Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1965)
Over The Tee Cup lv DEC CIUIILE The !' summer lime? Sunday was certainly the hot l-l ty I tun rrmrmt-rr II think 111 tcfm prolo; l it hale In think Ihe hereafter roull be like that). Hut our good friends, Ihe Kin sua Coif ilub. rniio la l.iy fur lh trophy -16 men ami two Utllca played. Willow Creek turned out 10 strong, ao we did n't takit advantage if them, hut i won hi fiiiitih llevcrly Cun- iliTMin and VI Lanham were ttlot to play In the heat with the ifuesis, VI Mlnkard am! Marilyn Ilalley ('lest Venard artil Helen N Imfflti finally gave In anl played, Iimi, VI .anharn iia.l quilt a day ahe ! golf h fur lung drive, one for lowest score fur ladles, anil a "eoof ball for having her rolf hall come to ret In the limbs of a tree, took on stnke to Imorovr her lie and she mill had a nrat 40. VI Stinkard had long drive and low aonre for Klnua. Mcn'a winners for were Milt Horlng, low nH; Jlggs Bowman, low grosa; Jim llulett. long drive, and Allen Mstad, closest to 'ln on niimlwr 3. For lleppner. Maurice Groves put a .W and .11 together for a ;, and tied wlih La Verne Van Marter. Sr.. also a (f. winning low gross and low net In that order. Lowell firthhle had long drive, and t'onlcy t.anham, rlMct to ln. Tourney chairman wai llarlnn MoCurdy, Jr., breakfast chair man was Dee Cribble, with the musical and tcslet helper, Marie McQuarrle, Helen Schaf fill, Cora Mae Ferguson and Cleat a Venard. I.unrhron chairman waa I. lb Daggett, assisted by Donna Me Curdy and Bev Gundorsnn. The railing committee turned out to he a committee of one. Mary Kllen Mvera. who did a awell lb of cnHIng thanks a big tee bag to Mary Kllen. Ladle )av. August .1 waa In charge of Cora Mae Ferguson and Sharl Mahoney. Only Rolf ball awarded win to Helen Schaffltz on four hole of sud den death on the putting green. Juanlta Carmlchacl was her worthy opponent. Sunday, August 8, III a pot luck with Fa ye and Gene Tierce, Hue and Itoh Jonea and Linda and Larry Truck In chage. This Death Takes Father Of Carl Spaulding Cail V. Spaulding. Rr, died Tllfatf til V AiiimuI 1 at lit llatn. ly N timing Home. Hood tlvr He ws Ihe father of Carl Vlia lltifliiit Ir . I ... S'ntt. i-ml h'hirn Mill lie Saturday, A ....... - . t.'...i nuui i, ai ii am. ai v iiilimter Memorial I'aik. 1 111 l.o,il,.i;tM Heath lilvd. Writ inliioler. Calif. Mr. Hpauldlng had been In falling health lor aoine time. Ill home Hit In Inig IleAi'i. Calif , but Ma aori brought Mm to IIiwhI lUvcr leierilly in order tu be cloaer to Mm. Mrs. Jerry Daggett Chosen Secretary Mr Jerry liaggett ha twen aMiintei wcielary at lleppner lli,:h hIum.I and alnrted work August 2, Supt. I'avld Totter air nounrcK Mie uveed Mrs Arthur (Alice! Vance, who h.ia Iw-en rmployed a clerk of the county at hool illstrUt by the boArd of director. Mm. Vance aurreeda Mn. FiWIe (Ueverlyl ;uinlifiMn a clerk. Mr. Guiub-raon inmpleled her ilulli-a at the t-nd of July, retailing after long aervlce i chrk. U the one and only planned pol itick for August. Next two Sun- rinvk arn Ihe flulf Onen In l.a Grande, then cornea our Vllt to Klnua the T2tt, and the follow In (j week la Fair and Itodeo. From the Tee Lravea: That J u A e e Cnrmlcharl aiwnt many an hour on the trac tor getting the mowing done for our Klnua date. Thal when he rot off. I -A - Verne Van Marter took over and got the rdgea. That there are two gau mat ean lav water nine and atart motor, and help their hunhanda with the watering tand all the Ime Marie and I thought trie ellowa wanted u to make a fuurnme.l That Helen and Cora Mae urelv did a fine Job cleaning he club