Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1965)
Junior Olympics Results RESULTS MORROW COUNTY JUNIOR OLTMNCS MEET MUltt RY ,V Yard Ivan WrljtM lllrpi, OH; Ury r MMlUhwm Wirpl, 7i; I. MmmotM urr. 7-v 414) Kim ;ry Watklna llltll, 7ii7; Dallas llarsln lllrpl, Ti'J, Mike IMirrty tll.Iil, Kill Standing Uroadjumi I) ran WrlitH Ulcpi. Have IIUKhr (Hen), 57"; 1. Smlmon llrtl. Vti". High Jump tan Wright Hlcpl. .TIO"; K. hskrr Mrr, 3H"; S, Ann Urri. 3 H-. N.flball W. Hurhanan Urri, P. Ilarnrtt I lour t: drrjf trtt-n ui) !((. 22 Itrlay -llcppner IWalklim, Stinkard, rredrli-ksott. lu-rt: irtun), JJ; lonr, 3.12; Irrl'on, Uifl, 7-0; L lllrpl 310. Junior Rot Yards Hrur Marquardt 12 1; Jim KliHxlKwiirth UK; N. Mlllrr (lone), 0. Buchanan Hi) Olep. Olcpl. 12 9. KHrt Hun I. ItiiHon llrr), 2:3311; A. Phillips llrr), 2:.V2; IMTTY Pettyjohn Ulipl, 2;3M3. Mantling Hroadjump II r u ce Marquardt Ulrp I, HI"; Jon 1. 1 1 in.... i ''. llrr). cr. Running Brontljump B r u r e Marquardt Ulrpi. I3M"; N Mll lrr Uonei. H'!" Itory StlJIman uirt. nr. High Jump Jon Hall Ulrp), 4 2"; r . iwy urri. 4"; L. Andrrton Ulcpl. 4r". Softball (Jary Krmp Ulrp. Wi"; John Mivaor Ulrp). lwr3'iM; It Christopher son unnci. now. 220 Itrlay Irrlgon (flMcCork- le. It. Iluclianan. II. Slltil. L. Iluaon). 21)4; lone. 15; Irr. 29 8 Intermedial Bon 130 lw Kurd Dave Hall Ulrp). 117; T. Oil M Tulll Uonr) l(i WO Yar.l Pave 11-3; K. Shrrman Uonr). 11.4; 1. S-hmidT llrr). 117. 23) Yards Ifc-an Massey Ulrp). 2S!; F. .Shrrman Uonr). 212; B. Mlllrr I lonr I, 2fi 2. 410 Yard T. Olln llrr). C-17; 11 Ball Uonr). (B.5; 1. Csmmt Urr). i 4. IXm II un T. Olln Urr). 3 42 3; Kill Mcleod Ulrp). 3:4.1 6; Klcli ard VYItherrite Ulrp). 3:15. Broad Jump B. Mlllrr Uonr). 1T'; Dave Hall Ulrpt. IH'JV; lenn Massey Ulrp), 1ST. Hlth Jump I). jM-hmrdrr Urri. 4'lo"; J. Swanson Uonr) 410"; llalvorscn done) 4'H". Shot lut. 8 Ih Strvc Wagrn hlast Ulrp), 40'5"; IVnnls ()'. Donncll Ulrp), .TH'll'i"; Rick Johnston Ulrp). 377V. 440 Relaylone, M.O; IWpp ncr. 53.5; Heppnrr 55 5. Senior Bora 1H0 Ivnv Kurd Krn Morgan Ulep), 2.12; M. Pnrtlow UUV), .TO 7. 100 Yard Jim Jacob (Hrp) 11.0: Karl IVrkln Ulrp). 11.1; IVnn Koblnson Ulrp), 11.2 220 Yard Jim Jacob (Hep), 25.1: Dean Robinson (Hrp). 25.2; N. Kae (Ktv). 25 5. l Run Tim Prlscoll 2:(r7.5; Carl Bauman 2:07.9; Allyn Wlthcrrlte 2:17. Mile Run Tim Driscoll 4:52.0; Mark Brown 4:52.5; Tim Smith (Hep). Ilrond Jump La rl Ulep), 197V4"; Jim (Hep), 1H'4"; Mickey 17 9V4 . Jum Mark Halvorsen VW; M. I'artlow (Rlv), Ad; It ll.lllncrr Burif Urr). 71. 75 Yatd I'am lluitltea !Mi. r m Jlihiin tri aa . .... H. iMiimt:rr inn, wa, niuauiuii)t ai m I y v uitnm Ulrp). M"; V. IIoMm Urr), 6 5"; i'Niy K.iifK lllrpl, ytr K u 1 1 h a 1 1 Lmfidia Malhrny uiriii, .ir; MaiMa lllrpl i-'i.r; ;wrn inkr uirp), 1111 . 2JD Rrlay Irtli'on UUlllnirrr Cnllrld Burif I'urntnell. ,'kiK lolwmadlata CliU 50 Ihirdlrw Janet ralmaleer Uonr I, M3: l.ln.l.l llralh Ulrnl. 4... i .... .... " n. ifiM-rmeier 1 1(1 VI, HO 75 Yard Janet Paltnalin-r (lone), 9 6: Tatone IBlvi. 9 7: l.l nil a Drain lllrpl. UN. Broad jump Olx-rmrlrr Utlvl 13 V; Vicky IbftiiiiMin lllrpl. 114V; lu Ann Koark Ulrp), IHnh Jumi JaiM't I'almatrer Uonr). 3I0'1; Unda Wllllama Ulrp). 3H": Burn Utlvl. 3H'. .Soft hall Brrnda Sleai'all Ulrp). 153 H": Krln Dlik Ul.o). 12"; T. Tuikrr (lone), jal'4". Shot Put Nonda Clark (Hrp). 2;-3"; Brrnda .Slrajfall (Hrp). 24 V; Maralee Jacob Ulii.i. nil. r-i) Relay Heppnrr I Robin- n Roark- Jacob llralhl 30H; Hrp. 31.7: lrrlifon 32 5. Sanlor Clila 101) Yr.l vS Caede (lone) UrtxKlJurnp Mcr;innea IKlvl .Shot Put MrClnnea (Klv) Shot lut McUlnnr Utlvl 215"; Meador Ulep). Z15". Soft hall L. Meador (Hep). I1H3"; IVcjfV Snvdrr Ulrp). lit 4"; S. UaiMle (nel 112V. Illeh Jump S. (;arde (lone) Monument High Graduates Class At Commencement Ry MARTHA MATTES0N MoNC.MIJ.NT Tvtrlvo u-n will rerrivf diplomat frm Monument lllyh Kh''l at frad u at Ion rkrrdwMi WtJnrxla eenine, Mv in the nm nanlum. Tito (lau Includr Ruth Ann Caixm. CrortU Sihernlirrfrr, C'herle Cro. Jud tavU, liiannn HulchUon. IIU alx-lh Stlrewalt. Ym Hunt Vrt r ll. Willie f arrrn. Call Knrlcht c.rne Hunt, Oorte Hill and I'au Jrvrll. Sludrnt who are mplrllne Die rliflith crale thla jr are Klalne It U hard. Vlkl .Smith Susan Cavrndrr. Jamea Tli'iett. turtl Walry, hrrrl llulthiaon and Kern Camphrll. IUk alaufiate arrvlcea vere held Sunday evening. May 23 and the Junior and aenlor hart- nuit anl prom were held Mav H School plrnlca were' planned tor Tuesday, May 25. Mttmtn CAXETTE-TIMES. Tbrday. May tt. IMS Honors Given Eighth Grade Graduates Vale May Compete In West League ai a i.reaicr iTretron leajjui meellne held Saturd.iv at Burn Knlrrprtte, Nyk.ta ami Vale m htn vcrre asked to i-)rnH ir In a representative athlrtk hcdule or drop out of Mate competition. Athletic Dlre tot rete (tlrnnle of Hrppner III '-hoo aald. vnie indicati-d that It may participate with tram In the wertrrn dlvl.slon of the lreue in the year of 1!M; 67. but Indica tioim are that .Nyssu will not iiecnuxe of their proximity to Idaho, both N)Ma and Vale hae taken part In the Snake River Valley league, composed largely or Idaho achool. a well a. in the eastern division of th (heater Orecon leairue. However, the eastern division la eomKsed of only the three schools Knti i Nynsa and Vale and this Ih not considered "reprenenta ti"e" competition. Ontario, an A-l alze ahool faced a islmllar division and chose to ally with Idaho, then by relinquishing Its right to comHte In state tournaments. The action applies only tu am tiports, suh as basketball, bn.seshall, football and track, and does not apply to alnL'Ic member competitions,. Clcnnie said. (Hep), HlKh (lone), 4'4"; Shot (Hep). (Hep), (Hep), (Hep), (Hep). 4:59.9. Perkins Doherty Masscy Put Jim Jacobs (Hep), 4lll'4"; Dan McBrlde (Hep), 4(78"; Smith (Rlv), 40'2". 410 Relay Hrppner (Morpan, Doherty, Tunis. Drl.seoll), 49.4; Heppnrr 514. Mldgot ClrU 50 Yards D. Pummel (Irr), 6.T; Mary O'Donnell (Hep), 7.1; C. Cofleld (Irr) 7.2. Standing Brbadjum P -T. Gfxxlall Urr). 6'2"; K. Ryon (Irr), 5'11"; Jamie Smith (Hep), 5'8". Softball D. Pummel (Irr), 1W5"; Palty Luclanl (Hep), 113T; Jamie Smllh (Hrp), 89'3". 220 Relay IrrlRon (Pummel-Phllilps-GfKKlall-Cofleld), 29.8. Junior Girls 50 Yards Pam Hughes (Hrp), HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital during the past week, and still receiving medical care, are the following: Dennis Jellick. Klnzua; Lillian Reeder. Pilot Rock; Clara Kin- raid, lone; Henry Peck. Condon; Edgar Olson. Heppnrr, and Cathy Cross. Hrppner. Those who received medical care, and wrre then dismissed, were Drlvln Matteson, Iieppner; Adalinc Larch, Condon: John Rreder, Pilot Rock, and Marlyn Parton, Klnzua. A second daughter joined the family of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ward. Heppnrr, on Thursday, May 20. Her birth weight was 7 lbs., 7 oz., and she has been given the name Judi Kae. She Joins a brother, Ronnie, and a sister. Sandra. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke, and great-grandmother is Mrs. Pearl Steers, all or Hepp nrr; paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ward of Haines. Mlsg Aldra Vandetta. a former Monumrnt resident. va united In marriage to Arthur . Noxon t the Missionary Baptist church t Bend on April 29. Rev. Lynn Hoover iterformeil the ceremony, with the bride stepfather. Wil Ham Condlry, giving her In marriage. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. William Condlry of Bend and Oinrlin Vandetta of Moilala. Parent of the rroom are Mr. and Mr, (ieorge Noxon of Bend. Attendant were Mis Sandy Miller of Culver and Andy Van. delta, brother of the bride. Audra Vandetta. twin sister of the bride, presided at the guest book. Mrs. Richard Sapplngton served the wedding rake at the reception. Mr. Robert Leslie poured coffee, Mr. Diane Bin ner poured punch, and Miss Fawn William had charge of the gift table. The couple make their home at 234 Hill St., Bend. A son, William Stanley, was lm May 15 at Burn to Mr. and Mr. Walter Hunt of Riley. He weighed 5 IN., 2' oz. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gibson of Riley and Mrs. Reta Hinton of Monument. Leo Flower, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson and two child ren drove to Hrppner Friday on business. Mrs. Fills Hunt and daugh ter Rohln of Fox ent Friday night with her sister-in-law. Grade Matteson. Saturday they took Reta Hinton to Prlnevllle to get her granddaughter, the De- walne Gressley baby, who she will keep for six weeks while the mother is working. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Howell and Gladys Corrlgall of Portland were overnight guests Saturday with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell. Miss Corrlgall has opened an account ing office In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin of Prlnevllle spent the week-end visiting their two daughters and families and with friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Matteson and two children of Alturas. "alif. have moved back to Mon umrnt. He Is now employed by Alton McBride Locclng Co. at Long Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrel. Mr. and Mrs. Lllburn Hunt and children, Reta Hinton and Alvin If VIBGINIA KELSO KINZL'A TM Ut graduation exercise ff the Klmua Grade school were held lt Thurdy evening at tnm nrai arnooi rm. Guest apraker for the pro gram wa iienrv im or in ure. gon College of Mutation at Monmouth. His topic wa "What Really Count." The class hU- torv was given by Kevin Bell and the valrdlrtory by Nncy Mrlry. Diploma were presented by Fdward Wham to Kevin Michael It II. Michael Louis Craig. Nita Sharon Hubbell. William Timo Ihv Jewell. Sharvl lUe Me. Carol Ann Mallaroy. Nancy Jean Morley. Ruth Ann liickert. Del- or i Mae Shrjton. Connie Jean Thleme. and Johnny Imond Thleme. Mr. and Mrs. Don McConnell and daughter Mary Ann and Linda Browning spent from Fri day until Sunday at Walla Walla for Don to have a check up. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robin son and pori or Hrppner at tended graduation exercises here Thursday evening. Visiting this past week at the John Murray home were L. G. Murray of L'nlon and Mrs. Fred Crawford of Pendleton. When Mrs. Crawford left Saturday she was accompanied bv her grand daughter Midge Murray who will visit her for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Allen and boy went to Moses Lake, Wash., Saturday where Dick and Charles will stay with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C V. Allen for the summer. Mm. Robert Kelso and Mrs. C. L Flack were business visitors to The Dalles Friday. Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Kd Wham last week were Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Baker of John Day and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thorington of Oswego. Mrs. Bob Sllnkard and Mrs. Iee Bailey went to John Day Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakman. They were Join- and Dl.mne Hunt all gathered at the L J Matteson home Fri day evening for a birthday din ner honoring Mrs. Matteson. Maynard Hamilton's niece, Mrs. Mable Banta Darley, will receive a bachelor of scirnre degree at the college In Salt Lake City. Utah, and in July will receive her pin and cap as a registerrd nurse. Her brother. Maynard Banta. in the marine service In North Caollna, re cently became father of a 9 lb. 10 oz. baby boy. Their mother, Evelyn Hamilton Merrill, was writ known In this area. Maynard Hamilton was com pleted two more big cabinets with glass doors for the science room at the Monument High school. A large number of folks from here took in the Spray Rodeo Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hunt and two daughters of Burns spent the week-end here with his mother. Reta Hinton, and with brothrrs and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams returned Sunday after visiting a few days with relatives in Pasco. Wn. L. J. Matteson spent the week end in Heppner. ed later by Mr. Sllnkard and Mr Bailey. Mr and Mr Clarence Wood and son Mas Irft Saturday for a io wt-H-.s vars'ion trip ta visit relatives In Missouri. Mr and Mrs Robert Park and family left during the werk end fir Nevada and California point to visit with relative and friend. When thev return to Oregon, Mrs. Park will attend summer school at Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Farl Norrla were in Heppner Friday for medical care for jirl. Mr. am Mrs. James Am mom are moving to Maryville where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk and family were In Itlnevlll Fri day for business and thooolnc. Mr. and Mr. Slim Jthoton went to iTlnevllJe Friday where they met Mr. and Mrs. I'aul Waldvogel of Silver Lake and then went on to do some fishing In the Oehoeo and Prlnevllle reservoirs. Richard Mortimore and son Gene were buslnesa visitors to Condon Saturday. The Camp 5 Community card party was held Saturday eve nlng at the Camp 5 Community Hall with seven tables in play. Hostesses ror trie evening were Barbara Mortimore and Carol Norrls. High was won by Helen Shelton and Earl Norrls. low bv Lloyd Shelton and Golda Bar zee, and floating by Ernie Schell and Shirley Kyle. The door prize was won by Irene Samples. Mrs. rrank Ferrel returned home Saturday night from a week spent In Pun land where she attended the 78th Annual Session of the Re be k ah Assem bly of Oregon as a delegate from Blue Mt. Rebekah Lodge No. 68. A new family to CamD 5 is Mr. and Mrs. Bob Troxell, for merly of Spray. They have a son Evan and a daughter Mar de and Mr. Troxell works with the skidding crew. Bailey. Bonnie Campbell, Von- rile Browning, Kathryn Flack. Margaret MKonnell. Virginia Mtton, and Virginia Kriao. Clubs Cotnpato for Trophy Twenty-thre Klnxua Golf club member enjoyed Sunday's play at the ML View golf course at John Day. even though re suit