Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1964)
Wheat-Feed Grain Substitution Approved ii lhat KUinnu-r fallow orr Mlinii fr il rt iri may ! il4iiiu. mw. Hie tl. S. I pordm nj of Agriculture has an-um-til llin I nuhMltuiiort he-twr-u whrat f-ed ail t;f tn Mould lc authmird In Uit vm'A pniClitiK, a-f lniT lav M.NmmI of the AM"S idlhe. -mrr. trawll fur tho aulmtitutlolt of Mlirtl atwl (' grain i l r lull great flesibllliy In farm ultkiiluiloit Mill m-i'lv on In dividual farm only If the farm has I"'"' f"'! and a Whi-ac anoimrm. rimiuirn will nrrl in nuil at lrat lilt minimum diversion for both wheal anl grains In Older to utilize the uttilutlm 'io Uloris, Wheat certificate will i Is sued lo program participants In manner similar tn this vrar'a crop " 'I11 Mn a Her of HI the normal irduilon of the acre age allotment, tnultlplt"! Iv Hi" domestic ami eapott allocation Mnentagea to I announced al a later date hy the Secretary, or 12) the wheat acreage planted for rtarvem multlllel by the normal yield. The number of certlficatea al!'ated t a farm will not be lnereaed because of the substitution of wheat for feel grain. F wheat producers In com pliance with ogram require menta, thi total production of wheat will lie eligible for price support loan even though the whttl acreage in In ewes of the wheat allotment because of the substitution provision. Feed i-raln ptodm Hon .f pro grunt paith liinl Mill Im rllgl Me fr ple nupMrt am when uh ri are irrown In place of wheat. If price pay MMt.U are author lr.l a a pari of the V.A Feed drain iogram and f ! grains art substituted for the prle uptlt pay-oh-i.Ii Mill lie limited lu the normal prductloii of the feed grain lae less tlie diverted ai re aire tnot Icm than the required lniiilmum diversion under the feed grain pnt!iam I An i hase Will Im es tablished for eligible farms for th purHu of substituting wheat In lieu of su h iro, if prolurer mi request. It won I Hhii(e. however, to plant mm, grain sorghurn r harley In lieu of the oat rye base. Livestock 4 H Club Takes Tour of Farms Member of the Hoof and Horn 4 II l.lvetok rluli were taken on a tour to see the animala of each memicr. The 'our Marl ed at Nela Anderson's, then went to the akc. Weatherfrd. CrtrnupK. Ilarshmana, ami end .t .i iir.u.rit ivttvlohn'a. At (Jri-enupn the club member! ludiM'd a croup or II raivea. At rrttvMn'. na' "ffr; ment a Ml ri"-reatln of ioo and baM-hall. Tlie net mertlnp will le held Au:uit 10 at (till Weatherforda Martini: at l:"Vi P m. Larry ivtlyjohn. retKirti-r mum news Wheafgrowers Set Monday Meeting "A dlMuUm of la lue. prrrrtaltin i4 Mr 11 Om Mtvatlon Man of the Year with colored Mid of Ida fHinntva Hon practicea, and brief I'' lient trir1 of Interest to the wheat grower, will b on the iii.-n ihi Morrow County Wheal firowera Aaiawn nuio their annual aprlnjf mertlnjt at the Ualntton liranK hall net Monday rvenlntf. Jun '. n program haa t---n prrpared l with the wheat prow, r In mind. ' . V. An'lerMn. County AtreM and S- rrtary 4" the an latn. 'Hie dlM-UMlon of Oregon tat matter Includlnu farm land value and thr re -appralal pro pram In ltrll will be well worth ketlnit thU evening frer." aa AnderMjn. "iJeorire Anna I a, Manager, (hejron Ta lleM-anh. I Mn All thnriiv on the kubhit and a komI eaker.M Iteportlnit on artlvltie. pu tet and acomplihrnent for the pat year will be committee chairmen Including Kenneth Turner. rroluctton and I-ani IVr; Don IVtenum, MarKeimc and Transiiorlation; Mr. Doug Drake. Ikmetlr Wheat Utiliza tion; Don McHlllirott, Tasatlon and Leirlalatlon; lib FUetmann. Federal Agricultural frocrain; Iternard IhiTtw. Youth Actlv die. Included In the Public'.na 'iimmiitM ri-ixirt trivi-n by I-ula CarLvin. chairman, will he- a run down on ine iuio-w-ful Portland Kth grade tour h-ld In late April. Bob Jejsen, halr man. Coruwrvatlon Mf t lhr FIRST CHOICE FOR FATHER'S DAY Make Dad's Eves Liqht Up On Father's When You Gift Him With A Set of Atlas Tires. Here's A