Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1965)
MOIETY Committee Named To Direct Activities Of Soroptimist Club Cmmtltw for Ihe romlni year have brm narnrl for Hi AnroHlmlst club lv h rwwly lntllrdj'rrliJertt. Mr. Chrlr Mrk. Tli ftral year rl'rl July 1 with annual rrxirta turn ed In by comrnlttre chairmen of laM rar. Named lo committee ar Ihe following: attendance, Mr. Jim Hajrer. Mm. Crl MrDanlela; nudtrrt and finance. Mm. Jrn Ifekffer. Mm. McDanlel: bull, tin. Mr. kU Conty. hit. Mc Daniel; rlauintun and rrtrmterhlp. Mm. Mil lolltna, Mrs. Jim Thommn; hUloilan. Mrs. Mar)l Warden; tjUi My, courtesy and eMerulon, Mr. Wr .Sherman. Mm. Cjnly. Mrs. Km 1 1 Urwalirn; International goodwill and understanding. Mm. Uta Thomas. Mm. Crush en. parliamentarian U Mr. Loyal rrkir; program and education, Mrm. lUKrr. Mr. IfclHer, Mr. BUI Johnson, public relations and public ''. Mr. Conley l.anham; Mr. Wavel Wilkinson. Mm Fred ParrUh; service oh-Vt-livM, Mr. Wilkinson. Mm. Vtelttet. Mr. HEr. Mr. John on; way and mean. Mr, (ol lln. Mr. rihrrmn. Mm. Malt HukIi'; youth. Mr, l-anham. Mm. Sherman, Mr. Wurden; and float. Mr. Sherman. Mr. Thuma. Mr. ParrUh. Mr. lol lln and Mr. Iluchc. After the business mecllnn. on July 1. rcKirt h nfaru um Mm. Tlioma on the ."th anni versary obrvance of the Sorop tlmtM rich of Baker, attended by Mr. Thomas. Mr. Oonly (barter mrmbrn of the lleppner club, when the local club chartered by the Baker Hub. The three presented a necrology service In memory of deceased charter member. An Invitation i extended by Mr Thoma to hold the regular luncheon meeting at her home on Thursday noon. Jfly 2"J. WL. Thuu rrt- July M-IS-W looking roa LOVE With Connie France and Jim Hutton. l'lu YOUH CHEAT1M' HEART Hank William live and Kings again- Sot, and Sua July 17-11 THE GORGON Petrlfle th creen with horror! Plu THE CUnSE Or THE MUMMY'S TOMB Tuesday. JlT 20 11.23 A CAR THE SON Or CAPTAIN BLOOD riu SEVEN DATS IN MAT With Burt Lancaster WL. Ttau- TtU July 21-22-29 SEND ME NO FLOWERS Starring Rock Hudson. Doris Day and Tony Randall. riu 38 HOURS GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATER HERMISTON Elks' Steok Dinner To Precede Meeting SmUh steak dinner fr t'lk' members, their wive and Kiiest. will be nrvrd at the r Ik' Temple on Thursday, July r, tM-ginnln at ti Ml rn. The dinner, catered by the lleppner GrlU, will alno Include a variety of cljrht different aalad. Price ll be Jl.Vj ier person for all you tan cat. Kegular lMig will follow at H pin. Eighty-five Relatives Attend Get-together Of Griffith Families A Griffith reunion n held the week end of July 3 and 4 at the Don Griffith Kahler Baa In llarxh In Si ay. A lasge turnout of relatives, 83 In all. enjoyed the holiday visiting with families Ihey had nt seen for several year. Many of them returned for th first time, after having been away from th ranch horn for IS year. Large table loaded with food were set up on the lawn and the children all headed for th barn at dark to apend the night sleeping In th hay. Present were Mr. Eva Grif fith and all her children. Mr. and Mrs. Bob KeUay iFaye Griffith! and family. John Day: Mr. and Mr Harold t.oebel (Beverly Griffith I and family, Wallowa; Mr and Mr. Leonard Toll tHene Griffith) and fam ily, lleppner; Mr. and Mr. Bob Cunningham (Shirley Griffith I and family. Seattle. Wn.; Mr. Mac Griffith and daughter, John Day, and Sue Griffith of lleppner. Also present were Mr. and Mr. Glenn Griffith. Condon, and three of their five children; Mr. and Mr. Bob Salnsberry tGlenna Griffith r and family, Yakima; Mr. and Mr. Gary Griffith and family. Condon; Mr. and Mr. Mike Griffith and family. Yakima. Wn. Coming from Monterey, Calif.. mm Mr. Kuby (Griffith! Sheet. and her son. bill Luth. and fam ily of Portland. Other were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cogburn (Jackie Lewi, daugh ter of Pearl Griffith Lewis) and family. lrtland; Mr. Kalph Thoma (Opal Griffith). Port land, and three of her four children. Vernon Thoma. Port land; Ron Thoma. Pendleton, and Darrell Thoma. Portland. Traveling from Coo Boy were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Griffith and four of their five children; Mr. and Mr. Dick Brown (Marlene Griffith! and family. Condon; Mr. Jim Younce, (June Grif fith! and family, Gold Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Griffith