Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1965)
i diool Sdmihks If art offer Layoff If XATHCRtNC UNDSTROM lONi; tlr were held on ttirdule In In-Ui the gtade and lilli iMltiRiU Monday iin.fnlitjj Unco made their regular run with some difficulty with dirt int tm-ka on the rd, lut x rrlciicd no ltiJr trHitde. laimard llcrrltk, pltMlpal of the gradci achiMd, announced the Clutxlniai program planned fr lr4iiiilH'r '.'J had been mt The children erhani;cj the Kifl Tuesday flmn whWh the) hail brought In in lux I !" ftiro Ihf fl'xwl. with no special parties idanncd lone t.rade m lnw.l liankrlhall It-mim will h(l Ailuu'ton on r'rlday arii'fiiiMin In the local Km al '.' m Hastier Service I laid Tuesday rtlrfl.t lure rwclvcd word thU week of I Mr- drain of John IUfilir of Imnaha. Mr. Handler, who formerly lived near lone on the Franklin Kly ranch, died ff hi rt attack on Thursday. ! rembcr 31. Scrvhv were held at i;arftrlil. Wn., on Tuesday. Jan uary 5. Survivor ln -lutU hi llr, tiara of Imnaha; n. Gene of Tucmm. Ail., and his riMlhrr. Milton Morgan, president of lh trcgon Wheat Grower La-ague, and Mrs. Morgan hit on .Sunday morning fr I'ortland, when they will spend most of the week etlendlna the National AaJMM-Utlon of Wheat Cniwrri hetne held at the Sheraton Motor IMrt Topic Club will mn'l at the hime of Mrs. It. L- Brewster on Friday afternoon. Hostess are Mm. Vcrncr Troedon. Mr. Ia vld Baker, and Mra. Omar Met mann. Mr- and Mra. C E. Brenner drove to I'ortland ovrr the week end to brlnjr home her mother, Mra. Vela Eubank, and grand daughter. Judy Kubanks. wh i had been spending the week visiting relatives in the city. Itrlatives here have heard that Mrs. Sam Holme, the former Mien Ritchie. I recover ing from a heart attack suffered on December 9 at Ueaverton. She Is a patient at Good Samaritan hnhf ltal In I'ortland. Skiing at S(out Springs last week were several families from lone. Included In the sorts en thusiast were Mr. and Mr. Carry TullU and family, Frank llalvurscn. Mr. and Mrs. Rlert Jepsrn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don I'eteraon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rletmann and family, Mr. and Mrs- Norman NeUon and family. Gary Brenner, a student at University of Oregon, spent the week end at the home with his parents, Mr- and Mrs. C. E. Bienner. Mr. and Mm. Ernest Chrlstoph erson and family have moved to the farm home of Mr. and Mra. Conley Lanham, formeily owned by Mr. and Mrs. G. He. n..inn. Mrs. E. W. Brlstow has been seriously 111 at her home. Her son, Tom Brlstow of Portland , M Sunday here visiting lier. I'vt Harold Rletmann led Saturday night by Mane from iVndleton for Foil Sill. Ok la, atlei cndlng t'hrUlma va ration at the home of Ms par ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Kiel inann Mc Julie RUtmann. who ha alo In en icnding the holidays at her parent's home, relumed to her leaching loMtion at .Newport Heath, lallf, on Thumday. Mr. and Mr. Harris Kar illlir of I'ortland spent Iroui Thurkday to Saturday with her brother and sUlcr In law, Rev, and Mr. Walter It I'mwell. Hie annual Rletmann family i arty was held at Hie home oi Kir. and Mrs. Omar Rletmann on Sunday with a itotluck din at mam. Cucnts attending were Mr. and Mr. VM' Rlet mann, Mr. and Mr. Bill Rlet mann and family, Mr. and Mi. Gene Rletmann and t'hri, Mr. !id Mr David Rletniaroi and Wayne, Mr. and Mr. W.:u n Melena. Walter Rletmann. I.airy l:w Unarm, and Mr. and Mrs.. Van Rletmann and Marie and Tommy id Condon. Garden Club will meet at the nornc of Mr. Ovar undcll on Iin-Hiliiv afternoon. January 12. Mrs. lionnle llenderaon (4 Lex ington will be co hoMem. t,ueta of Mr and Mr, (.ui till Kuannon over the New tear's Day week end wc(j their ..oil. John. University tf Port land, and Mi Kathy M Mohan of Kennewlck, who atteniu Maiilhural t'olleL'e. Thev it- turned to school on Sunday ac com jan led by Geraldlne Mor gan, who had Sent the w.ek ii;J with hv. jarents, h'.. itiut Lloyd .Morgan. Iiecedlng the rehearsal of the Martin-Holloway ceremm in Friday. De-ember 18, Mr. and Mr Fredrick Martin were hostj for a dinner for 2H guests at the T It restaurant In Albany. An ewrgreen arrangement witn five red randies eenterea me head table. Each place at !h.' table was marked with a name tard flanked by tiny white wed ling bell. Mr. Leonard Carlson of Torl lar.d arrived vn Sunday tj Msy at the home of Mr- and M.t. ixula Carlwm -nd famil.