Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1961)
UtttHt CAtCTTt 'nMtl Tfcuradot. fUttatf . Hl County Court Proceedings , 3i8 08 ... 80.28 29103 4G.68 2123 G67.45 300.19 2.50 65.00 . 2.51 22.60 25.30 69.20 15.14 .. 5.08 . 7.11 34.09 County Court net In regular brul.m tin Jan. 4. I'JCl. The fninuir tif the urevloua term were read and approved Th Court road the following P iH.tntmfni: Lt Humphrey lt.tltal Hard. 3 yeart; B f.hrrty. Fair Board. 3 year: Ir I- D. Tibbie, County phyalrlan. r Th Court ordered the lli-i'imrr GaretieTlme lx de clared the official newpai-r of i K iunlv for The Court ordered thai a penalty be c harg ,t for failure to obtain (Jo ihente before March 1, 1961. riant hall llcenae waa ordered ImuH to the American Legion IHitt No. t3, at lne. Rid were awarded the Union Oil Co. for Callne and Die-! Fuel Th followlna warrant vara Uiuad on tba General Fundi Marv Bryant. Dcp 27301 Elvira Irby, Dep. 245.83 Lillian Swcek. IP 21743 Roderick Thomson. Dep. 336.16 Velma Glass, II. Nurse ... Alma Green. Off. Clk Darl Hudson, Jan ... Josephine Rands, Off. Clk A. l. McMurdo. Phy. .... Eathler J. Moore. Dep. Sher 185.R8 Herb. White. Jr. Ct. Rep. 93.34 William Rockford. Sold. Ind. Fund 1000 Milton A. Bclgel. Co. Ct .... 28 44 St. Ind. Acc. Comm.. Sal. .. 26.12 State Tax Comm.. Sal 356.00 First Nat l. Bank. Sal. ... Tub. Em p. Ret. Bd., Sal. 95.20. Soc. Sec. 204.99 ... N. W. Hoap. Serv.. Sal. 100.30. DA 950, Ins. 52.00 161.80 Llovd Borner. Co. Ct 54.40 Col. Bas. Elec. Co op., Civ. Def 9.85 R. R. Rands. Just. Ct .... 25.00 Oreg. St. Coll. Ext. Serv., Co. it Home Dem. Agents 5,550.00 Rachel Harnett, Museum Fund 10000 Pae. Tel.. N. W.. Cur. Exp. 99 55 E. O. Ferguson, Co. Ct. .. Roy Johnson, Urn. Co. Sher., Jail Exp Heppncr Auto Sales, Inc., Sher. Car Ford's Tire Serv., Sher. Car Texaco, Inc., Sher. Car .... C. J. D. Bauman, Juv. 15.55; Sher. Inc., 42.90; Jail Exp. 10.75 Hill's Office Machines, Tax Coll. 2.50; Sher. Inc. 9.79; Just Ct. 2.85 Kllham Sty. & Print., Clck's Inc Union Oil Co. of Cal., Nurse's Car Ford's Tire Serv., Nurse's Car J. K. GUI Co., II. Nurse 3.95 Velma R. Glass, R. N., Health Nurse 9.50 Hcppner Gazette-Times, Off. Tub 39.00 Pac. Pow. & Light, Cthse. 88.91, Elcc. 1.20 90.19 Herman Green, Cthse 3.00 Citv of Hep. Water Dept., Cthse 7.50 John A. Pfelffer, Cthse 1.78 rnse Furn. Co.. Cthse. 8.74 Ilenoncr Hdwe. & Elec 4.88 Mahoncy & Abrams, D. A. 23.63 Mahoney & Abrams, D. A. 46.50 Grace O. Nickerson, Bonds 175.00 Harry DIngcs, Assess., Fid Work i 126.45 Harry Tamblyn, Co. Surveyor 15.00 Court St. Mkt., Cthse. 2.03; Jail Exp. 1.45 3.48 Ore. Juv. judges' Assoc. Juvenile 17.00 Richfield Oil Corp., Sher Car 36.66 Union Oil Co.. Sher Car .... 11.28 General Elec. Co., Civ. Def. 775.00 Union Oil Co., Museum Fund 93.73 H. J. Stroeber, Cthse. Repairs 24.64 Co. Clk's. & Rec. Assoc. Clek's. Inc 15.00 Kilham Sty. & Print. Co.. Clk's. Inc 1908 Standard OH Co., Sher. Car 17.03 Pac. Tel. N. W.. Civ. Def. 20.00 Francis Lambert, Sher. Jail Exp 44.95 Mary E. Bryant, Co. Registrar 8.50 Th following warrant were Issued on the General Boad Funds Thomas J. Wells 116.61 Charles Bailey 293.56 Ray Bailey 353.21 Donald Ball 426.89 Lewis Ball 379.75 Edward Baker 377.31 Richard Borman 367.32 Stanley Cox 361.86 Anderson Hayes 307.62 W. C. Heath 404.43 Glenn Irby - 329.44 Harry Munkers 36.90 Donald Munkers 445.CS William Nichols 411.38 Gerald Rood 343.59 H. C. Sherer ...... 