Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1961)
The Merchants and Business Men of this Trading Area Are Co operating in the Pub lishing of the . . . A Credit Book published by tho Credit Bureau, containing the paying habits of the credit customers of this entire area. Agrl-Chem I tic Athena G. Frank Alters. Freewater Jack Alien Supply. Pendleton Dr. Stanley E. Allen. Pendleton C. C Andereon Co Pendleton C R. Anthony Co MUton-Fre. water Athena Garage Corp- Athena Athena Shell Service. Athena BAD Shell Serrlce. Pilot Rock Henry G. Barham. D. D. S Pen dleton lone Chevron Station. lone Barratt Ranches, Heppner Barratt Sales Co.. Heppner Benson Bros John Day Bill's Service Station. Canyon City Bird Chevrolet Co MUton-Fre-water Bliss Litho Printing, Hermiston Blue ML Mills Retail Dept.. John Day Blue Mt T.V. Cable Co Inc ML Vernon Blumhagen's Associated Service. Umapin Bob's Hiwcry Service. Pendleton Boyles Motor Co.. Fossil Brandl's Bargain Center. Pendle ton E. W. Bristow, lone Brutscher's Garage. Pendleton Buchanan Insurance Agency. Hermiston Bud's Texaco Service. Athena Builder's Supply. lone Bump's Service Station. Weston Bungalow Grocery. Pendleton Burllngame's General Insurance Agency, Milton-Freewater Case Furniture Co Heppner Central Cement Products. Inc Pendleton Central Market & Grocery, Hep pner Vlrg Chapman. Prairie City Chuck's Shell Service. Prairie City W. B. Clark. Jobber Shell Prod ucts. Milton-Freewater Coast To Coast Stores. Hermls ton Columbia Pump Co Pendleton Columbia Optical Co Pendleton Comrle Olds-Cadillac, Inc Pen dleton Dr. Owen C. Corley, Hermiston Cottage Market Pendleton Courtrlght's Auto Service. Pen dleton Daggett's Variety Store. Echo Cross Roads Service. Mt. Vernon A. W. Davis Sup. Co Pendleton Del's Radiator & Brake Service. Pendleton G. W. Depuy Agency. Pilot Rock L. E. Dick, Heppner Dick's Flower Shop. Heppner Ken Doherty Insurance, Pendle ton Domestic Laundry. Pendleton Donnally's, Pendleton John G. Donaldson. Prairie City Don's Auto Supply & Hardware. Umatilla Dons' Print Shop. Mllton-Freewater Dory's Furniture. Power City Doty's Furniture. Stanfleld Doug & Emlle Texaco Service. Pendleton Bob Littleton, Office Manager East Orgonlan. Pendleton Eastern Oregon Electric Co-op. Pendletoa Eastern Oregon Motor Co Pen dleton E cut? ate Lincoln-Mercury- Comet. Pendleton Eastern Oregon TeL Co Pilot Rock Eth Clark Service, John Day Echo Machine Shop. Echo Echo Meat Market Echo Economy Market & Lockers. Heppner Ellis and Dave's Super ferric. Pendleton Elmer's AppareL Heppner Bernard D. Engelhart D.M.D Pendleton Otto Edlnger . Sons, Mllton Freewater Ed's Jewelers. Pendleton Edwin's Shoe Store. Hermiston Fairway Finance Co Pendleton Farley Motor Co Heppner Farm Chemicals of Oregon. Ine Athena The Fashion Cottage. Milton- Freewater Fayne Motors. Pendleton Firestone Stores, Pendleton Fltsgerald Jewelry, Mllton-Freewater The Flxlt Shop, Pendleton Fletcher Sand Gravel Co Pen dleton Fossil Market & Grocery. FoosU Fossil Pharmacy, Fossil The Frances Shop. Inc Pendle ton C. C Frederlckson Co Hermis ton Freewater Drug. Mllton-Fr- water W. P. Fuller & Co Pendleton Fulleton Chevrolet Co Heppner Gallon's Grocery. Hermiston Garden City Furniture. Pendle ton Garner Bros. S" Service. Pen- dleton Gemmell Bros. Co Pendleton Gentry's Flying "A" Service. Pendleton George's Umatilla Shell. Uma tilla Giles Men's Shop. Milton-Free- water Gllham's Jewelry. Hermiston The Glass Shop. Pendleton A. E. (Earl) GlidewelL CPA. Hermiston Graham & Well Drug Co Pen dleton Grant County Merc Co Prairie City Graves Service, Mission Don Hall Ford Inc Mllton-Freewater Handy Hank Repair