Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1966)
reppxen GAirrTX times. Trdy. aju t. imi Budget Election Slated Tuesday IContlnurd from r2 athlHle supporters, 2fi9 T hlrt, 3.1 1UJ towrl. a well as thrrU. pillow can, wool blankets anj tdprfad uucd In Ut health VuM of laundering tht Itt tita J3TX :), ml 4 ut.Uh nrnt to oirrle I he machlrw. In addition, labor for the ih In amounted la SxMiH. fur t Iwrioil of lime umsI so tut Ihu m'IukI vcht, making a total it of flK3(UH. ! "foache say thry hav ttwrat suit, track outfits. baseball unl-: form, and basketball uinforrns which should be laundered morr ; often than they arr. They ahould l done a minimum of thrr times a vcerk. This tvi f Uun. dry can only in done with heavy dutv commercial equipment. I "The equipment requested. whlrh would b used by both KTade? and high schools, would I composed of three separate units washer, an extractor, and a dry". "Flirurr quoted In the budg et cover the coat of the three piece plus Installation, t'nits would be 40-pound rapacity. With this sir of machine, it la estimated that th cotd of laundering towels would be about one-half cent per towel, as compared with a present coet of some 5c per towel. Thla in cludes soaps, detergents, bluing, bleach, hot water, electricity. These latter Items would com about 16c to 2(c pr load. "How lone will one of these units operate? is a Question of ten asked. The assistant prlnci-1 -pal of Lebanon L'nlon hlch. where similar units are In use. HlQrl The labor estimate U $675 dav. making a total coat $.H5 per dav. at compared our present 113 Ni. The result should be a sav. ine of at leat lX Ht year Civic League Flans For Rummage Sale April 29 and ." are the date set for the annual Sprlnir Hum- m 42 I at a. IS- k4 . trawl ItV thf I ll.finnaP CiA it f afAaMifV lit Ihtf Mr. Hill JohnMin, rrUlont. All TivhU from Xh b-ati nual Co toward th nup Council Chooses Rosewall Mayor To Fill Vacancy to which, within have paid the il. mAt'Miwt." five years, will complete cimt of Spring Carnival Plans Underway Three irsanlallon are com-) binlni: effort this year to make ' the comlnir Nrtne uand Carni val, set for Saturday, April 23, one of the best: ever. I Roth ITA croups, elementary and hlh achKl. are working with .the Band Parents Club to plan a bit; variety of fun and entertainment In the Fair Pavil ion throughout the evening. The hich school PTA will be In charge of preparing and serv ing the dinner at 6:00 p.m.. and the elementary PTA will help with constructing booth for the carnival which will start at i7.00 p.m. j Anyone In the community j who would have miscellaneous articles suitable for sale In the country store t asked to con- tact Mike Pierce, high school band representative. i I'roceeds from the carnival go to band scholarships, replacing! uniforms, music supplies, and others. port of the local mntierganen program. IVrty-lhrce pre school oiirn hve been eivrolhsl In the kindergarten classes this year, with Instruction provided bv Mr. Marian Jonaon and iMrt. (.race Schmidt Fund from the sale help provide scholar- I ships for some of the children k. ... mhIu m nn-iKU til i M 111 1 ' t I V I in MIS .'. v pay the full tuition. well a cfor supplemental supplie and needed furnishing. Chairmen for the spring sale are Mm. Kenneth Howard and Mr, l.vle Jensen. Other who mav alo le contacted for pick up of rummage ariele during the cemlng three weeks are Mm. Unn l.ueore or Mr. Bill Johnson. Articles mav also be left at IVls Maiket in U-vlng-ton. Public Lands Meet Scheduled Friday Rep. ::ioert F. Smith, chair man of the interim legislative committee on public lamt. in forms the Gazette-Time that a said. "W have years with no still using it.' "At this time the woman doing the laundry averages about 43 hours per day in or der to accomplish thla Job. With our own units located in the basement of the Junior high building, where there Is avail able space, it Is estimated that the cost of lanudry per day, con cerning ingredients for the wash, would probably run $1.80. ' School PTA used our for 12 , i . A repairs and are , I 0 YieeT YYCOnesaay Election of offiivrs and a ce- port of the school study group is on the agenda for the Hepp ner High school PTA at Its meet ing Wednesday. April 13. In the high school. Ed Dick, president, announces. The meeting will open with a pot luck supper in the cafe teria at 6:30 p.m. All parents and townspeople are invited. subeomttlee will meet In the Umatilla county courthouse, juv enile courtroom, April S. at 1 p.m. "The meeting will cover the iVsert Land Entry Act and its operation in your area. he states. I "It is our understanding that thore were some residents of the I area who did not testify at the meeting held In Pendleton In January who would like to have 'another opportunity to do so. .The subcomittee will welcome testimony from all those who ,wih to appear at that time," , he added. "Anyone who appear ed previously but has further information to give, may do so at that time." (Continued from, page H ton farmers donate use of their land so that refuse from the city may he used to fill "',r von, ivhrl 1 coveted with four Inches of soil In every 21 hour mrtttd, Everything 1 clean and neat." (Iroshen said. Bv the filling process, the fatment eventually we able to farm Hn't that formerly wa of Utile value to them. A private company has the garbage franchise In Pendleton and pays $siHl per month tor It. Everyone pavs to dump trash at the titv dump and a man Is hired to maintain It. A council committee here re cently inccted proposed sites for a new dump ground, ami one site was selected for pw- ! sible negotiation for purchase. The matter wa turned over b Cltv Attorney Bob Alwam to investigate and report to the, council. Councilman Bill Collins raised i the question whether Heppner I l big enough to make a work- j able landfill operation. Deny rirtworks Requttt A California fireworks ionipa nv requested -mLslon to sell legal fireworks In Heppner on a wholesale basis, but after dis co vsion the council voted to no tify the concern that this icr mission was not granted. An ordinance on the sale of ATTENTION rOH THE CONVENIENCE OF THOSE RE CEIVING TREATMENT FROM PENDLETON PHYSICIANS WE OFFER HAPID SERVICE POSTAGE-PAID MAILING OF PRESCRIP TIONS LONG DISTANCE CALLS ACCEPTED COLLECT FOR RUSH ORDERS For Farther Information Call or . write To Aledical Center Pharmacy 1100 Southgote Ph. 276-1531 Pendleton, Oregon Thomson Back Home After Operation j Rod Thomson. Morrow county assessor, is home again after undergoing an operation on his eye in Ptndleton Community ! Hospital. He entered the hos pital March 21 and had a cat aract removed. Mrs. Thomson went to Pen dleton to bring him home Tues day and said that he is "com ing along fine" and Is able to see out of the eye again. He will convalesce at home before returning to his duties In the courthouse. Mrs. N. D. Bailav and. hf twin sister, Mrs. Maggie Reyn olds, returned last week from a visit with relatives in Port land and in Washington. Among those visited were their sisters. Mrs. Elmer Hodges in Portland. land Mrs. Mable Holverson in I Kelso: also. Mrs. Bailey's sons. Nelson W. Bailey at West Linn, and Francis Bailey at Portland. In Washington they visited a ! daughter, Mrs. Everett Stout at Olvmpia. and a son Harold Bailey at Kent. They did their traveling by bus. We: have a problem with our Catalina we just can't fix. It looks expensive. :"::;.:;:!::W;.::SX;. v .l I . ! 'V'' f' ; 4 " I .lrtW. 0B 1 M i? : jp"'m ' (Mi) ' " " , XVWf, Safety ittms like from ana rear seat belts ara standard on every '06 Pontleo. . Pontiac Motor Otviaion it looks so expensive that a lot of people don't of makes you wonder why you should buy a : realize Tt's priced right down there within ! low-priced car when you can buy a high-priced reach of most low price buyers. Which sort " car for the same money. A Pontiac Catalina. ; Wide -Track Pontiac Catalina ' (A big, powerful Pontiac for less than $3000) Manufacturer's suoaAsted retail pr!ca for 2- and 4-door sedana ad 7- and 4-door hardfoos are all teae tttan $3000. These ortes .'nclude eyeis tax and aufisested dealer daiiveoj and handiiro T'aoaporta'on chaeoa, ate'.e and local taei. accessories and optional aouipmeni eaa tionai firewitrkH in llepnner wa pass- ed In liXW and requires a 11 cnse fH (rum lHal outlets of The council stood firm on Its recent action to enforce the or dinance calling for a $13 an nual license foe from the howl ing alley. At a nrevlousi meet ing. Fiesta Lanes was notified that the fee wis required hut it has not been paid. The Lane was In operation for some 18 months before the council re quested payment of a founcilmen agreed that the action should stand and that the owne.- bo notified to that effect. Complaint RvcciTod Complaint was received on the allegedly dilapidated and hazardous condition of the Lam- orle property at 335 Linden Way. Fire Chief Charles Ruggles will be requested to In-sinvt the structure there and report to the council as to whether it Is a fire hazard. Mayor Rosewall said that the council had been approached to appoint a committee to conduct a survey for possible civil de fense shelters. He named Coun- tilmen Haketl Sharrard. chair man. Pavld MrLcod and lXtoy (.anl nor. It wa announced that a meet Ing of the budget committee, Including council men, will b held Monday evening, April 11. Fermll Granted litiildtng iH-rmlt wa granted to Leonard St hwari to cotttitrud a iov.t tunny room on nis can in m i hM and May at coat of S-'xO. In later dicul(in, Crokhenfi brought ut the matter of build ing permits and ald that other work I going on around town fr which the pcoide ha'e m pel m 1 1. Oi din a nee requires th it anv construction or remodeling o( more than JUk have such permits lountilman Mcl-eod aatd that some ar presented to the coun cil fr consltleratlon after the work Is done. Mrs, i:ialne C.tHrge. recorder, said that In Mme Instance thl I due to the fact that the council meets only once per month and the work l done between the time the application time and the council meeting date. Croshen said that the ordl nance should be enforced and said that It Is needed for con tml. "If It Isn't enforced It Impo cs a penalty on thhe who go to the trouble of getting them, he ha Id. Councilman Sharrard. referr ing to the fireworks ordinance and the one on building crml!s, said that attention should tie given to mxlatlng city ordinan ce. Again brought to the atten tion of the council was the de terioration of some of the side walks In town. It was reported that In one Instance the owner had contracted for repairs but the contractor ha not yet done the work. Councilman MU-o. retained that two hovs narrowly missed being struck by a pickup at the corner of Water ami Gale streets Iutt fthortly before council meet ng. Thl It the corner which wa declared to le i xmrly Il luminated when It came up at the March council meeting. Mcl-eod said that the tovs wf In the street and hardly vUlltle to motorUta. Miarrard recommended that a mercury vaiMir lis.Mil Ik ii.lall4 at the corner, but the council divided to check with Columbia Hasln Kiectilc on (Hwts first. A regional league of Oregon Cities meeting for Morrow and I'matllU counties was announc es! for April '.'d In IVndleton with city official requested lu attend. Coiiles of the temiorarv city zoning ordinance were distrib uted to round! member a the meeting, prepared by Cornell, ';''. Hayes and Merry field, englnees. DANCE To Live Music Saturday Nighr Wagon Wheel HtfrNcn NOTICE Wranglers' Play Day SCHEDULED HAS BEEN FOR APRIL 10 RESCHEDULED FOR APRIL 17 SAME TIME. SAME PLACE I W No Foolin' . . . It's That Time Again For Tho Whole Family to Have Fun AT THE Band Carnival SATURDAY, APRIL 23 Fair Pavilion Bldg. Loads Of Fun For Everyone! SUPPER AT :00 -COUNTRY STORE LOTS OF BOOTHS BAND MUSIC DUNK TANK GUESSING GAMES THE BAND NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! (Sponsored by Band Parents Club, Elementtsry and High School PTA "3) When it comes to your new kitchen, ivon't you 7 WHIT I iLp ) XW 4 : ' i , ' , ' ' i H I m wm FIR.ST! (W'U help you cook up the right nwer!) Wwild you like a new kitchen, a party room, or other home improvement to make your home more enjoyable? It may cost much lean than you think. Your Nearby First National Branch lwa the answer to horns improvement finanrinu that wiU malte it easy for you. Decide what you , want to do, and estimate your costs. Then, whether you plan to do it yourself or call in a contractor, just bring your needs to First National. When it comes to money . planning, anytliing'a easier, if you 'Ask First! FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON g--- ii l 3 I -. . .' rn,.. dm i.-..... . , c.'paM i SEE YOUa AUTHORIZED PONTIAC OEALER