426.08 Maynard Struthers 319.C9 Laurel Wilson 422.CS Harold Wilson 372.20 Calvin Yackley - - 422.08 Shell Oil Co 768.85 Standard Oil Co 116.42 St. Ind. Acc Comm 271.20 St. Tax Comm. 4G6.10 First Nafl. Bank 821.78 . Jj3 4 3550 933 . 4 00 1175 , 20 40 . 4 30 . 2 29 10 . 1 20 , 23(0 ... 36 w 1.3'tlSO 4'.)G4 .79 ICOtiO ISO .. .. 2 00 .. 1.00 .... 13 49 .. 152.94 1.230 00 rub. Kmp Ret M Radiator IT.emU ! C4 CoL Bin i:i Coeji, Inc. , - - ; farlfic Telephone. N. W. lit j pner Auto Sale.. Inc. Ford a Tir Service Pac. fuwrr A Ught City Water Dept. Juhn A. Iffirfef Can Furn. Co. .... Heppner Hde. & Flee, Sadie I'arrUh II. C Sherer Buteau of Public Road Lexington Implement Co Omar Rlctmar.n A. W. Davla Supply Co, Pendleton Grain (Jwin, Inc. , Akera Motor Service . Umatilla Flee. Coop. Assoc. ..... Barratt Sales Co. .... Hcppner Auto parta Clyde Equipment to. ... Industrial Air Products Pa 26.90 Paul Pettyjohn Co W W Union OH Co - 7J-"J Plrl L. Howell "'- Stone Machinery Co N. W. Ind. Laundry Co UW Stnndard Oil Co m.JX Shell Oil CO. l.MXI'J City of Boardman 750.00 Anderson's Builders Supply 4 00 Laet. Inc II. S J C J. D. Bauman, Sher an.ii The following warrant was Is- ud on the Hospital Mam tanane Fund: Pioneer Memorial Hospital 549.62 Tba following warrants were iaiued on the Miscellaneous Fund: Lyle Cox, Alcohol Enforcement Fund iu-uu Armln Wlhlon, Alcohol Enforcement Fund 10.00 The Foundation Press, Inc., Law Library Fund 11-00 Bancroft-Whitney Co., Law Library Fund 20.00 Jury Panel For the Year 1961 Board Kathleen M. Anderson man. Housewife. George R. Anderson, Boardman, Logger. J. Akers, lone, Mechanic. Berl Akers, lone, Farmer. Margaret A. Akers, lone, House wife. Margaret Akers, lone, Housewife. Martin S. Abken, Irrigon, Mer chant. Leatha S. Abken, Irrigon, House wife. Leonard Aldrich, Irrigon, Farmer. Acnes Abercrombie, Lexington Housewife. Garnet Abercrombie, Lexington Farmer. Marv Ashbeck, Echo, Housewife. Lewis W. Allyn, Lexington, La borer. N. C. Anderson, Hcppner, County Agent. Alena Anderson, Hcppner, House wife. Earl P. Avres. Heppner, Car Dealer. Esther Anderson, Heppner, Housewife. Gertrude Applegate, Hcppner, Clerk. Maxine Ayers, Hcppner, House wife. Ray Ayers, Heppner, Laborer. Sara Adklns, Heppner, House wife. Frank Adkins, Hcppner, Carpenter. Frank Anderson, Hcppner, Farm er. Clyde Allstott, Heppner, Laborer. Sue Baker, Boardman, Mgr. Mo tel. Roy Ball, Boardman, Farmer. Donald Bellamy, Boardman, Farmer. Madge Bishop, Boardman, House wife. Rollln Bishop, Boardman, Signal man. Earl II. Briggs, Boardman, Ware house Foreman. Eva Brices. Boardman, House wife. Archie Bechdolt, II a r d m a n Farmer. David Baker, lone, Farmer. E. Markham Baker, lone, Farmer, J. Henry Baker, lone, Farmer. Rose Marie Baker, lone, House wife. Donald Ball, lone, Laborer. Lewis