Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1964)
New Members Join Knifry Knitters Club At the laa meeting of h Knlffy Knittrre 4 II Hub on Monday, tMober I'J, Ihrr new member were added it the rlub. Thra are incrraa pli kwrn, Kar en lox ani renny rapirieavt Our special event chairman I (Ilrnda Kay Van Wind l who la In charge tr lit ihriatmaa MHy, Our next meeting will t on (-tlH-r 2d at Ui home of Karrn t'oi. Linda OrwUk. reporter gee ua fr envelope of kind. 11.a Cairtte Tlrnea. II Boxboard for making algna and decoratluna at the uaartte-Tlme f .-A ; K0c7? Federal CROP INSURANCE PAID $0,565 lo this Kansan WINTf BKM.L wracl.J 1100 rti of iaat lant4 T Kaf lro(!, Dlanlan I'a , Kaniaa, a H jaar Mr of Kadaral I'raa Inturaiwa, a atalaat "Crop Inaiiranra It an tncm tlabii liar moit farm farlliaa 4 lit (data aaya f fctf Har farm nf roill anil (raaUr fiaanclal riaaa- Arla!!. l af tVERY It al4 Inta )iral I ra Intgr anra haa vara rturnl la xl ry keldara in toaa aattlamantat Tfc prarttrally wrila tha o rara yea naJ Yeur Intraat Mant la roir(4 arainit 10 fiaai aa tan't avoid Inrlud In drawl h, f l"d, wind, fra, InaarU, diaaaaa. SIGN UP NOW for your IH1 crap, rol'Oat mutt t wnttan fcafora d.og tic your fClC ftpfaanlat or writa lot FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE CORPORATION MS Boo March Bid?. Spokane. Wash. 99301 Monthly Extension Topics Outlined For Homemakers 1 &ymt4 of frruntf aWMBMaal UL. Ka4HMaW iMrtVw I A6HICUITWI a WW-ai-a Monthly IcajMiri loitt fi.r Mor row county a lion 10 eatrrulon unlta tlurlM m, have Iti aclrted. lltpatt Iraaorva have Itrrn baard ox nerd ami littef- fata t.f ) al liorttrrnaiirf a arxi will hioMilc r,iuratlonal nf.r. malinn In arvrral aul)ri ateaa of horn rrortoinh-a. Any huma makrr whn la Intrrratr.l In any of lhra lraaiina or wuhra lo roimiilrr lroinlnK rnrmtirr of an rktrrtftion unli la rnrourairrti lo rmilart Ihmna V,nAt. fuurily Ilrr U I ha Moprim! OCTOBCR Capiottaa Vhm SaaaOMlaaj ShalP hew orixluda lo aid I ha ton iiimiT in trriarlni( laaty. al lranive mrala in a minimum of time are fraturrl. Tlia omt and oinvrnlrru of lima aavlna io uuili la mmpirml wiih that of more conventional onrt aa rnrana in make mrala mora ap rallnff. NOVCMIER - "Trua Cal at Cradif ThU liMuuin rrlalrd to all tytx-a f ronaumrr credit available to he family. Including rharca ar- rounta, Inalallment huvlnu. and reaent bon anvantaKra and mi- ilvanlai;ea of ualns cxinaumer rredlt. rnrana of comparing rMta of crr.iu. and rlchta and rearxmathllitlea of the lenclrr. 1 The home rtrnlon agtit will (ireaent thla leaaon to rarh unit. Other leiuiona are riven by irxH-lallv trained roJ-rt Trader I DECEMBER Scondiaa I a B cknr Thla month the unlia may either follow the augcratrd pro cram featuring amorcatiMinl fotxla or may thoone another tonle. IANUART "New Wrinkle, la Ironlncr Ka.v rare fabric, auitaoie ejulpment and ap4fdy methoU are all featured to rteip in homemaker In reducing her Iron In? problem. FEBRUARY -Early Marrlaga' The trend toward early mar. rlaire In Oregon makea thla tudy particularly meanlncfut, What U meant by the term "earlv marrlaire?" why are young people marrying earm-r than ever? Should aotlety b rtnrrrnd? What can be done? MARCH "You and Tension The treoiurra of modern lire tend to make many people vie tlma of tension. Thla leason la Planned to help loople better understand: What Is tension? What caunea tension? What can be done to help In dividual cope with their ten- a Ions? APRIL Coat of Hiabac tau-cation" Need for aped" preparation n nearly every type 01 em- ..nrn tHiay makea famllle ti.inrri.e-t atul rarrrra that ait faHutlMe fr thrir rhlldfrn. Thla ran fralurea tta of taiioua