Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1965)
Htitnt gaxcttc nuts. Thuredar. mt . Driscoll Gets 4 Firsts, Leads Win over Grant A airong wind hurt running the Heppner High track team claimed nine firt place and went on to defeat the Crant un ion High Prwjwcttim In dual meet her Wednesday. T5 to !. Ttm PrtwoU. provrn leader of the Mustang apikcrs, suppressed all doubts to thta fact as he tiok lour blue ribbona tor a 2i point day. The strong wind blowing Irom the nortn. alowed down runners on the hackMrrtch con nlderably. Tim Smith. Heppner two milcr. commented. "It i juM like running Into a well u Mndbags." .. . Of the nine Mustang first. IHUeoll had four and the follow Ing boy had one each: Mickey Masscy. Jim Jacobs, Dave Clark. John Wagcr.blast and Mark Brown. The Heppner boya com pleted a clean sweep in the mile with Mark Brown first. Ttm Smith second and BUI McLeod third. Bare was a double winner for John Day In the high and low hurdle. Heppner High baseball play er also competed In the meet but scores were not kept for them. Meet results: Broad Jump Driscoll (H. Klabo (GUI. Winters til)' dls tanee 1JP A". High Jump Ward GL. Culp GLi: height 5 6 . Pole vault Massey UP. Baker UP. Burrlll (GUI; height 9". Shot put Jacobs UP. Stln ett (GUI. Bibs (GUI; distance ir . , Javelin Clark UP. Hunting ton (GUI. Lang (GU); distance 11T 44". Discus Ward (GUI. Jacobs Wahtonka Wins Track Meet Here; Heppner Thi Grabbing onlv two first places in 15 events, Heppner Highs track team finished last In a triangular meet here. April 24. finishing with 374 points be hind Wahtonka with 824 and Umatilla with 42. Tim Driscoll led the Mustang tracksters with 22 points, taking the 220 in 23.8, the 440 In 55.2. finishing second in the high hurdles, low hurdles and the 100, and getting a fourth place in the broad jump. Byrd of Wahtonka was a triple winner, winning the high and low hurdles and the 100. Phil Bcrthold of the Eagles was a double winner as was Ron Barber of Umatilla. Tom Lewis of the Vikings was a two-time winner. Meet Results: - Broad jump Barber (U), Byrd (W), Crittendon (W). Dris coll (H); distance 20' 84" High jump Hammell (W), McCawley (W), Hiatt U, Kin drick (W); height 5' 2". Pole vault Lewis U), Koz nek (W), Crawford (W), Craw ford (W), Moore (W); height, Shot put Benson (U), Barber U). Hammell tw, uurano vui, r.i-,.c Rirhor II Hammell (W). Benson (U), Wagenblast (H); distance, lr , Javelin Lewis (U), McCawley (W), Barbere (U), Crittendon (W); distance, im oa , it: ' v, V,,.HI Rvrii (Wl. DrlS- coll (H), Tie Hammell (W) and Hall (H); time, 16.1. 100 yard dash Byrd (W), Driscoll -(H) , Myer iw;, iewia ITW 4-irvia 10 ft riia .-I n P Rprthold (W). a . , Smith (H), McLeod (H), Corder (U); time, 4:51.4. 440 yard dash Driscoll H), Tenold (W), Robinson (H), Gall aher (W); time, 55.2. . t., hiirfilos Rvrd (W). Dris- coll (H), tie Morgan (H) and Hall (H); time 22.2. 880 yard run P. Berthold (W), Cherry (W), Runie (W). Wagen- kiot HI- timp 2:09.7. UlOl V" w..-, ion xrarA Inch DriSCOll (Hi. Byrd (W), Barber (U), Myer (W); time, 23.8. 2-mile run R. Berthold (W), Cotter (U), Moore (W), Brown (H); time, 10:43.1. Eeiay Wahtonka, Heppner, Umatilla; time, i:4U.. When you patronize Gazette -Times advertisers, you help make a better paper Tell them you saw it In the uazeue-1 lmes (III Wcnblat till; dWanc 11 J r. High hurdle .Bar CUI. Hall UP. Scttt (GUI; time 17 u 100 yard dash Prlsootl (IP. Bare (GUI. Burrlll (GUI; time UMlle run Brown (IP. .Smith UP. McLeod UP; ,lme-ii,0:,., 4 10-yard run IVUcoll UP. Klabo tCU). Robinson UP; time Low hurdle Bare (GUI. Hall UP. Morgan UP; time "ssoyard run Wagenblat HP, Winters UP. LaGore (Gt: time 2:17.7. 2.nVyard dash Driscoll (IP. Burrlll (GUI. Klabo lCU- time 2 mile run Reynolds (GUI. Brown UP. Smith UP; time URelav Grant t'nlon. Hepp- ner. uieppner " Team scores Heppner T. Grant Union 59. Top Coaching Set For Sports Camp In Second Summer rretaratlor.s are underway for ' J r.1 ntvmtlon of Perry's Sjwrts Camp In cnon la In addition to Ted WUmmi. Pal McCall. Don Porter. Ole Johnson, coacnes irom " parts of the state will Include fcx Oregon Stater Frank Roe landt. from Medford. and t.x fniversitv of Oregon star. Mel Several of the boys who at tended camp last summer have had outstanding seasons. Mike Markham from Riddle was the number two scorer In the A i m-hooW and was named to Allstate team. Mike Tiedmaii from Jewell was the nnibor to r and Mike Weatherall from Arlington the number four scor er in the state B schools Bill Cherry. Jefferson. Ross Peterson and Jerry Morto from McMinn ville and John Castles from Sun set were on teams participating in the state A l tournament. There is someone at camp me year round and visitors are en couraged to come out and look ?u ,.nitia at their con- over uic "-"-- ,- ln venience. Tne camp locate from Vernonia. Just fol- high school out Rock Creek Road " . All . . . AAA t ho for one- mne unm -marker. . , Colored oi ie .;k i,c- Biimmer will be shown on request to groups or . . . . m : l : individual ianui.-. The program is for boys 10 . i.i. u to Hofinitlv a camD for boys of all sizes and abilities. Any boy who likes athletics, re- eardles oi nis present ability will enjoy the activties. une oi me iiu,w . . makes the camp a memorable experience is meeting frionrfa with bovs from !l? u., .V,. ctat The bovs really enjoy playing with and against such college basketball Wayne Petersen. Other outstand ing college Dan yiaj: -being lined up as counselors. ,..!. v.iii tnr thp voune- er boys to be in daily contact with tnese conene ' Comments made by the boys last summer indicated great sat isfaction with the food and con tinued excellence in this area is definitely pianueu. While the main emphasis oi the activity program cem5is tition in basketball, other activ ities include swimming In the 30' x 50" heated pool, golf, ;iag football, softball, baseball and fishing. ,. The uregon ms Coaches association will hold a basketball and football clinic at the camp June 24 to 26. Stan ford basketball coach, Howie a nnnnh 1 "l ft fl Delmar, ana iooiua tuami Ralston will conduct the pro gram. Hgh school coaches from Oregon and Washington will be invited to attend. A summer wrestling camp win be conducted from Aug. lo to zl headed by Dale Thomas, wrest ling coach at Oregon State Uni- versuy. ne wm w --' outstanding high school coaches and NCAA wrestling champion Further information may be obtained irom renjf Camp, 12220 S. W. Greenwood Street, oeavenua 52. .1 p. ' ( f j ! . r Cindermen Lose Battle to Claim Rotating Trophy r 1 A, N vvtih two lec on th t'nulHU Lion Invitational trak mvel lrihV. t Heppner MUnsi ...-I... i i. ihndiilU Saturdav and put up a fl try befoi awe. riimbin to lb ht Umatilla Viklni; in a meet run in klroni: wind. Over The Tee Cup ond 2nd Junior oivtaton. Baker Receives WSU Alum Award Achievements in the area of agriculture during the past 10 years by Ronald Baker of Hernv iton. son of Mr. ann Mrs. h. M. Baker. lone, were recognized at a Washington State Univer sity alumni reunion on the cam pus April 17. . . Mr. Baker was the recipient of the "Outstanding Alum" award, given for the first tinr this vear bv arm noust- its alumni. A graduate of the university In iy5.". he helped organize the house group and was its first president. For the past three years he has been a co-owner of the c t. n i ivostork Co. in Herm- lston. with Phil Cohn, and is recognized as one of Eastern Oregon's outstanding feed lot and livstock producers. His family Includes hU wife, Jane, and three daughters, Sheila, Colleen and Suzanne. Third Division Added to Essay Award Winners Mustangs Thumped NOTICE Through an error in last week's Herm iston Review section of this paper, Elden Johnson was incorrectly listed as owner of DOYLE'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE Mr. Johnson should have been listed as owner of HERMISTON EQUIPMENT COMPANY. He has no connection with the Furniture Exchange. Four out of six award win ners In the annual American Legion Auxiliary essay contest ....,. annnunrwl at the hlKlt school awards assembly Wednes-, day evening. These were in the senior and Junior divisions, with the Sth grade division win-1 ... .ntiAimnvl l.ilnr this! year by Farm House, a ! month at the grade school's as s living group, to one of j mblyi : riacing iirsi in ision was Dale Van Blokland. with Doug Anderson, second. A new junior division found John Rawlins with first place award, and Nancy Doherty. second. With a record number of en tries this year, it was found necessary to add the third div ision. About 200 students enter ed essays, written on the assign ed topic, "Freedom American Style." Judging was done by u .mmliliui milvirin the auxll- WIMH....IV .. iary. headed by Mrs. lmck m dor. . . The auxiliary was pleased with the fine cooperation of stu Hinic and teachers, and feels n r 1 L:At, indebted to the Judging commit- KV llffint 1 JniOn tor the long hours of "screen- U VlUIII UIIIUII, lng.. according to Mrs. Hubert ' ..... i : i Artnt WllSOn, auxiliary icsiuv.. Spauldings Plan Three Weeks Trip Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spauldlng expect to leave Sunday with Doc Severinsen, a friend of long standing now visiting in Pendle ton, for New York City on the first leg of a vacation trip of three weeks or more. Severinsen, who appears reg ularly on the "Tonight" show as a member of the NBC orchestra, nnmnintn a tnnr to the west this week. His wife, formerly of Heppner, is daughter oi Mrs. Ora Evans. The Spauldings plan to spend about a week in New York and will see the World's Fair before going to Washington, D. C, for two days. They expect to take delivery of a new car in New York. Starting for home, they will go down the east coast to Charleston, S. C, then to New Orleans where they will be met by Mrs. Spaulding's sister, who lives in Houston, Tex. They will go on to Texas and continue to California, stopping in Los An geles to see Mr. Spauldings father before continuing north to Heppner. The Spauldings ex pert to be back some time after June 1. Br DEC CIHBBLX Baby. twa cold ouuld Tuea i iv n.t mirt-lv nenarated the i-itU from the colter, but l -i.iuart killu-a nl pit nine hole of golf, after a lunch and eolfe v ivinna MiT Utuv, Wm u ..r. cln,l to Wl-UMIIM tO ----- our thinning ranks two nn Vesta Kilkenny. IUHh dav golf !ut like they Ihwi wttn im and vIl'iiT. Winning Pnlf ball for 1W was Lois Hunt, and Lorene had least putt. The men were rudely when we had them vv a iennv a putt on nine hole of Twilkht Uague. n.,iutrtlnit nn our trl to Mc . --- ...- - . iinlin MWurilv hail low 'r.J an.t K.t i;underon. hw net. with Pee Orlbble for ladle low. Kleven men ar.d four ladie made the trip. We bad a ne llnhtfut lunch ened by the Mc Nary ladle, nn "iiin.tav the eolf match be tuwn the North and South found more men from the North i. t.r.ttvt thfir honor. Hut Mc- Curdy, figuring It out point -wU crnt' ui with 721 for outh to 757 north, with 21 player com 'poting. Tlie following men can collect goir nans: Aiaurux nrove. low cron; Ambnse .tin lrw m-t' 1) O. Nelson for least putts, and John Venaid. for showing up. Want a rematch. The club house Is now getting verv much nwM coat oi mini Th "neniiv a rtutf cam tin I in h fumlshotl the rtalnt ml p vv t.ihanv the labor Dus are due and the weather H due to change, so come on down and tee off. i tvm Mi'lure lllul m nHstel only iw win to litnch the rolallnu trophy, but the Mutan H-Utcr will have to watt until tieit year to try again. nti niMot univrd to t a IWO way ihial fr ftrt. th t'ma- tllla and lleppnrr wvi oamru d.wn to the wir In-for thj Viking pulled It out. 71 t M. K,rk by 4 tlnt to tak thlrtt n... nrU.i.ll list the Muntang npiker with 13 point, taking Hri in the HJ) anl U and a third In the broad Jump. Other 1 1... ,i. n-f lirta were lv i'u- Hall. promUintf froh hunller. In the hlk-h hurdle, ivcn iurKn in the low hurdle. Mark lrwn i.. ih. tun ml e. and (art Uu man. pitcher for the Muntanjl belialt team. In tlw mil wilh a 4:ri time. , Ihl wa Ilauman Mcond outln of the ear m the trak and he hhowrti ';,n ,n nliiplng teammate jnn v. m blast a the Heppner hov . , t i D,i vint. itlll McIeMl. ni.lhrf nromting irnnim took third In the mile. Shot put Benon U. Bather itti. Harris (Mi, distant. 