and daughter, Gold Beach, and Mick (klfllth. Coos Bay. Relatives Visit Here; Alaska Trip Planned Mr. and Mm. W. B. Oslund and daughters. Sue and Judy, returned to their home In New Castle, Wyoming, Sunday, after a week's visit with Mrs. Os lunds mother. Mrs. VVavel Wil kinson, and other relatives here. Mrs. Wilkinson plans to leave Tuesday for a pleasure trip to Alaska in company with her brother-In law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Schcrzinger of Riverside. Calif. The group will travel north by car, traasferring to boat, and visiting several points of Interest In the Alaska area. 0 PARItKNNI PRICB FROM flOO TO $1900 "Something from the jeweler's. 1 always something special." JEWELERS Store Hours i 9 A, M. To 6 P. M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST HEPPNER O RE EN STAMPS Kinzua Pair Repeats Vows in Candlelight Wedding Ceremony KINZUA The Klmua Com munlty rhurch ptovlded a lovely anting Friday evening. July 2. for the wedding of Judith Ann Culver, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Don Culver of Nrvlr Greek, to Kenneth Kdward NorrU. Bon vt Mr. and Mm. Karl NurrU of Camp 5. The double ring ervlc was read by Reverend Edwin !errlck before a candle lit altar, flanked by tall banket of pink and white gladiolus. The candles wrre lighted by John and Jo Crafton. The bride, eworted to th al tar by her uncle. Howard Culver of Prlnevllle. was beautiful In a tires of white satin, covered with Chantllly lace. The aeooped neckline was bordered with or chid. Her elbow length veil wa held In place by a pearl covered pill box. Matron of honor wa Mr. Thomas Gilliam, and brides maid were Miss Betty Robinson and Ml Barbara MUener. They all wore deep pink satin dresses with pink net fare veils held by satin covered ring of th same shade a the dresse. All car rled nosegay of pink and white carnation. David Slttnn was th best man and the ushers were John Mc Culloch and ftobert Hire. Mrs. Loy Munjar of Speay sang "Always" and -Beeause.1' accompanied by Mrs. Robert Kelso who also played the tra ditional wedding music. Immediately after the service, a reception wa held In the thurrh annex where a beautiful three tiered cake centered the serving table. The cake wa made and decorated by Nellie Sander of Spray. After the first slice was cut by the bride and groom, the cake was cut and m-rved bv Mrs. David Sltton and Veta Crafton. The coffee was served by Ms. Robert Luther while Mm. June Crafton and Mrs. Clinton Kay served the punch. Miss Annette Ray and Mis Linda Munjar were In charge of the guest book and Miss Carol N 1st ad had charge of the gift table. The bride' mother wore a blue dress with white overlay, and blue accessories with an orchid corsage, while the groom's mother chose a yellow flowered print with yellow hat and white accessories. Her cor sage was also of orchids. After a wedding trip to Port-1 land and Rose burg, the young ! couple are at home at Camp 5. , Norrls is employed by Kinzua j Corporation in the factory. Both bride and groom gradu ated from Wheeler High school and have attended Oregon State University and Central Oregon College at Bend. , Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc Grew and Mr. and Mm. Bill Hutchins and Sue or Portland, and Mr. and Mm. William Car penter and Susan of Lake Os wego. Queen, Court Guests At Pre-dance Dinner At Munkers' Home Queen Judy Sherer and her princesses In the 1!M'5 Morrow County Fair and Rodeo court, along with their families, were feted Saturday evening prior to the Klckoif Dance, to a ham dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkers. Mrs. Mun kers, ehaperone of the queen and court, was assisted in ar rangements by Mrs. Harold Sherer, mother of the queen. The court and their parents Included Queen Judy and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sherer, lone; Prlrnccss Erna and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Y inchester, lleppner; Princess Virginia and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Majeske, Lexing ton; Princess Karla and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Luc ianl, Butter Creek; Princess Susan and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren McCoy, Irrigon, representing the Boarclman Til Jkum club. In all, 25 persons were present to enjoy the