klrwta 4 rduratlon, a folarahia aOJ loana availabir, iniufrnat !n Miuori, and family fin anrlal planning to rover fheaa Coal , MAT "ToJ 9md SmU Ap- pilaiac-' l u to dat irtiormatlon I given on atorage problema. art ft-tiori. rare and ua of a ma II appliance, and rtew appllan- rea now available. Woman t Taoch Tallorto) Weakabap Mia. I. A. MiX'at of l"ne haa IxTn arlrrted by the home ri tenklon program plannera to re ceive ioatruction In tailoring from Mr Krlth Netlatm at Ten dlrton Mr. Ida Maughter. rep. reaeritlng the lioardman Irrlgon area, will hin hrr. In the f wern courae beginning O1ober 21 thru, two women, along with aix protect leader will, in turn, teach other leadera In their corn munltlea. Any woman who haa taken the Better Iea workshop given by the Oregon Kxtenalon Service and haa had epcrlenc aewlng with wool may participate In the local workahopa whlrri will be held after January 1. eligible women who are Interested ahould contact Donna George, county extension agent, to make arrangement to participate. Rural Commilfee lo Back Johnson Formation of a committee to direct artlvllir of Kuril Amerl rana for Juhnaon ar.d Humphrey In Morrow tuuniy waa announc ed today by Al Lamb, RrTTrrntlrr farm tn! mm farm areaa of rural life, the com rntttee will PaniclMte in the r ami alg n lo rle1 re4drnt Ln don 0. Johruaon and iienator Hubert II- Humphrey. Officer of the committee In addition to Lamb are I'aul Brown of flepner and Kenneth Lamb t irrlgon. vice cuairmen, and Mr. I'aul Brown of Jleppner, aerretary. Other membera of the commit tee are: Mr. Wm. hrehafrr of boardman. ! June of lleppner ana Lewia Halvoraen of lone. Oregon. Rhea Creek Club Elects New Officers Having Lost My Lease, I Will Sell The Following Items At Ectenalea Program Planner Meet The Morrow County Home E lention logram Hannera met rYlday Octotjer 9. In the extern aion conference room. Thla com mittee worka to atudv commun ity need and to plan home ex tenalon educational program which are geared to meeting theae need. Final decisions were made on the VJXA-a schedule of leon for monthly unit meeting. Iro joct leadera were choaen for the tailoring workshop. Ways of helping young homemaker were g1kcusmc1. A study 01 local nign school and college drop-outs was planned. The committee will Investigate local aources of Information on careers In order to help parents give effective guidance to children In plan ning for education. Members of the Program run ners are Mr. Mwara naner, l-exlngton; Mrs. Douglas Drake. lleppner: Mr. Walter wrignt, lleppner; Mrs. II. Walker. Board man; Mr. Holand Borgstrom; Mrs. F. Connor, lleppner; and Mrs. Warren McCoy. IrrlgonAl- so present at the meeting were Miwi Murle Scales, district ex tension supervisor, and Donna George county extension agent. fal On The Ralph Justus Ranch, 13 Miles East of Hcppncr. 6 Miles Up Pilot Rock Road, Turn South Up H in ton Creek. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 40 Inter, Crawler, Angle Dozer, Good Shape D 2 Caterpillar, Hydral Equipped, Belt Take Off Fordson Tractor and Mower 51 IHC. 16 ft Combine 10 ft. Land Roller It' ft. J. D. Drill Power Control 12 ft. Gobel Disc 10 ft. Inter. Disc 8 Sect. Flex Harrow IHC Rod Wccder 12 ft. Wcedhog 14 ft. Fertilizer Spreader 5 Bot. Case Plow on Rubber J. D. Mower, Hydr. Cent. Case Hay Baler Case Side Del. Rake 30 ft. Hay Elevator Hay Wagon Hay Wagon on Rubber, Power Driven Grain Auger Portable Feed Racks for 250 hd. Feed Trough for 100 hd. Cattle Chute Calf Chute Cattle Sprayer IHC Cream Separator Many Misc. Items Too Numerous to Mention LIVESTOCK 100 Hereford Cows. Bred to Start Calving Last of Dec. These are Top Quality and will Be Tested