Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1964)
fl HCrf NCI CAItTTtTlMtS. TkiUy. tT tl IK4 Boardman Clubs Conlribule Funds To Fire Dept. It MART LEE HARLOW Ki'nzua Golfers Carry On Busy Program Rr VIRGINIA KCLSO K!Nl'A tHirln th urn. In i4 KiiJay, Julv IT. M rn. t)iuutw mm the .al f.if I tub talluf d a tli ntuiw f I ft-tfularlv t llrtluIrM RWn M Twilight Irapue tly Vt'luiiit-r Hf !Viflmeni jtram with the IHittn! riikin mtitnl frtn iti Ihiiw A rtinnrr hrM fmvntly ty th Hotiilmtn Titlt-um club, lte ihrm In a tu lih IN iluhhrr lor firt jUf In team nanain. to lrm mrt Ve Otifr an4 in a ii lor cc fi-ll drangc. th fuatilwan ihf ihopjxr danlrn club and In Hm n-l it. Irntiun I' int. The uual fin mI prrpartsl TM ircn!4U..n, tna.1i bv'bv h4 ch.f Jim Walker a Mi, It ..aM Htatk. a hrl.I atjquUklv dVmoIuhs with tuto I i.i r lrf Matin mn hum an.j th nt of thf cvenin . .- k. i . f"V.. . m ...... a . . . . . ... l"vt-iii inin w i'im- fTiu ai (ami anil nmrraiHm, tnrnt nlutiin lisirf .van the divot urr all re it-tn. iv.b iTtornnui. iivt r lur. piacvd ana the trvrru irn wavne Kunn. joe laion inu iwn, honors for the event were Vrrmm ItuMell. Al prent found to be: low cro. Milt IUr- wrre Mayor leey ei ana, me; low net, IVm MtVonnetl; Unal4 liiartc. i Ion drive, Jim lluK il; rlx-tt llrprfM-niinc the Tlllleum flub to the pin. Milt Bonn; leat were Mr. hJjtk. Mr. Dewey putts a three way tie between Wet. Mrt. Dtn lwwney. Mi. L- Jim Hult-lt. Allen Nlta4. and Vern rankm-. Mr. lUlpn IXin Stinkard. Skoubo. Mn J.e Houston and J On Sunday the J.val club en- Mm. II. M. Walker. Mr. Glen tertalned the John Day club and Carpenter represented tne u became a day to be long re Garden Club and the Home l onomic flub, and Mra FJirl Brific the Home taiteni-ion I'ntt. Alo present Irom the tlarden Club were Mm. iarl Glilecpie. Mra, Claud Coat and Mr. Horence Itot. The TllHrum club also ha 2IM kev rinea to be sold, and proceed of these will to to the Kir Department at later date Mr. LaVern Tartlow wa ho tea for the Boardman TllHrum club at her home Tuesday of last week. The club will assist with the Mobile X-ray unit which will be here August 7 from 3:30 to 6 d m. bv the Hltchln Fot Cafe A certificate of appreciation was read from the Project Hope for the club donation. The next meeting will be it the home of Mrs. ttJacK on Aug ust 1L memberedThe Klnzua Swinirer wrvted the coveted "Slip Wright Memorial Trophv" from the John Dav colfer. Not only were they able to capture the famou trophy but also took over the Traveling Trophy." which ha become a symbol of upT-lorlty. i Fr the HMn.i vear. team play for the WilM I'n'I'by end-t in a dadl.k le twevn the two ten man team. tMHVMitating a i'l4off in whuh the kinrvilir t.k-k charge on the ium nie anvi aieaiiiiv ruin a mfotat le margin tvi pUif the piiea at ret in tne ht-m-r lit the club h It wa a pfv ui It-lory for Kin rua a they had fail-d In tw prevMus tiirmtit to rain i in cf the tnphy whlh lah.l a memottam to the late Slip Wrlk'ht. who for many )ear wa endearett ty hi ac tivlly and peronaliiy to mem her 14 UHh club All In all ul men. wxtmen and lunittr par tuited In the day s play alter a hot cake n ham treaklat ened the men member. All tht wa toiietl by a wonder ful turkey butft-t wrvrd by the I a. lit during the afternoon. lionr for the day went to Joe Kultrk and Ken Steven of John Pay and IVmi Stinkard and lUvId Lvell if Klnrua. For the women, low score honor were won bv Barbara (ihon and Marge lUslman of John Day and Dorothy CKwe and Helen Boyle of Klnzua. Highlight of the af ternoon wa a shoe switch In- olvlng a member of each club. in which John Day wa accused of sabotage! rniiei-titlvef and Mi. ICoger llollomon. Trtey were accompanied by lxtle W II- Mr. and Mr. Bruce IKdlomon and daughter of HcrmtMon spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Mr. and Mm. Joe Rrxmnlng and daughter pnt the we-k end In La ilranle. iJnda re mained to vUlt with the llarpole familv. MiitJ Ju.1v Caiov r.lun-,1 home over the week-end from Burn where she had gone lt sihool the pat year. Leaving for their home at FredetU-ktown. Mo. after spend Ing