Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1964)
"1 I n ,0 V 1 L4 VI i w 1 iMMHW A NEW iUJLDIWC. the IU Hire, ha t4rt wader thm utra a ton da teveiol major Imp ! la 4 the law and tode ftntd thU year. Th Ibia-a flirted tandlavj bf tha bulMiuf lek MtHbaJanC but ctuallf they ete pit TffahJv the phl m take. Spiklt 4eula) tit tr l fxpofatiM lot the i1m, emd th three rtn ttr14 with diewain-i. from bit ere Director C It. (Tad) MtlUf. Herd . lad) ckairmaav, and lack Lack. t4 (G T rhto) U. P. Train to Add Infereet In Parade Uluiv !! i it 1 Istse, . ! rl. !, tr riSJil 11 - I H"l 1. .fw 4. I I Iwitrf l tml. b. r 1 rvr 4 I' tirt, tat I T - )' III-. 4 (0 l.f.vl..t ! IhWlrd I1 ( lake ll.o lialt wul I fret' Uir 1 In th f-'lfrf i s) a If -at lerb l ie litn U lt I era lwf b I w-We ft, , rtt l t-i.(wl f for rata !! n fh(H.r In I .l-. fr !, nfltsf- tii.i ft, ( rar, l a tutM. . r, .r wih ? i i ,: M !. ri.riinf la 2jh t-witi.u fi.e uin ran i arty a to. "i furi. I., r ald It -.nir by a ( 1 1 iii.iv. 1 1 iti' i -r ll.r- II. m Mai l.y.H In ' -t ! i if U riiv r- m .rsy. r.c M lMft.l In lV lln f NI.IM'II, 11 i rr (jUtxr li . n lt. ttm In IJ tr. !,! II lflll lir nfirr iM-lnrf l UUr. v ?r f.j air l Wall Walla anl ll. iVrvJUlun It'XIM'l I'n ; hl Fair Has Biggest First Day Crowd; lAuction Tonight (Cor.UnurJ from 1C 1' THIS NEW BUILSINC la ona of lha mojot UuptOTamanU to tha fail and rodao gtoundt this rf. H bu a eormllofT ' youthlul aihlbllora comln fiom tha north and of tha county, ond naw for public ua. t T rnoioj rait rootna Chamber Ready For Rodeo Help milliM lirlinni! Hli V rl.- IM wnk rnl aro f .tffl and n!v. It wi n--a!-l at ih? mTiint of Hsr harnUr M n- Klnu-r In rttarije ft Ihkit taklnt a U lht the rhamtMT ha handlnl fur yrat. lined ui rrrws for lh arlu lrrf)rma"-. Amnjf thM M-hrduli-d at the latr arc th : Saturday aftcrnimrt alph Klrhardi. Irrn-y Mal(im. l)rill fulsfrth. Ilarlcy Yountf. Saturday nlcht Jim Mycra. Yjnc. Paul hmro. fi..b Ihnry. Ir. l;.'K-rt Tld. Jim Kj. .vutul.iv aftrtt''ti Yunir. il..n I'ratt. Millard !row. Kd I t k and Nn.i Sfll. I Uruwn. chairman d th I Aruiurt committer, ha urdav'a lurulu'M fr ral court an. I dMInsuKhod Rural fH.V arrarifd. It will h In thf K1K tt-mi'h' ulth Mm. Kr-1 Ott In charRi f-f pri-farlng anl w-rvlni; thf iiH-nl. wmie m to 70 arc -trd. Hrtmn askod that he he notified f any Mx-cial Ruest who nhould he Invited. rt. II PUMPKIN JM 1 sumz xi Ijjl M 1 in in lull 1 1 ii 1 iyi Vj I! 1 1.1 1 if J nr" nrinv l I Iw ft F0R C0LD I Mr 1 WEATHER J Isaw iflm I TIME1 I HI NOW is the TO SEE US FOR Your Heating Needs Let Us REPAIR or Service Your Furnace To Have It In Top Condition For Cold Days LET US SHOW YOU WHAT A NEW HEATING SYSTEM CAN DO FOR YOU .! Ii uln thai cent and li.U Koarr ai huh for all fi.lilr with a rf r- ul of a -.tle ki lie won a Ir- t'liy donati'd l y Morrow loui.ty (irain (.rovk.ri. Itay Kopant wa aec ond The Dalle I FA fhajer wa Mould mth a htitf d lV 2 and Hepprrr IKA la-rd third with loll Ttm learn Jud.-il two -laM- r .i h of Iiorh, he i and txH-f IWhef Irani came frjm I'rndleton. lUvrrMde llijfh. A!'ro. ManfirM and Hood jnt-r. He lor. harden clut. featur Ine. Itie fediration Hume, "lleauty I Our IJulnr.M won werNiake f..r Ihe lul and iummunity ImmiiIi Tie lx!h illustrated ir, .n, "We Kdu rale." " We l ultiv ate." "Wc 1C oiale." with dlia vt book:. Rnrden id and a -de.tal wlih an arranReinritt of Rladiolu-e Tlie l"W club had received a blue rihtnn In the la I t MH'lal orcani.itions herond was the .Motlu r'a club vt and third wa the American lRlon auxiliary of llrppner. I'rle for firt. wtond and third ar. $1. $10 and $5 Neisllrttea 4 11 S'wlnir club wa fir! for youth or Ions and re-dvrd the $13 prlc lone s Tern Seamrra wa aecond and won $10 and lleppnrr'a FFA chapter was third. RrtllnR $.'). Ithea ("rwk extension un.t took first In the -ommunity mt vli'irliiM and $15. Irrlcon exten sion unit was wcond for $10, and the home extension commitKe won third and $5. In the churches division. Ill- Mithodist Y'outh Frllowbhip had a striking bH)th which brouRiit much favorable comment ns well a a blue ribbon In the class. Ic was centered with a picture of Christ at a door, knocking. Sec ond was the Seventh-day Adven list church. No third was award ed. Frizes of $15 and $10 weie given. Singer Sewing Machine Co. cf Fendleton was first In the com mercial class. Morrow County drain Growers was second and F.kstrom Farm Chemicals was third. Ribbons only were given In thl. class. Grain exhibits at this year's fair exceed the exceptional show ing of last year's fair, according to the county agent, livcsiock entries are living up to predic tions of being the most ever, al though the number of pigs Is down. Canning and vegetab'v? entries are also below normal. One of the main attractions at the fair Is Babe's Blue Ox. the 2500 pound steer brought from llermiston by owner Dan Folleit of Follett Meat Co. Mitt Nofon Returns From Work In Europe kliM IlitllU ft.daM la lrH--4 la II I..J t4 l-r lrfi Ml to) Mi WU:f l Mix i .r-n 11 tr lMCt t J l) ti. t'h trai i.ii.Hf t4 anf ; lmitw al H.iir li M al MUyUr l ai. and ral It 4twntf l i .S.4an will t U t mm-n t a l' Irar lilrrf ji!in I tkr-wwud trt.lrr. VAll, t t f a-it.a Rev. Len Fishback Here to Serve Christian Church At Tarif f Irt ll.f I J J I 4 It.r l im t briMian t t.un '1. Ilrj j..r. f lb fil li. ut liy mt u.e Itrv Ij-n H liibaih. who will wis Ibr ihurth a al li.trrim paii.r fi lluwin ir.e o. panur I lt. ItrV. I nat jr 10 ur I J.rutun clturrh In tail, Otr run. Ti liry. lltbba'k. ti.TM U in IIHUboro, will K-rve the thurch until at lait iha firi of thi I ear. He ha l-rn in lb minutry for 47 year, all hi wr vir In urrRn wiin ir.e eillon of two rar In N'Utti Alri4 whn h riabl;hJ a w hit thunh 'J mUr ttm Jo bar n st.ufR in the community U lU-ltol. Ittt-ntly the cierfyman h Ix-rri minuter of OuitMan riu- ration and visitation at the IlilU- bora t.rt.stlan rhurrh. At varlou lime the !rv. FKh baik haa M-rrl thr- ChrUtlan churchet In eastern Oregon, totaling IH year. Includir.a baker. Ifa-nd and Burrii. Anoher 12 wa In churche on the r.4t. at Tlilamtiok and North 1- n.l. His longi-fct aincle pastor ate, however, wa at llili.sboro where he wa minister for 12 e.r. Mr. Fishbaik. who teache t.iano and o.Ran In lUlistxiro. 11 mjln at home while he Is Uminir the Im at church. I lie i!. l-ishback rdan to leturn to Hillsboro every three or four Wick. The couple ha four children .if I'niun. including two bj ano two Rirl. All have degrees from college, ranging to three .1. ft. fi.r Mme of t.'.t m. Th n,-v. KUhbark took hi r.iii.i-i viiirk at the t'niversity I . . ... . B.1.1. ri. lleppm-r.iof Oregon ana r.uume biwvi- versnv 'now iunn lian College). He revived a hai helor of arts degree from Ore Kon. and bachelor of arts, bach elor of public peaklng and bat helor of divinity degrees from the Bible University. It was In liniS that he went to Africa for the church work there. He had Mime very' Interes ting experiences and has a col lection of mementos and souve nirs from the two years. Services at the local church will continue with morning wor ship at 11 a. m. Sundays and Bible school at 9:45. The Rev. Fishback also Is working to re activate the Christian Youth Fel low ship group. 