Prior to Sale 90 Hereford Steer and Heifer Calves. Heifers are Bangs Vaccinated 4 Registered Hereford Bulls 2 Saddle Horses. Good Stock Horses, Gentle for Children, Good Ages ALL CATTLE WILL BE SOLD IN LOTS TO SUIT BUYERS Terms: Cash Lunch Served on Grounds M. C. BRINDLE, Owner AUCTIONEER: BILL DIPPEL - Senior Citizens' Loans Available Rural Housing loans to senior rlrin Kl vears of see or over aro Available through tne farm ers Home Administration. These Ion m are made in rural areas and communities of under 2500 population. Loans may also be made to individuals, cooperatives, or nthnr nrnflt nr nnn.nroflt organi zations for the construction of rental housing for senior citizens. These loans are made only in rural areas or communities and cities or towns of under 2500 population. Information may be obtained at the Farmers Home Admin istration office at 105 S. E. Byers Avenue, rendleton, each. Monday. Rhea Creek Live fork 4 II club held It reorganisation meeting at the Wilbur Van Biokland home on October 11. David Hall was elected preal dent: Hal Hergstrom, vice pre! dent; Carol Ilawllna. aecretary treasurer: John Hall, new re porter, and Dale Van Blokland 4r grant at arms. Bob and John Harris. Tom and John Itawllna, David. Dean and Diana Wright, and Kenny Wright are other membera of the flub. Leadera are One Hal and Wilbur Van Blokland. Membera filled out their re enrollment blanks and decided to hold meeting In their own home thl year. Refreshment were served by Mr. Wilbur van Blokland. John Hall, reporter Buchanan Ciles Tax Reform Need Magazine Campaign Occupies Juniors Junior class of lleppner High school currently Is engaging in ft magazine subscription cam paign, proceeds of which will go towards financing the junior- senior prom and other activities. Tne clas is divided In two teams competing to see which can sell the most subscriptions. Mrs. Bern Ice Struckmeler is fac ulty chairman. Anyone Interested In helping who Is not contacted by a mem ber of the class may call the high school. There mutt be las reform within our prraent tat atrvctura thai will bring relief to projwrty wnirn came mt or t' local school burden. Martin fturhan an. Democratic candidate for afala rrfiraHtpnlaf fva 7M(i 1la trlrt. told the I'endieton Rotary tlub Monday. The drop In bade arhool money from 31 lo An haa sharply Increaard thl bur den, he said. In the past ten year, property taxe have more than doubled. About U) of the property tax dollar gora to arhoola, tuale school money should approach the SOI level It U mv hope that the next keaalon of the legtalature would broaden the Income tax base and add filing fee to the present ytem. "Oregon next Mennlum bud get muit give aerloua consider atlon to the great flood tide of oung people who will want edu cation after high school. Room must be found within our col- ege system for all who can profit from education after high achool In vocational and tech nical training, and In formal ed ucatiorv Buchanan aald. The severance tax should pro vide quicker distribution of fund collected to the countle Involved, the candidate declared. Thla would provide more ac curate budgeting for county bud ret committee and assessors. The motivation of thl tax on timber 1 to create sustained y ield cutting program in eastern Oregon ftnd should be encour aged. "The Inventory tax Is unfair and should be changed or abol ished. It falls heaviest on small business who cannot manage to have his merchandise ware housed or In transit at the proper time, he continued. The promotion and develop- " Mm ment of water resource snouia b vigorously pursued in the Wt h A i cals U at fast, la AIIV VatllTi. Xlili Ulftll at- l. WW