4'J 2". BMC Tests Slated Placement testi for tudenti in miir Hlue Moiin .,r.ltv, f',ill.-ll IV mill' lain v imi""" i 1 - ton. are cheduiei tor n ,iiff.r-nt liM-atlon. the ctdlege annmince. They will riven at renaieion xniw ihk vh.xil on Monday. May 10; at HermUton High. Tuesday, May It; at lleppnrr High, edncv a.v t 12: and at McUugh- n iiii.ii Milton-Freewater, Thursilav. May 13. In each case they will t Riven ni o i" There Is no charge and Mudenl taking the tests are under no obligation to enroll. Applications are available in the cininselllng office of the srhonls. The tests are for placement purpose only and have no bearing upon ad mission. Nerd extra cash? S.-U unused Items around your place w th a Cazette-Time riasamru Ken- time, Mill iriti. tM. Penon (Ul. Maey no. ..h..i uin mi McMillan Kruw tlU: dltanc. 1M. H . Ilroad lump V.1. Illaik tnO, DrUoll (Hi. inn ln tt:. Olaik (Mil dlalaw. 4". Mlle-IUuman 00. Wagerj- 4i... .in ii, nut tin. niwu- jult (U. Winning tMJ time, 4 r-k KMtyard dah tin. .:.'- nn iila.k tl'HI. lar- rl Ml. llaik I Ml; tin. 10.. High hurdli-llall till, mir and HO. Itenfnf (W, Wyatt (M. Matlatk (in; umc, run Huahe inn. Stark tlO, Hoblnaon M. Whitney ini. M5. pole vault Tie, Brown V . .aik k . f . a ii..riap ivii .iiatiiirii .ewl tU). Ma-y H; bright. 10 ti". k....n.,a Xtiirran til). White (NO. Matlack H. l-rw till. Hall OO; lime. tsu. 2 mile run Urown OO. Smith Cotter IU. Crter (Ul. t;awlth OO; time, lOil. ilm"i-Uarber U. Huraml Itn WagenbUM Oil. IWnson !.: Bartlett (PKi; dUtance. 'xJilMrd dah llughe Stark OO. Whitney in.n HO. Harri t!. 'r)ard run PrUeoU 01). Turnrv lV, Winter OO, l bu n (VKJ. UN.-htrio:",'"'. two-) aril relay-l'matllla. MC Kw en. Heppner. Tllot Uok. Nea ton; time. l:411. . . Team wore UmHIU 74. Heppner til. McKwen Pilot IU k '21. Hell 44. Kcho 4. (TR). COLE ELECTRIC Motor Btwlndlnfl I s DUSTRIAL COM M EHCIAL FARM AND IIOMK c w Tir.l Pendleton r H Travel to Burns Still looking for their first Greater Oregon League win. Heppner Highs baseball ream travels to Burns Saturday after losing to the Grant Union High prospectors nere last rnuay, 11 o rAa.h Poto filpnnie's Mus tangs have an 0-3 league record. Grant Union startea mings on with single runs in the second thirH inninpq but HeDDner came back with two runs in their half of the third and tne score was tied at 2-2. Thi Prnsneetors cot the only other runs they needed in the fourth frame when i nunen rjang- ed out a double and scored along with Whitney on Sim mons' single, ine orani union club continued to score insur ance runs, getting lour tames in the fifth and adding mree In tho envpnth. HeDDner was allowed only six well-scat tered hits while tne rrospeciurs banged out ten. -runnk n'Donnell and Gene Heliker both had l-for-2 at the plate for the Mustangs ana Simmons and Williams went 3-for-4 for Grant Union. Grant Union Oil 240 3 U 10 2 Heppner 022 000 0 2 6 3 Conklin and Whitney; Bau man, Snyder (5), Heliker (b), and Johnston, Daggett (6). SIPICIA Haying Equipment- or Weed Spraying CALL ON MEL BOYER Owner Gar Aviation Spraying-Dusting-Fertilizing-Seeding DRY OR UQUID FERTILIZER APPLICATION. STANDARD OR HIGH DENSITY SPRAY APPLICATION. A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 240 Model Heston 10 Ft. Windrower $2500 12 Ft. Owatonno Swather with Conditioner $3000 Good Selection of Late Model Rakes and Mowers Model 46 International Wire-Tic Baler PTO with Hydraulic Bale Tension, One Year Old 1800 Model 56 International, PTO Twine-Tie with Hydraulic Bale Tension, Liko New $1WU Tractors- Model 400 Case, with 3-Point Hitch, Live PTO, 13x38 Tires 1850 6 Reconditioned 9N and 8N Ford Tractors 695 to $975 Model B Allis-Chalmers with Side Mower, Excellent Tires 450 We Are Dealers for the Heston And Owatonno Wind rowers Also the Complete Line of New Holland Equipment We Hare On Hand A 10-Ft. Travel Queen Pickup Camper Butane Heater, Stove and Refrigerator, tfViff UV Complete With Jacks. This Unit Sold j JJ New For $ZZUU, liko new All Equipment Reconditioned and Guaranteed FREE DELIVERY AND WILL ACCEPT TRADES Uiiitll mi Tractor 1461 N. First Hcrmiston, Oregon PH. 567-6529