-. while they attend National Wheat League In Portland. George Griffith drove to Port land on Sunday to take hi daughter Charlotte back to M-hool. He was accompanied by his mother In law, Mrs. Frances Mitchell, who had spent the New Years holiday visiting rel atives here. Another passenger was Gall Hosklns of Heppner, who was returning to college In Portland. BUI Salter of Forest Grove, ar rived on December 26 to spend the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Salter. He had driven as far as The Dalles December 22 and was unable to corm? any further so visited friends there until the roads were passable. Ed Haseloff, high school teacher, spent part of the va cation In southern Oregon. He tup Tff.-ry avw iiacrrxx-cri; GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, Jonuory 7, 19G5 See. 2-4 poges Funeral Services Held For Ken Lundel IONK Funeral services f, for ten years. Since IWt he had s j l.U; t M " . , 'TP - I - -1'-' ' """ 2 ' ,Msaj Orat Kenneth (Kenny) Lundell of Oakland. Calif, who died De cember 2H, were he 14 at the l'r.:n-.i aurth of CJiiUI In Ion on Monday minlng. January . with Rev. Waller H. Crowed of ficiating. Interment was at Val by r-rrrw tery with Sweeney Mort uary In charge. Mrs. Fredrick L,i,rtn wa ill orcanUt and ! Mm. Fred l!k!n. Jr., sang two j Merrd selections. Wallace Lun dell Roy A. Llndstrom, Arthur l.lndtrom. Adon Hamlet, Rjbert Drake, and Je Kngleman wiv ed aa jiallbearm. Kenneth Lundell was born tt the family farm home near Aillni-ton on hjwer Willow ( rek on Decern N-r 31. VJlH, to (Kar and Mary Pet re Lundell. Ih spent hi entire boyhood there and attended 12 year of school in Arlington. He took a rtKjrs at a trade school In Pen dleton and went two year to Oregon Institute of Technology at Portland. During World War II he work ed for Boeinff Aircraft Co. at Seattle. Following the end of the uir h moved to Oakland. r I uh-M he entered the television "'-4 rerair and servUe busineM. In ,l he Joi i tronlc computors for that firm ''"'- H- ' lator firm, worklnn with el.-c- K . A " " - ----- beer, emoloved by Nuclear R search Instrument Co. In Betk eley, Calif. He traveled all over ta If. 3. In cono- tin wiih lua work, as well a several foreign rountrlea. He wa considered a real genius In the nuc lear en gineering field by hi fellow em ployee. He was well known in lone, having vUited his parents and relative here many time. Ill father. Oscar Lundell. !. ed away on February It, liM- Beside his mother. Mr. Mary Lundell. he la survived bv two t rother. Henry Dale Lundell of Piednvmt. Calif., and Oscar liar land Lundell of Boise, Idaho; sit niece and nephew: and other relative. HU death resulted from strangulation by an unknown assailant. Ills was discov- ered In their duplex apartment by his roommate, Eugene hwin hart, and rxillce are still Invesii- eallne. No motive ha been on- covered for the crime. Out of town relative here ior a., funeral were Wallace Lull- del! and Mrs. Algott Lundell of Portland. Mr. and Mr. Dale Lundell of piedmont. Calif . Mr. and Mrs. Harland Lundell and family of, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell and daughter Sharon of Pendleton. nausrr roods was of many different types In recent floods. Washouts were the most M"" Z in Ttheustce plrtured obo-e ea the Lower Rhea Creek rood, tooa of rock bare UTwheoUonto the'T.pth three or lour l-t po.l- bKj Job of nwgg had planned to go home to Texas, but was unable to, fol lowing the floods. Tanna Valentine visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dar rell Padbcrg during the holidays from her home In The Dalles. Month's Rainfall Nearly 5 Inches rfulnfiill measured on PaUnt north of lone show an unprecl- denied amount ior me monwi ui December, which totaled almost five Inches. October rainfall was Just .75 and November chalked up 1.71. Rainfall In UccemDor shows December 1. .18; Decem l...r U 1- tV-n-mtx-r 10. .09- De- ccmbcr 14. -47; December 16, .11; I)emler 19. 