Ball, lone, Laborer. M. Marjorie Baker, lone, House. wife. Denward Bereevln, lone, Farmer. Donna Bergstrom, lone. House wife. Edwin A. Bergstrom, lone, Farmer. Rudy W. Bergstrom. lone, Farm er. Donald Bristow, lone, Clerk. Louis Buschke. lone. Farmer. Betty Jeanne Berry, Irrigon, Sec retary. Viola B. Bcrger. Irrigon wife. Arnold J. Braat, Irrigon, Sidnev W. Burnette. Farmer. Alda Baker, Lexington. wife. O. E. Baker, Lexington, Jack Barak. Lexington, . House - Farmer. Irrigon, . House Farmer. Farmer. Barak. Lexington, Martha Jane Housewife. Mary Ann Barclay. Lexington. Housewife. Max Barclay. Lexington. Farmer. B mnw Bariatt, Heppner. Houm wife William F, Barrett, Heppner, Hiitti Bedford, llrpn-r. Ilouae wife. John Pdfufd. Ilrppner. Banker Marvin L. Bd. Heppner. Mrch. anle. primer It Buschke, Heppner, La borer. JeroJ I). Bailey, Heppner. Mechanic. Clarence Baker, Heppner. Mecft. anie. Kenneth Batty. Hcppner. Farmer. Tirrel P-'nce. Heppner, Farmer, I'.etty Jean Brown. Heppner. Ilirtm-wife. Chariot F. Butterfleld. Heppner, MH-hanlc. Ah In Bunch. Hcppner. farmer. Mildred Mae Bergstrom, Hep- nner. Clerk. Charles Bailey. Hcppner, Laborer. David Barnett. Heppner, Sales man. Charlea Beckett. Hepprw. Farm- er. Fdd Bennett. Heppner. Ketlred. Retta Bibfcy. Heppner. House wife. Luke Bibby, Heppner. Farmer. E. J. Blake. Heppner. Farmer. Rolx-rt Brlndle. Heppner. Ranch er. Leon Ball, Heppner, Saw Mill Worker. Marian Brosnan. Heppner, Housewife. Howard Bryant. Heppner. insur ance Agent Harold Becket, Heppner, Mer chant June Bellenbrock, Heppner, Housewife. Donald L. Bennett Heppner, La borer. Ruth Bergstrom. Heppner, House wife. Willard A. Blake, Heppner, Merchant. Dale Brown, Heppner, Farmer. Reese Forrest Burkenblne, Hep pner. Butcher. Jean Bennett. Heppner, House wife. Max Buschke, Heppner. Laoorer. Shirley Bellamy, Boardman, Housewife. Milton Ray Boyce, lone, Laborer. W. J. Bucknum, Heppner, Farmer. William Baker, Boardman, Man ager Motel. Evelyn Black, Boardman, Housewife. Delbert Carpenter, Boardman, Farmer. Glen E. Carpenter, Boardman, Farmer. Pete Cannon, lone, Farmer. Charles Carlson, lone, Farmer. June M. Crowell, lone, Housewife. Leo Crabtree, lone, Farmer. Alice Crawford, lone, Housewife. Laurel Ann Cannon, lone, House wife. Rollo Crawford, lone, Farmer. Howard Crowell, lone, Laborer. Ralph S. Crum, lone, Farmer. Harold Colson. Irrigon, Carpen ter. Glen E. Coy, Irrigon, Laborer. Daniel A. Creamer, Irrigon, Fire' man. Roberta W. Campbell, Echo, Housewife. Harold G. Campbell, Echo, Farmer. Elsie Cole, Heppner, Off. Clk. Joseph Cornellson, Lexington, Laborer. Barbara Cutsforth, Lexington, Housewife. Orville Cutsforth, Lexington, Farmer. Patrick Cutsforth, Lexington, Farmer. Dee Cox, Jr., Heppner, Farmer. George Currin, Heppner, Farmer. Janice Cutsforth, Heppner, Housewife. Orville Cutsforth, Jr., Heppner, Farmer. N. Roy Carter, Heppner, Groc, Clerk. Marguerite Chapln, Heppner, Housewife. Harold Cohn, Heppner, Stock man. Charles A. Collins, Heppner, Salesman. William C. Collins, Heppner, Cleaner. Howard Cleveland, Heppner, Farmer. Albert Connor, Heppner, Laborer. Albert M. Connor, Heppner, Truck Driver. Barton E. Clark, Heppner, Farmer. A. L. Case, Heppner, Merchant, Gene Case, Heppner, Housewife, W. L. Cox, Heppner, Laborer. Frances Carlson, lone, Housewife. Betty Carlson, lone. Housewife, Prudv Casebeer, Heppner, House wife. Oma J. Cox, Heppner, Housewife Robert DeSpain, lone. Truck Driver. Frances Dalzell, lone, Housewife. Charles J. Doherty. lone, Farmer. Harold Dobyns, lone, Test Con trol. Richard Dewey, Irrigon. Tainter. Roy E. Davis. Irrigon, Electrician. Mildred Davidson. Lexington, Housewife. Mary Agnes Doherty, Lexington, Housewife. William J. Devine, Hcppner. Me chanic. L. E. Dick, Jr.. Hcppner, Comm. Asent. Rachael Dick. Heppner. House wife. Robert Dobbs, Heppner. Laborer. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice la hereby given to the legal voter if Murrow County n hot l dutrkl -! ,?? ?2?.Mk U'lu i t i-rivn .. ii.. !.t rff.iri.- uill t held at C ourthouae. Ileiiref on the Oin day w Mifn, iw, ai purpose cf d:WuVlrg th oudet fur the flrl jeer beginning July 1. 1S"C1. and rtUrg June Jtt State of Oregon, that g 00 o'cl p m- tut tne Xi2. herrlnaftef H !rtn. BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1961-62 SCHEDULE I SUMMARY Of ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH 1ALAXCES. AND TAX LEVIES Bund Intereet Estimation cf Tan Levy (1) a. Total FJtlmated Exendltures .... b. Total Reserved for Expenditure In Future Veara - e. Total Estimated Expenditure and Reserve DEDUCT: Total Estimated Receipt and Available Cash Balance Amount Necessary to Balance the Budget ADD: F-atlmated Amount of Take That Will Not Be Collected Vurine the Fiscal Year for Which This Budget la Made, Including Estimated Rebate on Taxea . Total Estimated Tax Levle for Ensuing Fiscal Year Analysis of Estimated Tax Levle: (a) Amount Inalde C Limitation b) Amount Outside C, Limitation (c) Not Subject to 6 Limitation Total All Fund 2 11.167,033 C ) ... 1.173.H33 434.150 739.6H3 General Fund 111 m nit Redemption Serial Levy School Lunch Fund Fund Fund 141 IS1 (6 tarn 1190,000 22.191 7G2.874 194515 522.947 45,418 fWH.559 192000 eyc.559 20397 717.45 194.515 522.947 41.124 None 43.124 45.418 43.418 190.000 190.000 None 44.0110 44.UJ0 None Trainera- Mnd S1.3W 6 9tiCi 8.150 R.150 None C INDEBTEDNESS 1. Amount of bonded Indebted ness (Include all negotiable Interest-bearing warrants Issued under ORS 328.205) $209,000 4. Total Indebtedness (sum of Items 1. 2. 3) $209,000 Approved by Budget Committee Approved February 2, 1961 Signed: Elaine S. George. Secretary, Budget Committee Howard Bryant. Chairman, Budget Committee Adopted by District School Board Dated February 13, 1961 Signed: Beverly Gunderaon. District Clerk L, E. Dick. Jr. , District School Board Chairman SCHEDULE n GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED BECEIPTS AND BEGINNING CASH BALANCE Actual Receipts for Two Fiscal Year Next Preceding Current School Year Fiscal Year Ending June 30. 