Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1965)
Ag Bills Could Change Farming UtlU before" th Icglalature rould change f" : culture In Oregon. If all were made airurdin to Hnu Lamb. Information director, Ore gon Faun Hurcau. iiM'iikmI among In tllw are those dealing with proper ty las ra tn farm Until. 1 1 It H..HJ re latlng lu '' awratial frm lamU baaed on productive Value mi)m-i than t:t valie, onild lili curb 'he l1' farm Isnd through rlalng rou ami lake. Lamb aald. trral of the Inventory la hill Hiut also le of help In fartneri since In Ha rrcnt form H would replace Inventory la sea on farm machinery, rtc., with a net bulnes tas. "he main turii of lit Mil I to encourage Itualncaa InveM menu In the atate, anil this would cairy Into agriculture atme nmu rnia arc held by prtM 'mii until aoltl. This hold over la uaually minimum amount to WH lh- tasea baai-d on Inventory at the end t.f Ihe year. I.amh said. The wine Industry could alao have an effect on agriculture If If B i'iM liecome law. Thla till l calculated t rive slight lax break to the wine Induatry to aid In developing that Indua try In Orrifon. Any great de velopment would mean an In- HOFC AND VAL1Y LUTllERAIf llev. Krnnrth J ltotdnaon Iti. 676 WV0 VAIJIY: Worship. 9 no a m. Sunday S-hool. 10 2) am. HOI'K: Sunday School, 9 43 m. Wwrahlp, 11:00 m. riBST METHODIST CHTTHCH fUv. Mclvln DUon. I"h. C76 9224 Church .School. 9:43 am. Worahlp Service. 11:00 a m. M.Y.K., Sunday. 7:00 pm. Choir Itrheanal. Tui- , 7:30 p m. CHURCH Of THE HAIAREHE Rev. J. V.. Wellcr. paator 676 5529 Sunday School. 10 no am. Worahlp Sen-Ice. 11:00 a.m. Evening Service. 70 pm. I'ravrr Meetlnu. Wed. 7:30 p m. ASSEMBLY Or COD CHURCH Kev. Itlllle Alaup. I'h. 676 5.VU Sunday School. 9:4 a m. Mornlnn; Wonhlp. II :0 am. I-Vriilriff S-rlce. 7:00 ti m. Mid week S rice. Tuca . 7:00 pm. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTXST Klder Klwoo liovd. I'h. 676 9tiK2 Sabbath School. 9 30 a m. Chunh Worship. 11: a m. "Quiet Hour" radio broadcast. KCO. Sunday . 2 pm. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lexington Rev. Karl Soward. 99 B-RO Hible S hoil. 10:30 a m. Worahlp Service. 11:00 am. C.Y.K., Sunday. 6:30 pm. Choir rehearsal, Thum., 7:00 p m. Chrlntlan Women's Fellowship, third Tucuday. nmrnims nib U) ,JL: Tt'l It a ) v aa)jk s.-Sa Its tlia original 4 wfiDBldrtvo ivork and hobby twrss Touah Jobs are made to order for the 'Jeep' 'Jeep' Universaltakes on a --n I Univereal-proven all . over tha worta. wnon ihere's work to be done, there's really nothing like this hard worker. In the desert or above the dew line, it's right at home. Treat it rough and it comes on strong. Laughs at the weather. Scoffs at ice or snow. With 4-wheel drive traction, your Test drive FARLEY MOTOR 'ifw. demand f..r many i.f Ida clalty Iniry nop M the state. An agricultural Interim rorn mil tee l.ill U In the hearing fttai't-a and would create a com-mito-e in atudv Ihe natural re smine nreda t,f agrclulture. In eluding land ami water caage. Tin' (HI alui irovlda for a atudy of xHlt j,rw malki'ta lr Urricoii ntui and ways t Improve (irM-M markets for farm toduc. ASC Cosl-Sharing Deadline May 31 Ih'adlliio date of May 31. VM 't. fr filing rrio-.ti fir emergent y coat abating ha been m by ihe ti'i'i.n ASt atate rum in It t-e, lu. Mim of the county offline ntjlra luiuit fur iimI sharing on refutation of flood dama'-d land must be on 1 1 If In the Agricultural Stat.lllattu and (kitiMT atlun S4'rlir offlrr no later than May 31 It) lx i-llKlbl for aisMani c l ull ill talla may Im obttini'd In tin ounty offtri In the Gil liam and liutx-e building. Itri-inr I0NE UNITtD CHURai Or CHRIST Rev. Walter Crowell. pastor I'h. 422-7VW Chunh School. 9:4 am. Morning Wornhlp, 11:0) am ST. ATRICK'S ond ST. WILLIAMS CATHOUC Father Raymond II. Beard III 676 MG2 ST. PATRICK'S tlleppner) Sun day MaiM-s. 7:30 and 11:00 am. ST WILLIAMS (lone): Sunday Miuri, 9.15 a m. CnfcMlonn, St. Patrick's Sat 7 8 pm. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL Father C Hrurf Stx-nc'r. Rector Church 676 941.1. home 676 9160 Holy Communion dally (except Monday I. 7:30 a m . Wednesday. 