three Mrrki here tuning Itu-ir brother Ralph Hliolt and Mr, lllloit weie Mr. I.oia Harper and Mr. lvroihv 111. k I'nfortunatrlv, Mr llliott had to iend the tat three week In the htMpital at lleppner re cterlng fnm a heart attack ha only had the pat wi-k tt iMt with their omipany Mr. Ralph Jame an.l um Da vid and Mm, Jtank ivMemtl Mr and Mi Har. I I Bilndtall and family of The tMlle enf lite wek en. I here tuning the v. sal HuMtll family. When Ihev rrtuins htnie tney took Iheir dduifhlrr July liae who had been brie for Hutttrll a wm k and who wilt Wit Miaron them. i;av Tax lor wa in lt i pm r Mon.iay to get M giakua. Mr. and Mi. Wathnd II) at and daughter Therea Ifft Mn day morning for a week's vaa lion. They planned lo vUlt rel athea In Seattle and aim vUlt Walant' sUier, Mr. letyn llii and her family near Iteim The IkHiliUsltvk pinochle club had It regular session Weliu-. tlav ex en i n g with Mr. Uly May .Niiktad a hitewi to the i:rHiii Winner f high and one of the floating prise wa Margaret MiVumiell and winning low and Mvnt last Thursday In Condon I itna at fhaa ftivjatlrit1 Us V'lrt'lhl for busines and shopping. Also Kcl.i. Grand high wa awarded In tondon that day weie Mr ,tl M4r, nnn anl g,f jw uukmni. vi S nkard tlthera enk n.i Lex H.E.C. Holds Socia1 Br DELPHA JONES LEXINGTON Home Ec onomics Club of the Lexington Grange met at the home of Mr. Cecil Jones last Thursday after noon for a social meeting. Games were played and door f'rlzes were won by Mrs. Bertha lunt and Mrs. Ed Hunt. Others present were Mrs. Ola Rugcles, Mrs. ISora Turner. Mrs, Una . , . I Turner of lleppner. Mrs, Ken- Mr. Harold Rash was hostess neth Smouse d motheIi Mrs. ror me uiaies aiq ainy F11. r,,, .i inB, Mr. nrtp Community church Wednesday .- i.,riiaf, , ' P home, with Mrs Louise Earwood A,onM Henderson and daughter as co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Whittier. Calif. Betty, and Invited guests Mrs. Kmma Brpshear rt fharlo Jim tills ox Collv and the hostess. Mrs. visited two Jones. There w 111 be no meeting . i . . . ... In August but will resume In September at the home of Mrs. W ilbur SteagaiL A family get-together and patio dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall on Sunday. The occas days last week at the home of Mrs. Ellis' aunt. Mrs. Florence Root. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Partlow went to Portland last week, where Pan low consulted a physiclaa Mrs. Arnin Hug went to La Grande one day last week to jsion was In honor of Mrs. Harry visii ner momer, irs. rvaue i.Marsnau or Bend, mother of Mr. Bickiord. Marshall, and Mrs. W. C Patter Verna Lynn, four-year-old son of Florence, aunt of Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff MarsnaiL utners present were Houghtlen. is In the Good Shop- Mr. and Mrs. Gene Majeske and herd hospital In Hermiston. suff- children. Mr. and Mrs. Ken ering with pneumonia. She will Palmer and son Mike, George be taken to Portland ror luruier I .-xiarsnaii, icoir. craoiree, wr. tretament as soon as she Is well and Airs. Dallas Rea and child- enough to traveL Iren of Condon, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hewitt of Bud Marshall and children of Bloominrton. Calif., visited over, new o na Jwra. ieon- nieht last week at the home of ard Munkers. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moore. I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Munkers Mrs. Delia Faulkner spent the and family returned Saturday week-end In Dayville visiting at from a vacation at the Oregon the home of her grandson and coast, ineir daughter Theresa family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley had the misfortune to come Shattuck. down with mumps while on the Mr and Mrs Cunnar Skonho triP. o the family returned and daughters Patsy, Kathy and Linda visited from Wednesday till Sunday in Portland at the home of Skoubo's brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Toiva Simila, and in Forest Grove at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Silverthorn. They also visited his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoubo, in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lyons of Longmont, Colo., were week-end visitors at the home of Lyons' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Emrey Lyons. Mrs. Max Vannoy and children Mark and Dayle of Davis, Calif., are visiting this week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Nels Kristensen. Valerie and Denise Rash of Portland are visiting at the home of their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rash. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frost of Hillsboro are visiting at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mc Quaw. Chloe and Anna Mae Mc Quaw have returned home from Hillsboro where they have been employed. Mrs. Alice Dartt of The Dalles visited a week at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Herrin. Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie went to Mattawa, Wa, Sunday to visit at the nome or times pies niece, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Willkie. Messenger Observes 84th Birthday Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Messenger Sat urday in honor of his 84th birth day were his daughters, Mrs. Marie Cogill of Portland, and Mrs. Edwin Sharp and daughter In-law, Mrs. Edwin Sharp, Jr., and children Susie, Jinimie, Diane, Janet and John, all of Vancouver, Wn. Sunday visitors were Messenger s niece, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole and five daughters of Arlington. Mrs. Lyle Williams and son Gary of Wallowa were week end visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Worden. Glcnda and Ronnie Williams returned home with their mother after visiting here the past week. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sledge were Mrs. Sledge's mother, Mrs. John W. Anderson, and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Anderson and daughter Diane, all of Condon, Diane remained here to visit this week. home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eatch of Portland spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Jones. While here, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Eatch, Joyce Peck and Mrs. Vic Groshens attend ed the wedding shower for Miss Marilyn Morgan at lone on Sat urday afternoon. Miss Morgan is Scrcrpbook Material Needed The Boardman City Council Is planning a scrapbook about the relocation of the town. Anyone with pictures or news items to donate are asked to give them to Shirley ZielinskL the bride elect of Keith Peck of Lexington, son of Mr. and Mr. E. E. reck. Scott Crabtree of Portland. small son of Mr. and Mr. Ron ald Crabtree of Portland. Is visit ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mr. Ken Palmer. Mrs. Florence McMillan Is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cool of Pendleton. Mrs. Cool is the daughter of Mrs. McMillan. Vernon Warner of PortlanJ spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner. Mr. Clarence Hays and daughter Candiss of Corvaliis. is visiting this week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mr. Earl Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hunt and son of Portland are spending three weeks at the home of his mother. Mrs. Bertha Hunt. Women's Fellowship Group of the Christian church met at the home of Mrs. Roy Campbell i on Tuesday afternoon. The after noon was spent in preparing clothes to go to tne AicKiniey Indian Mission. Due to the ab sence of the officers there was no business meeting. Those members present for the after noon were Rev. and Mrs. Earl Soward, Mrs. Carl Marquardt, Mrs. Alonzo Henderson, Mrs. Elva Ruhl. Mrs. William C. Van Winkle, Mrs. Art Keene and the hostess. Mrs. Norma Marquardt and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquardt and children were visitors In Portland over the week-end. Valda Irvin accompanied Mrs. V. Hams and daughters to Pen dleton on Tuesday afternoon where they met the Ham's son, Lee, who is home on leave from the U. S. Navy. Lee was recently injured In a car accident near Lexington, and has been recup erating in a navy hospital near Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colly