnds-t.-om. Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn. Sr., and Mrs. Clell Pua. Stieclal (1xmI Frltlay sirits will t held at Valby Luthi-ran church on April 8 at 7:30 pm. 1 Gary Morgan was taken to Pioneer Memorial hospital Fri day morning by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan, where he underwent n emer gency appendi-ctomy. He had Just returned from Portland with his parents the night be fore. Son Bora to Tom Whits Mr. and Mrs. Tom White are proudly announcing the birth of a baby boy on Saturday morn ing. April 2. He has been named Greg Michael and weighed 9 lb. 4 oz. He Joins two sisters, Leah and Yvonne, and one brother. Leland. at home. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moo of Portland and great-grand mothers art Mra. Essie Creson of Parkdale and Mrs. Edythe White of lone. Mr. and Mra. Moe and Mrs. Creson stopped in lone and Heppner on Sunday to visit briefly as they were leav ing on an extensive vacation. which was tos take them to 12 .. t 0 rt ' " : 1 , j- , -. r ... .f ,. ' . a. v, . 4 " ..r? , - v v N v x - -a Every mother wants to raise her family in a safe and friendly atmosphere When the little hummingbird set up housekeeping In a Standard Oil refinery, she paid us a high compliment. She didn't know that our Company had invested millions to remove smoke and vapors from the refinery atmosphere, but she found it highly com patibleand she's an expert judge of air. The refinery's human neighbors also benefit. Clearing smoke and smog from the atmosphere of whole cities will be a more complex problem, but The Chevron Sign of excellence Standard Oil works for this, too through research, joint efforts with public authorities, the loan of top scientists to pollution control projects in your community's interest. Whether it's protecting natural resources, scenic areas and wild life . . . guarding water resources against pollution ... or preventing contamination of the air in our busy cities . . . Standard Oil is dedicated to conservation an important part of our respontibility to you. P.S. The baby hummingbirds, born at our El Segundo, California, refinery, were as pretty as their mother. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Cecil 4-H Club Meets Ib-e's iluy Buddies 4 II club held a meeting March 21 at the home of Jane Krebs. Mrs. Ilynd. our h it ler, was absent but Mrs. Krebs led the meeting. Clint Krebs I. I the flag pledges. It Mas dei Pled that we have a biiuiness meeting every other Monday after school. Plans for a rnoneyraitjlng project were dlicuHHed. Gary Thomas, our I resident, won a ten dollar gift cert If 1 att In a Tandy Leather Cornpiny contest. (. lint hrci's, reporter Riding Club Meets lone Horseflies 4 If club held a meeting April 4 at the home of Susan Llndtrom. Susan told us what colors the bridle ma teria la came In, and we will de cide on a color at our nest meet Ing. We chose Roy Llnditrom as our candidate for the Father of the Year content. We planned a horseback ride for April 21 on the Bombing Kange. Dur next meeting will be April 18 at the Llndatrom home. Debra JvfcBath, reporter Club Plans for Tea Plana for a Mothers' Tea were discussed at the meeting of the Kettles and SiMwms 4 II club on Tuev!ay. April S. IJrnU Cooper, president, presided at the meet ing. We planned to have the tea an April 23. The members re to prepare what they want at home and bring It to the tea. Teresa Wright, rcportrr See us mr envelopes of kinds. The Gazette Times. all Club Judges Animals The March meeting of the Gooseberry Livestock club was held at the Jack Sumner home. We practiced Judging animals, then went to members homes and looked at their projects. Mary MeKllit'ott, reporter AIRPLANE SPRAYING CO. OWNED AND Of CRATED IT PAUL II. HANSEN NOW SPRAYING GRAIN FOR WEEDS AND APPLYING LIQUID FERTILIZER Schwarz Aptm'ts No. 5 PH. Heppner 678-9271 or 678-9234 ! This Is Your Invitation Comfortable Living In Retirement ! : .. ft At WILLOW VIEW MANOR- TO BE BUILT IN PLEASANT, SCENIC SURROUNDINGS, OVERLOOKING HEPPNER, OREGON Composed of Two Bedroom Living Units Designed For Retired Persons i p: r- i ; M igl J muk J q-feT rct-os&T '-o zo'-f v - --3 SONKfcM RCWKO Bto boom ' n ' fA eeoooiA tv-oa-o ,. V iv-ora'-o"' II , , RAISED v J STAGE CUTAWAY SKETCH OF DAY ROOM AND ONE LIVING UNIT (RIGHT) OF WILLOW VIEW MANOR . Willow View Manor will provide one of the finest homes or the retired in the Northwest. It will proudly provide its occupants with these facilities and services: New Building Ground level (no steps) Patios Landscaping Draperies in all units Central heating and . air conditioning, individually controlled Lights, water, heating furnished Two bedroom living units with kitchen, bathroom and living-dining area Standard rates TV outlets in each room Cheerful day room with Relaxing lounge furniture TV . Large windows overlooking mountains Excellent climate mild winter, moderate summers Quiet, restful atmosphere Close to many churches Near to hospital For Further Information, Write or Call Willow View Manor P. O. Box 291, Heppner, Ore. Ph. 676-9470