17; Do-mr)er .16; Difcmber 21. .75; December 22. 1.09; Decembr 23, .47; De cember 23, .47; December Z .13; December 27, .02; making a total of 4.92 with a grand total sln.-e the first of October of 7.33 Inches of rain. Average yearly rainfall Is sllghly less than 10 Inches. Mrs. Nancy Zlnter entertained a party of little folks on Jan uary 1 In honor of the 8th birth day of her daughter Cathryn. Guests were Kathleen Crum. Casjty Chapel. Barbara Palmer, Meg Lulan and Cathryn'" brothers Gene, Bobby and Da vid Refreshments of cake and rro a m uer served. Instead o' one large birthday cake, the children, each had a cup cake with a candle except me non- oree. who had two. ana mey blew them out together. Ea MaricK. son oi wr. nu mra. A. If. Marlck, spent his Christ mas vacation at home and has now returned to the U- b. Army training camp at Fort Leonard BASKETBALL DOUBLEHEADER Two Full Length Games Sunday, January 10 lono High School Gym CONDON vs. HEPPNER 2 P. M. IONE TOWN TEAM VSe BLUE MTN. COLLEGE 3:30 P. M; Town Teams Composed of Ex-High School and College Stars No Admission - Donations Will Bo Taken Ad Sponsored by: Rietmann Hardware . Bi County Chemical Aker's Motor Service Bristow's Market Stefani's Fine Food and Harvest Room Paul Pettyjohn Company Hick's Market Ekstrom Farm Chemical Dobyns Pest Control lone Chevron Station Wood In MLssouil. Students returning to college campuses this week were Tom and Linda Jlclmblgner to U of 0; Merrle Jo and Tasa Morrison. Jeai Martin, Dick Hynd, and Kenneth Smouse. Oregon State Phil Emert, Jr.. Willamette; Bl'l Akers. Lewis and Clark; Stephen Llndstrom, Pacific Lutheran U.; Barbara Bishop and Judy Sherer, KOCE; Roland Ekstrom. Wen atchee Jr. College; Kenneth Nelson. Gary Morgan, Dallas Dalzcll, C.B.C.; Jack Crum. Port land State; Delores Emert. Nurses' training; Lcs Madden, barber school; Sue Townsend, Northwestern School of Com merce, Portland, and Evelyn Jepscn to N. W. Christian Col lej?e at Eugene. Co-op Meet Calls Lamb and McCurdy Morrow County Grain Crowers, Inc.. will be represented at the 19G5 annual meeting of the Nat ional Council of Farmer Cooper atives to be held at Seattle. Washington. January 18-19- 20, 1965, by Al Lamb, manag er. The council Is a nationwide organization of farmers' coopera tive marketing and purchasing associations, of which Morrow County Grain Growers Is a mem ber. It represents more than 5,700 farmer cooperatives in all parts nf tVia IT C anil Puerto Rico with a combined farm membership of nearly 3 million. Give your Hair New Beauty! Let us condition your winter-dulled hair . . . give It new Life and Sparkle with a color rinse . . . or fashion a PtrsoaallY-Stylwl hairdo to 90 with your Prettiest Clothe I JAN CECIL ON DUTY MONDAY THRU FRIDAY PAT JENSEN ON SATURDAY JET STREAM 5-MINUTE DRYING Evenings By Appointment Jeanne's Beauty Shop Ph. 676-9480 Heppner Year-Arouod .Comfort i gmQ feSri cn uVA teb WITH ELECTRIC HEAT Do you live in ALL of your house ALL year? Or do the Winter months bring cold corners, drafty floors and closed off rooms? And the summer months bring a hot, stuffy home? Electric Heating can bring you real COM FORT, WHEN and WHERE you want it. There are a variety of modern Electric systems which per form two important functions: heat in winter and cool ness in summer. We will help you pay the cost of installing electric heat in your new home or converting your present heating sys tem at the rate of $5 per 1000 watts. Thus, if it takes 10KW of installed electric heat, we will pay you $50. Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties