Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1964)
22.00 9XS W ft.100 4.7i.1.77 4(1 (Ml fM.M 432 6!J 152 00 2.2M 20 M.!W 4,wu ni 313 () H NO 38 US 150 00 t 30.076.20 $ 11.791.39 I Continued frotn page 4) .TOO 00 Menially 111 .. MUNI IK) Official lUbllcatlort NHX) Publicity arul Advirtlsug NX) imi lU'KUimr - 2.400.00 .Kurlul Security ..... fVJO.OO Stream Causing F.xpen loooo Soldier's Indigent Fund HiOOO Kellrf In tli Indigent 300.00 WaliT Mauler and Helper Expenses Vr0.00 Garbage Disposal Fund 1,00(1(10 Counly Park Fund &0.00 Km'P Oregon Green .......... Counly Ambulance Fund . Wind Kronlon runcl Mid Columbia Planning Committee ... Morrow County Fair Building runa $ 36,92000 Total Counly Kspense and Contribution 300 1,000 100 2.000 520 100 100 l.VK) 300 1,000 M 1.200 25 1J0 11,000 ; 57.025 GENERAL ROAD FUND TO! THE flSCAL TEAR 1K4 IMS. BEGINNING JULY 1. 1144 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL SccwmS First Frcdla4 FrMtdlBvg Tw Taof t S 8.000 00 5.700 00 5.700.0O 5.700 00 97.941 A4 I ftl.39H.34 97.M1.K4 J104.4MU4 29,37 02 S 22.233.17 21.152.41 5.903.24 2.2XXM 3.143.0H 1K.076.71 14J63.fa 10.30620 9.416 97 40,451.72 17,311.17 $121,853.72 $ 72.273.45 f 10.771 20 S 7.693.62 S 22.073.15 5,093 00 162.75 4.4 V) CM 8.000.00 518.00 175-48 21.1U.W S 6U96.35 S 29.970 22 5r5 00 20H.50 6.03K5O 11 XX) 00 492.96 210.25 20.370 JO $ 73.605 63 Current Taar CEWEJtAL ROADS Tmt tonal Sarrlceai S 6.00000 Road Mailer 5,700 00 Shop Foreman, ............. 5.700 00 Shovel Operator 5.700 00 Crusher Foreman .. 58,000 00 Labor 1 81.100.00 Total Peraonal Service Material end Serrtceai $ 32.000.00 Kept Ira 23.700 00 Suppllea 8,000.00 Inaurance 19.000.00 Cm and Oil 10.600.00 City Appropriation Fund 31,000 00 Miscellaneous Expenses 2.400 00 Social Security S126.700.00 Total Materia la and Service .... Capital Outlays New Equlpmeet $ 20,000.00 New Trucks and Other Equipment Total Capital Outlay .. Total Road Department SPECIAL FUNDS S 49500.00 County Fair Fund ..... 5 467 00 Predatory Animal Control Fund 1,00000 log Fund .................. 6 000 00 Weed Control Fund ...... 8 000.00 County Hospital Mtse. Fund 500 00 Law Library Fund 300 00 Taylor Grazing Fund 500 00 Alcohol Enforcement Fund 16.000 00 County General School 1.275 00 Boardman Vector Control Fund $ 88,542.00 Total of Special Fund Indaet Tor Eaaalaa Tear Appeeeed $ 6,300 6.000 6.000 6,000 . 63.230: 4 85,550 ..4 30,000 - 22,500 ... 7,0fX) 19,000 10.600 30.000 3,000 ,.4122,100 20,000 ... 20,000 .S227.650 61.450 5.730 1,000 . 6.000 9,000 . 600 2.300 300 16.000 1.145 $102,635 GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1K41KS. BEGINNING JULT I. 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Bseond Preceding Tear $ 14.467.06 8.77000 4.901 M 7.234.00 3fi0 00 867.95 1,634.13 4.12106 20621 213.71 1,634.13 $ 46,413.33 rirt Precadiaa Tear $ 20,624.90 ll.ftfiO.6T 4.615.39 6.159.75 360.00 1.184.09 960.77 5.175.09 4.496 80 224.67 2,161.78 $ 57,823.97 Budget Cnxreot Tear $ 8,000 00 8.000.00 4.200 00 6.000.00 360.00 900.00 700 00 5.000.00 1,000.00 3.200.00 250.00 39,800.00 $ 79,410.00 116,226.00 $195,636.00 Available Cath on Hand Irevlously Levied Taxea Eat to be Received During Lnxuing year Clerk's Fee ..... Justice Court Fine . Water Rent From Hospital Sheriff Fee State Board of Health In Lieu of Taxea . Surplua Food Refund Cash Transfers from Alcohol Control Fund Cash Transfers from Amusement Device Tax , Misc. Receipt and Rentals Trailer License Distribution Timber Severance Tax Distribution Interest on Time Deposits Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance ouagci Total Resources ... Budoet For Eaauloa Tear Approved $ 20,000 3.000 5.000 6.000 360 1.000 800 4.800 900 2.700 200 7.400 350" 850 1.400 54.760 125.836 .$180,596 1.37 $ 89.73 $ 419.99 36H28 2.74 12.22 $ 833.23 505 97 5.19 33.04 $ 2.719 CI 218 93 505.97 3tfH 2914 1349 771 .31 $ 50000 5,V0 00 $ 6,000 00 None During the Ensuing Year In lieu of Taxea . . Timber Severance Tax Apportionment Miscellaneous Receipt ...... . Totsl Resources ... .. Tsxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources .. FREDATORT ANIMAL CONTROL AuilKI Cm mil nn Idnil Previously Levied Taxes Est. to be Received During the tnsuing rear In Lieu r Taxes 5,467.00 $ 5.467X0 Timber Severance Tax Apportionment Trailer License uiitriDUiion .. ..-.- Total Resources. Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources 300 10 50 20 1.3H0 4.620 .. 6.000 $ 1,000 200 10 40 10 1J200 4.470 5,730 VECTOR CONTROL FUND Available Cash on Hand Hece iDts Total Resources Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources 28 - None 4 28 1.117 -4 1445 $ 281.00 1142 $ 292.42 $ 542.26 262 2772 $ 822.50 $ $ 900.72 $ -1,029.94 13.27 18 48 165.00 171.00 I 1,079.36 $ 1.219.79 $ 1,07936 $ 1.219.79 $ 663.16 $ 1.595& 932.48 420.22 $ 1,595.64 $ 2,015.86 $ 58.13 $ 6330 6.59 24.42 .48 3.01 232.60 353.00 $ 297.80 $ 443.73 500.00 500X0 500.00 700.00 ALCOHOL ENFORCEMENT FUND Available Cash on nana Previously Levied Taxes Est to be Received During Ensuing year Justice Court nnes Totsl Resources Except Taxes to he Levied Total Resources DOG FUND Available Cash on Hand 300,00 $ 1X00.00 $ 1X00X0 previously Levied Taxes Est to be Received During Ensuing xear TV)7 License - Trailer License, Etc. TMi DmurrM VxrT Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources - $ $ 300.00 300.00 TATLOR GRAZING FUND Available Cash on Hand Grazing Apporiiunnxnt Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Total Resources -4 -4 $2023357 79330 20.500.00 9.641.06 $ 5U6833 $ 300.00 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 49.300.00 $ 49,500.00 $ 49,500.00 LAW LIB HART FUND Available Cash on Hand Previously Levied Taxes Est. to be Received During Ensuing Year Miscellaneous Receipt Law Ubrary Fees Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources 400 100 .500 500 100 300 400 600 1X00 2.000 300 2.300 2300 400 200 600 600 COUNTY FAIR FUND Available Cash on Hand 120 Mill Levy . Racing Commission . Admissions, Rentals, Supplies, Etc. Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Total Resources 4 30,000 800 - 2000 10.150 L.450 1.450 J$ 61.4 4 61.4 GENERAL ROAD RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1964-1965. BEGINNING JULT 1, 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear First Preceding Tear Budget Current Tear $ 14,467.06 $ 46,631.46 $ 500.00 Available Cash on Hand SPECIAL FUND RESOURCES HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear $ 8836 First Preceding Tear $ 2.170.37 Budget Current Tear 500.00 WEED CONTROL FUND Available Cash on Hand - Previously Levied Taxes Est to be Received Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved $ 1,000 21.R51.R5 i58036 3.27930 7.564.53 87033 4.124.66 21,851.85 $ 77.411.97 13.639.84 8,601.80 2.887.44 4.725.21 1,83734 78.49 703.64 57634 71,256.50 $150,938.06 9.000.00 14.800.00 3,000.00 36.000.00 1300.00 100.00 500.00 400.00 47,000.00 $112300.00 $115,000.00 $227,800.00 Previously Levied Taxes Est. to be Received During the Ensuing year Forest Rentals Gas Refunds Sales and Rentals Public Land Sales In Lieu of Taxes Budget For Ensiling Tear Approved $ 30,000 VaAora CTnrvi (Vintm! JloDortionment - Timber Severance Tax Apportionment Trailer Licenses ana roais Cash Transfer from Motor License Fund Special Road Tax Levy Total Resources, Except Taxes to be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance the Budget Total Resources 1,000 , 18.750 , 3,000 , 2.000 1.600 200 . 7,000 800 300 . 48.000 . 115.000 ..$227,650 .4227,650 PERSONAL SERVICES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1964-65. BEGINNING JULT 1, 1964 SALARIES PAID FROM MORE THAN ONE SOURCE No. of Empa. Office Secretary Total Salary $4,700 DETAILED SALARY Page 4 Line 3 $4300 Page 6 $400 Graduates Get Diplomas at Riverside By mart lee marlow BOARDMAN Over 300 per sons attended the Commence . ,.vAri,M f,ir tno rrnduat iui.Mii. - - lng class of Rlvereldo High school last many everunx in v school gymnasium. Howard A. Anderson, uean oi men, -.- Oregon College. La Grande, spoke on "A Today For To morrow's World." He was Intro ducde by Ronald Daniels, school principal. The processional and recession nl were played by Mrs. Albert Partlow. organist, and Mrs. La Vern Partlow. pianist. The Rev. Herman Burg, pastor of the Boardman Community church, gave the invocation. The salut atory address was Riven by Sharon Ann Donovan. Mrs. 1- rank Stewart sane "You Will Never Walk Alone?" accompanied by Mrs. Albert Tartlow. Susan Lorraine McCoy was valedictorian. Daniels presented the class to Roy Tartlow, mem ber of Morrow county school board, who presented the dip lomas. Benediction was by the Rev. John Kenny, pastor of the Assembly of God church at Irrl Ron. . Daniels presented tho valedic- torian trophy to Miss McCoy, and ihe salutatorian trophy to Miss Donovan. Miss McCoy also was awarded two scholarships, one for $330, the State Fee Remis sion, and one for $100 from the IrrlRon PTA. Receiving diplomas were : Leonard Guy Bedord, Sharon Ann Donovan, Elnora Ruth Ep penbach, Allyn Frank Hobbs, Ted Stuart Hoffman, Kocer Michael McCoy, Susan Lorraine McCoy, Kathleen Marie Mc Glnnes, Patricia Louise Miller, Shirley Gay Munger, Thomas Kent Parsons, James Francis Russell. Robin Hugh Schmeder, Vivian Elizabeth Tempi e t o n, Paula Marcelle Williams, Shcryl Maureen Witherspoon. Eighth grade students grad uating from Boardman this week . t..i,. a c Itnuphton ai ine nuts"" , j school arc: Greg Bedord, Karen Gronqulst, Linoa lauuw. olyn Burg. Annie Obermeler, Mike Moore. Katny nejson, Donna Woolcry. Lepna Lowery, Cheryl H. and Shelley Phen- ing. , i ' -1 - it n t'fi, ivm hostess for the Home Extension Unit at her home last week, with Mrs. H. M. Walker as co-hostess. They presented the lesson on Adven lures In salad making." Mrs. Joe Tntnno ana Irs. i. iv. ru""" were visitors. Mrs. Hayes reported on ine that the displays were especially gooa. Airs, vv . u. p""""' . r j nnnnvan rnnnrtpn on their trip to the State Home maker's Council recently in Cor- vallis. Mrs. Arthur Allen announced .,.. u knchnni has nOUSe plans available for anyone re quiring them for the new town. mi. - i.Ainil tn n:lst the Tilllcum club with a Dlme-A-Dip dinner some time in Juno, pro ceeds of which will go to the Volunteer Fire Department of Boardman. This was tne lasi mcumiK un til September. . Urtllln THohnn wns hostess 111.1, ,.....-...- for the Boardman Garden club i-..t ...nob. at Vior hnmo. Roll Call was answered by giving the noma nf n rwrennlal flower In bloom now In owner's yard. Mrs. Elmer Messenger was In charge of a contest to name flowers that were described in each line of a poem. Prizes were won by Mrs. Florence Root and Mrs. Louise Earwood. Mrs. Root also received the door prize. Greenfield Grange voted at a recent meeting to discontinue meetings for the summer except for the picnic In August, the next one to be in September. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black were hosts for the evening, assisted by Mrs. Leonard Bedord. The Grange voted to contrib ute a scholarship for one 411 member to summer camp at cor vallis. Ruth Coy, commercial Instruc tor at Riverside High school, nrosented the following awards at an assembly recently at school: Typing Elberta Carp enter. Donna Eppenbach, Charles Jackson, Sandie McKenzle. Alan Moore. Glenn Schmeder. Mike Smith, and Jim Wilson. Edmona Jones received the Order or Gregg Artists award In short hand. Mrs Tnnv Rranro of Areata. Calif., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gantenbein of Boardman, was chosen to represent Pacific Airllnps. where she is emDloved. at the New York World's Fair recently. The trip was sponsored hv Pnrlflc Airlines for their Res ervations girls , to support fair business. Mrs riainl Coats and Mrs. Plnronrp Root tt'pnt to Pasco. Wn., one day last week to at tend the convention or tne .Nat ional League of Fostmasters, Washington Branch. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Lowell Shattuck and son. Martin, went to Wen atchee, Wn., Monday to attend ho fnnnrnl nf Shntturk'S Sister. Ethel Church, 34, who died there May 21. Death was causea Dy cancer. Week-end visitors at the home nf Mr nnrt Mrs Donald Sledge were Mrs. Sledge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Anderson of Condon, and her sister, Mrs. Hugh Leiferman and children, Kathy and David, and Donald Blngenheimer, all of Portland. Mel Jordan of Yakima, Wn. and his sister, Mrs. Delia Cham bers of Prosser, Wn., were week end visitors at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Delia Falkner, and Mrs. Lowell Shattuck. They were on a fishing trip on the Colum bia River. j f, Vom rnrnenter ftlX. UIIU -v... j- i - d.,ccii unH Tnmrav Oi Payette. Idaho, were week-end visitors at tne nome oi Carpenter's mother, Mrs. Russell Miller. College students home for the week-end included Johnnie Part low and Pat Partlow. EOC. La Grande, Jim Hoffman, Clark College, Vancouver, Wn, and Jim Miller. Blue Mountain Col lege, Pendleton. Social Security Aids 534 Here hinpfits of CX lit! vji vu....t $144 180 are now being paid eacn year to 534 residents of Morrow county, according to Robert Al brecht. field representative for the Social Security Administra tion in tnis area. n Innlili thrC for Old ae iur suuf v ; workers, and for disabled work ers and tneir lamiues.. t i-- nr,A omnimt nf pactl major type of benefits being paid in the county are as ioV lows, oou 'uv ' T. ' 940; eight disabled workers, $35,568; 61 children, $10,954; 48 widows or widower, $37,872; 15 mothers and parents, $12,204. Airman Bob Campbell On Duty in Hawaii Airman, First Class Robert D. Compbell, son of Mrs. R. F. Campbell of Heppner. has arriv ed for duty with a Military Air Transport Service (MATS) unit at Hickam AFB. Hawaii. Airman Campbell, an aircraft mechanic, previously served at Mather AFB. Calif. His new unit supports the MATS mission of providing global airlift of U. S. military forces and equipment The airman is a graduate of Heppner High school. Lexington Folk On the III List By DELPHA JONES LEXINGTON Mrs. Newt O'Harra who has been a patient in St. Mary's hospital in Walla Walla, has returned home. Mrs. O'Harra recently uncerwent ma jor eye surgery there. Mrs. Gene Cole Is a patient In Pioneer Memorial hospital, having undergone major surg ery there on Tuesday. Pete