dinner before at tending the dance. The queen, In her traditional white, and the princesses in their attractive royal purple and lavender riding outfits, have been very popular In the several appearances they have made this summer. Their first appearance was at the Arlington Rodeo in May, with three of the princesses par ticipating In the Spray Rodeo ac tivities the same month. The court appeared at the Umatilla Sage Riders Night Show In Ilermiston June 26, and some continued on that same week end in the Wrangler's overnight ride to the Winchester mountain cabin. The court also represented the county In the Condon parade on Saturday, July 3. The next trip for the court will bo to Joseph for the Chief Joseph Days events on July 30 and 31, followed by the Uma tilla County Fair at Ilermiston and the Shrlner's pre-game pa rade in Pendleton. A good turnout was on hand Saturday night at the fair pa vilion to greet the court and their families at the Kickoff Dance. Dancing was to the mu sic of the Road Runners of La Grande, and lunch was served during the evening. Princess Virginia will be hon ored this Saturday night at the fair pavilion, with arrangements sponsored by the Lexington Grange. Friends Share Fun At Birthday Party A mall group of clamatf and friend of lathy bhrrman wr Invited to hrr home Sat urday, July 10 for party hon oring her on her loth birthday. The group wa transported by her mother. Mr We Stman. Id the courthouse park where an aftrrvuon i4 oui.l""f gmt, treat and rfrehmnt were enjoyed. In l,n ,fl own ing of gift by the honored KUsharln their birthday greet ing with Cathy were Janet On try. Diane Wright. Ua McCabe, Taml Meador. Bobette Jones, Mry Henry. Pattl (Harra and Tracy Norene. Methodist Church Picnic Set Sunday Friend and member of the lleppner Methodist rhurch are Invited to join in fellowship of the annual church picnic Sun day at the courthouse park, the Rev. Melvtn Dtxon, pator, tate. The picnic will start at noon. Those attending are atked to bring their own table service, hot dlh and a salad or dessert Bt-verage will be supplied. Regular morning worship at the Methodist t hurt h will be at the time set for the summer arhmtule. 9 a.m.. with the Rev. Dixon bringing the message. Three Get Degrees At Royal Arch Annuo! Conferral At the annual outdoor con ferral of lleppner chapter No. 20. Royal Arch Masons, at Cuts forth park Saturday evening three candidate received de grer. They were Hubert Wllaon of lleppner, Robert Rot f Ar lington and John Richardson by courtesy from the Roacburg chapter. Excellent Companion Paul Jone. grand principal sojourner, conferred th Cegree. Harold Becket rve the lecture, and Ilermn Winter gave the charge. About 75 were In attendance, which l perhap twice the num ber who have attended In the annual event In recent past year. Nine from the grand chapter In Oregon and three from th Washington grand chapter were present. Leading the Oregon dlgnltar le were Glenn Smith, most ex cellent high prtet. of Medford; and two past excellent rrand priest. Gene Caswell of Eugene and Vila Brown of Beaverton. From Washington were Robert Monroe, excellent rrand king, Pasco; Bob GUIls. grand steward of the grand council, and Frank Fisher, honorary past grand high priest, of the Royal and Select Mason of Washington, both al so of Pasco. A steak dinner at 5:30 preced ed the degree work. KtPPNCI CAZCTTC-T1MCS, Trdr, Jary li. ltM A Somebody, somowhero would lovo to answer tho phono right now and have it be you. PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL riti r LSBBBBBBBJ r . V V aA Pride of Oregon ICE CREAM Vi GAL 7QC 1 smu 1 HsasaasssnaBHBaMHKf NALLET-3 21 OZ. SYRUP 3 for $1 Pacific EMBS1P Vz Cans 2 Sif SF3 SUNSHINE BISCUIT HYDR0X COOKIES COCONUT BARS - i lb. krispt CRACKERS FOR, YOUR CHOICE MJB COFFEE lb. 75c 2 lb. $j49 3 bT2P ?Sta9c CHICKEN or BEEF DINNER 2$! FROZEN 14 OZ. Four Fisherman FISHSTICKS ea.59c PEMIOTand WEGET&BIG serve better fJTTUCI 2 HEADS 29c GRAPES 1 1 mm lb. 25 6 for 29" foR29( mmntGfW -asttjassBI Pmh CEiOnis - 79c " " - u PORK LOIN END ROASTS Lb. 65c YOUNG AND TENDER BEEF LIVER Lb. SWEETHEART BRAND LINK SAUSAGES 1 Lb. Pkg. gg CUCUI11BERS 2 Oregon VjnFWINT Ch 5 ib. box $0 qq 49c Ib. box I PRICES GOOD JULY 16 ond 17 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 --' l's nice to save twice- j (3f'CCS II