10 oo a m . all Holy Days, 7:30 a m. Sunday Service. 7:30 a. m. 10:00 am.; Church School, 10.00 a m. Catechism class (Ecs 812). Tuesday. 4:00 p.m. CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST Or LATTER-DAY SAINTS American LeKlon Hall Glen T. Mecham. Br. ITesldcnt Prlcnthood mcetlntr. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. 10:30 am. Sacrament Service. 11:30 a.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Heppner I'h. 676 9209 Bible School. 9:45 a.m. Church Service, 11:00 a.m. C.Y.F. Sunday. 7:30 p.m. Men's Meeting Monday, 8:00 p.m. (with Lexington). Women's Guild, 1st Wednes day. HI II s5tv.- , . . , ,, heavy-weight jobs like towing, pushing, haul ing, winching, snow plowing, or hoisting. Just driving It Is really fun. And the Jeep' Universal stays valuable because it stays ver satile. Half cabs, full cabs, or convertible top, dIus other options. KAISER Jeep this "Unstoppable" at your 'Jeep' dealer's soon. CO. May and Chase, '65 Wheal Income Prospects Rated About Same, Lower IiMonte iruN-'U fur wheat I'fouera li partli Ipate In the l'5 Mheat a trace dlvrralun iitiiiani Ufk l.ul tl.f mmr a fur the l's, nop, rieaplte ruta In Ihe baaic loan rate an I ouan t It v of wheat eligible for ex jHtft certlf iratea Wheal (-rowers who do not rhooae in participate probably will not il aa wrll, aaya Stephen (. Mark. Oregon State Citlvrraity ettcnulon agricultural Kiiiumlit. HI n-ift Is In the new Oregon Farm and Market Outl'Mik circular, now available from county extension offlies Oregon wheat irlint-ra have until March 26 to lake advan tage of tlie Itw-ome stabilizing feature of the X'M't prorram. Marki said. (Growers who signed up lam fall ran change their cropping Intentions anytime prior to the rloe of the current spring sign up. Unlike laM iear, several price weakening forces are at work in both the domestic and world wheat market, the economist notes. lagging exports and the five cent reduction In the ba.slc loan rate for the WA crop to a national average of 1 25 a buntiel are domestic price re tarding factors. Unless the five cent cut U restored and loan rates for 1966 crop wheat are raised above the 1!'65 level, prleea are likely to average lower for the 1965 crop, Marks points out. Growers who elect to partici pate In the wheat program have a cushion against price declines, he add. If the loan rate reduc tion Is not restored. It will be mostly offset by Increases In the value of marketing certificates for wheat sold In domestic and exjKirt markets. Diversion payments also have been Increased to 50 percent of the county loan rate and nor mal wheat yield for the farm for all acreage qualifying for the payment, he notes. Lagging exports suggest a much larger carry over of white wheat this year than the six million bushels held over in 1964. Marks continues. What the carry-over will be dejx-nds heav ily on the volume of additional commercial and Public Law 4K0 sale between now and July 1. Because of the big world wheat supply and keener competition for markets between the princi pal wheat extorting countries. exort wheat prices were cut sharply earlier this year, he ex plains The United States cut export prices by raising the ex port subsidy. Although such action norm ally has o bullish effect on do mcstic cash wheat prices, the cash market reaction to the re cent Increases was very mild and short lived, making the great Influence of the large world wheat supply obvious, Marks comments. How long the current world wheat supply-demand relation ship will last depends on the size of the 1965 world harvest Records show production varies from year to year, Irrespective l l III s4)Wrtni .