1 1 m ntttntm CAirrrt nwri. Tv4y. tt. ihi iin Sunday is Final Swim at Pool- Attendance Down Seven Men Signed For Roping Event Seven men have been signed to represent the Heppner Morrow County Chamber of Commerce In the special Cham ber of Commerce calf roping event listed this year on the pro gram of the rodeo shows Satur day and Sunday. Secretary Jack Locke said Thursday morning that the en trants are Dave Barnett. uon McClure, Harley Sager, Randall Peterson. Lvle Jensen, Jim My ers and Larry frock. Others may be added. Last year the crowd enjoyea the greenhorns' cow riding, but they probably will enjoy this year's special event even more. It will not be the usual calf roping but something different. liVll 278 S. Main Heppner Ph. 676-9418 i mm ! -..ferVrtl -'Cm-'-' IB lELCj Civ you tht Flntit In COMFORT, ECONOMY In avery on of th Cooitol itotet you'll find DORIC Motor Holell offering you th best In lervlc ond oeeom modatloni, and extfixiing you a friendly welcome. SEATTLE: Doric Mayflower Hotel Doric Waldorf Hotel Doric 6th Av. Motor Hotel Doric Town Motor Hotel TACOMA: Doric Tacoma Motor Hotel KENNEWICK, Wah!nBtom Doric Black Arigm Motor Hotel PORTLAND: ' Doric Portland Motor Hotel Doric Palmj Motor Hotel HAYWARD, California! Doric Hay ward Motor Hotel LOS ANGELES: Doric Mission Hills Motor Inn GARDENA, California! Doric Gardena Motor Hotel Open July 1 ( a new Doric In downtown Lot Angeles For Reservations, coll the nearest Doric hotel A urril hunter fHy train . .Sunday foitowitijt a two hour awirn fiol after the aftrr iMn rxJ- bow. aintfdir.R lo Tom llUgtie. lifrRuard. Th p"d will tf ti--n frurn a lo t . only on Saturday and from 5 lo 7:U' on Sunday. Ihm Will be tluaed f Ihe rri of IhU aean. AseraRe at the pool ha U-e-n a little Iwlow thai of taut rar. due in rmre Renerally fA weather and a leer num t r of older iwtmmrn. Total tur the lumnirf ha bern between 12' and ll'oi. arrordlriff to record kept by Hughe. There have been hriv een 173 and 2i t-hildrrn who have taken wim essm under instruction Hughe- live rompieteu iunir life kavlng and four received Mrilr life avtM award. In the beginning clan were: tUi ky Stephen. Lanre Wllll iin- on. linna Ullie. ycott LHIIe. ill S4-,tt. Todd Sharrard. Bar- I ara AlSstott. Clyde Allstott, Ui Collin. Judy Gentry. J rry t.en try. TrUa I'rork. Judith Weller. Sunan Weller. Gordon Cecil. Kathy Schubert. Jim Wllhelm. Gary Wllhelm, Joe Wllhelm. Jim Van Scholaik, turx-tie jones. Rkky IVttlhn. Kay Munkers, Itonl Lee Toll. John Healy. Re- he-ca Duffy, Lucy Huber Patricia Iluhe. Barbara nerman anc Mike Stephens. Completing Intermediate Us son were Ricky Drake, Gler.da Drake, FlUabeth Abrams, Jeanne Frank, Dallas Harsin and Kent Williamson. In the swimmers class were Sue Chally. Kevin Dick. Larry' Hank and Jeanne Frank. The five completing junior life saving were Bobby Dobbs. Kit Anderson. Bill McLeod, Marsha Lovgren anl Mark Lovgren. Achieving senior life saving requirements were Barbara Blake. Julie Pfelffer, Dale Vance and Mike Pierce. Jaycees to Hold Juvenile Hunter Safely Training A lusrnise rtur.trr My train In rofram will be purtwrrd ty t:.e lU y.Mt 2tm Uf llu atari ft hunting acaatm. ae nufdirif ia Tom llughra. thatr in n. The Instrutt.on. a-heJulrtt to atari early In