house. Visitor to our course thla last week Included Mary Lou and Hob Kelly and two gais, vi Lan. him'i hrother. fllen McKarland of Louisiana on hU way to hl.i new home In Seattle, and my brother and ninec in-iaw, mud- V and VI Mill. Hoe tney en joyed their games, and our course. Adding machlno tape, 23c roll, Gazette-limes. SAVE UP TO 44 Helena Rubinstein's Oncea-Year BEAUTY SALE ONE TO BUY... A BEAUTY COMPANION TO TRY! NAVI IHIlONCISTUSHtlllilVr.! Buy. long lsh Mitcari 50 trw fratii. Uicrira Bafflovftr OH b i LOOK NATURALLY LOVtlYALlOAf! luy; Silk Fashion liquid Maki-Up 175 Try Fret; Silk Fashion Fk Powdtr CREAM AWAY FACIAL HAIR! b- Buy Nudlt with Supar Finish 50 Try Frte: Heaven Sent Bath Powder 4 PCRMANtNT COLOR YOU SHAMPOO INI TintiUatt eWKmM) : A. 3 Buy: Tintlilatt ISO Try Fret! Special Cream Peroxide BUY: TRY FREE: 4 Deep Cleanser -5Q "Herbal" Skin Lotion Your choice el Roll Dry, 125 fou"'"11" . Perfume Cream er Perlume Spray I Heaven Sent or Apple Bloiiom Deodorant Antl-Penplrant tau de Parfum Beauty Washing Grains - 25 "wt,r ?tn l6tio" . Heaven Sent Eau de Partum Mist 25 Hnn UnX 8,,fc Powd,r Eye Cream Special - 50 "Herbal" Eitrait STOCK UP ON THESE EXCITING VALUES TODAY! Majeskes Honor Court, Parenls At Lawn Party By DCLTHA JONES I.i:XINt;iON Mr W'l M Cene Ma)eke cntertulned with m I .i m n J'rtity and turHey iiinner at their r a full home reiently hon oring the Morrow County Fair and KimIimi court. Mr. and Mra. Krnle Wlmhextrr til llejipner taete cu lKMla f r the affair. CJIhera prewnt fur the evening were Karla Lurlani and parents, Jmly Mierer and parent, trim Wtn -heater, lvhhle and In.tld Maji-hke, (ilncir MnJrJm and the hoxU. Browni Move Mr. and Mra. llitlard Brown moved Monday to Toledo wlwre he will be prllrxl i( th rle. mentary arhonl. itarllnic In the fall. IWuwn aerved aa prlrtrlpal of the lleppner Hementary M-hrml for a number nf yeara. They have purchased a home In Toleito and are In the pnxrua nf twlllna Ibrlr home here. 1 limited tipe only L'S PHARMACY Mr. A- F. MaJi bKe and Mra. Klurenie McMillan niotored tu I't rulleton on Wednesday where they attended the i'atrlarih'a Militant piitluk dinner of the nummcr. Mr. Trannle 1'aiker and Mr. and Mra. Vernon Munkera have leen rewnt vUltora at Trannto I'arker'a hummer home at (.amp Sherman. Mra. Florence McMillan, Mra. Vic (inathena and two aona via Ited at the George Irvln home In Arlington on Sunday. Vlky, Val-la and Hilly Irvln returned home with them where they will pern! m rouple of weeka vUlt-ins-Mr. and Mr. Aloruo Ifender aon and daughter Hetty were re cent vlaltora with their ams Ijirry and Laddie Henderson In Ucm Hlver. VVomen'a Kellow-ahlp Group of the Lexington t'hrhtlan rhurcli met at the church parlora last week for their regular meeting. Plans were made for the adop tion of an overneaa child In the I Parent' Plan. Alao, plana were made to get new ahadea for me or the rlawrooma at the church. Thwe ireent were Mrs. Annie Klene, Mrs. Cloe van Winkle. Mrs. Klva Kuhl. Mrs lillly Kllnger. Mrs. Carl Mar- quardt, Mrs. Bill Marquardt, Mrs. A. F. Maleske, Mrs. Charles C. Jones, Mrs. Karl Soward, Mrs. Florence McMillan and Mrs. Alonzo Henderson. The meeting is scheduled for home of Mra. Florence Mlllan. Mrs. Venice HendrlcKson daughter Ann of Portland, ccntly of Iulle Lake, C a 111., is U.sltlng at the home of her aon-In-law anil daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yocwm, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paplneau and sons and Mrs. Archie Nich ols Is swndine some time In Portland where Dale, small son I Ml RIIU 1MIS. I UJllll-aU AJ patient In Dornbecker hospital where