aaiva taw vwa a a a ber one natural resource, and yet many areas are critically short of water. There should be an Inventory of our water resources and land feasibility made. We must show that we intend to use our water or our neighbors will attempt to usurp It Posses sion and use of water is nine- tenths of the law." KZPPXEI CAXETTC-nMCt. IXmnArf. Octabet It, 1M4 WANT TO SELL SOMETHING? USE A GAZETTE-TIMES WANT AD! ALL WATER USERS Of Willow and Rhea Creeks and Tributaries IT YOU need a rubber stamp for any purpose, call at tne ua-zette-Ttmes office. All styles of type, all sizes of stamps avail able promptly. Due to the drouth period during the season, we have a critical domestic and stock water problem In the lower part of the county. These hold precedence over use for Irrigation. Please remove all diversions and pump so that water may flow more freely to needed users below. Deputy Dwlght Townsend will be making periodical checks to observe stream flow and consumption. AH cooperation will be greatly appreciated. If rule are not observed, more rigid action will have to be taken. This covers District 5 which Includes Morrow and Umatilla counties. This program will hold until extensive rains or until further notice. Due to no rain at this late date, stock water for later feeding use may be short JERRY F. HAINES WATER MASTER STATE OF OREGON, DISTRICT 5 Dwlght Townsend, Stanfield, Deputy Phone Pendleton 276-7111 or Stanfield 443-3322 Tractor Showing Set for Wednesday Factory representatives of the Allis-Chaimers company win be present at the Padberg Machin ery Co., Lexington, Wednesday night, October 21 at 7:30 p.m. for a showing of all the full A C crawler tractor line the firm an nounces. Movie will be shown, all aues tions will be answered, and all farmers, other tractor operators and the general public are mvit led. Mew IDiDii0inisiiiuS in WudA md Ptay ' LIGHT UP YOUR YARD AND DRIVEWAYS WITH AUTOMATICALLY-CONTROLLED SECURITY LIGHTS for only TYPEWRITER RIBBONS and Mimeograph Sten c 1 1 s now available at the Gazette Times office. CARL HUNDRUP, CLERK We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat jSXy ( Of Charge (jjjJijLAjlJ Heppner. Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Hermlston, Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermlston-McNary Highway 3.75 per month Features Descriptive Information Latest style of Mercury lighting. Over 2 la times the amount of light as incandescent lamp. This charge includes: Furnishing and maintaining all equip ment for one mercury vapor security light to be mounted on an existing pole and including electricity charges and lamp replacement. 1. Protects your home and possessions when home is unoccupied. 2. Discourages prowlers. 3. Provides safe driveways and roads at twilight and after dark. 4. Reduces accidents In work areas. 5. Makes It more convenient to work in yard. 6. Increases use of yard for recreation, picnics and parties after dark. 7. Gets rid of darkness between house and garage or barn, or in other frequently used areas. 8. Controlled automatically when daylight dimin ishes, a photoelectric relay switches on the light TOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE ADDED PLEASURE AND FEELING OF SECURITY AND SAFETY THAT THIS MODERN LIGHTING WILL PROVIDE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY APPLICATIONS City Back Yards Farm Yards Resort Entrances Resort Play Areas Docks All-Night Parking Lots Village Street Lighting Service Stations Railroad Crossings Country Store Entrances Suburban Driveways Road Intersections And Many Others For Complete Details Ask CoDdoouuPDna Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties