Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1965)
Irrigon Mayor Presents Plans For City Streets r.l plan for to the (H v O IT UVCLLC FA1TLOW IKKIfJO.V Mayor Chester Wll on presented a S vrar irJfc. street development 1'nutu H lt Tue-day evening, for thrUr study. WIlMin announced the pull grader recently purchancd had been delivered to Irrltron ami the council dlcUMcd other Items of aurcrt equipment that would be needed In the m-ar future. In other atilon, the runrll adopted a resolution arrrptlnjf turUdlctlon over street and al ley within the C'lly of lrrlitrt, from Morrow County, Fifth Reunion Observed The Mn annual Irrigon School Reunion was held at the A. C. Ilnughton rafetorlum Sunday afternoon Alumni gathered at tli M'hool at noon and vhldd until the Mtluik dinner was served. Speaker f the afternoon was Gene In.kcep. former principal at Irrlj;on lllth school. Mr. and Mr. Fred Markham, Pnt, visited at the home of hi sIMer In law. Mrs. Myrtle Markham. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mm. liud Markham and Mr. and Mm. Nell I.ampon. Kenncwlck, alto railed during the day. Chester Wilson and Al i'artlow drove to llwaco Saturday, and spent the day ricepNea flhlnj;. perry Pummrl anl Darrcl drove to Payette. Idaho, to vlult IMmmrl'i father, lienjamln PummH. Mra. Uovd Cooley returned to Irricon after a 2 month trip with her sinter. Mra. Alva Whit akiv of St'pxme. The ladloa first drove to Ileno and vldtcd Mm. Cooley'a mm, Kill. They vlnlted Hoover pnm and toured Grand Canyon. Ariz. The ladles vUlted rouolna In New Mexico, and vUlted Mm. Cooley's broth ec ln law and family, the Fon taine Cooleya at Cuvman. Okla. Three week were spent In Mooreland. Okla . vIMtlnu the ladle' mother. Mm. Klnora Ar-tiOK'n'-t. after which they drove to California. Mrs. Whltaker re turned to her home from Cali fornia and Mr. Cooley visited her aon and daiik'Mer-ln law. Mr. nnd Mrs. Burrcll Coley and family, where she was Liter Joined bv Mr. and Mrs. Alva Whltaker. The families drove to San DleRo and vUlted the Too visited Catallna Island, and drove In to Tlaluana. Mexico. Mr. and Mm. Harold Christian sen. and daughter Wanna of Reno visited his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. I-a-Vern Christiansen, and family this week. The j-roup picnicked Hard Caps New Style ,.$695 -Hard Boiler" Hard Hats H-03 McDonald's Hard Boilers Hard Hat Band S2.00 k up Collapsible drinking cups 35c Cannon Blankets New Styles U.S. Made $5.50 Dust Goegles ljj. & small $175 k up Guaranteed rebuilt out- board motors ... $75.00 k up Boat wench ton $995 New type boat fire ox- tlnjjul.sher $10.95 Tarpa All sizes ...$5. k up Plastic tarpa -8c A up Polyethylene mattress fillers ....$9.00 k UP Foam Rubber for Car Seats .. $1-50 Hospital Bed $25.00 G.I. Steel Beds $12.50 Water Bags $125 k up Canteens 1 qt size plastic & aiumlnum........l.50 Close-Out "Zcbco" Reel, pole & line Jj.yj Farm vino $12.93 Jeep Can Gaskets ...225c Jeep Gas Cans new $5.85 Jeep Can Holder $350 Sturgeon Bait (Magic Strike) $1-00 Good Assortment of "Spin-n-Glow" 55c k up Atlas Salmon Errs 35c GoGettera .., 8$1.00 New 22 cal. Rugcr Pistol ....$42.95 High Standard 22 cal. New .......$49.95 30.30 Winchester Car- bine $83.95 30.30 Winchester good - condition $45.00 30.30 Bolt Action $35.00 Crosman Air Riflo close out, was $14.95, now $12.50 B-B Shot by Dalsy..5c per tb. New folding camp cots..$9.95 Ravon Drcxel Blankets 72"x90" - $o.IH Cork Life Prescrvecs, New iW New Canvas Water D..Abnta SI. I J UULMIJ T - 11a (MoehanlCl So.Sio Coveralls (Carpenter) .-$6-95 B.B. Walker snoc h Nylon & Rubber Poncho's. Covers man and saddle, Ideal for rain and cold weather 2 for $5.00 1st in 5 years Steel .Kn hnlmolil 31.3 ll'llium i. ....-. - Liners far helmets $l-'3 1 only-G.I. tent stove ......i.ou 1 only Used rubber boat Sleeping bag air mattresses (cotton and rubber) ....$7.00 1 only New metal and can vas stretcher $25.00 Cash for Used Guns and Revolvers SUPPLY SERGEANT and twim at Hat Itoek State I'urk Monday. Mra. Warren Mtoy and Sua art drove to Heppner Thuraday to attend a .HoropllrnUt lumh en hon'Tlng rnemtwm of the Mi row County Kodeo (ourt and the irlrls' mothers. The lunhn was at the Heppner Hotel t.rlll Week eml euests at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Stephen were their mn In law and oju rhtrr. Mr. and Mm. Guy N I'arke. Gary. Julie. Carolyn and Sherrle of Portland, their dau- ehler In law, Mm. Clarke Steph rn. Alan and Ixbra of Uma t Ilia, their dauchter. Mm. Harry Cooper and Kme of Fucene and their tMn and dauchler-ln law, Mr. and Mra. J' Stephens, Kit hard. Karyl and Kotierl. Port land. The families had a lmle uper Saturday evening, and attended the rrlk'"n S hsl IU union Sunday afternoon Hob Mrltae, son of Mr. and Mra. J. J. MclUe, ent U we-ks as a Junior Counsellor at the Meadow Woods Seeth Camp near Weston. Mm. Frank Fleming and sons of Mllwaukle are visiting tier folks, Mr. and hUn. (i. C. Weav rr. Mra. Lloyd Cooley and BUI drove to Srapoose, over the week-end and visited her broth er In law and sister, Mr. and Mm. Alva Whltaker. They also visited Mr. and Mm. I Jon Olm- held at St. Helens and toured The Grotto In Portland. While In Portland. Bill visited Mr. and Mm. Jerry Mulkey. Cora Kills and James Blod'ett were united In marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ieon lilane Saturday evening, with the Rev. Jack Nuff, llermlston, officiating. Mrs. Sam Snyder and Frances Mclkmald have returned to lr rlon from Rio Dell. Calif., where thry helped care for Mrs. Snyder' daughter. Mm. Alice Caltff and new granddaughter. Ionna Teresa, who weighed 7 lb 12 oz., and Joins two broth ers, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller drove to Kllensburg to visit their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sherman, and on to Seattle to visit their daugh. ter In law, Mrs. Robert llolden. Veterans of World War I and the Ladles Auxiliary met at Col umbia Grange Hall Saturduy evening for a Mtluck dinner ami regular business meeting. Attending from Irrigon were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sklles, Fred lloadley and Mr. and Mrs. Rces Morgan. Speakers Tell Of Fair, Rodeo Three eakrra at the inert. Ing of the Heppner Moi rw County Chamber of Commerce Monday gave brief talks on plan for the Ucomlng fair and rodeo. Gall MtMurtry, county exten sion agent, gave a resume of highlight of the fair and ad vance Interest shown lie aald that there are five entrant from one family In the pig scramble. Number of tattle ami sheep entered have Increased considerably from last week's announcement, he aald. Tad Milhr, chairman of the rodeo board, aald of the rodeo. "I think we're going to have a good one thl ear." He pointed out that the board f director Is nH-klng to make the rodeo a "first class" show to draw con- ii-stanta and aoectatom from a wide area. "Wf're worklmr to make the community and county proud of It " be said. The ooara mi year In stressing a program wnnoui (iclaya fr a fast paced event. Miller also told of" Improve ment to the grounds and me ultimate hoj for a new grandstand. Charley Daly, who Is In charge of trophies and conces sions, thanked all merchants in the community vho have do nated trophies, and said that the Ail-Around Cowboy event, new this year, with a aaddle made by Gray Saddlery as a trophy, Is "going to draw a lot of cow- K." He told of the saddle offered by Klnua Corporation again for the champion Morrow county calf rter and told of trophies donated from out of town. In cluding those from Ie Brown. Severe Bros., and New York Store, all of Pendleton. Daly said that a new con cistlons stand ha been built at the buikeroo stand, and that soft drinks will be more acces sible this year at the main grond.stand. He told of Orvllle Cutsforth doubling the prize money to $T0 for Morrow county's champion all-around. Members spent some time dis cussing the need for trailer camp space In Heppner. Those who spoke on the subject felt that such a facility would help Increase attendance at the fair and rodeo, as well as to en courage tourists to come here. Heppner School Reunion Scheduled For Saturday Nine Visiting Courts Scheduled for Parade At least nine visiting royal courts or queens from other cit ies will be In Heppner to partlc ltmt In the biir Rodeo Parade on Saturday, August 28. accord ing to Jack Locke, rodeo secre tary. Those who have announced that they will be here are the fn, cnurii' Deschutes Cmnlu t-'alr nnd Rodeo. Tcndle- ton Round Up, Umatilla County Fair. Chief Joseph Days, Arling ton Rodeo. Spray Rodeo, and Umatilla Sage Riders. In addit ion, Dnlene Johnson, "Miss NRA" (Northwest Rodeo Assocl atlon). of Condon and two prin cesses of Happy Canyon, Pendle ton, will participate. Miss John son Is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson, who will fur nish rodeo stock for the event. Floyd Jones will be grand marshal of the parade. Randall Peterson, president of the spon soring Heppner-Morrow County Chamber of Commerce, announ ces. Entry that Is expected to come the longest distance will be the Union Pacific miniature train from Omaha, Neb. Its last stop was at Montpclier, Idaho. IVterson announced the prize awards In the adult divisions this week. Those for children's entries were reported in last week's paper. The adult prizes arc as fol lows: , Organization floats: First, $25; second. $15; third. $10. Business floats: First. $25; second, $15; and third. $10. Sweepstakes of $50 will be chosen from the above and the Juvenile float winners which al so have prizes of $25, $15, and $10. Best float out of county: First, $15; second. $10. Best riding club: First, $25; second, $15. Best mounted family group, $7.50; best mounted cowgirl, 7vi- hKt mounted cowboy. $T50 oldest cowgirl. $5; oldest cowboy, $5; best comic, $10. Bands: First, 515; second, iu. Cars (oldest and best condit Ion): First, $10; second. $7.50. Surreys: First, $7; and second, $3.50. Peterson said that he was con tacting the Baker Drum and Runin rvirnc in the hone that this organization will be here ror the paraae. lie aiso saia inai he expects the Pendleton senior drum and bugle corps to be on Theme of the parade Is "The Good Old Days." Entries should follow th Is theme as mucn as possible. j SAVE THIS ADS THE FIRST TEN TO PRESENT THIS AD TO US Will Receive OFF On A Custom Built Saddle, or 20 on any purchase, of $5 or more I Gray's Saddlery 1 off I NEW LOCATION: 127 N. MAIN, HEPPNER Come, bring your family and visit iasmates, teat hers and pupil you haven'a seen for year. This Is the Invitation rutrnd rd by Marlrne rw-rgstrom. secre tary, In announcing the Hepp Shoo Reunion for Satur day. August 21. at the new high school building. It will he from 9am until 5 pm. and I for all Heppner High students, teachers, grad' uates and their families. Regis. ration will start the event, and roll call Mill follow at II. Pic tures will also be taken by groups at this time. All grad uates are advised to he sure to ! on hand by 11 w that they Baking Confesi Entries Run High Entries In Its annual cake baking contest are running well ahead of 1WA, the Oregon Wheat league retorts. The competition Is a feature event In nine East ern Oregon county fairs. The chairman of the Wheat league contest committee, Mrs. Jessie Pattee of Condon, remind ed contestants to lk f"C the cake recipe In their county fair nremlum books. This years en try Is a spice chiffon cake with nut Icing. The contest Is limited to resi dents of Baker. Gilliam. Jiffer son. Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla. Union. Wasco - and Wallowa counties. Contestants may be either women or men but pro fessional bakers are excluded. Winners of the county com- Ietltlons will Vic for the state crown at the annual bake off to te held In conjunction with the Wheat League state meeting in Pendleton on December 3 5. The state winner will be awarded a cash prize of $100. Mrs. Pattee announced that cakes are Judged on taste, tex ture and frosting. will be Included In class pic lure. Family picnic Mill be al noon, and roll rail and picture taking wll continue after the mral un III atiout 2 pm Assembly will be railed at 2 " lth an address by La Veme Van Marter, Jr . master of cer emonies, (iifts will be pesentcd, and short talks Mill tie given by a number of Heppner High graduates. At 3 :J graduates may partlii Pate In a track m-et. Inrluding (si yard dah, khi yard run. shot put Hi lb I, baseball throw for dltane, broad Jump and high Jump. Adjournment will be at 5 pm. A school reunion book Mill be printed following the reunion with many pictures of deceased classmates and teachers, group Pictures of the lasse attend ing, resume of the day's high lights, and names and addresses ol all students, teachers and graduates located. HtttntM GAZETTE-TIMES. TVrsdY. Awst It. IH$ Queen and Court Guests at Meeting Morrow county's fair and ro deo royal court, clad In their trim tailored suit, visited tha Heppner Morrow County t"harn Ix-r i.r Ciimtnrrf al the lunch- eon meeting Xfonday, August 9. At the traditional appearance, Lf Ar-hl llonlirtfa. rhsocrone. Introduced Queen Judy tihewr. Mho then Introduced each of th prtnersara. "I can't say too much about Judy," aald Mrs. Munkert, Her personality, horsemanship and other attributes mak her an outstanding fair and rodeo queen, aha said. Queen Judy expressed the thanks of the court for ihm luncheon and tha support shown by community groups. Each princess told of ona ap pearance that tha court ha mad this year. Trouble at Pasco Causes Outage Brief poMcr outages here Thursday morning Mere due to trouble experienced at Pasco on a main transmission line, liar ley Young, manager of Colum bia Basin Klectrlc Co op, report ed. Service was switched to an other line and power was re stored. The entire area experien ced the outages. Friday, 13th. came six days late for Columbia Basin. The firm had a pole fire at Fossil the same morning and had to switch around It to keep service going- Friday And Saturday Only MEN'S - BOYS' Dress, Sport And Sweat y2 PRICE !2 All Our Sox On The Sox Bar JOIN THE PARADE -TAKE PART IN in t. vi x xv x 1 i - w x i i ii - II i. V'i )J i m y- r-' w - I -earns JlflP I We Are Again Sponsoring I II 1 . GONTY'S j Hi.' ?&&fi TJflL FOOD AUGUST 24 - 27 (M UMU U LTrA THE SWEEPSTAKES Wheat Award GROWERS Be Sure Your Grain Is Entered. For Information, Con tact William Rawlins, Grain Supt. For The Fair WE SALUTE THOSE IN AGRICULTURE WHOSE PROGRESSIVE EFFORTS AS SURE THE SUCCESS OF THE MORROW COUNTY FAIR. Support The A-H and FFA In Their Work At The Fair. Their Future is Morrow County's Future Morrow County drain Growers, inc. FARMER OWNED AND CONTROLLED Open Sun... ..Closed Mon. I JOHN AND NICK GRAY, OWNERS Hermlston MPiNary nwy