- vV s 11 r4i allcomers in tough, CORPORATION touoo i. oh Heppner, Ore. i 1 L ,V w r vv . r, - - . j-.j ft H Public Notices IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MOWROW PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of th htt of JOHN KAKItlH. IMS-eased CITATION ON SALE Or REAL PROPERTY pratort Ha, HI TO: Miilir. ltNr;iA BAILKY JOHN KARItl.H IN T1IK NAMh OK TICK STATE Ullman Proposes Bill o Extend Wheat Program Congressman At Ullman has Introduced a till to extend the present voluntary wheat pro gram with changes that would reduce federal coMs and. at the same time, set the price of wheat for domestic consumption at near parity level. The bill would Increase the value of domestic marketing cer tificate to allow producers a re turn of $2.50 per bushel on wheat that is consumed In the U. S. aVarfW1 alfi it wuiilit rrovlde fur I annual adjustments to reflect changing cost of production. iriratea for a min imum of 500 million bushels of wheat would be available to par ticipating growers at 25c per bushel. Present diversion pay ments would be eliminated, thereby greatly reducing the cost to the federal government. This reduction would be offset by the Increased value of the domestic wheat marketing cer tificates. , , J The program is acknowledged as likely to result In a one-cent per loaf Increase In bread prices. Ullman Mated that the farmer's return on the wheat In a 1 lb. loaf of bread Is now only 3c. and has remained unchanged for al most 20 years, while the prices ihi.v tiiiv ha eone ud considerably. "We can no longer expect the most enicieni pro ducers of food In the world to operate under such an economic handicap." Ullman said. The 2nd District Congressman said that enactment of the bill would be an Important step in alleviating the "cost-price squeeze that Is plaguing Amer ican wheat producers. of acreage changes. Income prospects for the 1965 crop wheat also will be Influen ced bv the kind of program CongTess legislates for the 1966 crop. Several bills have been in troduced, but details locally are still incomplete. Marks said. p The XB-70 is a 2,000 mile an hour aerodynamic wonder. But she can't fly without equally-advanced fuels. Standard Oil's research skill is providing them. Standard, in cooperation with the plane's designer, North American Aviation, Inc., also developed the special hydraulic fluids she needs at supersonic speeds and 70,000-foot altitudes . . . another Standard "first." It's the same way Standard's scientists work with car manu facturers to produce quality gasolines and motor oils for your automobile. Right now, with advanced experimental engines supplied by auto-makers, they are developing your petroleum products of the future. This continuing research is your assurance that Standard's automotive products will be ready to deliver all the power and performance designed into your car of tomorrow. The Chevron Sign of excellence Or OftlGON: You are hereby lommanded and rited to apprar In the atMrve entitled Court and matter within ten Uui day from the date of the service of thla Illation, If arrved within Morrow County. Oregon, and mOiin iimlv 1201 dav If Serv ed In any other county of the Mat of twegon. ir eronji) M-rvrd. or If arved bv publica tion, within twenty eight ti'Hi dav from the date of the find publication, of this ntation, to kJ.ow caute. If a.v eaUta, why an order of sale of Ihe real prop erty of said estate, situated in the City of lone, Morrow County, Oregon, to wit: Isrfs 6. 7. ami A In Block 1 l-rry Find Addition to the t ity of lone. Is 1. 2. and 3. fleelnnlng at a point Sixty too) fert due Weal of Ihe South Wet rorrw r of Lot Light tal in Bloik Fifteen IJ5i running thence due North to where a me lnterects th Suth line of railroad rlf-ht of way a dutance of Ninety 'ju feet more of leas; thence In a Winterly direction along the line of said right of way a diilance of Seventy-five ITS) feet; thence due South a dUtanee of Ninety t90i feet more or ! to the North line of Main Street, thence due West a dUtanee of fieventy five 75) feet to the place of beginning, to pay the expenses of admin istration of and the claims sgslnM sld estate, by JAMKS u i ti v i-l-r" ttm Hutu .rtnilntwt. qualified and acting administra tor tit the aoov entiuea eiaie. hould not be made as prayed for In the pelK'n of said ad mlniiitrator on file herein. WITNESS mv hand and Seal of as id Court this 12th day of March. 1965. Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County By: SADIE FAIUUSH . m (3 6c) NOTICE Or PUBUC HEARING IMrsuant to OHS 477iM5. no tice Is hereby given that public hearings will be held for the purpose of providing all owners of lands an opportunity to be heard on matters pertaining to the budgeting of moneys re quired to defray the c,t of fire protection and suppression with in the boundaries of the East ern Oregon Fire Protection Dis trict and for privately owned lands In Baker. Crook. Deschutes, Gilliam. Grant. Harney. Jeffer aon. Malheur. Morrow, Umatilla. Union. Wallowa. Wasco, and VVheW eountle Within the boundaries of the Deschutes. Malheur. Mt. Hood, oenoco, Umatilla and Wallowa - Whit man national forests. Hearings will lie held at the following places: Central Ore eon niv-uion Wednesday. April 7. 1965. 10:00 A.M.. at the Prine- vllle Division Heaaquaners; Central Oregon Division. Grant County Unit. Thursday. April 8, J 3 r , mt m urn i i lwaree-ae- irjaw"--"-' ''?' ' wm . v v - . X - : - - - J America's Newest j KIPPNEI GAZETTE TIM tl. TmlT, Marrti II IMS 1'avn, Mm A.M. at Ihe John Day Unit Headquarters: North eat tregon Dlvuion. Twenlay, April l'jr.1. 10 (si A M. at the Iji Crande Dlvuion llradqusrt rr; .North Central Orrgiin Iv-tl.-n. Wedrtrlav, April II. rA. lotaj AM. at The Dalle Div- tion lleatl'iuarters; North Cent ral Oregon Div lion. Wednesday. April 14. 1. 2 (il r M . at the ll.xkt Klver County Courthonae, lil kir. toflea rf this budget may be lnsfled at the following f lares: Central Oregon Dlvialon l.-ad'juarter. prtneville, Ore- rin; Ontral Oregon DlvUton, ntt llra'Piuarter. John Day. Oregon; Northeast Oregon Div ision. La CJrande. Oregon; North Central Oregon Dlvlalon Head quarter. The Dalle. Oregon oitr MjM ? r a i r. nt rsKi' MI NT f tiKlTltY I) L MIII'l-S. STATE FOIUSTKK 3? notice or SKtiurrs bale Krmrr. t tif'Ri'BY GIVEN that by virtue of an execution Uaued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, dated March 10. 19C5, In that certain suit wherein Lffle T. kitchey. as plaintiff, recovered a Judgement againat the defendants. Daiton J. Lamorie and Elizabeth La morie. his wife, for the sum of J5.74T.23 to be recovered from the lands hereinafter described, with Interest thereon at the rate of 61 per annum from May 22. 196.1. until paid; the sum of tVjoOO with Interest thereon at the rate of (" per annum from March 1. 1'V1. until pld; for the sum of $75 68 for the amount For Weed Spraying-Dusting-Fertilizing-Seeding DRY OH LIQUID FERTILIZER APPLICATION. STANDARD OB HIGH DENSITY SPRAT APPLICATION. A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 ..J utraces The Sun! The man at the sign of the Chevron u bached by one of America' moat advanced research teams . . . highest quality S. O. products take better care of your car, boat or plane. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA pa I I by plaintiff upon the mort gage afcaumrd BV ln drfrn (Utita. with Interest thereon at the rat of ier annum from January 31, l."4, until paid; fur trie sum or .itj ior iireri4uie rrv.rt, fr the sum of tX u) for plaintiffs attorney' fee, and il - t..rhr aura, id t?'rt ..lain. !tur cit and ditbuurnventa In ithia suit to date; and a decree !.f atrut fueerPMMre again! the j iir IVrxiaMa, Daitcxi J. Urnml and llat-th Lamorie, Ms wire, and all claiming any lr.teret In said real property or any part Ihcteof. by. through or under said defendants or either of them; I will, on the l.'lh day of April. I.5. at the hour of 10 o clink AM, said day. at the front door of the County Court houM tn Heppner, Morrow Coun ty. Oregon, offer for sale and aril to the hU'hcvt bidder for rah In hand Ihe following de ar toed real property situated In Morrjw CiHinty. State of Oregon, to wit: UA I. In Block 17, In the Town of Lexington. Morrow County. Oregon; aub)ect, how eer. to that certain mortgage executed by Kffl lU-ibcrta Davis, a single woman, to Valley Nat ional Hank of MlHon. dated Jan uarv 2 19. snd r-corled Feb ruary 2. 19j0. In Book 51 of Mort gagea. page 275. records of Mor row County. Oregon, to be sold In one parcel to satisfy the plalntiffa Judgment, coats, at torney's fee and accruing coats of sale, and the plaintiff may be bidder at this sale. Date of Frt Publication. March 18. 1165. C. J. D. BAUMAN Sheriff of Morrow County State of Oregon 3 6c Spraying CALL ON MEL B0YER Owner Gar Aviation Eagle f