Service, Her miston Harrah's O. K. Rubber Welders. Pendleton Harrah's Texaco. Pendleton Heaver's Upholstery, Pendleton Haskell & Haskett Inc Heppner Hawkins-Hudson, Inc Pendlo- ton Heppner Auto Sales. Inc Hep pner The Heppner Clinic, Heppner Heppner Gaxette-Tlmes. Heppner 1. AH! -w We Must Report Our Records as They Are We earnestly request everyone with a slow or partially paid account to contact us at once and bring their account up-to-date so that no mis understandings will develop later. Heppner Hardware & Electric Co Heppner Hermiston Auto Parts. HermU- ton Hermiston Dairy. Hermiston Hermiston Drug. Hermiston Hermiston Lumber Co Hermis ton Hick's MarkeL Ion Bigg's Utoco Service. Hermiston A. C Holmes, Shell Jobber. Pen dleton Hooper's Golden Eagle Station, Pendleton Humphreys Drug. Heppner Independent Dairies, Pendleton Independent Garage. lone Dr. C L. Ingram, D.M.D Pendle ton Inland Chevrolet Pendleton Irons Lumber Co Pendleton Emll M. Jassman Insurance Agency, Pendleton Guy Jeppe Mobllgas Service, Hermiston Jimmy's Flower Shop, Hermiston Bert Jerard Agency. Pendleton John Day Dairy. John Day John Day Hardware Co John Day John A. Johnson. Watchmaker & Jeweler. Umatilla Johnson-Gllham Co Pendleton Radio K-KID. Pendleton KOHTJ. Hermiston KUMA. Pendleton Klmsey The Clothier. Hermiston Kitchen Center Inc.. John Day L. L. Koorenny O.D Pendleton LAI Service. Pilot Rock Lane's Cleaners. Pendleton Lee's Refrigeration, Pendleton Lexington Implement Co Lex ington Lexington Oil Cooperative, Lex ington Liberty Cleaners, Pendleton Lieuallen Pet Hospital, Pendle ton Lincoln Grocery, Pendleton Lott'i Electric Heppner Lucile's, Pendleton Luft Chevrolet Co Hermiston Luther Pontlac Co Fossil Mack's Credit Jewelers. Pendlo ton Mansfield Lumber Co Milton- Freewater Marsh's Mens Wear, Pendleton Marty's Signal Service. Hermis ton Maurice Roy Garage. Pilot Rock Published by Box 162, Pendleton, Ore. Phone CR 6-1463 'I Mayflower Milk District Her miston Mayflower Milk District Pendle- . ton McCann's Floor Covering. Pen dleton McKenna T.V ML Vernon H. S. McKenzle. M.D or R. P. McKenzle. O.D Pendleton Mentier & Elliott Pilot Rock Dr. Merrill and Newton, John Day Midway Grocery, Milton-Freewater Modern Floors. Mllton-Freewater Moore & Ripley Drug. Hermis ton Moen's Richfield Service, Pen dleton Montgomery Ward. Hermiston Montgomery Ward. Pendleton Mull Tin Shop. Hermiston Murt's Texaco Serrlce, Stanfleld George Newbold, Milton-Free-water New York Store. Pendleton O. K. Rubber Welders, Mllton Freewater J. E. dinger and Sons, Mllton Freewater Oregon Farm Bureau Ins. Agen cy, Heppner Oregon Hardware & Sporting Goods, Hermiston Orr's Home Appliance Repair, Pilot Rock Otto T.V. Cable, Milton-Free-water Oylear-Howard Motors. Pendle ton " Pacific Finance Loans. Hermis ton Padberg Machinery Co Lexing ton Pantorium Cleaners, Pendleton Parker Taxi Co.. Inc Pendleton Pay Less Service Stations. S. W. 20th 4 Emigrant Pendleton Pay Less Service Stations, S. E. 20th 4 Court Pendleton Peryless Service Stations. Pendle ton Pearson Motor Co Hermiston Pendleton Appliance Service, Inc Pendleton Pendleton Drug Co Pendleton Pendleton Floor Covering. Inc Pendleton Pendleton Iron Works. Pendleton Pendleton Music House. Inc Pendleton UMATILLA COUNTY This is a Worthy Enterprise . . . to which we gladly subscribe since it will moke it easier for the prompt paying, customer to ob tain needed credit, and will enable each mcr chant to ovoid credit losses on slow paying cus tomers. THE TASK OF TAKING OFF THE VARIOUS RATINGS IS PROCEEDING AND WILL BE COMPLETED SOON. Pendleton Necehl Eina Center. Pendleton Pendleton Plbg. & Htg Pendle- ton Pendleton Ready Mix Co Pen dleton Pendleton Shell Serrlce. Pendle ton Pendleton Veterinary Clinic, Pendleton Penland Bros. Transfer Co Pen dleton Peterson's Jewelers, Heppner Perries J & K Grocery. Pendle ton Paul Pettyjohn. Ion Dr. R. W. Pfelfler. Heppner Phil's Pharmacy. Heppner Phllllpps 66. Hermiston Pik-N-Pak MarkeL Hermiston Pilot Rock Lumber Yard. Pilot Rock Pilot Rock Pharmacy. Pilot Rock Dean Plnkerton. Athena Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Hep pner Pollard-Powell Motors, Mllton Freewater Prairie City Pharmacy. Prairie City Prairie Food Center. Pralrl City Prairie Texaco Service. Pralrl City Price Finance Co Mllton-Fr- water Rod's Texaco, Pendleton Rambo's, Mllton-Freewater Red Cross Drug Co Condon Boy Ramos Union Service Sta tion. Echo The Rehders, Mobil Oil Dlst ML Vernon Vlnce Remington, Tidewater Oil Co., Pendleton Richfield Service. Pilot Rock H. D. Rlchwlne, Milton-Freewater Omar Rietmann. lone Roger's Jewelry. Pilot Rock Rohrman Motor Co., Hermiston John Rose, Jeweler, Pendleton S-M Motor Co., John Day SL Anthony's HospltaL Pendle ton Scarlett's Auto Supply. Hermis ton Dr. Edward K. Schaffltx. Hep pner Schmidt Plumbing & Heating. Hermiston Shroth Insurane Agency. Her miston Les Schwab Tire Center, John Day Scott's Furniture, John Day John Scott Union OIL Milton Freewater Edwin W. Sene Ins. Agency. Hermiston Severe Bros Pendleton Serve Yourself MarkeL Stanfleld Shafer Radiator Service. Pendle ton Sharp's Corner Motel Station Cafe, Umatilla Shea's Lockers & Wholesale Meats, Pendleton Glenn J. Sherer-Resident Agent Echo Sherwood & Roberts. Pendleton Shirllla Pontlae-Buick, Hermis ton Snow-Willlams Motor Co Mllton-Freewater Stanfleld Shopeterla, Stanfleld Stanfleld Utoco. Stanfleld C. L. "Buck" Lieuallen Public Relations Manager Stan's Cleaners. Milton-Free-water Stan's Signal Serrlce. MUton- Freewater Starretfs Decor Center. HermU- ton Stat Lin Lumber Co Mllton Freewater Stranlx. Pendleton Suburban Gas of Pendleton. Pendleton Sunnysid Grocery. MUton-Fre- water Sunnyslde Service. Milton-Free- water Terrlll Linoleum. Hermiston Thews Sheet MetaL Inc- Pendle ton Thomas Motors. Hermiston Thompson Bros Pendleton Thrifty Food & Electric. Prairie City Dr. L. D. Tibbies. Heppner Tot and Teen Shop. Pendleton Tullls MarkeL Pendleton Tom Tullls Office Supply. Pen dleton Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co Stan Held Turner, Van Marter 4 BryanL Heppner Trading PosL Mllton-Freewater Twin City Auto Parts, Milton Freewater Twin City Oil & Gas Co Mllton-Freewater Udys Round Up Service, Pendle ton United Service, Hermiston Universal Real Estate & Insur ance, Inc Hermiston V-R Motors, John Day Valley Building Supply Co Her mlston Valley Drug. Mllton-Freewater Valley Herald. Mllton-Freewater Van Petten Lumber Co Pendle ton Jack Van Winkle. Heppner The Vaughn Co.. Oreg. Ltd.. Pendleton Umaplne Market Umapine Russ Wait Chevron Service Pendleton Waldron's. Milton-Freewater Wcrtklns Pharmacy. Athena Wayne's Chevron Garage, Weston Welch's Variety & Sundries, Stanfleld Western Auto Associate Store, John Day Western Auto Supply Co., Pen dleton Weston Grain Growers, Inc Weston Weston Market Weston Dr. Joseph J. White, John Day White's Floral & Gift Shop, Pen dleton Widner Electric & Industrial Supply, Mllton-Freewater Wilcox Furniture & Appliance. Hermiston George E. Williams, Hermiston G. A. Winship, Distributor Standard Oil Co Pendleton Wallace H. Wolff. M.D.. Heppner F. C Wood Co Hermiston Jack A. WoodhalL D.M.D Mllton-Freewater Wright Chevrolet Fossil Young's Dairy, Walla Walla. Wash. ZephyT Electric. Pendleton Zigman's Flowers, Milton-Freewater