Practical Gift He'll Both Appreciate and Enjoy. THESE ARE FIRST LINE TIRES WITH AM It MONTH WRITTEN GUARANTEE. THET ARE AVAILABLE IN WHITE WALL, BLACK WALL. TUBE LESS OR TUBE TYPE. ALL SIZES. Jack's Chevron Station Btppnar I ph. 678-8995 Year program, will pirw-nt Km- Mill TulM'f. V'i t"U''V wii.i.r Caul Trw. Ileidrn of tha a aolalion Mill preside. Liveslock Brands Up for Renewal; Tolal Now 16,500 farm number! IMV le on the dowrtftlde but ownerMilp of live- Mot k brand I fi-rr.r-ir.jr. That- Mhat the Mate Impart ment of Agriculture fcay a It iifeir" Ut mail mre than 16,.Vi application forma for brand renewal during July. iin everv five vear. Oreron requlret brands to be re recorded lo keep th-m alive an.l lepal. II they aren't rerecorded, another pennon can cme In and aroop up a brand owned for urr.pty Meen year. Not only la in number of brand at an all tim hlh ai the preM-nt ierlrd rr.d. but an amarlnfT number f nr brand Merc recorded M'lth the department In the firt five months of i'M'A. That doesn't count 100 trans fers of ownership. Brand titles are like automobile title they're personal property, be. lonclr.jt to the oMrier of record. About V) ler cer.t of the brand are cattle brands; 2.131 are for hore: Z) for heep. Koat and poultry; one Is for hog. Two developments are notice able a the department studies the 16.500 brands to bo reM-wva. havs Mrs. Wilma Kussell, brand rirordcr. One la the Increasinu number of corporations, Inciudintr family corporation. filing livestoc .,nii ami rhi eTowth In part nership fllinR. Many of the part nershlp are husband and Mile Mith brand rights paw-ing to the aurvivor. . , The other I the Increaslnj; numlxT of cattle brands filed by western Oregon owners. Take the 3X5 brands filed from January throuch May. The records khow 64 pT cent were filed by eastern Orvjron owner, n.o 36 per cent comlnc from west of the Cas cades was divided 21 "cr cent for southMestern Oregon (Jos ephine. Jackson, Doujjlas Coos and Curry counties and 15 per cent for the Willamette valley. Helen Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Graham, arrived In Heppner Sarurday . nv.ns.nlv Arlr to SDOnd a I two-week vacation at the home of her parents. Miss Graham Is employed at the main office of the First National Bank of Arizona In Phoenix. Sh? works In the Investment department ol the Daruc. TO ENJOY DINING OUT OUR NEW MENU FEATURES: DELICIOUS STEAK DINNERS SEAFOOD DINNER SELECTIONS FILLET MIGNON. 16 OZ. SERVED WITH LOBSTER TAIL .... ... U.S0 NEW YORK CUT STEAK. 16 OZ. UJS0 T-BONE STEAK RIB STEAK "S CHICKEN FRIED STEAK CUBED PORK STEAK 51-50 BREADED VEAL CUTLET $-50 OLD FASHION STEAK -50 HAMBURGER STEAK lA0 STEAK SANDWICH $1-25 PIZZA 85c-$1 LOBSTER TAIL DINNER DRAWN BUTTER. BAKED POTATO. SALAD AND DESSERT S3.50 LOBSTER DIABLO DINNER SPANISH SAUCE WITH LOBSTER TAIL. RICE AND GARLIC TOAST .... $25 MIXED SEA FOOD PLATTER S1.60 GRILLED HALIBUT $1.50 FRIED OYSTERS - $1-50 FRENCH FRIED PRAWNS S1.50 SHRIMP LOUIE S1.50 CRAB LOUIE $1.50 OTHER TASTE TEMPTING DINNERS ROAST BEEF $1-50 ROAST PORK $1.50 BAKED HAM $150 Vi FRIED CHICKEN $1.60 ITALIAN SPAGHETTI ..$1.00 WITH MEAT BALLS . .$1.30 -FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL - Fresh Columbia River Salmon Steak $1.75 Fresh Steamed Buttered Clams $1.50 HEPPNER HOTEL GRILL Under New Management Operated Under The Heppner Hotel LYLE ADAMS, MANAGER Timely Pointers For Easy Packing Given Travelers Whrthrr yuur ummf travrl f.lati li.iln.i lH l th Yk WkW i rair, or lu a wrtkrr.l at the hrath. tkir. uur auie rrrrtlv ran lrli i-rrvert Hilihlr (hr arn IravH trfr,i-r, ai'iiUir.? t" Klaifj- tarlMn. t Mr gun t'iilvrrily ettriJri ihithing l ialit Take aljr.K a .air tt rorr.furt able, turiv kJmr Itr k'ht Init on fut. vkl.rrever u av the tiSU eteriiort ! ialui. hut lx- aurv tu tut Idem In piaktic baj: at the tt!jm f the auitrate. tahrre thry laont wrinkle or m. )jut tAhtt cJothra. Your tullnic kiioul.l t t k- e1 lr Ihrr. Javera, advl.- Mla Carlson. The fut layer ahouia rortkivt t'f oM ahafed ami hravy iniiin. Such Jtrma as ahora, a travel Iron, and your coarm-tic hait khouhl te plaTl aeairu4 the back tf the auitcaae. thry won't welsh on rruhable lt-ma when the auUcaMt tu tol up right Turk amall itema Ufh aa film. ki-.imf kit arxl atotkinea Into your hoe btfure putting llH-in in Jav umnm. tut rrmilrlriff itiir On the bottom u.ith iit lmi that will not be uivd regularly. The remainder of this first aection ahould be parked x It la leel with the khori and cosmetic bag. The aecond layer will consUt of fckirta. drensea and aulta. Fold the garments o they will cover as much of the flat area of the kui tease as po.ible, with a min imum of folds, riace crumpled ahf-eta of tissue paper In the folds and between all layers to help prevent wrinkles. Flat sheets of tissue paper are not as effective. The top layer should Include garments that will be needed Immediately on arrival, such as bathrobe, nightgown, sweater, and perhaps a plastic raincoat. Remember, a loosely-p icked sui'ease is apt to cause your tn u-rinkl SS badlV 8S will one that U too tightly pack ed. One of the cardinal rules for th traveler is to take no more clothes than are absolutely nec essary, according to Miss can sort. The successful travel ward rr.Kn u mmfoTtahle. correct for the place and the occasion, and becoming. The right cioines should also pack well In a min imum of space, and be easily kept fresh and ready for quick changes. Another hint on how to mane en It llvlncr mnri hearable for someone making a lengthy trip with a limited wardrobe is aiso nirtmn gaicttc timm. TaraT. it. 1H4 Chamber Donates To 8th Grade Tour ( hart if i f fi.Mrlr ttifr-. Iota Virl ta riliUu P1 t wiiiii ril-t"-- f 1' rr.ri.1 laniard Kif in iinlo hur Mtrw My at ri.rtir.if f.rl.1 la.t rh l f"Ut'l that rifw r r !r. rtl matra. ai d U.t h-5p was tirrdrd t.y ti.0 i-rf-.M.r Jitk !... r-w staff rr.em kr t.f the rrt .National bar.k. was rlrx trraurrr or hamtT by the tlurttors In sue- r-.J Jk-rt Huff Mtia attrndrij hit at merlin her la.t werk Huff is tu Klamath Kail a, f.i.jlnjr hia vacation prrltKl. to h aMlatr with the brarh pawed ahr.g ty MiM Tarlun. M recomrtirnds uiir.g light Vkrltfht pirf of ranlhoard. slightly smalirr than th Inald cf the sulfase. as removable "shehea." Tie layers ti gsr; u to the cardboard with ImiU tai or ribbon. Cloth stay reat-T and are eaaier lo pak and unpack. i f tie f.r.l National Bark ther. d a!i lt l l Id rrmln-l bulrtea arl mhrt lnlrtrtel cf th reed tt critnbutins la help drfray Ih0 ft vt the re rerl C hamlf-r i-ma.rtl trip f lvrf "rK(. rfalrran cf t.e rte elf.pmer.l rom milltr, WaMrr'"". I. i in suptt of th Willow Oerk dam lro yV nyn Merrtte! in shar irsi Ihla espenw is aked to rv or arnd cor.tnbutiona lo Jack lxk at lh nrt National Bar A. m Mr. d Wis. rrd HanUom Sr.. arvmianird bv Mr. and M. ed larria'0 3t. of iYrullrton. drove t Torland Saturday ta attend the gf'hten weddinf an ntvertary celrbratiin. of Mrs. HarTiMtn's siter and brjhfr in law. Mr. and Mr. David Court ney of Forrt t;rove. The affair waa held at th horn of Mrs Courtney's nlee. Mrs. Jack Me Cue of fortland. I h CALIFORNIA VtSTT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodations Just minutes from Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. All units have free TV, air-conditioning: and heat Spacious grounds with heated pol play and recreational area. ft IP Fjtcellent restaurant and ahop plug centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel 641 S. Brookhurst AKAHCDC CAL. FREE ! b. I;mm 4 mm TtAVfl OUDi :.: r kmm tmml W (Ml. i9C I This is BUT... ONE COLUMN INCH When You Buy This One Column Inch In The Gazette-Times YOU GET OVER 1650 Inches of Space For The Price of One The newspaper enters the home assuring the advertizer that every item advertized in it is available for reading by every member of the family. OVER 5000 PEOPLE Will See Your Ad In The GAZETTE-TIMES ZETTE - TIRfl Ph. 676-9228