Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1964)
NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The Budget for MORROW COUNTY for the Fiscal Year 1964 1 965, Beginning July 1, 1964 drtalll and summarlred In accompany In schedules was prepared on an accounting basis consistent with that used In prior years. Major changes, tf any. and their effects on thla Budget are art forth In an aivompanylng statement A copy of the Budget Document may b Inspected by Interested persona between the houra of 8:30 and J ix) at the County Clerks Office In the lourt houae. The Budget Document or any portion of It. may be obtained for 25c. A meeting of the BUDGET COMMITTEE will be held June 15, 1964. at 2:00 p. m. at the County Judge's Office In the Courthouse for the purpose of holding a public hearing on thla Budget Any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of It OSCAR E. rETERSON Chairman of Governing Body FINANCIAL SUMMARY Tex Leer Cempvtsttea Total Budget Requirements Lesa Budget Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxes Est. Not . to be Received Durlrvg Ensuing Year Total Taxes to Be Levied AneJysU Of Tarns Te Bo Levied Within 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation Total Taxes to Be Levied Bon3ed Indebtedness teas BEcnnrxxa juit l. im Fred. Animal Taylor Weed Verier Total General General Gineroj Deo Central Fxdr Create Centre! Hospital Aleshel Lew Centre! U Fund Fund Beads Schools Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Mtae. Fund Enforc Utaurf Fund $511371 $180396 $227,650 126,000 $ 1.000 $ 5.730 $ 61,430 I 2300 $ 6.000 I t.000 $ 500 $ 600 $ 1.143 350328 54,760 227.650 400 1.260 61.430 1300 1.380 500 600 28 161.643 125.836 16.000 600 1470 4.620 9.000 1.117 1644 U5B4 1.600 60 447 482 900 111 $177307 $138,420 17.600 660 1917 5.083 9.900 1.228 $177307 $138,420 17.600 660 1917 5.062 9.900 1.228 115.000 115.000 $29X907 $138,420 $115,000 $17,600 $ 660 $ 1917 $ 5.083 $ 9.900 $ 1,228 None GAZCTTKHMCS. Thursday. June 1 1H4 Farm Bureau Hears Insurance Speakers Tuesday FINANCIAL SUMMARY TOM TKS CDUZKT TOOU. TZAI 1X000(1X3 jinx U im Tax Lrf CMBpvtatlw Total Budget Requirements Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxes Est. Not to Be Received Ensuing Year Total Taxes to Be Levied Analysis of Taxes to Be Levied Within 6 limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation Total Taxes to Be Levied Total An Funds $511978 359,310 152.668 1566 167,934 167334 115.000 $282334 General road $195,638 79.410 116,226 11.623 127,840 12740 $127340 General Central $ 16.000 16.000 1.600 17.600 17.600 $ 17.600 $227300 221.MO Dee rund $1,000 Fred. Animal Cemtret Fund $ 5.467 1,000 Mr rund $ 49300 49300 Tailor ftraxtna rund $ 300 300 Weed Centre! rund $S6.000 500 Hospital Mtae. rund Almhel Eaferc. Low Library Verier Con tret rund 115.000 $115,000 5.467 546 6,013 6,013 $ 6,013 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUNDS FOR THE nSCAL TEAR 1964-1965. BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964 General Fund HISTOEICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear 5,400.00 3,600.00 6300.00 $15300.00 $ 3.4S6.08 7455.41 $ 10,641.49 $ 10,641.49 $ 5,400.00 4500.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 1390.06 $ 1390.06 $ 11,190.06 $ 1320.00 1,768.69 $ 3,088.69 $ 3,088.69 5,400.00 300.00 3,490.14 9,190.14 First Preceding Tear $ 5.700.00 2,400.00 8353.00 $ 16.653.00 $ 1.62735 753.06 792.40 $ 3.17251 $ 3,17231 $ 5.700X10 4500.00 $ 9300.00 $ 1.484.97 $ 1,484.97 $11384.97 $ 1320.00 2,45137 $ 3,77137 Budget Current Tees $ 5,700.00 3.600.00 9372.00 1.400.00 $ 19.972.00 $ 1,600.00 1,000.00 500.00 760.00 3.000.00 260.00 $ 7420.00 $ 7420.00 $ 5,700.00 4300.00 $ 9,900.00 $ 1300.00 $ 1300.00 $ 11,400.00 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE Personal Services: Assessor's Salary Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved Office Clerk's Salary aiare Appraisers Part Time Office Clerk Total Personal Services Materials and Serrices: Office Supplies Field Work Maps State Tax Commission Mtse. Fund Farm Land Reappraisal Industrial Appraisal and Audit Fund , Convention (mileage and expense) Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: Filing Cabinets Total Capital Outlay Total Assessor's Office ; 6,ooo 3,800 9,632 800 20332 1300 1300 500 500 3,000 310 100 7410 600 600 27.942 CLERK'S OFFICE Personal Service: Clerk's Salary Deputy Clerk's Salary Total Personal Services Materials and Serrices: Supplies Convention Expense .. Association Dues Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: Total Clerk's Office 6,000 4300 10300 1300 100 20 1,620 ..$ 11,920 724.19 724.19 9,914.33 134.60 134.60 3,90637. 5,700.00 300.00 2,701.55 8,701.55 456.96 913.02 1,369.98 $ $ $ 1,320.00 4,000.00 500.00 5,820.00 180.00 180.00 6.000.00 CIRCUIT COURT Court Reporter's Salary Jurors and Bailiff Special Attorney Fund .... Total Personal Services Materials and Serrices: Supplies Total Materials and Services Total Circuit Court 1,680 4,000 700 6,380 200 200 6,580 $ 4,800.00 813.56 1,694.87 865.76 1,048.96 4,423.15 $ $ 9,223.15 $ 10,071.53 $ 4,800.00 $ 546.11 1.69L32 593.65 36952 $ 3,200.30 $ 8,000.30 5,700.00 300.00 2,600.00 8,600.00 470.00 800.00 1570.00 9,870.00 ....$ $ $ 4,800.00 $ 500.00 1,700.00 800.00 500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 8,300.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 5,700.00 $ 5,700.00 4,200.00 4300.00 4,200.00 1300.00 2,100.00 600.00 600.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 10,300.00 $ 12,600.00 $ 395.34 $ 493.56 $ 500.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 2,172.52 2,068.70 2,000.00 731.04 934.70 850.00 $ 3,598.90 $ 3,796.96 $ 3,650.00 $ 13,198.90 $ 14,096.96 $ 16550.00 COUNTY COURT: Personal Services: County Judge Salary Secretary Salary . County Commissioners (per diem) Total Personal Services Materials and Services: Supplies . Association of Oregon Counties County Court Expense Total Materials and Services .... Total County Court Office .. Courthouse: Janitor's Salary Total Personal Services Materials and Services: Courthouse Fuel . Lights ;;; Supplies .'. Z.ZZZ.Z. " Repairs to Courthouse and Jail ZZZZZZZZZ.ZZ7 " Total Materials and Services !..! ""$ Capital Outlay: Total Courthouse Fund $ SHERIFF'S OFFICE Personal Service: Sheriff's Salary Office Deputy's Salary Office Clerk ' '" .$ 3 6,000 400 2,800 9,200 100 500 800 1,400 10,600 4,800 4300 500 1,700 700 600 3,500 8,300 6,000 4,400 9 inn ixjminunicauon system tierK salary goo opeciai uepuiy 2 700 IPt31,PerSntI ifn'ices -4 15,800 Materials and Services: Supplies Stamps and Sheriff's Car Envelopes expense Tax Collections Expense Communication System Expense Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: Filing Cabinet Total Sheriffs Office 1362.00 231.09 650.00 1350.00 240.00 780.00 DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Materials and Services: Fund for Clerical Help Telephone .... ,,,, Office Rent 300 350 1,500 750 650 3,550 200 19350 1350 240 780 5.500 550 6350 C.05O $ 6.050 Approved by Budget Committee May 25, 1964. OSCAR E. PETERSON. Chairman of Budget Committee 8000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 1375 500 300 8300 joo 1.275 800 20 127 8300 220 1.4Q2 8.8U0 220 1,402 8.800 $ 220 $ 1.402 467.42 400.00 $ 2.610.51 $ 2.770.00 $ 5.400.00 $ 5.600.00 $ 4.800.00 1.440.00 1,440.00 1,440.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 $.6,540.00 $ 6340.00 $ 6.540.00 $ 1308.00 $ 56354 $ 800.00 50.00 566.03 500.00 524J50 500.00 $ 1308.00 1,653.77 $ 1350.00 $ 7348.00 $ 8,193.77 $ 8,390.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3.900.00 300 00 $ 3,600.00 $ 3.900.00 $ 450O00 $ 437.14 $ 126.53 $ 200.00 $ 437.14 $ 126.53 $ 200.00 $ 3.736.14 $ 432633 $ 4,600.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2.100.00 $ 3.000.00 $ 3.000.00 $ 362.12 $ 657.02 $ 300.00 140.00 $ 362.12 $ 657.02 $ 440.00 $ 2,462.12 $ 3,657.02 $ 3,440.00 $ 1500.00 $ 1.500.00 $ 1,500.00 600.00 1500.00 1500.00 $ 1300.00 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 331.96 $ 688.71 $ 340.00 100.00 $ 331.96 $ 688.71 $ 440.00 phases of Insurance were dis cussed Tuesday evening. May ?. at the Morrow tvunty Farm Bureau meeting at the Herman Bleltell home. Glenn Dowers of Pendleton, district manager of Farm Bureau Insurance, discussed the Insur ance program, and ataled that he Is looking for an Insurance agent for Morrow county. Sev eral names were mentioned and discussed. George Dewey, Salem, execu tive secretary of Of eon Farm Bureau Federation, discussed the Workman's Compensation pro posal that the AIL CIO la trying to get on the November ballot, lie stated that Farm Bureau pol icy Is opposed to the proposal, and also presented Farm Bur eau alternate proposal asking for a chance to choose the type of Insurance desired -state fund, prlvite Insurance, group Insur ance or self Insurance. He also stated that about 1125.000 would be needed to educate the public to vote against thla proposal, which would require nearly all farmers to carry atate Indust rial accident Insurance. Paul Tews. lone, was a guest representing the Wheat League. He discussed the property reap praisal problem and suggested lolnt farm organization meet ing In June to discuss this prob lem and the Workman's Com pensation issue. George Dewey also discussed the sales tax limitation proposal. The Moirow County Farm Bur eau Is seeking a secretary. Anyone who might be Interested Is asked to contact Mr. B let tell, lone, or phone 676 9732. Supplies Total Materials and Services '!!! !!!!' Total District Attorney Office -.." HEALTH DEPARTMENT! Personal Services t County Health Nurse's Salary Secretary's Salary County Health Officer's Salary Total Personal Service ..... Materials and Services! '"' Nurse's Car Expense Physician Travel Expense Supplies and Services of M. D. medicai rjcaminer 400 !!$ 2.770 4.1W0 1390 300 6.870 Nurse s Association Dues Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: Duplicator . Total Health Department 'ZZZZ!ZZj$ 800 50 750 500 50 2.150 225 9545 TREASURER'S OFFICE: Personal Service: Treasurer's Salary Emergency Office Help Total Personal Services Materials and Serrices: Supplies Total Material and Services'!!!" Capital Outlay: Calculator Total Treasurer's Office . 4.020 300 4320 200 200 250 4.770 -$ .4 3.000 3,000 300 300 240 840 1,700 1300 3,000 340 500 $ 2.13L96 $ 3,388.71 $ 3.140.00 $ $ $ $ 1,800.00 1,800.00 343.79 343.79 $ $ $ $ 1,800.00 1,800.00 465.00 465.00 2,326.00 1,445.75 929.00 6,633.00 382.50 1,311.00 13,027.25 $ 2,143.79 3,751.75 1,270.25 1,186.25 6,124.25 395.75 1,008.75 13,737.00 $ 2565.00 3,705.00 1,046.00 1,157.00 6,883.00 450.00 1,263.00 14,594.00 $ 480.00 1,500.00 $ 1,980.00 $ 1,430.00 $ 1,450.00 $ 1,500.00 379.50 418.19 500.00 11,650.00 11,650.00 8,250.00 868.25 775.17 100.00 1,142.80 1.194.61 1,200.00 1,01654 47.00 750.00 5,439.33 1,758.63 10,000.00 96.00 237.84 400.00 1,10752 1308.11 1500.00 1,088.31 764.94 250.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 3,04450 4,639.27 5,000.00 473.11 742.90 750.00 853.20 960.55 800.00 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 6th DIst Office Personal Service I Justice of the Peace Salary Total Personal Services . Materials and Services: Jurors and Witnesses .. Supplies Total Materials Capital Outlay: New Desk $200: Flllnp rnhln,.f tin rut Total Justice of the Peace, 6th Dlst 6ticeZZZZZZZ. 3l JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 5th Dlst Office Personal Service: Salary of Justice of the Peace . Salary of Office Clerk Total Personal Services ' Materials and Services: '"' Jurors and Witnesses Supplies $200; Telephone $300 "'" Total Materials" and Services "!!!1...!...!!! e. i iS Control Outlovf 1440 Total Justice of the Peace Office, 5th Dlst $ 414J JUVENILE COURT Personal Service: Juvenile Counselor's Salary om Total Personal Service i'JJ Materials and Services: 1,BUU Juvenile Court Expenses and Supplies Ar Total Materials and Services "" Capital Outlay: qu Total Juvenile Dept. Office .; $ 2,265 WELFARE OFFICE Materials and Services: Aid to Dependent Children 2 2V) Aid to Perm, and Totally Disabled 508 General Assistance ) 1 290 Old Age Assistance ,'.""" 2800 Foster Care Z.. 1378 Medical Care to the Aced 2363 y Total Materials and Services "$ 9!9GU SURPLUS FOOD DEPARTMENT Personal Services: Office Help 480 Materials and Services: Supplies 1,200 Total Surplus Food Department $ i,C80 COUNTY EXPENSES AND CONTRIBUTION Materials and Services: Audit Expense $ 1,700 Bonds 500 County and Home Dem. Agent 11,330 Civil Defense , 200 Current Expense 1500 County Planning Committee . 1,000 General Operating Contingency . IO300 Equalization Board 400 Elections . 1,500 Heppner Rural Fire Expense . . 250 4-H Club Contribution 150 Insurance .. .. . 5,000 Jail Expenses ........ ..... ....... ........... 1,500 Museum Fund 1.000 (Continued on page5)