meant disaster where the UUd" Wright Trophy was con crrned. Ten of Kinzua'a top golf ers took ten of Mt. View's top men and went down to defeat bv a score of 17-13. The victory lof Mt. View meant the reclaim ing of the "Slip" Wright Mem- orlal trophy which had rested with the Klnzua golfers since July, VjG4. when they wrested It from ML View In a match on the local course. In a team match played by all contestant. Klnzua also lost possession of the traveling trophy which Is vied for twice a year Just as the memorial trophy is so hotly contested. As usual, the golfers and their wives enjoyed a fine buffet luncheon served by the ML View club with the same spirit of hospitality prevailing. The Mt. View divoteers will come to Klnzua for a return James Hayes Wins Promotion in Navy Navy Lieutenant James If. Hayea, son of Mr. and Mrs. J a me J. Hayes of Route 1 Hepp ner. has been promoted to his prrsrnt rank while serving with Helicopter Ann Submarine Squadron Four aboard the air craft carrier. L'S3 Yorktown. op ersting with the Seventh Fleet In the Western Pacific. Ilia promotion was based on time In service and rank, per form a nee of duties, and aelec Hon by a board of senior officers. Before entering the service In September. l'J0, Hayes gradua ted from Oregon Stata Univer sity at Corvallla. Mrs, Josia Jones accompanied Mrs. Rachael Harnett to La Grande last Thursday. Mrs. Jones visited there with her brother. Curt Rhea. match on July 19 at which time local swingers have vowed to place the coveted trophies back in the local club house. Klnzua prize winners for the day were: low gross, Ed Wham; second. Wayland Hyatt; third. Ned Allen Nls-Schroeder; Nlckelson. Low net. tad; aecond. Harlan third. Bob Stinkard. Graders Enjoy FU14 Trip An all day field trip was tak en last Tuesday by the third and fourth grades accompanied by Mrs. Don Cory and their teacher, Mrs. Glen Splvey. They went to the State Forestry head quarters and then Mr. Dahill took the youngsters by power wagon to the Rancheria Lookout where they had a sack lunch j and Kool-Ald furnished by Mr. J and Mrs. Dahill. Mrs. Dahill al so went up to the lookout with 1 them. Mrs. Ada Schell was hostess Wednesday evening to the Double Deck card club. High was won by MarJ Boring, low by VI Sllnkard. and floating by May Bell and Rita Bowman. Others present were Marilyn 11 1 GALLON FREE WITH . PURCHASE OF 4 GALLONS OF ANY C0L0R.flfc IUW, LIMITED TIME ONLY! May 15 through June 5 Alii O I ca Pettyjohn's Farm and Builders Supply Ph. 678-9157 Heppner ilil CLOSEOUT ATLAS Jul smmsm "yCrr,; ,I',.IM., J Rely on us precision il Your health depends on the accuracy with which your doctor's prescriptions are filled. Precision Is our watchword . . , and you can have complete confidence In the freshness, quality of our pharmaceuticals. Buy JIM'S cowroY MOTS 93 - - Pairs Reg. 14.95 to -93 26.95 $J9 95 Get itth One WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING IN STOCK: DRESS BOOTS 6 12 7 B Width 3 D Width 5 2 WORK B Width D Width B00TS- 2 712 1 2 1 8 5 3 8 12 9 9 9 912 6 4 10 3 3 IOV2 11 3 1 12 1111 1 1 For Example: 8.00x14 BLACKWALL--One Tire $32.15 Two Tires $48.23 Four Tires $96.45 CUSHION S0LE- B Width D Width CREPE l l ROUGH OUT WALKING HEEL- B Width 1 D Width 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 Saving On Four Tires $32.15 Von Winkle's Chevron M TY'S HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG UN HEPPNER PH.' 676-9610 249 N. Main Heppner