Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1964)
HCrmtl CAZZTTS TtMtl. Tr4T. OcW6 It. IM4 5 PAIM BIGOT Leaders lo Teach Seasoning Lesson County Agcnt'i Offic Insecticides Aid In Control Of Cattle Grubs and Pests E If H. C ANDC1SON C1U at the omc th rt few days aaklnt tot Information en livrstix k Tt control rt mlndftl me that It was that tlm of ih year, A pood tlm to treat the hrrd for trw Invret twta u at wraninf tima wnne live stock are at the corral. Most evrryon ua uaing a systematic injMTtlrld at they find that thev can effectively control both rattle gruba and lice with one praying. Iturlene and Cor al are the two common systemic Insecti cide uacd and both civ effec tive con l rxj of these two Insect. While some prefer the pour-on treatment. It ta advisable to apray if lice control ta wanted. Sixteen pound of 23 writable powder In the case of the Cor al and two cations of the 23 rmulalflable concentrate used in 100 gallons of water as a spray is enective lor cattle eruo and lice control. Most livestock grow era nave found that an appll cation this time of the year will give complete control during the entire fall, winter and early spring season when lice are troublesome. Tralnln ft the tVtotw home eiUnuoa I). "t:t'lt!ng the Vaftint Mcl aa fltm lo pru)t1 lvleni t1.4cr & and i-v liHinty Intention At-n lA'n Oer. The lir ( a m fValurra riwhlnl rudwc-ia avivft aa dord grated wance perl, mushroom ader. beef flavored aeaxming e i minau la given to the poutibUiiira of these products for aavinc time and rrwwy and addin variety and Intrrevt to everyday food. lVmorutraitoni meter. Pat O'Brien and Raymond IVavnr K tl Ijtatilaar 1 1 . wi f afftii Horn Uvratork led by Ueanneu.ln h jwducts ar tit r:ravM ik. rvw i u. I eluded. stock with Wilbur Van Wokland prWt Wera. wha will and Gene Hall at leaders; the freent thU eon at thetr unit Buiy lieavert with Mr. Balh rneetlns. were aUo given ug. IVum Inn aa leader: the Buv I geltona for leac hing It etfiT. NmhIIm with William lively. The project leader for Spohn and Mrs. Howard Orowell hU ' ; . K. 11. Wat at leaders; the 4 11 flower La Ih- Imenn Knitters, with Mrs. Lucille Coleman and Mr. Louis Shad continuing a. I Harcurlta Houghton. Irrtfon; nirs. iaoc pitnup mna f ra. nr Morrow Seted ed As Pilot County For CCP Program MitfTtmr county farmer nave the tttft unity I rt a new iTvfland t"nverUn iTxtam lUri, tttti.n ta lat Me The tr bein t4tem oo I'lM bal In eh of th 4 Hates n tHrrun. Mt rw and I'matllla count tea ar the iM rvHintie to oftrr the i4vcam. A I'fMnim qui! similar lo he tun t-ffsm. trtfired n l., the ivi U ainved at comerttnf row rnp and small grain acreage ta conM-rvatiin f rcvreaiioit uses. Choti With Your Homt Agent Safety First Rules Listed For Use Of Insecticides Br DONNA CCOSGC Jlnsf tatala At A Unit this time f tear many irikot may grt lnt the hu tm feel s If tvu're Ulng tamiwsted. I'. A ivpartment f Agricul ture stlenluls say mt if Ihem aren't the uaual houM-huld ett Ihr re bugs that have jrn I he sumnvrr wutt!tf and miw thry rtme In and hibernal, They d.i seem ti have an un eannv lilrnl f,. t-l lln In CVntrats will be ffefts for I tide, but they don't generally leader; the Country Cutter with five ar perkHls. with HOUv) limitation, fur eltfiMe land ron enel lo CKntervine ue. twt. sharing It avaiisbie to ettablikh he conM-rving ue, ata Inirreti sa leen etpretMNl fvr thtt tvi prx'Cram by farmers of this Mr. Louis Carlson and Mr.l;uy lerguson, ikiaraman; Mrs I area, since the conwrv atMn le Lauren Beckett leading; the ieorce uuciani ana Mrs. wuuw tene