1959 (1) $307,097.00 ,538.45 1577.92 19,045.35 136,412.66 2.561.59 4.309.25 1,059.98 3,006.42 10,101.63 2,615.53 786,025.78 25,432.10 811,457.88 Fiscal Year Ending June 30. I960 (2) $647,714.00 43.634.00 1.078.00 14540.00 4,054.00 114.000.00 27.182.00 1.304.00 3,424.00 7,450.00 770,927.00 26,689.00 797,616.00 Budget Allowance Current Fiscal Year (3) $12,000.00 1,000.00 1.250.00 15.000.00 3,500.00 110,000.00 20.000.00 1.100.00 3,600.00 7.000.00 Item (4) 10. Bevenu From Local Sources 11.1 District Tax received In year levied 11.2 District Tax Prior Years' Levle Adult Education Other-Swimming Pool 20. Revenue From Intermediate Source 21.0 County School Fund Forest Lands 30. Revenue From or Through State Sources 31.0 Basic School Support Fund (a) Off -set Against Tax Levy (b) Other Basic School Fund Receipt 32.0 Common (Irreducible) School Fund 33.1 Vocational Education Regular Program 40. Revenue Direct From Federal Source 41.0 Public Law 874 70. Sal Of Property And Insurance Adjustment 80-90. Receipt From Other School District (a) Tuition Estimated Receipts Ensuing Fiscal Year (5) I 14.000 1550 15,000 5,000 110,000 23,000 1,200 3,600 7,000 Interest on 30-90 Day Saving 174,450.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS BEGINNING NET CASH BALANCE (or DEFICIT) 10.000.00 LESS CASH WORKING FUND 184,450.00 TOTAL BUDGET RESOURCES GENERAL FUND 192,000 450 1.500 182,000 10,000 SCHEDULE III Expenditures for Two Fiscal Years Next Preceding Current School Year GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES (Continued on Opposite Pa?) Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1959 (1) 27,724.00 8,890.00 1,310.00 510.00 380.00 525.00 1,505.00 3,500.00 435.00 44,779.00 25,144.00 1,200.00 333,338.00 5,550.00 4,500.00 3,200.00 350.00 12,070.00 5,900.00 4,222.00 5,860.00 401,334.00 1,124.00 2,205.00 3,329.00 39,540.00 15,100.00 14,158.00 2,100.00 72,228.00 42,480.00 7,100.00 13,600.00 14,579.00 660.00 78,419.00 2,800.00 12,882.00 11,938.00 4,550.00 32,170.00 27,770.00 6.964.00 1,505.00 1,300.00 37,539.00 15,340.00 4,428.00 19,768.00 100.00 3.500.00 3,600.00 3,850.00 3.850.00 7525.00 705,491.00 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1960 (2) 10,000.00 6,718.00 1,541.00 909.00 500.00 9,098.00 300.00 2,251.00 1,062.00 31,579.00 45,600.00 1,350.00 360.867.00 7,189.00 4,115.00 4,984.00 1,992.00 11,645.00 6,993.00 4,611.00 7,483.00 456,829.00 221.00 2,942.00 3,163.00 41,790.00 21,566.00 2,507.00 423.00 66,286.00 45,736.00 6,060.00 11,435.00 15.277.00 1,599.00 80,107.00 934.00 7,224.00 7,904.00 1,525.00 3.746.00 21,333.00 33.324.00 3.515.00 1,035.00 395.00 1.490.00 39,759.00 14.953.00 1,174.00 16,127.00 11,800.00 7500.00 12.725.00 7.977.00 39,702.00 13.443.00 13,443.00 76S.32S.00 Budget Allowance Current Fiscal Year (3) 10.000.00 6,750.00 1,750.00 600.00 400.00 4,600.00 1,050.00 4,000.00 1. 600.00 30,750.00 27,041.00 1,450.00 419,568.00 7,190.00 6.840.00 4,300.00 1.600.00 9,750.00 2,730.00 4,000.00 11,585.00 496,054.00 440.00 3,200.00 3,640.00 Item (4) Estimated Expendltudes Ensuing Fiscal Year (5) ADMINISTRATION 100 Series 110 Salaries 111 Superintendent's Office ... 112 Office of Business Administration ....... 120 Supplies 141 Elections and Publicity 142 Census Enumeration . 