Klinger is a patient in o a Vincnitat in PAn- dleton. having undergone surg ery there on Monday. Mrs. D. LaMorrie is a patient in Pioneer Memorial hospital, having undergone surgery there one day last week. Mrs. A. F. Majeske and Mrs. Florence McMillan retu r n e d home on Thursday from Salem where they attended the Re bekah Assembly of Oregon. Also ! fro Arrhi Munkers who was a state appointed ol- licer oi xne yeai. Women's Fellowship group met at the home of Mrs. Carl . i fiiocrtjiv fliter- noon. It was decided to have .. . ui f tho mpptine me worsiuy taii - o conducted by diflvrent members of the group. Betty Marquardt is to be the 1964-65 missionary -V-a. -i.n:,mn Mre Rov CamD- bell is the regular missionary chairman, nans ne ""r for a church and Women s Fel lowship picnic with the date of June 28 set for this to be held in the lone City Park. Every third meeting the Women's Fel lowship group takes a special collection for the missions. Re freshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager, Mrs. Wil liam C. Van Winkle and her guests of the day, Mrs. Charles . m Vornrni Mrs. Flor- LjOwry ui iiv. , . ... , - ence McMillan, Mrs. Alonzo Hen- derson. Mrs. Bin d. jhuuqiul, Mrs. Billy Klinger. Mrs. C. C. Jones and the hostess, Mrs. Carl Marquardt. Committees were ap pointed at this time to be In charge of the picnic were: Park Mrs. Alonzo Henderson and Mrs. C. C. Jones; games, and Mrs. C C Jones; games, Mrs. Harley Sager and Mrs, Carl Mar quardt; refreshments or dinner committee, Mrs. Florence Mc Millan, Mrs. Earl Soward, Mrs, Bill B. Marquardt and Mrs. A. F. Majeske. All interseted are cord ially invited to attend the pic nic. Mrs. Norma Marquardt and son Carl, Sherrie Marquardt and Mrs. T. E. Messenger, Sr. motor ed to Portland Tuesday on bus iness. Mrs. Charles Lowry of Mt. Ver non is visiting her son-in-law and daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Van Winkle. children left on Tuesday even ing for Hood River where they were called by the death of Mr. Beyer's mother. Alonzo Henderson was a Port land business visitor several days this week. Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth entertain ed with a birthday dinner hon oring her husband on his birth day Friday evening. Thsoe pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Arroin Wihlon and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cox and children. Mr. and Mrs. C. C Jones had dinner guests on Friday night honoring their son Kenneth on his birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Vic Groshens and sons, Mrs. Florence McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Mel Boyer andand John Rea. SATHER TOURS AND TRAVEL SERVICE CALL SCOTTIE travpl. whether hv oATnce tha stata or around iia oi.iwj - - ...rA tvio Snthpr Travel Hit: v v. Service can take care of au the arrangements. IT you go Dy air. steamer or rail, this fine ill rlr all the work and leave the pleasure to you. They make hotel or .motel res ervations, tours, ana an ine ex tras that make a trip something to remember for years. Many people don't realize that it costs no more to have them attend to all these details, than If you made all the arrange ments yourself. Call Sather Travel Service. Their phone number is 276-4821. They will be glad to explain how this is all done for you. They are con veniently located at 25 S. W. Dorion in Pendleton. Before your next vacation or business trip, call them to take care of all the arrangements and see how much more pleasant a trip can be. They will also help you In plan ning your itinerary if you wish. (Pd. Adv.)