iTitgram epirea. Ruralettes Clothing with Mr. I r rentn. nne niyj ir. a,rnnetn The r.fft,- Kni.n.t Rrnirom ani Mrs L. JL I Palmer and Mr. Jamet IVtty ... ,; the Kettles and Spoons e'h a lone; Mr. Walter Wright h.'tn siVi-Tr.? wlih Mrs. Kobert Abrams. Hepp. and Mr. Steer. IOea creek lM ivndleton on frtday and nrr; inr ncv'un mi Harriet Evana at leader. I ITiere are several ciura inat g,udv u tht .uj, of th, pirTn information U complete, meet eat fabitcs. inlett tvi. c bile iwple Itiey utl evajrale ) ckJ iy their prrrxe Keep calm, thoueh. and oVn't overdo the Irttexiu (le An im prtant rule In uting p-uMe talely It l Ue only at much at yu really need. And be sure to remember an other vital rule about safe pes ticides ue: Head the label. In fad. read It every time you ue Ihe In are interested In reorganuing but at of yet do not nave a leader. The Busy Bee Keepers of Irrlcon It one of these at are the Blue Mountain Knitter of Management ahortcourte hcld,ni; 'W be held in last ivcember. The grain man- county to esplaln the agement atudv conducted In r uiL let with nine cooperating '"l"" "e V" waa relvt fr.,. M v . ',-.11 ryrrr um lull l nr in onday. Uiober 1 and 19. laLw i.j .n (h. him get program details. As toon at clZ.tuiv That a the beat information U complete, meet. uon "".y- .iV 'I way o svuiu masing innsnvui Morrow Heppner. the Thimblenaa of w,ona through the Columbia JLV SX? Inlgon are also in tms predlca. ,n rminmg r.t of lh,I1'. f ment We Invite prospective lead- producon HhMt and barley. nr,h'h,u. 4-H Quba Baorganlxiaf. More Laodert are, Heedad Thlt la the time of year when existing 4 II cluba are reorgan era and member to come forth at this time and enroll in pro Ject of your choice! Sample Needed for Teat The "drill box survey" project which we announced aome I meeting were much Interetted terriea Tak A fewdar Mraw berries that keep en Dr. Clennh'0"' pantry shelf? Its p.ible. eterinarlan. rrcard. v V. S. IVpartment of Agrl liability of the bac. culture researchers e-1 . K i . t. a . s . i . a a . the continued atudv this vear llril" TnKn "inereni '"an A iifierrv powuer aireaay lin. with ih nxl " '" turm. or iwai wgricunurai lirrinn production which have occurred First arrangementt have been ervlce. And not only a straw .i .1... i mine ror rour eontrui ei nnrr. irrrv wmw-r. pui hi'" ") . .w I imrnni perns wnicn Will cool!- I i , ":"w.rl,c,. eC 1 n.eE ! IhU office and the S.ate powuer. and milk thakea. Maetsr rrepere the Ttay Tela Moving Ihia vearT If vu are, (hirxea aie l-rrtiy gmd llvat ttu have ame reahoo ).Kjnetrt At leal nuillity ttatutu Indicate that young martieoU and the ruilea wun tfv m twmlert are rtiM Inrlln rd ! move than Ihe families with Mhtud age children, accord Ing lo ttMTa vtennin iecial IM In family life. If yu are moving and If you do have pre t hwlrrs. It's good manairrntent lo prepare oung tiers for the move, t.ven tiny lt krxw thai chance is an tlctpated. Ihmevrr. they don't alvvats undetttarvl what It'a about Many rentt have found It helpful to evplaln about Ihe move In words the youngttert ran understand Telling alettes a Unit how Ihe family will paik and move their lova. tteds and other ImiMirtant equipment heljs to prepare l"r the unknown. (Till.lrrn teel mnunimf thai their toys and Important things arenl t'olng lo I ot forever hen they are placed In Ihe moving van. Telling how Ihe movers will come and load Ihe furniture and take ll to the new place la reataurlng. Tnd e for the year, as well as some response. e asked that wneat ironic processing procedure in grower provide us with a quart I record keeping. There waa In. IVpartment of Agriculture tn I So far. the brrrv Powders are determining the effectlvenesa of I only eiperlmcntaL Suitable the bacteria These experimental I packaging and storage comlit organization of new clubs. We vriZlZ rV.ted a wheat tha erest In parficlrUtlnir In thU hrd W,U ,nc,ud' con- ion, muvt still be worked out. have received enrollment aheeta M twTfaU In order Si ivttt SVwJS Lrol ,n otT thM th n- Th iwwdera look very ,rH,,e.B1.Skhors5 AlveJ,ock hit w7 miEht crow these var- mn StateP CnKrsitv Those can be checked. Fach owner Ing though Thry retain a high club led by Mr. and Mrs. Ber- MmSes sife bv sld In a LiS , involved ti' erih? wil1 Provided with a dally degree of freh berry flavor .nd nard Doherty; the Heppner ?,i"tm" ?i compare cxadS lu ?hl .tf-nd ,0 on uhlc will enter Pert- and dissolve Instantly In Saddle-ltes with Everett Struck. JT&TSi ed'Vhe' "nTeeffi WhS' S"" to m'k M as a part of the educational pro- Louis Carlson. Kenneth Smouse. 2 iL' 5 ! df?Fpod" Uq",d . ... YYi'ri ycnr local s&ppHer for TYlAiM'200 the NEW antibiotic for beef cattle HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG gram in the new wheat grade. ani Don Peterson. lone: Kenneth We still need a consiaeraoie Turner and Melvin Moycr, Hepp- I numoer ir me project is io oe ner. Worthwhile. We would apprec- late havinff drill box Samples Waanar Coif Shlntant from anyone who has their seed Lear for Mid-West Markets ireaiea ai mis ume. Mms like old tImes to tet Ranchers Are Participating I In Craia Management Study ainicuitie encountered, etc. The enclneers plan further ex In addition to these control I oerimenls tn see If blueberries herds, the bacterln will be land cherries can be processed available to any livestock own er who wants to make an ar rangement with his veterinarian to supervise the trial. This will be In addition to the selected lnfSr These herds will .to. teavlnir Morrow county for feed lots In the Mid-west this month vide a daily log and a final re port will be made at the end the eight several hundred were delivered ffVhe e.lvSfe 'n1 volved this iu-i-k thi. ,ne calving season. the same way The method it called foam mat dehydration. It Involves whipping berry puree Into foam, then drying the foam with warm aid and crumbling it to a flaky powder between warm rollers. If develoited commercially. berry powders probably would he used first by bakers, manu Deadline Nearing On Wheat Contest The (Vegon Wheal Crowere league retorted thlt week that eitliiea lo itt annual hleh arhnol newtaier artltle rontttt are be Ing rverlved In aultantla num ber, and urged Oregon hlxh trhi ttudenta lo fitln Ihe con et, which rlHa on tk-tuber 31. Ihe conlett It open to all Oregon high school atudenla. and oriert a choice or I wo topic. "Advantages of Wheat In the rverydiv inef and "Itoilurtlon and Marketing of Oregon Wheal " Kn tries and requeata for reoearch rnalerial should be ad ilretted l the Oregon Wheat Crowert Ixague. Mo 4W. Irn- dleton, thegtm. lath prl.-s will be awarded lo the b'i four conteslanta, the Wheal league reimrts The atate winner will receive t and Will le the farm organlratlon a guett t lit annual liecemtier meeting In M (.ramie. The runner un recelvea I), and cath awarda of . and 115 go lo Ihe third and fourth plate winners. I'nder the contest rules, each article aubmltted mut be ypet in itoume siaced form, and thouM not exceed l.U words. Articles will be Judged on orlg- Inalify. research, aubjert matter. iellirig and composition, aa rll aa concluilona or aummary. Wlnnlnff art Ir