Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1964)
one High Class of '64 !inw'W'lMli't 'P .-inwmui'muu'mwpn rm. "uifu m in ynmwpw-w 'ww n wnw'fj1 iwwmi ill 'UP yi J " w 4 Wf&r 1 "V. 1 v m i Xj V- 'A Li 11 J ill-. ..i A.. 1 M ' I- . ,:lk .fcifcll twi . U ftntnimtinJ r .. . 1 . s i y (: ' V tiiitirMiiiriiiiirfrliiiiiiiiiii . wmm Mmmmmii ' W - '' '" ' l . - 1 Mi' r . i. FOURTEEN SENIORS comprise the lone High school class of 1964. They are as follows: Top row (from left) John Rea. Judy Sherer, Dallas T' 1 Dalzell. Barbara Bishop. Second row-Dick Hynd, Steve Lindstrom, Delores Emert, Kenny Klinger. Third row Merrie Jo Morrison, j Cheryle Corley, Sue Townsend, Arleta McCabe. Bottom row Cherolyn Benson, Tom Heim bigner. Commencement for the class is Thurs day, May 28. Heimbigner Sets Pole Vault Mark; 4 Cards Qualify lone High school Friday and Saturday sent five men to Uma tilla to the district 7-B meet and before the event was over, four TO GREATER THINGS NEW HORIZONS BECKON YOU, GOOD LUCK. CASE FURNITURE HEPPNER of them had earned a crack at the state meet in Bend this Fri day and Saturday. Tom Heimbigner led the Red bird qualifiers in the meet when he cleared 12' 64" in the pole vault to establish a new district record in that event. The record which Heimbigner broke was one he established at the meet last year. In that meet, the Card inal cleared the bar at 11' 9". Joe Halvorsen claimed a place in the state show in the high hurdles. He cleared the. barriers in 16.5 seconds to take a first place in that event. Halvorsen has done the chore in the hurdles in much faster time but the lone athlete had just finished a seige of sickness a few days before the meet. The other half of the Halvor sen duet, Mark, picked up his trip to the state affair in the high jump when he . earned a fourth place finish with a leap of 5' 8". Halvorsen has been out for baseball this season and had just a week to get into shape for the meet. Louis Ortez placed second in the mile to earn the state trip. Ortez, a freshman, clocked 4:57.8. In another event, the 880, Ortez ran the route in 2:15.7 to place third. However, his time in the latter did not qualify him for state competition in that event. Portschys Have Son Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Town send, lone, are announcing the birth of their first grandchild. The baby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Portschy of Pilot Rock. He weighed 5 lbs., 2 oz., and has been named Brent La vern. Other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Portschy of Los Angeles and great grand mother is Mrs. William Camp hoii nf Rtnnfipld. Mrs. Townsend spent Monday and Tuesday vis iting her daugmer ai rencueion Community hospital. CLASS M CONGRATULATIONS You have worked and studied for this day. We hope that success will always be yours. L E. DICK Heppner HiEanders Win Saturday Meet; Slate District Burns' Hilanders proved al most invincible Saturday at the Heppner field as they walked off with a first-place finish in the 7 A-2 subdistrict track and field meet. The Hilanders racked up 175 points to far outdistance the other teams in the meet. The nearest finisher to the Burns crew was the Sherman Huskies who tallied 86 points, less than half of the Hilander total. Heppner's cinder men found the going a little rough as they finished a distant third with 69 marks. Behind the Horsemen came the Pilot Rock Rockets with 60, Grant Union's Prospectors with 50 counters, and the Wahtonka Eagles with 23. Heppner found first-place fin ishes at a premium in the meet as they managed only two. One of the first-placers was really a gem, however, as John Wagenblast toured the track in the two-mile race to clock a time of 10:42.6 and clip 20 sec onds from the old record. This was the first shot the Heppner distance runner had taken at the two-mile event and it proved to be quite a jump for him as he put on his fine performance. The other top finish for the Horsemen came in the shot put event where Doug Dubuque heaved the iron ball 42' 4" to subdue the field. Another record for the Mus tangs was in the 880-yard re lay, although they finished third in that event. The Horsemen ran the event in 1:38 to establish a new Heppner High standard. Saturday the Mustangs will travel to Nyssa to enter the 7 A-2 district meet. A first or second place finish in an event at the district affair will qualify the competitor to enter the state A-2 competition in bugene, June o and 6. Fourteen Mustangs will make the trip to the district scrap. The events, the competitor and the competitor's best time in the event are listed below. 100-yard dash, Doug Dubuque, 10.6; 220-yard dash, Ken Smith, 24.1; 440-yard dash, Tim Driscoll, 53.6 and Dean Robinson, 57.2; 880-yard dash, Lee Padberg, 2:02.5 and Daryl Dick 2:10; mile, Padberg 4:34.9 and Terry Hut chens, 5:02. Two-mile run, John Wagen blast, 10:42 and Mark Brown, 11:02; 180-yard low hurdles, Bill Weatherfor'd, 20.9 and Raymond Nichols, 22.3; 120-yard high hurdles, Driscoll, 16.1 and Weath erford, 17.2. 880-vard relay, Weatherford, Dubuque, Driscoll, and Padberg, 1:38; shot put, Dubuque, 44'2" and Jim Jacobs, 3910". Discus, Dubuque, 132'5"; jav elin, Simon. Winters, 136', and Mickey Massey, 132'; broad jump, Ken Smith, 20' 4"; high jump, Dave George, 5' 8", and Dick, 5' 7"; pole vault, Massey, 10', and Nichols, 10'. Preliminaries for the meet will start at 10:30 Saturday morn ing and the finals are slated to begin at 1 p.m. State Elks President Visits Here: Dinner Observes Special Day Mothers were honored guests last Thursday evening at the Elks' temple with a special Mother's Day program that in cluded a swiss steak dinner. The steak, smothered in mushroom sauce, was served with gicen beans, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese and pineapple salad, ice cream and cookies. Special guest was Jim Trimble. Oregon State Elks Association President, who was making a visitation to the local lodge. Trimble is from La Grande. Planning and preparation of the dinner was taken care of by a committee that included Mr. and Mrs. Art Watkins, Mrs. Or ville Cutsforth, Sr., Mrs. Forrest Thornberg, Mrs. Bill Scott, Mrs. Lyle Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Has kell Sharrard, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkers and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Orwick. Lodge proceedings for the men followed the dinner and the women occupied themselves with an evening of bridge and pin ochle play. Mrs. Clint Agee had high score for the four tables of bridge and second high went to Mrs. Ray Fergeson. Mrs. LeRoy Gardner tallied the highest pinochle score, followed by Mrs. Ralph Richards, who was second. Door prizes went to Mrs. Pat O'Brien and Mrs. Bob Flatt. Hostesses for the card play were Mrs. Gene Hall, Mrs. Robert Hoskins, Mrs. Wilbur Van Blok land, Mrs. Jim Hayes, Mrs. Stacey Lovgren and Mrs. David McLeod. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, May 21, 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin attended a 50th wedding anni versary reception Sunday, hon oring Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slyter of Portland. The reception was held in Portland at the Sheraton Hotel. ROLL TICKETS for sale In single and double rolls. Use for drawings, admissions to events. Gazette-Times, Hepp ner. Ph. 676-9228. 37-tfc Tea to Climax Year Of School Activities For Girls' League Mothers of all Heppner High school girls will be honored guests at the annual Girls' League Tea, planned for Friday, May 22, in the high school multi purpose room. An invitation is also extended to any women in the community who would like to attend, and also to the 8th grade girls. The afternoon program will start at 1:30, with tea being served until 2:15. Installation of new Girls' League officers will follow and some special awards will be made. A silver offering during the tea hour will be used for the scholarship fund. A one-act comedy play, "Antic Spring," is being prepared, with the plot centered on a group of young people involved in the perils of a picnic. Home Economics girls are pre paring special Swedish and Nor wegian cookies and delicacies to be served during the tea hour. Faculty advisors are Mrs. Grace Schmidt, Mrs. Margaret Kirk, Mrs. Janet Groves and Miss Margaret McCarter. i4tG8W V A TO THE CLASS OP Of 1 F GOOD FORTUNE TO EACH OF YOU May Every Success Be Yours WESTERN AUTO HEPPNER John and Betty Pfeiffer LOOK TO THE FUTURE Your success of the present makes us proud, your opportun ities of the fu ture make us happy. if "A STEP AHEAD" A step ahead . . . that's where your graduation puts you. Whatever your future path, , May you always stay . . . a step ahead. Wishing The Class of 1964 Every Success Columbia Basin I