Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1965)
Irrigon Couplo Repeat Wcddina Vows Juno j At Church Ceremony I It U ICON Kathleen Marl Mt;inl, daughter of Mr and Mm. Henry MtiilnnU and ln aid V.'ll'lam Hilhrri, mm of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gollyhurn, wvre united In marriage 8tur day. June . at an afternoon rtnmony at the Irrlitnn Asm-im-My uf God rhurt h with ltv. John l(. Krnnry .(U Ullnif. The. hrlde. clvi-n In marriage hy h r father, wore a dress fah Di.r4 with a late 1mJLo and a Attn oKIrt ami train, and -arrt4 a muui of pale pink ri lul Ml T.-iil Olln was maid ' honor and wore a dress f pink taffeta with matching alliier John (;llhorn. brother of the eroom. bent manj Mark (.oil) horn, brother of the Kroom. kii ring hearer, and li llrandt wi flower girl. The church's youth choir sang "Whither ThoU Uorst 1 Will Cu" and lh wedding music was played by Mrs. Albert Partlow M lowing the wedding, the mvpllon wn at lh home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard CJoMyhorn After the bride and groom rut the flmt piece of wedding rake. In rake was served by Mr Howard Oollyhorn; Miss lar lene Collyhorn was at the punch IkiwI and Mm. It M. Ward srrv rd coffee. They were aslied hv Mrs Helen Mulkey and Mr. 3. J Mi ltii. Mrs. Tom Taylor and Jim MctJInnls wrre In charge of the gurt book. Willow Creek Lodics To Host Kinzua Club With the proper rtmprratlnn cf old man wralner. a good llm. U promised all women golfer who turn out at Willow Creek Coif rouri Tuesday. June 2'J. l ml gals IH entertain the laill" of Kluua Coif dub for tourna ment day with tec off time w t for U a in. , , To get In the correct social I'lrlt. coffee and roll will be nerved nt the clubhouse prior to play, and luncheon will follow the morning's play. AM women rtolfcrs In the Hep pner and surrounding area are urged to be on hand and extend their hopltHiy to the Klnzu gUrNfS. Padbcrgs Set Reunion pu tative and friend of tne f.imiJle of Henry and Marllia I'adbcrg are reminded of th Puillwrg reunion picnic planned f f Father's Day. Sunday. Junf 'Jit, at the lone City pork. Pot lurk dinner will te served at 1: p.m. with napkin, table fcervhv. coffee, punch and lc? cream furnished. BE otsoety Frank S. Parkers Greeted On 6ofch Anniversary l.t l,w a hoi ut their family ami frlenda. Mr. and Mr, nanli 1'arkrr rrartously oh. ervrd W) yeara w wedded ! at memorable reception nun- day afternoon in i iai rmima of the Unt ChrUtlan church. il muiiU recelveu errrtlnua und go"! wlahra from the more than 1W eron who lned the Kuet w ourinK the afternoon. All four of their children, nine of ten granU children, and two of their three ifrrat erandi hlhlrrn wrre here for the aperlal ore anion. One grandaon In law ana granuaau. Kliter. Dr. and Mr. Siott 11. U'rcrlla) OooinlKht, Jr, and thilr daughter Juhe, Mlniwapol I. umn u'r the onlv Imme diate relatives unable to attend. citiv tfin of hatDV memo- rte were recalled by Mr. and Mr. i'r Wit uho were married June 11. 