let will be Pub. tithed In varloua newspapers Ihrouchout the atate and In sev eral farm publications. Including the Wheat Held, me monthly publication of the Oregon Wheat Growera league. Set ;, specialist. OSU. ta review cost records on fallow operations and to plan for setting up a record of costs on the production year, 1964-63. This grain management DUE TO A CUTBACK IN OTJH PEA OPERATION WE WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT AT fa) yy u uvii IN ATHENA, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 12:00 (Noon) 1957 CHEV. IK ton TRUCKS, steel beds, hoists and pea racks 1956 CHEV. 1-ton TRUCKS, wood beds, hoists and pea racks 1955 INTER. 1 ton TRUCKS, wood beds, hoists and pea racks 1953 INTER. 1 ton TRUCKS, wood beds, hoists and pea racks All of the above have 8:25 x 20 rubber STEEL TRUCK BEDS, 8 x 22' pea racks, heavy duty Hyco hoists, sub frames included used 1 yr. 1953 INTER. L210 TRACTOR, short wheel base, 450 motor, 1100 x 20 rubber QUEEN CITY TRAILER, stock racks, 1100 x 20 rubber 1945 INTER. K7 BUS, 37 passenger, good condition 1948 G.M.C. SCHOOL BUS, 27 passenger 1956 CHEV. CARRYALL 1941 DODGE 4x4 CARRYALL CHEV. PICKUPS, 1948 and 1951 GALLION ROAD GRADER, IHC diesel power 13 KW DIESEL ELEC. GENERATOR, on van type , trailer, 700 gaL fuel tank 400 GAL. WATER TRAILERS, on rubber HUME LOVE SWATHERS, 4 Oliver, 2 Inter. HUME LOVE LOADERS, extended spouts J. D. MODEL A WHEEL TRACTORS, tri-cycle front ends J. D. MODEL AR WHEEL TRACTOR GOOLEY SPRINGTOOTH, with hitch SECTIONS J. D. LEVER HARROW, hitch SECTIONS OLIVER SPRINGTOOTH, hitch OLIVER 4 bot PLOW, hitch OLIVER 5 bot PLOW, hitch J. D. 5 bot PLOW, hitch 275 GALLON PICKUP FUEL TANKS; BAND SAW, SANDER, TABLE SAW, JOINTER. SPARE MOTORS AND MANY OTHER MISC. ITEMS. All Equipment- in Good Running Condition try and beverage mixes or as instant puree"' for making sauces, dessert toppings, Jams Recently five of rsnchers who Were involved thlS If mm IU-tnelr rrnuAra hl nact season In a era in management I urtwilr- taai-lnrr Ku train trr lnxr I Those who are Interested study met with Manning Becker. Nebraska and other mid west should contact their veterinarian facturer of Ice cream dry mixes, extension farm management states. In recent vears. most of oor o mat n order lor bac and other large-scale users. our feeder cattle have been sold ,enn can & made. Bacterln will I tvnetually. the powders may ap to be fed out In Oregon. Wash-I"l avauaoie oeiore piovem- pear on retail marxeu in pas lngton and California. ?r na must he administered According to the October 1 from 30 to 90 days before calv- Meat Animal Market Review, ln- Corn be It farmers Interested in . , . feeding cattle apparently has f.??0?. r5?. Cn? Exports been sparked bv improved prices un nw "J9n f igure for the top grades for slaughter! One 10.000 ton shipload of steers and hellers since mid- U. S. feed grainscvery six hours year. Alter ordering in 5 more was tne average rate that corn, than a year earlier in July, they grain sorghums, oats and barley shipped in another 588,000 head left our shores bound for foreign in August or 26 more than in ports during the year ending August, 1963. From the number June 30. This set a new all time leaving this area in September record of 16.1 million metric tons and October to date, we are sure or grain or $KjO million worth that some new records will be Dollar market sales now ac set. count for 88 of total feed grain exports. Aggressive loretgn mar Experimental Bacterln ket promotion carried out joint To Ba Available Soon lv by USDA and the