he'll remain for a couple j more weeks before being able to return home. Mrs. Lola Breeding motored to Portland with her daughter. Mrs. i Kd Dennis, who had come to Lexington after her infant son, who had been cared for by Mrs. Flovd Smith. Mrs. Floyd Smith was a recent visitor In Umatilla where she visited Fern MoCorkle, a patient In the hospital there. Mrs. dene Cole has returned , nome aner a iew aays in no neer Memorial hospital where she underwent major surgery. Mrs. William J. VanWlnkle and sister, Mrs. John Jackson of lone, were recent business callers In Portland. next the Mc- and re Coafs Service Calls Relatives From Wide Area lr MART LIE MAftLOW BOARDMAN Funeral services were held Saturday, July 31, at 10 a m. for C Claud Coata, 82. at the Boardman Community rhurt-h. with Iter. Herman It. Burg offtclatlnf. Mr. Coata died July 28 at the Umatilla honpltal. Burial waa In Boardman lUver view cemetery. Mra. LaVern Partlow anl Mra. Phil fjiCombe aang "Higher (; round'' and "Beautiful Me of Somewhere." accompanied by Carolyn Burg. Pallbearers w ere Walter Hayes, Seth Rumm-11, rwey West. Arthur Allen, Robert Lowe and Leo Potts. Burns Mortuary was In charge. Relatives here from out of town for the funeral Included f;ienn Mallery and son Gerry of Seattle; Mr. and Mn. Leon Chapln and children David and Judy of Burns; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow of Riverside. Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barlow of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Truman Measen per and son Carroll of Mitchell; Mrs. Blanche Barlow of llepp ner; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marquardt and Carl Marquardt of Lexing ton; Mr. and Mrs, Truman Mes senger, Jr., and family of Herm Iston; Floyd Barlow of Portland, Carl Barlow of WashougaL Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Bar low and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lut kins of lone. Others Included Mr. and Mrs. Ned Norton of Mitchell; Mrs. Bea Scogginj of Arlington: Dr. K. D. Peterson of Hermiston and Andrew Skiles of Irrlgon. !. and Mrs. Mat Dfo re- turnrd hom Wednesday from trip to Me-lfnrd wliee they vis ited friend and took their dauphter. Sharon, for a vlit. Accompanying tliem were Sus an Drake and lUrnda Young who are attending the state Fu ture Teachers AaMJclatlon con ference at Southern Oregon Col. leee In Ahland this week. Thm Dixon family and Peek Uiie Vi-liorn- la( week at PiMtill l-ake. near Kehmna. B. C., and ertojyed some excel lent fUhlng. Justice Court The following cases were dts tKihed of In court of Justice of Ihe peace Farl Soward (mm July 1 through AupuM 2 In each ciiv, dates are when the cita tion was Usued. May 2H Wenley Boyd Smith, lone, no muffler, fined $15. May 2o Edward IUbeirts, no ojierator'a lici-nse. fined June 2-V Jerome I-ee Hiersche, Poriland. driver's license sua landed, fined flfiO. June 25 Waller Lynn Davis, defective equipment, fined $10. Julv 20 Robert Riley Fisher. Spray, ovc-rhelght load, fined $15. July 21 William Henry Ab ken. Kennewlck. Wn.. no oper. ator's license, $5 fine suspend ed. Julv 21 Charles Hugh Jack son, The Dalles, no Oregon drlv ers license, fined $5. July 21 Sonja Marie Smith. Lexington, no driver's license, fined $5. July 23 Victor Caroll Fussel man. overhelght load, fined $15. Julv 25 Delbert Emert, lone, allowing unlicensed person to operate a vehicle. $30 ball for feited. July 31 Johnny Morris Jons, Walla Walla, driving under the Influence of liquor, fined $250. August 2 Paul Earl Ayres, no vehicle license, $5 fine sus pended. August 2 L eland Ma gill, Cecil, disobeying stop sign, fined $10. June 28 Dennis Allen Palm er. Portland, shooting game bird out of season, fined $25 with $15 suspended. July 6 Bill Joe Eubanks, Portland, fishing without a li cense, case dismissed. nzrtnt CAZrrTZ-TIMES. Thursday. Aws i. IMS Municipal Court July 1 William James Duhcr ty. Lexington, violation of basic rule, fined $lf" July 3 Arnold Wilson, esres he motor not, fined $10, July 4 Crne Scott 1 hand lee, Ttgsrd, violation tf basic rule, fined $15. July 5 Ca lye Harrison, violation of basic rule, fined $15. July 10 Jim Partlow, Board man, violation of bale rule, $J5 ball forfeited. July 13 William L, S-hulti. drivlna? In wron I"", $10 ball forfeited. July ! Lorena Deardorff. MoUlli. violation of basic rule, fined $10. July 2H Earl Paul Ayres. vlo. latum d basic rule, fined $l'l. Auut 3 Amo Ottenl, drunk and diorter!v on public etrret, fuw of $.t auiixrwle.1 on con dition La leave town at orw. Xaaoeta Wrtbt U laaklaff steady recovery at home from recent surgery In Providence hrwpltal, Portland. Ills brents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, brought Mm home last Wed-neaday. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE . . . . . . that Gray's Saddlery hot now moved to a new location at 127 N. Main from our previous location at 140 W. May St. This move has been made possi ble by your fine cooperation and pa tronage and will enable us to better serve your needs. We invite you to come in and see us in our new location. GRAY'S SADDLERY NICK AND JOHN CHAT. OWNERS Ml IN w n n aasWaswl rir Heppner Ph. 676-8962 Plans Underway For Coronation Plans are currently underway for the approaching coronation ceremony of this year's Morrow County Fair and Rodeo Queen, Judy Sherer, scheduled for Sat urday, August 14, at the rodeo grounds. A presentation of former ro deo queens still residing In the vicinity, along with a program of local talent, Is also planned for the evening. Past rodeo queens and this year's queen and court will be Introduced by the master of ceremonies, Jerry Sweeney, as they parade up Main Street, on horseback and In cars, to the rodeo arena for the coronation ceremony. Harley Sagcr and Wayne Har sin, Jaycce committeemen, are In the process of contacting the former queens for their appear ance, which for many will be their first in years and should bring back many pleasant memories. Prido k Criii Claims on Hail Damage Run High Damage from hall storms of last week ran as high as 55 to crops where the storms oc curred, according to claims paid through two local insurance of fices. A total of 30 claims involving 18 ranches were reported paid bv the two atrencles. C. A. Rue- gles Insurance and Turner, Van Marter and Bryant. -Other ranches hit by the storm were insured through, agents elsewhere, they reported. This was considered the heav iest loss bv hall since the sum mer of 1948, but this was not nearly as bad as that year when losses ran up to 60 and 70 through storms that hit gener ally across the county on a bumper crop year. 1 flnn lnim nn email nprcacp I was made from a storm that hit a small area Sunday after In Its BRAND MW CARTON. We know you will enjoy this attractive, cool-looking carton in the modern packaging trend. You will be proud to have Pride of Oregon Ice Cream in your home freezer. The new package is pretty enough to serve from directly on your party table. Look Carefully -Foir The of On the square half-gallon cartons in the cold unit at your favorite store-Four separate beautiful designs for 15 flavors rare OREGON Um Your home-owned independent creamery for 47 years Morrow omnty, Creaiinery HEPPNER PH. 676-92U noon.