Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1964)
HEPPNER CAXETDE-TIMIIS. Thursday. May 2. 1364 Close Of School Keeps Town Busy BT LaVELLE PARTLOW 1KRIGON A family rwep lion, honorlni! Susan and Mike McCoy on their hish s.hool ciad uatlon. and Mr. Ruth McCoy on hr birthday. held at the Wtrtrn Mciov resilience Friday evening, following the Riverside High school commencement. Attending the reception, in ad dition to the gueM ol honor, were: Mr. and Mrs. Herb Vllilnes and Mr. Millie ORourke of La Crande; Mr. Frank Stewart, La Crande; Mr. and Mm. Jay Berry and Mis Dianna Roscncrantz. Portland; Mr. and Mr. James Mill. Ricky. Randy and Steve of Hermlston; Mr. Max Gray heal, Umatilla: Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCov and Terry. Mrs. Myrtle Markham. Sheryl Tart low, Mr. and Mr. Vernon Stew A Tommv. Mr. Farl lsom and Donna. Mr. Bill Oravbeal. Mr. and Mr. Warren McCoy and Debbie and Mike Stark. Friday. May 29. will be the last day of school. Buses will transport students to pick up re port card. School will take up at 10:45 and dismiss at 11:15. There will be no school on Thurs day. May 28. as It Is a teachers work day. The annual A. C Houghton picnic sponsored by the FT A was held at the school grounds Sun day afternoon. A ball game, sack races for both the mothers and children followed the potluck luncheon. Don Adams was chair man of this year s picnic. Mrs. Charles Earley. assisted by Mrs. Howard Pulfrey. hosted a farewell luncheon honoring Mrs. Charles Mead. Attending the luncheon were Mrs. Chester Wilson. Mrs. John Kenney. Mr. Myrtle Markham. Mrs. TurBest, Mrs. Orville Buchanan. Mrs. Ernest Jorgensen, Mrs. Bill Les lie and Mrs. Doreen Mansfield of McNary. Scoutmaster Mike Riddle ac companied the following Scouts from Troop No. 667 to the Uma tilla Army Depot for Armed Forces Day: Tom VanHorn, Boo Buchanan. Bruce Buch a n a n. Clarence Proctor, Tom Stewart, David Franke, Dennis Lamb, Harold Stitzel and Jim McGin nis. Mrs. Van Horn took one load of boys, and Mrs. J. J- McRae brought them home. Riddle also transported one group. Mrs. Bill Littrell. accompan ied by Mrs. W. C Anderson, at tended the Yakima Valley Branch, of the National League of American Pen Women held in Prosser Saturday. The ladies had a picnic lunch at noon, fol lowed by installation of officers. Week-end guests at the W. H. Tarker residence, who visited and also attended Riverside High school commence mont, were Mr. ami Mr. Ronald Meeker. Miiw JanUv Parker of Seattle. Also vWMnti the Turker over the week-end were Mr and Mr. Cordon Rritton of Seaside and Mr. and Mr. Ted Clark of Hood River. Week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl were Mr. and Mrs. vern raruow and Vornie of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mr. Jay Berry and Miss Diana Rosencrantt of Portland. Mr. and Mr. Wilbur Glbba of Dayton. Wn.. visited at the Partlow Sat urday alternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Manka. Paul. Dennis and Diane Lee of College Place, were Sunday afternoon dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aioen Partlow. and were Joined later In the dav by Mr. and Mrs. Roy riti.tL- PirWv nit Joanie and Mrs. LaVerne Partlow of Board- man. At the regular Tuesday even ing Scout meeting. Tom Van Horn was appointed Senior Pa trol Leader. Duane Lamb elec ted Assistant Senior Patrol Lead er and Bruce Buchanan elected ratrol Leader. Orman Lesley was awarded a Tenderfoot badge. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reeder of La Grande spent the week end with their son in law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stew art. Sharon and Tommy. The Assembly of God Junior choir, accompanied by Rev. John Kenney. Mrs. Vernon Stewart. Mrs. Mvrtle Markham and Mrs. Albert Partlow, went to Herm lston Tuesday afternoon, and presented a concert for the Oolden Age club held at the C R. C. Building. Cookies ana punch were served to me young nrmia friimx-in their program. The Junior choir had a party at h i i r-n lawn Wednesday af ternoon. Following several games, cup cakes and punch were served. Mrs. Alma Schmeder of Port land spent the week-end with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmeder. and at tended Riverside High school commencement. Ann Schmeder, sophomore at EOC was also home for the week end. Mrs. Roscoe Cook of Portland, Mrs. Dave Koch of The Dalles, Mrs. Don Lelghton and Mrs. Le Roy Bunten of Hermiston met at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill, and attend ed Riverside High school com mencement. A group of young people from the Irrigon Baptist church at tended a banquet at the Hermis ton Baptist church Saturday evening. Misses Susan McCoy, Georgene Hash and Janice Mar low played an instrumental num ber as part of the evening' en tertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Koch and children of The Dalle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hilt Tues day evening. Mrs. Koch and children remained in Irrigon with her parents, and returned to The Dalles Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vlltlnes and family and Mrs. Millie (VKourke of La Grande spent the week end with Mr. and Mr. Warren McCov and family. Mrs. O Kourke. Mrs. MeCova mother, remained in Irrigon for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson. Jim and Lonnie left Friday for .'..i..f Ma vi here thev Staved overnight with their son-ln Uw and daughter. Mr. ana Airs, wan a nrl ihll.lren. Wilsons hSU l r. . . ...... were accompanied by Mrs. jsora Wilson, who rode as far as On tario, where she stayed with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hinkley. The Chester Wilsons spent Sunday In Boise, where they visited with Mr. and Mr. Earl WltteP. re turning to Irrigon Monday morning. Roscoe Cook of Portland drove trriLTon JYidav night, spend ing the week end, and taking his wife and children, wno nu spent the week with Mr. ana Mrs. Dan Hill. home. Mrs. Dan Hill returned to Irri gon Friday night, after spending a week in Portland with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cook. Rhonda and Allyn. A surprise birthday and going away party was held by Troop No. 667. honoring Scoutmaster tiL- RiHriiA Miek Tolar ana Mike Riddle were dinner guests for the evening, ana wiieu m-j .. m thA -hool building, Riddle w as surprised w hen greet ed by the scouts ana some ents. who were waning m u e darkened eafetorium. Parents present -were: Mr. anu James McRae. Mr. and Mrs. tre Rill Lesl e. Mrs. Wilbur Olin. Mrs. Harold VanHorn. Mr. ana Mrs. xvemnui Lamb. Perry P u m m e 1 and George Anderson, cane anu - cream were served. The troop presented Riddle with a stiver letter opener and tie clip, both with the Scout emblems. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner left Wednesday morning for ion colla. where they visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Copeland. Shar nH Ruthin Warners returned to Irrigon Saturday evening. ROLL TICKETS for sale In single and double rolls. Use for drawings, admissions to events. Gazette-Times. Hepp ner. Ph. 676-9228. 37-tfc Notice of Budget Hearing the budget, or any part ol It. Advertising is the Motor that Turns the Wheels of Business Your Home Town Newspaper is the Most Economical and Efficient Means of Advertising Advertise In The GAZETTE -TIMES Signed: Al. LAMB. Chairman of tlovernlng I'ody FINANCIAL SUMMARY TOR THE riSCAL TEAR I964-I96S. BEGINNING JULY I. 1964 rOR THE ENSUING HSCAL TEAR BEGINNING JULY I. 1964 Total All Fund TAX LEVY COMPUTATION Total Budget Requirements J15M.iW.3i Less Budget Resource. Except Taxe to Levied Taxe Necessary to Balance uuagec Add Taxe Estimated Not to Be Received riirlno Knsulnc? Year Total Taxes to Be Levied General fund WoUr Utility J 5S.673.00 S 40,100 oo 171 .507.31 23.1SW0O 1.392 00 J 24.5SW.00 AnalTl of Tax to Be Levied Within 6 Limitation J 19.4SW.00 Not Subject to b"i ym Limitation 5.100.00 Total Taxe to Be Levied $ 24.5iW.00 41.377.00 18.0SWOO 1.392 00 $ 19.4SW.OO $ 19.490.00 J 19.4SW.00 41,00000 3.100 00 $ 5.100.00 Street and Road Fund $ 19.700 00 19.700.00 None Sewer Fund $ 19,338.00 19.338.00 None Tire Dept Rmmt Tund J 13.000.00 13.000.00 None Special Sewer JtlMU. fund irro.oo 870.00 None Sewer Sinking Tund J 36,08231 36.08231 None 5.100 00 All reieSefund and special revenue fund, if any, are Included FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL TEAR BEGINNING JULY I. 1963 Street Total General Water and Road All FundV Fund Utility lund TotaTYudgtte 5MM.0O .. Less Budget Resources, EvTed TaXCS 10 127.87S.00 40.278.00 41.000.00 19.500.00 oncTBget 23.062.00 17.702 00 5.360.00 Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During rvnn To?aT TasoBe Levied $ 3J8 S iS&SS $ 5.36000 None mxl&n"1V S18.3SM.00 J N6SLimTtaUon 5.360.00 3.360.00 l&i jjS'ffSe Uvled J 23,754.00 J 18.3SV10O flnd " ' Current STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS (jfiSol) Type of Indebtedne $218.0iW.nO Bonds vumxMHiO TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS 5Ww.i PettT Cash $ m Balance July 1. 1964 - Sewer Fund rire Dept Raaerr fund Special Sewer Aim". Fund J18.2SO.00 J 8.000 00 18.280.00 8.0IWOO 82000 820 00 None None None Sewer Biakloa Fund None None Nime 1 revenue fund. If any. are Included Ensulna Year (Estimated) JlfH.OOO.OO JID8.WW.00 J 80.00 Approved Bv Budget Committee May 18, 1964 GENE 1'IEKCK Chairman of Budget Committee GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 19S4.1965. BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear 1961-62 J 1.180.00 5,011.47 968.50 3,862.76 1,927.80 3.247.87 5,738.00 1,824.41 Firt Precedlnq Year 1962-63 .$ 1.047.00 5.284.73 572.00 3,786.72 1,930.00 3,374.18 5.862.00 656.11 Budget Current Year J 13)0.00 5.000.00 700.00 40t)0.00 2.3O0.0O 3.400 00 5,700.00 5K).00 820.00 16.658.00 Budget For Eruulaa Year Approved Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) 12.010.00 Other Resource Licenses and Fees Liquor Revenue ... - - Fines and Ball Forfeitures . - Parking Meters Swimming Pool Occupational Tax Rural Fire District - Miscellaneous Receipt Transfer from Special Assessment Fund Transfer from Water Fund, prorata txpensea 1.000.00 5,000.00 5O0.00 4.000,00 2.000.00 3.450.00 5.700.00 500.00 870.00 G.547.00 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year Total Resources 1-J ,,w STREET AND ROAD FUND RESOURCES HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year 1961-62 J 1,000.00 12,100.39 6,591.35 573.68 Flrt Preceding Year 1962-63 J 1,000.00 12,410.25 5.993.03 245.11 Budget Current - Year J 1,000.00 12,000.00 6,300.00 200.00 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) J 1,000.00 Other Resource , ram State Tax Street Fund Morrow County Road Tax .. - - 6,!J2! Miscellaneous Receipt - - lovrYrVi Total Resources .w.uu WATER UTILITY FUND RESOURCES HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Firt Preceding Tear Preceding Year 1961-62 J 7,000.00 32,978.25 632.77 19S2-63 J 7,000.00 " 32,995.75 1,132.44 Budget Current Year J 8,000.00 32,500.00 500.00 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) 4 8,000,00 Other Resource mihn Water Sales - - TSCwX Miscellaneous Receipts XXjCTCi Total Resources - i,ow.w SEWER FUND RESOURCES HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second First Preceding Year Preceding Tear 1961-62 1962-63 None None $10,216.00 1,275.50 13,000.00 10,154.50 350.00 None Budget Current Year None 10,000.00 None 5,080.00 3.200.00 $ 18,280.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Other Resource Service Charges Miscellaneous Receipts . Transfer from Reserve Fund ................... Transfer from Water Fund Total Resources Budget For Ensuing Year Approved .......$ Nona 10,100.00 350.00 .. 4,650.00 .. 4,238.00 ..$ 19,338.00 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year FIRE DEPT. RESERVE FUND SUMMARY HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year 1961-62 First Preceding Year 1962-63 Budget Current Year 2,000.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Arable Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) $ ffl Transferred From Other Funds 5,00000 Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied ?2,0j5Jx Total Resources "UW'W RrvldFoV'Expenditure In Future Years TOTAL REQUIREMENTS - 13,000.00