1J(A In Dayton. Wn., at the home or her oromer in iaw and alatrr. Mr. and Mx. L. tJ- Atherton. Olden Relation Meet For Annual Reunion The annual reunion of the Olden family wa held Sunday at Emigrant Tark near Pendle ton. A Kjtlu k picnic dinner wai enjoyed, and entertainment in cluded the khowlng of kltdea by Mm. Ixmnle llenderaun of Viet Nin. M-nl home by their on. Laddie, who U atatloned there. Tlione attending from lone were Mr. and Mm. Oeorire Sni der. Mr. and Mm. Harold Snider and family. Mr. and Mm. Karl Met 'a I, Mr. and Mm. Lonnle Mct'abe and family. Mr. and Mm. Inland MeKlnney and fam ily. Mr. and Mr. Jim Pettyjohn and family. Othera Included Mr. and Mra. Clifford M'ab and Mr. and Mm. Nona Id M(a bl and family, all of Portland; Mr. and Mra. Charley Ingalla. Adami; Mr. and Mr Lonnle Hemlcmon and l-tty. l-4-xlngton; Mr. and Mr. Crant Henderson and family, Surnmervllle; Mr. and Mm. Howard Henderson and family. Alice I. and Mr. Ixl Place and Darrrl, MUton Yn-v-water. Need extra caah? Sell unused Item around your place with a Gazcttc-Tlmca clo-sslfled ad. !(LJ LOA Offers You The Finest And Largest Selection of Calendar Styles To Bring Your Wrist Up-To-Date I -As:-.,. mf 17 Date RI-j In ilinminf lUlnltil llMl. 17 -li. fkock-rttliUnt, iMltrpfoal', mi rttn cln) window. Dt ttln"" llroni imkuIIm Ityllnl In I rint 17 Jnwnl ultndw tlmtpitct. lulov Qunllly Ihiouhot. f ipwiilgn 6nd. .$ Come In And Seo Our Complete Selection of Bulova Calendar Watches "Something from the Jeweler'a. la olwcrra something speclaL JEWELERS Store Hours I 9 A. M. To 6 P.M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNEH GREEN fU-rtrude Crawford, daughter of the llev. and Mm. J. V. traw. ford, came to Hrppnrr flnt whrn 10 yearn of age, leaving for a few years and then returning with her parents In 1'JfO. She was employed In the lleppner Mmt office, and after lioth pt manter and aanlntant ttmatcr were dnwned In the l'j(3 flwjd. nhe was appointed deputy uat manter. Mr. Crawford. an of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker of Auxvaa ae, Mo., had come weat to find work and In 1UU1 came to llepp. ner to help corwtruct the Hum phrey building. Kxcepl for four yearn, 1WJH 1'JIJ when the coup le lived at Cove and Hell s Can yon. they made their home here -all! Ihnlr (nmllv of two girls and two boys on their ranch near lleppner. Prcnent for the reception were i. . i . t,i,... Haiinhlir Mm. Fran ce Mitchell. Portland; :,eir two on. Vawtrr or ltoa mver, ana r: f.f l'irilnnd: and anoth er daughter. Mrs. Fred Hosklns, jr.. of lleppner. f)Hxratlont of lavender and wnue orovioea a pirnnaiu , monphere In the ren-puon room. Centering the lace covered serv ing table was a large white tiered cake, topped with the numeral (!" and white wed ding bell, with decorations of lavender frosting flower. After the honored couple cut the flrnt piece, It waa nerved by their daughters. Mr. Mitchell, Mm. Ilonkln. and their two daugh ter In law, Mrs. John Parker and Mrs. Vawter Parker, assist ed by Mm. Claude Graham, lleppner. A beautiful arrangement of lavender and white stock, flank ed by lavender tapers, centerid the beverage table where grap punch, tea and coffin were wrved. pouring were two nieces of Mr. Parker, Mrs. J. O. Turn cr. lleppner, and Mm. Warner Kennedy. Stevenson. Wn., also Mr. Charles Vaughn, Mrs. C. C. Carrnichncl. Mm. V. O. .Nelson and Mr Floyd Worden. Attending the guest book were their granddaughters, Mrs. George Griffith of Morgan. Miss Marianne Parker. Portland, and Gail and Marie Ilosklns, llepp ner. . , Son In law and grandsons took care of netting up tables, chairs and other heavy details of the day. Assisting In the kitchen were Mrs. Theta Stratton. Mrs. Larry Cook. Mm. Marcel Jones and Mrs. Robert Bergstrom. A table of family pictures and nthnr mi.mnlK riatln? back to the couple's childhood and early marriage, were viewed with in terest by guests during the af ternoon. Mra. Parker greeted the guests in a blue lace ufternoon dress, with white orchid corsage, a gift of the family. Mr. Parker wore a white carnation boutonnlere In his lapel. -.,,. Family members Included Mrs. Frances Mitchell and her son In law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. George Griffith and .MMrnn rinriott and Glen. Portland; Mr. and Mra. Vawter Parker. Sr.. and Vawter Tarker, Jr., Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. John G. Parker. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Parker, Mtlwaukle; Marianne, Anthony and Greg Parker. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hosklns, Jr., and children Gall. Mac and Marie, lleppner. Signing the guest book from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Crawford, DeLake, brother and slster ln-law of Mrs. Park er; Mrs. W. C. Kennedy, Steven son, Wn.; Mr. and Mrs. Tarker Severs, Gresham; Arthur R. Crawford. Berkley, Calif.; Mrs. Margaret Hayes, josepn; una. Mildred Benson and three sons, Spokane, Wn.; Mrs. Delia Brun son and Glenn Conover, VValts burg. Wn.; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crawford, Junction City; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davis, Pendle ton; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Albert, Union; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fel ler, Hermlston; Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Hayden, Stanfield; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Addleman, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hosklns and two daughters; Gibbon; Mrs. Fred Hosklns, Sr., and Mrs. Fannie G. Griffith, lone. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat Mv o Of Chargo N2T"Jl? 1 1 1 Heppner, OTwfiMi Ion' Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE! Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Ph. 567-6651 Hermlston. Oregon On Hermlston- McNorry Highway 1 . V K " H- V 1 ' w i ' ' -j nttrnzn cAirrrr-TiMri. Tbmdrr. it. hm Wek-n4 gunU f Mr. snd Mrs. Frsnk llsmlin were Mr. and Mra. R. & llerlinger and dneehter. Janet, of Placervllle, Cahf . and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Newton of ivwlland. VUltla kera faadaT. wltk Mrs. Mna Snyder and Mrs. Ie Cantwrll. both tlents at lto ner Memorial hwpital. wrre Mr. and Mm. Chenter Ttuky ami Mrs. Sadie Kigga, all of CrnatllU. MR. AND MRS. riANX S. Paiktr shcrrad hoppr momaoU Suadar with a large got he ring of frtands and rslaUvea at a racaptloo hooortog then on tbtlr 60tb wadding anniTemary, (C-T Pnoto) For Weed Spraying CALL Olf MIL BOYIR -S-W OwncrG0f Aviation Sproying-Duiting-Fertilixing-Sceding DRY 01 LIQUID FERTILIZER APPLICATION. STANDARD OR HIGH DENSITY SPRAY APPLICATION. BaaBBaaBMBaBaaaaaaBNBBBB A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 Y0U oer BOTH mm r Pollsbuiry F mm 10 lb. 9 DUNCAN HINES mm ALL EXCEPT ANGEL FOOD 3f or Nalley's 40 oz. CHICKEN RAVIOLI, BEEF RAVIOLI, or LASAGNE or 99 N ALLEY'S Tang qt 49 SALAD DRESSING Hills Bros. COFFEE am mmUt If I I m as " t't ' J -I''-1 3 Lb. $023 SUNSHINE BISCUIT CO. FROZEN Bag COOKIES ea. 39 kwdie 2 for (s$ Oatmeal Chocolate Chip urc r.niKJiy i-L i . c a ORANGE DRINK Coconut Chocolate Fudge SJ OREGON CHIEF LettUEe 2 2S Smoked PICMICS"- 45 SWEETHEART BRAND. 12 OZ. PEG. Femes ro. 25 GRABS Ih. 39 r w s w CT7ierS LUWCH MEAT 3 for 79C I Ih. jyM PICKLE AND PIMENTO. OLIVE. BOLOGNA HEAD CHEESE. U 0 Jmf SPICED. ALL BEEF BOLOGNA, BARBECUE ....... .r. i to dl irz- 75.9614. (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save frwice- low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET GREEN , STAMPS