Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1964)
j Hi?fr curmnuts. TidT. County Agcnt'i 0ic Wheat Market Built By Public Law UQO by h. c ahpersok ,v vears that Public . " ..... Vwn In rffeCt. OUI "heat grower have ."T ,lm this has been real tool for them ... markrt more nri A. iuU trf thU legislation. the Oregon Snt Uiu and more recently Nest. rrn Wheat A-tate. have been hie to put into effect an euu cYtlonal and AcmoXo program which has resulted in brUk foreign market. It was Interesting recently to read an article In Foreign Agrl culture Here are a i few of the highlights of the article entitled. "What Public Law 4A) Has Ac compllshed in 10 yearn. The article went on to point out that we have advanced the Interest of our own people, relieved hunger and suffering In many Prt of the world. ldd nations and 1"VM,Atv,e.I economic growth. In the 0-f' period we have moved 120 mil lion ton of American farm pro ducts to foreign consumer. ThU Included 3 billion bushels of wheat which is more than two of our bumper crops, 10 million bales of cotton almost 23 of a years crop, 100 million bags of rice. 6 billion pounds of vege table oil and substantial amounts of feed grains, tobacco and dairy products. I. icv.1 uo ritwtM SI 6 Ml lion of American farm products ..,i..r lMhlif Law 4. This equaled 30" of our total gr mifural nnorts arvi represent ed the production from more than million acres. Import m.t-r Public Law 4SO during r.v. -. -t.i nt ll uheat reported, m vi VP of total rice rpw of our cotton export. In addition to this, commercial mariioK have epandl under i. - i .... jcit vv hvi In troduced new foods to people in many countries. learned how to prepare this food. The Japan market was devel oped through demonstration in t.t lunches to SChOOl khi . children and are now on of our largest cash markets for wheat. Forty-four trade associations Including Western Wheat Assoc iates and Great IMalns Wheat are working on market develop ment proleets now In 67 foreign countries. Today, the Japanese u-4 much wheat. ilUHIV oil and fats, four times as much meat, and three times as muu. milk as they did before the war. Many commodity organisations have found mis program w . .t Innir.rinF solution tO I, vw - surplus products by finding new markets tor mis prouuiw Make Ensilago A recent visit to the lent- 11 1M4 man raru h below llepjm. f'Himt Claude t;rarm ana m Uw Bernard lUm.m right In the middle of ensilage making. Karlier this mntri they ha.l divided that the solution l some gray alfalfa hav wou d he to make rtisilage out of It. Bernard called at the office l itiM'UkS construction of a trench silo and mechanic of filling In Uiling the ll Friday morning. I found that they were following the essentials of gvM silage making which include right mouture content, packed well and sealed after the sllo la tilled. The trench silo was quickly dug after determining the need and a field chopper got them Into Ulagc making in a hurry. Studies Mode On MonUno; Glory, , , VUits were made Friday to morning glory control plots es tablished a year ago at th- Ken neth Turner and IVn Robinson ranches, both In Sandhollow. Th plots were established In cooperation with weed workers from the IVmilcton Branch Kx periment station. RepreM'ntatlves of the chemical inuusiry u as weed research workers from the Pendleton and Corvallis stjclow were on the tour to eompare various chemicals with Ta,ah m iviv rhtf-mlcsl Which tv.uvii. - was used last year for the first time. . ivonnno was autte wen DON'T LET GRAIN FIRES CATCH YOU WITH YOUR INSURANCE DOWN! Come In And See Us Today About Your Grain Insurance Needs TURNER, VAN MARTER and BRYANT INS. Heppner r i ... r u t niox.Ht with the prospects of -r.i..-M u-Mr-h will be on the market soon. One quarter, or.e n mil iua ruund rare n.i tAi ihmiril wirt compared with 10 and 15 pounds of TBV wltn i, u ana aicmui I1 ..lnKta 1 1.1) and 2. 4 D in Ton mnA IS nound tatcs of TBA did an excellent Job In all of the plots. Tritac-D was also promising and Tordon look ed exceptionally good at the higher rates. rnncahl Interest is btinc V VI .... - - - - - - shown by weed researcners anu industry alike in a low cost morning glory control program using a quarter pound of Tordon In the stubble after harvest and following up in the summer fallow vear with 3 pounds of 2 4 D. While this will not eradi cate morning glory, it is a rel atively economical control which will allow wheat to be grown without the competition from morning glory. One of the advantages of Tor don is that It has a short resid ual that will allow production to continue as morning glory Is controlled. While we have no price quotations yet. it appears that it will cost considerable less than other methods of morn ing glory control in use at this time. Poultry Income Increases Did you know that the gross income from poultry Vjgsto Oregon in 1963 was $33,400,000? This was a 3 increase com pared with 1962. Of this total income 49 was from eggs. 34 from turkeys. 15 from broilers and 2 from other farm chick ens. It Is well to realize that there are many commodities that go to make up the total agri cultural income for the state ol Oregon In addition to the im portant products grown in Mor row county. It was good to attend another eJ?mr!-'KiKr mn .' rL;t. -. -: .. IMP Is I rr t ,1 '.' TONT DOHERTY (left). Dn Robinson (center) T blast dUplay awards that they wo" du'i ?. , . w Grower. Junior LUe.tock Show la Tha Dall last wjk Joha dUplay. secood Plac linstock Judglna award J ""V score, of the three boTs together w.r. addl lor this awaid. Dma holds tha award that ha won for tb highest score la bet cattle Judging. Tony bold. th. fU.t place be. I herd award which the TFA delegation from Heppner woo. "jiv... .,k, ' rfxM 3 GEEP' GLADMTOR Vvhereveryour work take you. The 'Jeep Gladiator is built to do the job. If. the first 4-wheel drive truck to offer passenger car smoothness on the highway, sure-footed 'Jeep traction off the road. POWER. The only overhead camshaft engine in any American truck. It gives you longer life, lower gas and service bills than comparable conventional en gines. 'JEEP 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTION. A iingle selector knob makes shifting simple. KAISER J3? CORPORATION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND INDE PENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION. No other 4-WD truck offers you these optional features. Choose the Gladiator J-200 with 120-inch wheel base and 7-ft. box. or J-300 with 126-inch wheelbase and 8-ft box. with tivwi irora 4000 to 8600 lbs. STEP IN. SIZE IT UP. TRY IT OUT AT YOUR 'JEEP DEALER'S. WorU lr0.,t mBnufcturvof 4-mh- drl nhicf I mll fa H jr. I Hit, tlVWI FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY HEPPNER, OREGON "ii:&::"cl" "Iee besatest show oh earth" (Tues., 9 P.m. a.. 25) ...l... ia...ii. tvnsor ed Junior Livestock Show and Sale which was neui . . At 1 Ik A panes mis rv, ways. Morrow County 4 11 an.t Kr A memoers muy - ".'i, showing. . Quality ot llvrrtoj was gixKi. tne w " , k .Anrinif at rill did a nice joo 01 'iri-.v showing their animals and in general. .keeping thir animals This makes for a good I show ana is much more important than a string of top awards. . ....i .ot-iiirtrtmirit rroirram yearly to the local Irsrome. S Ith the aid ot a i muuu-i' -; i k.. itiia .1 praz ng as- soclations have leased and pur- chased land ana kk " which will be developed with the help of ACT Cost Sharing and conservation plans p par ed by SCS. The project Is hopetl to help .u Raiino countv ranch- ers remain In agriculture, bene , . i i... o mnn as mnrhinc in- 111 UUUIirsa . - come grows and strt-ngthen the tax base oi tne coumy. 3.700 cattle will use the range. substantial reduction In the number previously grazed, un til carrying capacity can be re stored. Fainting Tip. CWea Planning to paint your house? M. G. Hubvr. Oregon State Unl versity tension Agrlt-ultural engineer, says that a good white house paint should last at least 4 or 5 years before It must be renewed; tinted points 5 or 6 years; and dark colort-d paints. 6 to 8 years. Don't paint too often. The basic rule is paint only after most of the old paint film has weathered away. H paint Is built up too thickly It may require costly and time consuming removal before a new coat can be applied. In repaint ing, it Is a goinl Idea to use the same type of paint as before. If you want to change to a different type of pair. It Is best to wait at least 4 years af tpr th last oaint kb before making the change. Maybe you can wait another year after all! CROF WEATHER UM" for week edif N . (Compiled tr Oiego Crop and Ll-M"k ' tic U. . Dn"" ' irlultui) Allalla, ftass tnlUJ. aad hay net la lH " with lewer eUeattoa areas liBUhlni the lift crop. Rod weedtna aummer fallow blnf ranted out alter 0 wm. All loll atoia laipf4 b recent ralruu Cool weather hf lpin considerable with ciop develop ma at. Llaat ranae. other than mountain allotment ate la critical con dition. Dl reited wheat and barley fit Id naa helped ftas ln need eotuldefabJr. Meet aiaaa of th count Hill nl lain badlf "tua nvm. lam areas be fa help w loll seeded tailT m-tuilty. 1 ' ' " C tf$ I I - 1-SW.. Now SAVE 10 on floor products ChenOH floor Product are on W Choose from tfVseVsaving products: Chevron Poly floor f in. w ,i.tsnt. easy toappy that Ut. up to sis times longer than orum.ry 'J-"d" floor Mardenef-seals and hardens softwood floor, keeps concrete from Chevron w.glO-eif-pol.shmg was that add new long la.t.nj beauty to flOOf. , . Rmeniber-th sale end Juy 3IL Order now and save 10. , . for any Standard Oil produt. toll I. E. "ED" DICK Pbooe 676 963J Heppoe li Sa7v( Ml "U Ruiuiiiig AT,! wdniy TV 1 Running water isn't the camel's concern. But it is yours especially if your home is among the 17 in rural areas with no running water. Do you still carry all the water you need for drinking, for washing clothes and dishes and for personal use? If so, your home is not modern. Running water is more wan a convcnwwv- is a necessity. It's no accident that the high est degree of general health among rural and suburban families across the country is found where the most use is made of pressure water systems. An automatic water system is indispena able to almost all modern comforts and necessities. It makes possible easier food preparation, gar bage disposal, up-to-date sanitary facilities and automatic dishwashing and laundering. Give your family a break 1 Don't deny them the benefits of an automatic water system. Ask your rural electric for pro fessional help in plan ning an electric water system today. ELECTRICITY the heart of modern living ONIICA Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Scrying Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties