Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1965)
alyh to MfTw 4-(HI Yno Over Tw Million Ion Notion's Clubs More than llWJ bvf girl, bringing b flubs, will ul.M-n- National r ub Wrrk this Nil. Srplrrohel l-V to ivtotirr 2. Sharing with them will I V?t! and 4 II frlmds in all W states and Iticrto Klro. About different your Px.l have participated In -learn I'V doing" program alrtrj 1UI4. when the Smlih-Uvjr Art authorized KtlrnMon. and Ir rral leKlUti.n Unt be nance and conduct 41 Hub w,k. flituriHi ahow 4 11 nrw etrnd far beyond rural ''"--vlth 4J percent of mmtwf romlnit from farm homea M torrent fmm rural ruin larm home, and 22 percent from ur ban homea. All racra and oU, and famtltea of all economic background, are repreaentefl. fwrpoMa of national 4 M Club Wook la iHSl To Influence m yP?.,1' pte to Join of frm 4,1 1 ,ub To acquaint mora parenU with 4 II and aeek their co ctprratlort. . To encourage a larger number of capable men and women to iwcom volunteer 411 leader. . , . To increase public under atandlng of 4 II alma and method, and expand aupport for activities tlnoughout tha year. , . To recognlre the Important part played by friend or 4 locally and nationally, and exprcaa appreciation to them. How I K Woak WIU Bo Obaorvodi Ux-al plana Include occasion! where rlub member. 411 alum nl. and volunteer leader will be jrueata and ajteakera. Civic and aervlce cluba, farm organi zation. achooU. churche. and ,.ih,r vrnuni will arrange for talks by 4 ll rw and former 4 II ern. and program aba red by pne ent. leader, extension agents, and other who help with club work. Newspaper, and radio and television Ma Hon, will carry 4 II new and feature. Exhibits illuntratlng typical actlvltle will be pre pared and dtaplaved In atore window and other prominent place. , , Ten objective guide 4-ITor In their bead heart-hand health program. They are to: (Jain new knowledge, skill, and attitude through, real life exM-rlence. 2. Realize the aatUfactlon and 3. IX-velop leadership talent and abilities. Ileeognlw? the value of re search and learn decision making processes. Understand how agriculture and home economics con tribute to the economy and human welfare. Explore career opportunities and continue needed educa tion. . Practice healthful living and constructive use of leisure time. , . Appreciate nature and apply conservation principles. Strengthen personal stand 6. 7, 8. 9. ards and cmzensmp taenia. 10. Cultivate desire and ability to cooperate with others. Topular 411 projects that are meeting youth needs today In town and country Include plant and animal science, health and nutrition, clothing, personality Improvement, caret exploration, home beautlflcatlon, horseman ship, automotive care and safe ty, electrification, entomology, conservation, money manage ment, leadership and citizen ship development. Number of projects 4-H'ers may choose from range from 25 In some states to about 95 In others. How 4-H Club Work Is Con ducted: 4-H Is a part of the national educational system of Cooperative Extension work In which the U. S. Department of Agriculture, State land-grant colleges, and counties share. The Federal Extension Service gives national leadership and State Extension Services give State leadership to the program. About 367,000 men and women are , trained to serve as unpaid vol unteer local leaders, and are aided by about 138.600 older club boys and girls called Jun ior leaders. The non government organizations working together with Extension Service for 4-H are the National 4-H Service Committee. 59 East Van Buren Street. Chicago, 111. 60605; and k. Nntinnai 4. it Club Founda tion, 7100 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C 20015. The National 4-H Service Committee offers a broad pro gram for 4-H members, volun teer leaders and professional Extension workers. For 45 years, It has enlisted the aid of busl ness donors and other Individ uals and groups to provide ed ucational services for example, recognition and Incentive awards which it coordinates In line with Extension policies and needs. It also publishes Nation al 4-H News for adult and Jun ior leaders, operates a national 4-H supply service, carries on an all-year 4-H Information pro- gram, and hold each year' Na tional 4 II flub Congre, The National 4 II Club Foun dation, which 1 alo privately upported. li through a var iety of "Service to Youth" pro gram. It conduct -IKYrV the International Farm Youth Kx- ihantro 4 11 IVnre CoM pro) rrii In Ilrall, Uruguay, and .Sar awak: special rural youin ieaa i-r training, and other 4 II In Irrnatlcmal program and aerv Ire. It run the National 4 II Center a a "working memorial i.. i II" ,n Iho rilir tit tha Na tion Capital. Sevwal thouaand iM-rxon atudv at thl renter cat n ar In 4 If leader Forum and 4 II t lllrenahlp Short Courae. In addition, the Foundation lnor the National Workshop in Human I -vr lonmcrit and Hu man Relation at Colorado State Unlverlty rarh aummer lor pro-fi-Mlonal Ektenalon inrmonncL 4 II Frlenda: I II value It many frlenda In civic group. buklncM. foundation, educa tion, and other field. Their pub lie -spirited aupport benefit every State and county in the Cnltt-d State and help expand j ii irimnil Hi world. Their re- ftourrc aupplement public funda fia 4 II. ana unanre learning and technical aid. leader train Ing. youth educational materi al, award to atlmulate IntereM and achievement, and public Information service. 17th Year for "IFYE;" The 4 II Club plan now rearhe around the world, the idea having been adapted to suit varying need and condition in more than 75 countries. One way people ele where become acquainted with 4 II I through "Itlt" now 17 ear old. In I'.MU more than 2J0 young men and women wera "IFYKV 102 outlwund U. S. del egate representing 3H state, and 102 Inlwund exi-hanges rep resenting 3'J countries. UPHOLDING A GREAT TRADITION . . . Morrow County 4-H Oubs Celebrate In A Typical Year in America Over 2,000,000 4-H Members IN THEIR 85,000 4-H Clubs UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF THEIR 250,000 Local Volunteer Leaders PRODUCE AT LEAST 1,000,000 Acres of Food RAISE OVER 1,000,000 Head of Stock AND MAKE MORE THAN 2,000,000 Garments FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES i r 82nd Year THE GAZE Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursoy, September 30, PROCLAMATION Character development and good rttUrnahtp aro two of the tnue thai cm from membership In 4 II club, and these benefit the public at lafir a well a the youth participating In the frog am. From the ranka of the 4 11 club today will come many of tomorrtiw's leadera. and ao all ahoutd take considerable satisfaction In the growth of the movement, which wa Inaugurated by the United State Onrrnmenl In 191 and ha now spread not onlv am the nation but lo 72 foreign countries a well. Through demonstration and participating in artlvltle. 4 II member learn by doing. At the same time they improve their home and communities. Key to the uecr of the movement 1 the work of the voluntary adult leader, and parent and friend who aup port 4 II and give encourage ment to the member. Opportunities in 4 II are open to all boy and girl from age 9 to 21. and these opportunities are right here In Morrow county through the many local club that offer training In many practical skill. TIIERFFORE. I. a County Judge of Morrow County. Ore gon. do hereby designate the week of Sept ember 2i to Oc tober 2. a 4 II Club Week In Morrow county. In official recognition where of. I hereby affix my algnature thl 20th day of September, liXiA. PAUL JONES County Judge Ml JV WE CONGRATULATE MORROW'S 4-H MEMBERS A L2) 0 SERVING TfE-TIMES i i i " -, JM ... ' " " ' -V ' .,., 4,yt , a 4 K BEEKEEPER. Uoo WUaon JuaHo cuts w btrwoott tbo hlvo U In good condition. Youths Promote Safety Via 4-H The 411 Safety program plays an Important part In keeping children, adult and communi ties alert to hazard of every day living. Thl year more than 825.000 bovs and girl in 4-H are expected to receive some afety training, points out Leon McNalr. field represent aelve of the National I II Service Com mittee. And about 575.000 club members carry out specific as signments as part of the nation al safely program. ML Sept. 25 step out in WHEELER, GILLIAM IMS Number 31 " HEPPNER 1965 10 cents A , ! ,'.14 Vr)t. - - - .-K- i - of Irrlgon. chocks a hlvo f boo tho Iramos In ttoo hlv to soo U i , Carefully planned projects with emphasis on special of afetv are supervised by the Cooperative Extension Service and volunteer 411 Club leaders. Emphasis for 19ba is on uu ... r-i.ih. anrl individual Kainjr. ,viw w.. i ii'm -ll attention to sale driving, safe highways and safety check of motor vehicles, The 1966 safety endeavors will center around water saieiy. u.u as boating, swimming ana ski Ine. he reveaiea. - Oct. 2 front with JLINj LbLbLsVb U LiiU AND MORROW OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR State Capitol Salem 10, Oregon September 15. 1965 To 4 II Club Members. Parents and Friends: The concern of todays generation for tht future of our youth Is manifest In countless program of government ana the private sector directed toward assuring that each or our young people has adequate opportunity to obtain the akin and knowledge necessary to assumption of meaningful adult ll One of the most successful such endeavors has been In existence for many years as the youth education phase of the Cooperative Extension Service of the state Land-Grant col leges and universities and the U. S. Department of Agriculture. It is fitting that we recognize the great contribution made by the 4-H Club program In providing young people between 10 and 20 years the opportunity to "learn by doing", thus devel oping leadership ability, citizenship responsibility and a sense of community service. . . During National 4-H Week, September 25 October 2. each Oregonlan may express pride in the accomplishment of our young people who are enrolled In the 4-H Pfr strong and In the valuable services rendered by the 5.700 adult volunteer leaden who provide guidance and counsel to 4 Jl members throughout the state. t , It Is gratifying to note the progress of 4 II at Oregon State University, and to view the diversity of the program serving youth In all segments of our society. At a time when we . are giving close attention to enhancement of Oregon s nural 2nd man-made beauty, the 4-H Community BeauWlcatlon and Natural Resources program Is particularly appropriate I am pleased to commend and congratulate Oregon 1H members parents and volunteer leaders for the widespread accomplishments continually flowing from rogA.nai to urge Increased attention to these which further the social and economic progress of all our people. Mark O. Hatfield Governor of Oregon Will BUILDING FOR TOMORROW BELONGING TO 4-H IS AN ENJOYABLE AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE. BESIDES LEARNING BETTER FARM AND HOME METHODS AND SKILLS, 4-H MEMBERS GAIN TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE IN CITIZEN SHIP AND COMMUNITY LIFE. JOIN TODAY! BE A 4-H MEMBER AND LEADERS COUNTIES . - I SbmshsiI j