jM-ptrmber, will lie fur ) of at' 12 lo 17 who mutt aatufa. tnrily rotnplHe a rour In sale bandllnf of fire. anna approved by Ihe Ramerom. rtuioii lrf.a;e mriving their rrfUjratca, of e'rnt-ten y, tioii a of ihe Oregon Juve nile Hunlrr Safely law atau-a. .Vj p-r.n, 7 tara of age of luurifc-er, at. ail hunt rpi on u own jrrrnises or that of a parent or trifal ruardian with firearm without first obtaining Irwrn the Oregon Mate Ganiej C'irnrr.lnlon. and having on hlJ prraun. a mtifwate of tt.mj lertry In the Ie handling of firearma." Ihe Mfety training program la riven under the aupue of Ihe Oregon Game Commuaion. and will have Ihe cooperation of the Department of Mate folk- In carrying out the law. Violation of the law, upon conviction, la pur.uhahie by a fine of not more than Uo. Included In the course are uch aubjerU aa knowledge of guru and ammunition, prtiper gun handling aporiamanxhip, live firing, game management, en forcement and regulation, hunt ing technique, lunlvil, care of game in the licio, water aaieiy, and f rt aid. It Includes a mini mum of four hours and a maxi mum of aeven hours of Instruc tion. Those Interested In getting ap plication blanks to fill out or have guestions on the course are asked to contact Tom Hughes. Cowboy Breakfast Slated on Sunday 5n 40 rudta from the Wrrtjcl-r club will b on hand at Ihe fairgrounds Sunday morn Injt premr cowboy fcreaVfaaf tm it bic romd Irtal wi'l par take -f Ihe artumMioua fare. Ttie break fat 1 from 7 f 10 a m. and all are Invited. Ham. ere. htcakra, potatuea and rof foe will be w-rr-d, and futee per plate I ! f.r adults. 7V fuf tudrnta and &oe fr rhltdren. Mra. Iwoweli Grlbble, chair- man. aays that .ai irn esr-a an.) D pound i4 ham will be ued. Aiing her I Mr. Bar. ney MaIom, and three men tornrit t;rren. Itolce lullrton and Howard BoantwlU lake rare of the atuse. r.vrry mem ber of the Wrangler lakea part In the work on the breakfast, and each hot to extend a tdeaaant "Howdy" to everyone Sunday morning. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital the past wee and still receiving medical care Include the following: Robert Lovgren. Lexington; Forrest 1 Case I Adams, Heppner; Jack Law son, Heppner; James Ed wards. Fossil; Kevin Potter. Con don, and Melvin Wham. Kinzua. Those who received care and were dismissed Include: Dixie Kay Peck. Lexington; Charles Greenfield. Condon; Roper Palmer. Heppner; Kathleen Ta turn. Heppner, and Mike See fried. Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. David Low of Condon became parents of a son on Wednesday, August 26. He has been named William Ed ward and weighed 4 lbs., 12 02. at birth. the shoes with T1I1S rATTER.V i vaiULl In red leather or cinnamon patenlita uppers . . . The wing design Ii shadowed for addi tional beauty . . . the plastic cowboy heel is an extra added attraction . . . this is just one of the wonderful Charm Step patterns for fall, now on dis play in our store. KEELEY rf J ONLY mvi s 1 COME AND GET IT! -J vl I I f A 1 VAI I AU FAT III I )JH ALL IWU V-l ) i I SERVED WITH TRUE WESTERN HOSPITALITY li j 0 At The Annual 1 IH EPISCOPAL CHURCH I I I leeff iirpecne 1 DINNER I I Saturday, August 29, From 5 p. m. I j 1 8 EPISCOPAL CHURCH, CORNER CHURCH AND GALE j j Come And Bring Your Friends! fj l; T J,.l I THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY YOUR HOME-OWNED BANK AS A COMMUNITY I HANK OF D pastern Oregon HEPPNER BRANCH HEPPNER ARLINGTON IONE MEMBER, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION