Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1965)
Htrrntn cAirrrE-Tmti. Thursday. JuIt is. ihs Council Approves Budget; Okays Fire Truck Purchase If KATUERIHC UNDSTIOM ION K The Ine city count H mil in jeial fccfcuion lat Frl day rvrr.irr "d rave fina! bp mal la the Hy budget for tin rumlng year, unlch U a lit lie In r i4 $, and Include a SJ.97U lor five years lor the lire iruiK. They also approved the purch a f a second hand fire truck. which hat been In lone on a pruval for the last two week. was purchased from Wen tern Fire and Apparatus Co. at Corn eliu fur $lai. Some additional equipment will te purchased to add to that already on the truck. Lee Kipling King, a certified public accountant from Portland, is auditing the city books this week. His family la with Mm. The lone library board met last week to select new books for the coming year. It Is hoped they will be delivered In time lor the opening of school in bep tember. Library hours for the summer months are 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Monday and Thursday with Mrs. Ronald Bishop as li brarian. A large group of youngsters with chapcrones have been driv ing by bus from Arlington every day for two weeks to take swimming lessons In the lone pool. They have lunch In Wool ery Park and then swim again In the afternoon. Joe llausler, life guard and in structor, announces that advan ced swimming and diving les sons for anyone in the lone area will begin on July 19 at 10:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer took their small daughter, Donna, to Pasco on Tuesday, where she will undergo delicate eye surgery. The three other little Palmer daughters will re main at home with their prand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Palmer. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lkstrom. Jr., and family were Mr. and Mrs. Rich- family of The lter, Mrs. TaJ Miller, of Incton were co lutoM for a coffee hour honoring their mother. Mr. W. C Claw ford on the occasion of her birthday Fri day aftornruon. About 12 ladies enjoyed the afternoon at the Mrcn home. Joe Slvard of Bremerton. Wn., was here this week end to ret his two children, who have been mating with their aunt. Mm. Ilu-ton Mo son, while their ard Craig and Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Palthorp mother had surL-erv. and family ! rVile are fjM-nd- Kathy KlncaiJ U spending a Ing a vacation vtltlng at the tMO weeks vacation with ner home of her brother in law and grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. W- sutcr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald IVt- tor suvkard of Stanfuld. erson, and family. Mr. and Mrt, cioo CtiHJcr Mr. and Mr, h. M. Raker are were hosts for a pot luck supcr entertaining their granddauuht- at their home Saturday eveninu. ers, Dianna and Tammy Haker Guests Included Mr. and Mr. of Sunnyvale, Calif, and Sheila. Lout, Carlson and family. Mr. Colleen, and Suzanne Baker of I and Mrs. Berl Akers and Bonnie. Ilermikton. while their parent. Mr. and Mrs. Ilernhal Townsend. Mrs. Puane Baker and Mr. and Mr. and Mr, ivrrv M.rt ct anil Mrs. Ronald Baker are upending family, and Mr. and Mrs. Lev several days In Portland. Palmer and family. Saturday guests at the home I Dinner cuest nt-ntlv at ih.. of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel Jo? Kngleman home were Mr. were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craig and Mrs. Walter Roberts. Mr. and family of Portland and Mr and Mrs. Blaine Chapel and Cas- and Mr. Cliff Whttten and Kay e and the Knglemans. The oc- of Hood River. They were to at- caslon was the birthday of Mr, tend the memorial services of Kngelman and Cassie. Calling Archie Sallng. an old friend. later In the evening were Mr. Driving to The Dalles on Sun- and Mn Llovd Hmhmin and day afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. grandson of Dayton. Wn.. Mr. F. T. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Milt- and Mrs. Stanley Kcrno and on Morpan. and Kev. and Mrs. family of Lexington, and Mr Walter B. CrowcII. who attended and Mrs. Charles Cor ley of Lex the ordination service for Floyd I incton. Lmerson at the United Church of Everett Holbein is attending tnrisr. me ecciasticai council summer school at Eastern Ore was held in the afternoon fol-lgon College In La Grande. lowed by a dinner and the ser- Mr. and Mrs. Harlan MeCurdv. vice of ordination In the even- Sr.. have been enjoying a visit ng. I with their son-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stack, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Len Gil. who have been visiting her par- man of Long Beach, Calif. They ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond arrived in time to spend the Lundell for several weeks, left Fourth of Julv with the family on Tuesday for Big Sandy, Mon- in the mountains and left for tana, where they will be guests home on Tuesday of this week. of his parents for a visit. On other guests at the McCurdy juiy 10 .Mrs. eiacK win go io home recently were Mrs. Me Great Falls. Mont, to take her Curdys sisters, Mrs. Mabel Riese National Technology tests. Both 0f Toppenlsh. Wn, and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. MacK graciuaiea r. Beezley of Dobbins. Calif, this year from Pacific Lutheran Susan Jane Jepsen. Cindy University at Tacoma and Stack Smith and Kristin Nelson return plans to go on to graduate ed last Thursday from twelve school this coming fall. days spent at the Episcopal Other guests of the Lundells church summer school at Cove. this week were Mr. and Mrs. Wr and Mrs. Wallace Mat Robert Shive of Redmond, who thews and girls returned on Frl- were college irienas or. me dav evening from a vacation America's Future . . . r V L j 1 ir ;'i lU Li..,i.........L r " Stacks. Mrs. Milton Morgan and her f LADESI ill i t Look At The Wonderful Buys at JVliLAUItb SUN DRESSES - - $5 FOR THE LADIES Blouses Jamakas $300 $295 WRANGLER JEANS GIRL'S SIZES 7-14 LADIES' SIZES 8-18 BOTH LONG AND CUT-OFF MiLadies Apparel PH. 676-5561 ALICE AND GRACE HEPPNER trip which took them to Yellow stone Park and the Grand Tctons. In Yellowstone they vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Gil Lutan and family. On their way home they drove to Pine Ridge, South Dak-, where they visited Berl Akers, who is In charge of the Youm Corps on the Indian Reservation there under the auspices of VISTA. Group Motors To Granite Twelve Kainbow girls had a very interesting trip to the northeastern part of Oregon this week, when they were guests of Mrs. E. R. Schaifer at tne Hynu Bros. mountain cabin near Granite. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvor- sen, Mrs. umar Kietmann and Mrs. bchaller. Phey visited many areas close to Granite, including a trip to Buffalo Mountain to visit Bullalo gold mine, lney saw abandoned mines, ghost towns, went to the north fork of the John Day River on a pic nic, and went swimming at Olive Lake and at Radium Hot Springs. Mrs. Robert Jepsen recently attended the Laboratory Obser vation school of the United Church of Chrirst at Pacific Uni- versity in Forest Grove. The church school teachers spent one week on the campus staying in the dormitories and attending classes and then observing the curriculum being taught in reg ular classes. One of the out standing professors was James Pheaufer, who was art coordin ator for all the art work in the United Church curriculum, who taught the art classes. His wife, who paints under the name of Reed Champion and who did many of the illustrations in the classroom literature, also assist ed with the art classes. Fred Cole of Wasco was a Sun day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Le land McKinney and family. Barley harvest has begun on a few ranches in the lone area. However, many farmers will wait until next week because of green areas still in the fields. (zr Rodeo Princess, Family Attend Kickoff Events f LaVCLLC PAItTLOW IltlUGON Mr. and Mm War. ren MtVoy, Sutan and Mlk at tended the lleppner Hmleo Kltkolf dinner and da new at lleppner Saturday, Te dinner was held at th Annie aiukc- ratun ami rt hoKieMw-s for the affair were Mr and Mr. Archie Munkers and Mr. and Mr. 1W Mierrr. H dance was held at the fair grou ml. Siitrtn McCoy U a member tl the Morrow County court. SIX BOTS and four oliU at Included to the (ainlly groups of th Heppnttr ana la this wk's "America's Futur" fatur. At top Ittt ar Kirk Robinson. 11. Xylo Robinson. 9. and Krynn Robinson. 