Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1965)
uitmtn cazcttc-timcs. Thur4rr. Auyuit it ma I i I I l i i m--T -i- I Over The Tee Cup MRS. CLARA B. GERTSON. National Xtoqrf ot Honor Treaurr Mrs. Gertson Chosen Lodge's National Treasurer Mrs. Clara B. Gertson was elected to the office of national treasurer of the Decree of Hon or Protective Association at Its 28th stated meetine last month In Miami Beach, Florida. Mrs. Gertson attended the con vention in her official capacity as state director of the organi zation, and Mrs. Bill Farra. also of Heppner. was one of two of ficial delegates from Oregon. Nineteen attended from Oregon, including Mrs. Ruby Bell, state president, of Klamath Falls. The national meeting ob served the Golden Anniversary of the association, and the pro gram paid nonor xo nirs. rxina Dugan, national president, of St. Many Friends Attend Pre'Nuptial Shower For Jacquie Brindle Chosen wedding colors of wil low green and white were used by the hostesses at a bridal shower complimenting Miss Jacquelyn Brindle at the Cath olic parish hall Friday evening, July 16. Miss Brindle's marriage to Lonnie Myers of La Grande has been announced for Saturday, August 14. at St Patrick's Cath olic church. About 45 guests were present to extend their best wishes to the bride-elect and present her with many lovely and useful gifts. . . Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Ilene Wyman, Mrs. Earl Ayers, Mrs. Wilbur Van Blok land, Mrs. Roice Fulleton and Mrs. Ray French. The serving table was at tractively centered with white gladioli in silver container, flanked by willow green tapers. Dainty cakes, frosted in green and white, accompanied the lime punch, tea and coffee. Presiding at the punch bowl was Mrs. Ayers, with Mrs. Pat Brindle, mother of the honor guest, serving tea and coffee. As sisting the hostesses with serv ing were Sheridan Wyman, Ver ina and Karen French Misses Jennifer and Annmar ie Brindle assisted their sister with the opening and passing of gifts. Joint Party Honors Two Brides of Month A number of school friends of Miss Phyllis Nelson and Miss Jacquelyn Brindle were invited to the P. W. Mahoney home on July 10 for a joint pre-wedding outdoor party in their honor. Both young ladies will be mar ried in ceremonies this month. A barbecue luncheon was en Joyed on the Mahoney patio, under the direction of co-hostesses, Shannon Mahoney and Ginger Springer. After much visiting and rem inescing, the honor guests were each presented a set of card table and chairs as remem brances from those attending. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Burken- bine and family found the clam ming excellent at Pacific Beach, Wn.. but salmon fishing poor from Point No Point, Wn., while on their vacation along the Washington coast recently. They rot go)d?v Quantities of razor c'ams and Forrie came back with some interesting tales nhour the gooev ducks that he dug. But the salmon fishing net ted nothing. They also visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Case, at Poulsbo. Paul. Minn. Functions were held it Hotel Fontainebleau. Miami Beach. July 21, 22 and 23. At the opening session on ly DEE CKIBBLC Another uerr!!ul tluk uH'r n"f two bU fur Ktm at rnkicsi Surutav Mi:hl , I v about iru ami Kl t ;! i rii'ivtf wa both iUycr "! chrf, ;h. tli.l a lni: up M' i Tuiay wa mthir ru : ln of Kolfing fr ladle, but U tlart kU tonus! out an ! turned In oire to match the heat. Helen Sthaffiti and Bt lue DtlMX'll wrt In charce. Coif halt were awarded M Gin U-onard and Helen SchafflU U No organized tdav thl week end, a moM of our Roller will be in La Grande. i....'t f.iri.t Aueust -J- at Kin- lua brtakUl at 7 lo 7:.H and tee-off following. Th trophy I make acain. tn now to go to Kinua. Then we'll change from zolt "Wrangle. MONUMENT By MARTHA MATTESON MONUMENT Ntr. Rom Mc Donald