were Pendleton callers Tuesday, where Mr. Colly consulted a physician. Mrs. E. E. Peck and daughter Joyce were business visitors in Pendleton on Wednesday. Mrs. Peck attended an Avon repre sentative's meeting. Mrs. Bertha Hunt and grand daughter. Jeannine Hunt, are visiting in The Dalles and Portland. Walter Bastian and Billie Jean and Karen. Mr. and Mr. Lowell S.tarp pent Saturday In london for busineft and shopping. Mi Connie Toml Lathim of Portland 1 visiting with Ms Karen Bastian. Al home for he week end from Portland wa Mi Dolore Haitian. Mrs. Lou I Lorengel and fam II y and Mr. Trov I arey were i The Dalle Tuesday for med al care for Linda Mr. Marilyn Bailey wa ho. , tea Tuesday evening at the hall to tne member of the rnemi hlp club. Winning high for the evening was VI Mink ard and winning low was Virginia Sit ton. Floating went to Irene Sample and Rita Conlee. Other playing were Naomi Rice. La- ina Conner. Kosie Graham. Ann Bastian, Carol Norm, Joan Michel, and Ginger Whltsett. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of Mil- waukle visited last week with Mr. Ellis father. Clarence Moore. MLss Susan Wright of Bend spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wright. Sr. University Lertcrt ComnienJ Doctor V.k of IV. A. IX M.Murdo on lite aihlMtfv rotnimtie lo I he I'nUrrtiiv of Virginia Med I. al aiuHk latloit I tortiiiir tided In letter ircvlxed I'V the tWtof from l.'dgar F. bhannon, Jr. I resident i f the unlterkitv, and r Kenneth It. I n(-tl. dean of the btriool f Medicine, !r, MtMurdo partd tpaled In a meeting of he commute in t hiMteHll, V . on June 4 W of tin mtt iini"rtant ate. ; I was lhal a a nult of the ixtninilliee' lentmmendatl o n, j the medical alumni aoi latin will undertake a a pe 11 pro htt the iluti? of fund for ai hew nietlit-al library at a ot I of Jl ;Mm and pledge total ' Ing tT hate already been j piiM-nted lo launeh Ihe cam paign, i Then are ITU niemter on I lie aitviMiry committee aero the I'nited States. Dr. MtMurdoand hi two brother, lit Ing In California, hate been designated) a patriarch if Ihe university. All three are alumni of the I'm- teisity of Virginia. j Mail Van Mattof, dowytiSM if Mr. and Mr l aVmi Van Matter, Jr, I attending the 4hiPI rbunh summer avhd al lot Oil week. UW Wv the rtenlng were Marittn Hailev. Virginia Mtton. Bonnie Campbell. Vonnle Browning. Kathryn Flaik. Helen Wright, and Marge Aher. Mr. and Mr. Don vnf and son, Kuan, returned lo their. home In Port land on Monday: after p-ri.ling the week end Vis- j Ming at the home of Mr llev ' rner parent. Mr. and Mr. I Mike Sating. Welcome illorrow Co. Friends! For Gasoline and Service, Stop At McLean's Union Service Station (Owned and operated bf Chuck McUan. with Gary Itambera. attendant) 230 S W. Dorloa AvM rendition Free Parking with Service Work Convtnleat Downtown Location. Stop la and Cbuck and Garf. Va-hooo . . them are pants! Yup. Pint! like ht6 hm durn ntjr re placed Th Bot Social, lean, lanky western tailoring in colors that sorta step right up and say "Howdy." Red, Purple, Turquoise, Kelly Green. ..yup, downright friendly. About $6.95. authentic Lady "c$(. crncrs by jjQ NEW YORK STORE Mala and Cmlarant rendlatoa, Or. A MODERN Business Operation Demands QUALITY JlFOR (Tl SfL I - CALIFORNIA VISIT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodations Just minutes from Dlsne y 1 a n d and Knott's Berry Farm. All units have free TV, air-conditioning and heat. Spacious grounds with heated pool, play and recreational area. fipf lit WW" Excellent restaurants and shop ping centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel 641 S. Brookhurst ANAHEIM, CAL, FREE! Writ fof litwatura aJ row TRAVEL GUIDE Utting fin. from caasf to eomt, trapc IW and aporowd by Cangrn of Motor PRIBSTBM HOW IS YOUR STOCK OF . . . LETTERHEADS & MATCHING ENVELOPES INVOICES STATEMENTS WINDOW ENVELOPES RULED FORMS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENTS , . . Whatever Your Printing Needs May Be See Us Guaranteed Satisfaction " Prompt Service The Gazette-Times Phone 676-9228 Dealer For Moore Business Forms