4. chlldrtn ol Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Robinson. At top right ar Suianno CuUforth. S. JWtry Cutsforth, S. and MlehtUe CuUforth, 4. children ol Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cutsforth, At bottom Uit aro LyU Jodf Jensen cmd MtchoU Nathan Jen sen, sons of Mr. and Mrs. LyU H. Jensen. At bottom right art' Tina Robin Schmidt 5. and Richard Robert Schmidt Jr X child ren of Mr. and Mrs, Richard R. Schmidt ; t i j 10- Need scratch pads? Get them at the Gazette-Times. i ... w o "i - - s x ' ' i Pi A Vr j t ! -f i I ; j I iM.iii. , U.M.V1 r- - -m- - r r.r V. 1 Mr. Ixltoy llunten and child ren. Ilcrmlston, tard ovrrnlxht with ln-r folks. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill Sunday evening. Vernon Mew art and Ben Mc Coy were sent to the Ked-done Arena at HuntNVllle. Alabama by the Umatilla Army Dcimt for a 'I day training rlon The men flew from the Pendleton airport. Mr. and Mr. Jim Cameron and family of lortland are vis Iting Mr. Camorons brother and twin sUter, Mr. and Mrs, Warren McCoy and family. Mr. William Graybeaf was releaMHl from the lknxl Shep herd hospital Friday after un dergolng surgery. Lenna Iw liuchanan of Port, land la vNltlng her grandmoth er, Mr. Jole liuchanan. Mr. and Mr, lvrry Itimmel Anita. Donna Kay and Darrel, drove to the home of his bro ther-ln law and sister, Mr. and Mr. Obern Standerfer. Ilerml. ton. and visited Pummels mother. Mm. liculah Pummel, rortiami. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hobbs and family were called to La Grande Sund.iy bv the death of hit mother. Mrs. Georgia Hobbs. Funeral services were Wednes day at the Methodist Church In North Powder. Vera Kutherford, soprano solo ist from California, will apear in both the morning and even ing services at the Irrltfon As sembly of God church Sunday. July IK. The morning service be gins at ll.()0 a.m. and the even ing service at 7:.'K) p.m. The public is cordially Invited to at tend. The Irrlgon Bcvkeeeni 4 - II club will present a colored film entitled "Hees and Honey" at the old school cafeteria Thurs day evening. July 15, 7:30 p.m. The public Is welcome to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pummel and daughter Cindy of Long Beach. Calif., visited at the home of his brother and sister In law, Mr. and Mrs. Perry lummcl and family, last Wednesday. Darrel Pummel Sent Monday to Wednesday of week with Itlckv Handy and Steve Mills, HfimlMori. The Irrlgon Assembly rf Cm! Jr. Ilk'h and IIIkIi m-IkkiI Sun day school !- Went In Hat i:.xk ftata raik lat TliuiinUy for a wiener rt. For rmea. t ion. the young people role tho Go Karl and swam. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mm. Harvey Werner, Mr. and Mrs. Joint Wilson, Mr. Yx loom, Mr. Perry iMmmel and Mr. Al-In-rt Partlow. Mr, and Mrs, Glen Coy and family silent a week at the I'll -iMlm llolineM ramp meeting at t larkkton, Wn. Mr. and Mr. Kn Poulson and children of Council. Idaho., sn-rit three days with Ms folks. Mr. and Mr. Gene Guiley. Mr. and Mr. Albert Partlow and Slteryl and Ms. Myrtle Maikham spent Tlturwday and Friday at the Oregon Aem bly of God camp me-tln? at llrooks. lliey toj.H-l In Port land and Ulted Mr. Mark- ham' brother In law and sister, Mr. and Mr. Jay lUrr-. Mr. and Mrs. Hubrt Senn and family sjH-nt the week end at Wallowa Lake. Mr. and Mr. Frank Hubha. ril(i.n. Calif., K'nt a week with their son In law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. James Keith, Jr., Debbie and Vlckl. Sunday, the two families drove to tho John Day Dam. and Monday they toured the fish ladders and other point of Interest at Mc- Nary Dam. Mrs. Mae McKinney, Pendle ton. sient Tuesday and Wednes day with her brother and sl ter In law. Mr. ami Mr. Frnet Stephens. Mr. F.llen Keln. Klmerly and Diane of Kcllocg. Idaho, lent a we-k with her grand mother. Mrs. E. L. Rucker. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Coy ient he week-end at the Pilgrim Ho liness camp meeting at Clarks- on. W ash. Mrs. Coy attended as delegate from the nermiston hurch. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coleman re turned from an 8-day trip to Ogden. Utah, where they visited his brother and sister In-law, Mr. and Mr. William Coleman, and Soda Sirlng. Idaho, where they sinnt three days with their oldest son and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Coleman. Michael. Vlckv and Dlnnna. They toured the Jackson Hole. Wyo., country also. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bergcr and Judy Berger of Portland, and family of Everett. Wash, sMnt the week end with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Berg er. MORE FAMILY groups In Iono are pictured in this installment of tne "American Future" feature. At top left are Margaret Louise Kincodd, 2Vi. and Mary Lucille Kincaid, 1. daughters of Mr. and, Mrs. Lindsay Kincaid. At top right aro Todd Peterson, 7, Jan Peterson, C and Trove Peterson, 2. children ol Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Peterson. At bottom lerft are Clay West 7, and Wad West 4, sons of Mr. and Mrs. James A. West At bottom right are Kimber Lee Pettyjohn. 3. and Kelly Anne Pettyjohn, 2. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Skip Pettyjohn. Grangers Plan Pomona Meeting By DELPHA JONES LEXINGTON Le x i n g t o n Grange met Saturday night for its regular meeting with Master Lyle Cox in the chair. Plans were discussed for Pomona Grange to be held at the Lexing ton hall July 31 starting with barbecue with the men fo the Lexington Granee In charge, with the HEC furnishing the balance. Mrs. Viola Faye Ruhle was re instated into grange member ship, and L. E. Ruhle. SklD Ruhle and Jean Ruhle taken in as new members. Also, obi lea tions in the first and second de F0E2 SAVINGS STMT WITH ill ft. H UE I H! If mm W CHEVRON WOOD PRESERVATIVE Chevron Wood Preservative protects any wood in contact with the ground grape stakes, bean or hop poles, fence posts, sills 2 to 4 times longer than creosote. YOU SAVE: 1) Material cost 2) Labor cost 3) 10 on the preservative, if you act now I Whichever application method you use, you'll save money 3 ways with Chevron Wood Preservative. Order now, take delivery before August 31st and save 101 We promise prompt delivery. L. E. DICK Eappnet F2L 678-9633 DISTRIBUTOR, STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS W XI & TUMfMAM "CHIVI0H" AMD CHI0H CCtKN grees were given to Carl Smousc. At the of the meeting, the group was entertained with two solos by Miss Norita Marquardt, "America the Beautiful,'' and "God Bless America." Three Links Club of Holly Rebckah Lodge met last Thurs day at the home of Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth. Those present heard reports on the plans for the County Fair booth and the Side walk Bazaar. Following the bus I n e s s meeting, refreshments were served to the following ladies: Mrs. Florence McMillan, Mrs. Alonzo Henderson, Mrs. C. C. Jones, Mrs. George Steagall, Mrs- Ed Hunt, Mrs. Oris Pad. berg, and the hostess, Mrs Cutsforth. Mrs. Effie Ritchie of Milton- Freewator and daughter. Roberta Johnson, have been staying at tne Koy campDen home while naving some extensive work done on Mjs. Johnson's Lexing ton home. Mrs. Emma Breshears return ed to her home last Thursday irom a weeks stay at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Rlcheld erfer, and family, in The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Richelderfer visit ed in Lexington last week tak ing Mrs. Breshears to their home. Mrs. Wilbur Steagall mo tored to The Dalles Thursday alter ner motner. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Leyva and son or La Grande were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall. The Leyvas took their daughter, Melinda, to her home after stay ing for several weeks with the grandparents. Mr. and Mirs. A. F. Majeske have returned home from a week's stay in Portland and Bear Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yocom and four children returned home Saturday from a trip by buggy and pack horse to Ukiah where they spent a few days at the Forrest Rinehart home. Mrs. Trannie Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Munkers were Portland visitors over the week-, To WraSeir Users Wc are not out of water but must use what wc have wisely. Please water during the cool of the day or the evening. Don't waste it. Thank you, VIC GROSHENS, Water Superintendent BATTERY TROUBLE? SEE FORD TIRE SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR Farm and Commercial BATTERY NEEDS We Have The All New HEAVY DUTY ARMOR PLATE Truck and Tractor Commercial Battery GROUP 1-H.D.A.P. (145 amp) AS LOW AS I7.80 Most All Sizes In Stock FORD'S TIRE SERVICE CORE EXCHANGE N. Main PR 676-9481 Heppner end.