of wuthern California and her children arrived Friday evening to visit her folk. Mr. and Mr. Frank William and her brother, Charle William and family. She will be remem bered a the former Barbara William. . . Mr. Lula Seattle and grand uiiiiA i.ft !: si Thursday 9V ' . I ... morning for Pendleton to pet hi two sisters. Sandra and Linda Seattle, and three children of Mr. Georgia Wynn. They all continued on to Pagosa Sprins. Colo., for two week vUlt with Delmer Seattle and family. Rev. Paul Kimmel and family of MlUlken. Colo., arrived Fri day for a week end visit with old friends, while on a vacation trip. He Is a former pastor here. They have four children, rcter, Kathleen, John and Brian. Dale L. Matteson. Pilot Rock, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Matteson. Martha and Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe Wins All-Star Honors J...n Mvi'alte. 11 of Mr and Mi. i:met hU wvn tutnament all r hotr Sat unliv Tlliitmikxk In a Cub Imm-ImII .ljstf J-hn. who h Ixvn mMni: with Mr. Mo tate' tMuther and auter-ln-law, Mr, und Mr. Jerry BilMow. and familv. lavel for Till nunk In the tournamrnt. MiVabe tiitc hed a one hit lc lory tr TilUnmok tlnl i;.-eit ilie, ami the Tillamook Kv won the tournament by !mi defeailnt; Dalla. Johns Mrtrrmnoe brought him rec tni'Kn a tournament all tar. Miilng nine other bo out of the 0 for the honor. John Ue.l Little league ball In Heppner. The Cuba are fur boys In the age bracket above Little Leaeue. Ttie Mcvattc. on vacation, were rvrnt to iwe their an I'lav In the tournament. There U no Mate laorf. and o thin end the aeason for the Cuba, John pent two month with the Brutowa. Just Mlaa Opal Briaa returned home Monday from y. Antho nv hospital. Pendleton, where he had been under medical observation the past week. Entries Urged Now For Wool Contest The banquet room of the Tap-ad-ra Mne In I'endUttin will le the kite of the annual Mak It Yourself wllh Sewing roiitent tor thl dUttlet. aoHil Init to Mr. linUvl okitt. lone, dun let (tirei ior for Mot row and I'matllla ivuntle. D.te for the rotitel tin lern ei mt ..)(inH' K with th tle k).'W .. . the public that evening at 8 00 pm. lite rntranta are glil of age 10 to 21. who are required to m-w their own carmenta of wild fabric, made In America. Thla iear the senior context ants (age 17 to 211 will he ml low ed to enter formal, and Jun ior conicktant tare 11 to 101 may enter aleeveloM lree. Fntrv tdank are available at the Home Fxtenslon ofiu-e. or from Mr. Il kliu. lone. ltoor Doheity. aon of Mr. and Mr. Bernard Vherty. ha ben atvepletl a a volunteer to the VISTA program. He I now at- temtlng rlav.e for U wi at NorthweMern MlchUran I'nl vrrity, at Marquette. Michigan. Maral Murray, dauqhter of Mr. and Mr. KhI Murray, re turned to her home Wednemlay where ahe la recuperatlnn from ncent surgery in Good Samari tan lws lul. Owe somebody a letter? Why not just give them a call? F t 1 ; " 1 -;;,' I PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL . At -rAiTrfn-. th2 H. W. Scott. Robert and Robin July 21. Mrs. Gertson gae the . 'l-.httnui Sundav ,he home ol Hilriu of welcome. Durin? the vear she has held the office of N'alinnat Inner Watch, and has served as chairman of the Cour tesy and Thanks committee. frc Parrj hnQ a!n served as a member of the Courtesy and Thanks committee. riven rt ih Oretron deleca- tion traveled by train, six by car ana two Dy piane. inosc coini bv train traveled in com pany with 11 Washington dele gates, after meeting in Pasco. Side trips out of Miami were of interest, including a trip through the Everglades, "which we found not nearly as wild and rugged as we had expected," Mrs. Gertson commented. Officers and delegates travel ed north to Chicago after the convention. In company with Xfr Vxthor Morgan, state dir ector of Washington. Mrs. Gert snn snent six davs in New York City, toured the World"s Fair and other points of interest there. They found the fair very well . . i attenaea, very oraeriy, ana me new Churchill exhibit one of the most interesting." A package tour, avauaoie through North Pacific Railway, t.- Chiraon Included several areas of entertainment, two of which were the Broadway snow, "Hello Dolly," and a New York Yankee baseball game. Xfwo 17 o tt"i luff tViA crrrkim fit Chicago, coming west to Bis- before returning home. In marK, n. u., wnere sne met ner ojjiuiKimu one i-"-; gathered Sunday at the home of their folks. Mr. ana Mrs. turner Matteson for a birthday dinner honoring Elmer on his 71th birthday. Bill Chance drove to The Dalles Tuesday for parts for the harvesting machinery, then on to Odle near Hood River to visit his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Steele. Stella McCarty drove to Hepp ner Sunday, taking her nephew, nana Su'pek. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sweok home after he had visited here the past two The Darrel Dulaney family moved August 1 back to town on Hunt's Ridge from their home on Wall Creek. Mr and Mrs. Pete Wilson and tu.n HrlQ nf Ontario came last Tuesday evening to visit her brother H. W. Scott ana lamny, returning home Wednesday night- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyer and three children, her mother, Edna Moore, and Miss Jackie Moore drove to Ventura for the week-end. Mrs. lesala Lawrence of Atas- onrlprn Palif.. left Friday after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. Nellie Anderson. From here she will visit in Vancouver, wn.. In Portland. Woodburn. SDrine- field and Redwood City, Calif., husband. They met with other relatives in the area at a iam ily reunion at Wishek, N. D. be fore returning home together. f.ripnrl Mr. and Mrs. Ekwn Mv- rick. Mr. Myrick is a music in structor at the University of Oregon. Here's 16 reasons why IDiOTSQJJKl is no. 2 in sales! 1. Solid Unitized body 2. Powerful 4 cyl. engine 3. 4-speed stick shift 4. Plush bucket seats 5, AC. Alternator 8. Bis Car Ride & Room 7. Economy up to 33 mpg. I. Heater & Defroster 8.WSW Tires 10. Padded Dash 11. Undercoat 12. Wool Carpets 13. Vinyl Interior 14. Seat Belts 15. Deluxe wheel discs 18. Deluxe chrome trim GOOD REASONS FOR YOU TO TAKE A TEST DRIVE TODAY! an $1747 delivered 'Import Car Salet in Calitornli, Oregon, Washington, Idaho An ion j Quality Minded Sedan for Economy Minded People Charlie Kile Boat Company YOUR DATSUN DEALER HERMISTON-McNART HIGHWAT HERMISTON, OREGON Only 12 Days Away! Time To Get Ready For The MORROW COUNTY i mm - - OSt 24-27, Fairgrounds, IHeppiieiT PREMIUM BOOKS Available From Office of County Agent SCHOOL EXHIBITS Invited From HEPPNER. IONE. BOARD MAN AND HOUGHTON SCHOOLS LA DIES I ENTER THE Wheat League CAKE BAKING Contest RECIPE PRINTED IN PREMIUM BOOK Get Your Fair Exhibits Ready! FFA AND 4-H ENTRIES LOOM BEST EVER. Boost Morrow's Agricultural Products With Groin and Hay Entries. Show Your Livestock With The Best In The West! Women! Prepare Your Canned Goods, Flowers, Vegetables, Needlework, and Clothing. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THESE SPECIAL FEATURES AT THE FAIR: Piq Scramble, Aug. 26 4-H Style Review, Aug. 25 Snack Shack To Be Open Po shnw Ana. .zb svuausr rnru .i 4-H Livestock Auction, Aug. 26 Tractor Contest, Aug. 26 Rhea Creek HEC Dinner, Aug. 26 ONLY 16 DAYS UNTIL THE MORROW CO. AUGUST 28-29 5. nan Puurses! Entries Close 8 p.m. August 26 Entry Fees Must Be Paid By That Time For Information Contact Jack Locke, Secretary, Heppner See The Pride of the County At the Open m ITS FRIDAY, AUGUST 27 CONTACT FRED MANKIN. SUPT.. HEPPNER Plan To Attend The Wranglers Cowboy Breakfast Sunday, August 29, and the RODEO DANCE Saturday Night, August 28 Plan Your Entry For The Grand Parade Saturday August 28-- Over $400 In Prizes 1