U. E. Feed We have commented in this Grain Council is credited with Texas Refinery Corp. Industrial Roofs METAL ROOrS SPECIALTY All Exterior Coatings FREE ESTIMATES ROBERT GUILD, ADVISOR PENDLETON. OREGON 71$ S. MAIN PH. 27S-1393 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 6 4 3 1 3 18 15 1 1 1 column on two occasions on the the overseas market expansion. use and ability of an expert- me council represents grain mental bacterin as a tool to iarmers in tne grain trade. The i combat baby calf losses. The ex- six European Common Market perimental bacterin was devel-1 countries bought over one third oped as a result of a "crash" I or ail the leed grain exports. research program initiated by Japan was the largest single livestock interests last winter. Duyer. Considerable losses were exper- lenced by livestock growers tnrougnout tastern Oreeon. in- eluding Morrow county. mere have been some prob lems concerned with the man ufacture of this bacterin which have led to some confusion in reporting availability to our growers. This past week, word eaTMaTalaTaiaTBaMaaHaMI ntstiW mum -rvy Retired . . but Still Earning Earning . . Mm I J, y n : . . ," .- f " ,' ' - : i .1 1 F , - s .: v f : ;' -( ': Weed-free cropland starts with fence-row weed control Everything Will Sell No Reserves Terms: Cash lfeber, Inc. Owner . because, like many senior citizens, they put their money to work, making more money for them, in a Savings Account at First Federal. Why don't you let your retirement income do more for you? Save with us, and get extra earnings, through our liberal interest rate. OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY T FEEOflL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION AUCTIONEERS: Blil Dippel CARL HUNDRUP, CLERK BOX 739 PENDLETON Weeds In fence rows and in other non crop areas around the farm create many undesirable and costly prob lems. In the first place, these areas are a continuing source of blowing, spreading weed seeds that invade valuable cropland. They also provide cover for Insects and rodents, and fre quently present a serious fire hazard. Easy, effective control "program" One spray of Atrazine BOW or Simazine 80W herbicide can give you effective control of a great many broadleaf weeds and grasses. Contrast the ad vantages of a one-step "program" with the other weed control methods . . . mowing, discing, burning, or short term control with other chemicals. Such methods force you to work at weed control month after month. Atrazine or Simazine provides long lasting weed control through the sea son. They keep on working. You don't Weeds controlled Atrazine and Simazine control a wide range of annual broadleaf weeds and grasses and some perennials. Among them are the following Important problem species: Cheatgrass, ryegrass, tarweed, Russian thistle, foxtail, quack grass, mustard and puncture vine. When to use Gelgy herbicides Atrazine can be applied before weeds i break ground, or after they emerge. It attacks through both roots and foliage. 1 Simazine, however, works through' weed roots and should be applied before weeds are up. Because there's little or no foliar activity, Simazine presents virtually no drift hazard when applied near growing crops. Both Atrazine and Simazine should be applied at a time when rainfall can normally be expected ... to move the herbicide into the weed root zone. Ceigy Agricultural Chemicals, Division of Ceigy Chemical Corporation, Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, N. Y. Geigy CMATOM Of OHMJCAU KX MOOTIN AOUCU1 1 UH Atrazine I Simazine: