Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1961)
Calendar of Events rmoAT, Mann it fttfcaht. Led9 hall :M pjn. 9ATUHPAT, Wm II Jqun Dane Club. WioojIms build la. 1:03 pm. SUNDAY. Martti It Pet-luck supper. Mthdit Church. Citt pan. MONDAT. Match X0 ViUeybeJI. women vm. fejfh school school gym, ?:30 P-m. Civic Loiu.. Mi. Dartttl tow. . 1:00 pm. TlipU LUh. Mr. LUceU Hnh. 1:00 P-m. TUtSDAT. Maich 11 It Monica. Mi. Jim Kkim. 1:00 p-m. Ar A AM. Udae KolL 1.00 pjn. WEDNESDAY. Match 23 Square Dane Uuou WmImi building. 1:00 p-m. T. B. and Health Mootina. Mr. Robert Abraxns, 1:00 P-m, THURSDAY. Match 23 Rainbow. Lodat boU. 1:00 pun. SoiopUmUt Waaoa WhnL nooa. for that pecial occasion . . WXVCT OF tONCINW-WTTTNAUll LtdJrr h ftsJUy Jkti ffjf lil JZVl. ,$9Q95 W v a. 3 JERRY ANDERSON, SANDRA HARSHMAN ELECTED KING AND QUEEN Oh UALL and cupl4 with tabU and chain situated around th- rvorn In cafe style. Mr. and Mr. Lew Itobbir,. Ml and Mr, fclmrr Sthm.di. 't. i. Mr John lUrtman anl Mr Everett Harshman were chap rune for the dance. Jfiry And-ron and Sandra lUMimati er rlrtttHl King nd Quern at the Sweetheart Ball t.e'.i In the hl Fm Friday e The prtru-c were Bin Monagie and Anhi Ball and print--- were uuny van Shol,irk and Shannon Mahoney. The running ceremony took i.u, mi. in thrmich the dance , " - .III . . t A I with Ann Jones and William Kill nOSDlTQI AUXIIIOry doing ine nonor. Wn Ure t " Queen Sandra with a white Jack et bearlne an emblem. "F.F.A Queen." King Jerry was pre tented a tool box with hla name Inscribed on It from the F.H.A. chapter. Alw the queen was ctven a bouquet of red rosea made by Mr. Andy Van Scholick. The room was beautifully dec At the recent llokpital Aull lary meeting, four walker were ordered, two from the auxiliary and two from other orcanlui tlona. to be used at Pioneer Me mortal Hospital The auxiliary now has 15 member who are working one day a week, three to five hour. ifh div On Mrtnrfavs I hv ...lit. mmA u.hlt Hmrtm I " ' ' ' ' work from 8 00 a m. to 9 00 p.m.. Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 am. to 9:00 pm.. and on Sunday from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 pm. The Auxiliary Invite prospective member to contact any auxiliary mem do r ir inter Von Morters Host Duplicate Bridge The Duplicate bridge club met Friday at the home of Mr. ndestp n joining the organization. Mrs. LaYcrne Van Marter. Jht ' , mertl Mrs. Van Marter served upside .,, . ... , o m nm " the Lexington City Hall ,ut Him aii iwivni Mr. and Mr. Conley Lanham. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mcador, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pratt. Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Wolff. Mrs. Bill Labhart. Mr. Frank Hamlin, and Lowell Grlb hie. Mr. Pratt and Mrs. Meador won hich for north-south and Mr. Dick and Mrs. Labhart received high for east-west North Lexington Unit Study Projects For Next Year The North Lriinton eteniun unit met March 7 at pm at the hrm of Mr. Din Fn The project fir the evening ta -Managing Vour Money" hlih Millie JUuih and Merlin Rubinton pmwnted. Money and the Fmlly Life Ode were the main topic and many lnteref. Ing statiktics were revealed. After the project the bulrw meeting wa presided over by the chairman. Lucia Cuufonrt. During thi meeting tle chair man alNO conducted a unit pro gram planning meeting for next year project Following the builnesa meet ing deM-rt wa nenisl to Mrs. Irvln Rauch, Mrs. Don Rubinsoa Mr. Kenneth Cutsforth. Mr FrlU Cutforth, Mr. Gene Cuts- forth. Mr. Tad MIIK'r. Mr. Don Evans. Mrs. Donald llaguewood. nd Mr. Pat Cutsforth. HtttHt OAXCTTt TlMtl, ThMrwtoT. March It, IMI Mr. and Mr. Itoaer Itaphbua and children of Sundance, Wyo.. Mopped to visit her father. Char, lie Kirk, on their return trip to! Wyoming. She u the Crystal Kirk. Three Heod Golf Club Auxiliary The Willow Creek G'U Club AuUliary met Thurdy night at the home of Mr R..U-fU D-usft erly to rlect iffitvr Ttie member de(dtsl on new Idea to head their iigani ation by electing a winking com ml ( f three ho are Mr. Bill Labhart. chairman; Mrs, Clint Age, secretary trcaurrr; and Mr. Lowell Grit. die will be the third member i.f the ctmmlttee Ladles Day golfing Is set to begin April 1. weather permit ting Twins Celebrate Tenth Birthday Kevan and Kent Pratt, twin ona of Mr. and Mr. Gordon Pratt, celebrated their tenth birthday with a party at their home Saturday afternoon. Other boys present for the par ty were Mark Blaknev. Mark Labhart. Lrry Pettyjohn, Terry Frock, and Monte Evans. They played games and were former served Ice cream, cake and coke after the opening of the gifts. Buffet Supper Held Saturday Evening Mr and Mr lionald lligue. wid were ht to a buffet sup per at their hre M'h 11. The table was decorated In the St Patrick theme After supjer bingo and record were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs wan Frock, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Thorpe, Mr and Mr. Elwayne Rerfmm. Mr. and Mr. Jimmy Pro k, Mr. and Mr. Bob Buschke. Mr. and Mr. Elmer Berry and the hokts. Door prizes were won by El wayne Bergtrom and Mrs. Wayne Prock. Lois Hunt Wins High The Lexington Bridge Club met at the home of Lucia Cuts- forth for their regular meeting on Thursday night. Winning high was Lois Hunt. peclal prize Velma Glass, and ow, Eileen Padberg. Those present were Lois Hunt. Lucia Cutsforth. Velma Glass, Lorlne Led better. Elsie Cole. Eil een Padberg. Gladys Van Winkle and Janet Turner. 3C Engagement Told if Wirtnucr'i"rett watch T!ue wifrS nl tnd fine aualitr at onlf 229.93. Jut a few dollars more than cheap wrche of lesier quality sod reputation. The beautiful 1 digns and the fine quality of these v Wittruuer watches spek for themselves. You will hve an ccurte, dependable, long lasting witch that it at the same time a . . piece of betutiful jewelry. It will be a proud possession for many years. See these and v other fine Wirtnauer watches in our store. W GIVE "Something From tho Jeweler! Is Always Something Special" CREEN STAM PS i P cterson s JEWELERS 0mm Store hour 9:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 177 N. Main Phone 6-9200 Straw Headwear for the young set, decked with posies, vel vet and lace. Clip and brim styles. White, Pink, Yellow, White with Navy, White with Black. Some have precious matching bags. ; - "i WI GIVK GREEN STAMPS OB CHIN A WARE COUPONS MARKET SPECIALS FOR MARCH 17-18 SWANSON FROZEN TV DINNERS Chicken, beef, turkey 49 EACH CARNATION MISS NASH Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Nash an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley May, to Meivin Dean Connor, son of Mr. Albert Connor, of Heppner. Shirlev is emDloved at Peter son's Jewelry store in Heppner. She is a 1960 graduate of Hepp ner hlirh school. Mr. Connor is also a graduate of Heppner high school and is now in the Army, stauonea ai Fort Lawton. Wash. No wedding date has been set. f vJ f I Little, big and middle sized sisters will adore shopping for a new Easter or party dress at Elma's. All the new spring shades in better dresses in solid colors . . . prints . . . stripes! All have novelty trimmings in pinafores, and other 1961 special styles. Mom will love their com plete washability, and easy care fabrics. Sizes 4-14 FOR BROTHER Suited to a young man of taste . . . Rayon and Acrilan Jackets with washable flannel slacks. Grey and Olive Sizes 4-7 SEPARATE SLACKS 70 rayon, 30 acetate flan nel. Wash 'n wear wrinkle re sistant Gray and Charcoal Sizes 3-14 TODDLER DRESSES Cute white organdy and lace pinafores over gay prints or bright plain colors. Very well made. All easy-care fabrics. Sizes 2-4 i COTTAGE CHEESE PINT25C HUDSON HOUSE ALBERTA PEACHES 303 Size J for $00 2 12 Size for $J00 MARIANI FROZEN 5 F0R $1.00 TOO SAIHTPmieKSW a PAY to e I MJB Instant 79c lb. Qc lb. mi TOASTS STRAWBERRIES RASPBERRIES BLACKBERRIES BOTSENBERRIES SPRY ... 3 LBS. 79c If TANG cai ah nDPCCiKir: ot lAr FROZEN PET RITZ Appla Boysenberry Cherry & Peach N5 39 EACH JELHO 5 F0R 45c Apple, Cherry, Lime, Lemon, Raspberry, Straw berry, Orange Begorra, what meat buys!" BEEF SHOULDER "Green Grows the Produce USDA CHOICE OR GOOD 4 LB. Med. Size ?ACI I POUND O FOR QAC OYSTERS m 69 I 6 QV PORK CHOPS ss' 65. CHILI W,TTHABPEANS 45' CELERY HEARTS CELLO CAULIFLOWER head Jc FANCY ASPARAGUS LB. 29 "MARKET Phones Groc. Dept. 6-9614 Meat Dept. 6-9288 a ma enppare