143 Legal Service 144 Audit Travel 190 Other Expenses of Administration Total Administration Expenses .. INSTRUCTION 200 Series 210 Salaries 211 Principals 212 Supervisors, Consultants, Directors 213 Teachers - 447,518 214 Other Instructional stair 215 Secretarial and Clerical Assistants Substitute Teachers . Administrative Travel .. ...... 220 Teaching Supplies 226 Textbooks 227 Library Books, Periodicals, Audiovisual Aids 290 Other Expense of Instruction Total Expense of Instruction 525,465 ATTENDANCE AND HEALTH SERVICES 300-400 Series 400 Health Services 420 Supplies Insurance Total Attendance and Health Services . PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 500 Series 510 Salaries 47,400 11,000 7,000 1,200 600 1,600 1,050 3,200 1,800 27,450 27,862 1,550 7,600 4,800 1,700 9,900 7.950 4,500 12,085 460 3,500 3,960 20,900 12,500 2,800 1,100 2,190 45,800.00 20,600.00 520 Supplies and Repairs 8,500.00 535 Replacement of Vehicles 2,580.00 552 Transportation Insurance ... . 1,690.00 565 Payments in lieu of Transportation 2,000.00 566 Trans, other than Home to School .. Other 81,170.00 Total Pupil Transportation Services 86 890 OPERATION OF PLANT 600 Series 45,050.00 610 Salaries 49550 6,760.00 620 Supplies " 7,500 10,700.00 628 Fuel for Heat " 11500 15,600.00 630 Utilities except Fuel 17,450 1,400.00 Other Expenses of Operation 1600 79,510.00 Total Operation of Plant 87300 MAINTENANCE OF PLANT 700 Series 1,300.00 710 Salaries 9,450.00 720 Materials and Supplies ...... 7,900.00 735 Replacement of Equipment Other m . 6.500.00 Grounds 25,150,00 Total Maintenance of Plant " 24TKX) FIXED CHARGES 800 Series ""' 36,290.00 851 Retirement and Social Security Expenses 6,300.00 852 Insurance 1,000.00 854 Rental of Land and Buildings 500.00 855 Interest on Current Loans 3.100.00 State Industrial Accident 47,190.00 Total Fixed Charges 48594 FOOD SERVICES AND STUDENT-BODY ACTIVITIES i0."io0o' Series 900 Food Services 910 Salaries 18 200 921 Food & Supplies ZZ" 2550 Total Food Services and Student-Body Activities ...... 20450 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1200 Series 1272 Sites and Site Additions 1273 Improvement to Sites 17,970.00 2,660.00 20,630.00 16,000.00 1,300 10,600 7,600 5,300 37,644 6,900 1,000 1,500 1550 2.750.00 13,591.00 850.00 33,191.00 12.200.00 12.200.00 16.000.00 845,465.00 1276 New Buildings and Additions 1277 Remodeling . 1278 Equipment Betterments Total Capital Outlav J PAYMENTS TO OTHER SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1400 Series 1461.1 Tuition 8,000 3,825 20,000 Total Payments to other School Districts EMERGENCY TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 12,735 1,140 45,700 2550 2550 16,000 8S8.559 SCHEDULE IV Bond Interest and Redemption Fund ESTIMATED BECEIPTS AND BEGINNING CASH BALANCE Actual Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1959 (1) $72,027-50 7X027.50 Fiscal Year Ending June 30. 1960 2 $71,667.50 71.667.50 Budget Allowance Current Fiscal Year 3 S715S5.00 715S5.00 Item (4) Total Receipts Total Budget Resources Estimated For Ensuing Fiscal Year (5) $ 43.124 43,124