Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1960)
ntttntn oMtmnMti nuiLy. wi i, two Pel Show New At North Morrow Fair This Year I MABT Ut MARLOW The nftrrnoon program at tht North Morrvw County Fair St urday. Srpt 3. will Include I r.t irai fur the flnt time It will tw held In front of the grandstand at tht fair ground. You Hot m IN THE WEST'S MOST POWERFUL PREMIUM 1 A Royal 76 Gasoline give you pura power clean through. That'a becauaa hydrogen refining (a procesa Union Oil developed and own) cleana oui impurltiea, leavaa in only hard-working octane (100-plus, of courie). You get Royal 70 at the Ign of the big 70. It la pur$ and almply-Tb Fineat UNION OIL COMPANY or CAuroitNiA Thre will a!j U a pig mr am tie. Tha fc!cyr! J r4. dh haa Uvn held at the ground In frmrr ear. tll U along with the morning parade which atarti at the ahuo hou at 10 a m Kennrth Jamr Slcard. two mnth old an t.f Mr and Mra Roirrt Slcard. wat chrtatened Sunday in a ceremony at St Mary'a Catholic church in Board man. The arrvUw waa performed by Father Daniel Duffy of Her mUton. Acting godparenta were Jut Lavorala of run land, and Mra Cunnar Skoubo of Board man. Following the ceremony, Mr and Mra George Slcard. grand parent of the baby, wrr hoatj for a dinner at their home. Guest Included Mr and Mr Joe ijivnrata and Diane of rortland: Father Duffy. Mr and Mr A F Rohrman and Mr J Reoer. an of Ilermlaton, Maxlne Slcard of Eugene, and Mr and Mr Cun nar Skoubo and daughter Patsy. Kathy and Linda. Mr and Mr George Slcard and Mr Cunnar Skoubo and daugh ter Linda went to Molalla last Friday to attend the funeral of Mr Slcard'a brother. Ivan Parka, vi nf Denoe Bay. who died Aug 22. Maxlne Slcard met them In WnoHhurn at the home of sl- card ulster, Mr Roland Prather. and accompanied them to the funeral, then returned to coara man urfih them for the weekend sinr flnlahlnff her research work at the University of Oregon thla aummer ahe ha been empioyea in ih. of fire of Dr C E Rialey for further research. She will enter her aenlor year at the uni versity In September. r.n C Delta. EOC. chief in charge of the Boardman Bombing nnnira went bv Diane to Whld- by Island last Thursday where he was presented wun a com mendation for outstanding work here the past nineteen month at the bombing range, me awara ..a. nrunted Frldav by Capt James D Wright, commanding officer of Whldby Island Naval Air Station. riAudla Plummer of Anchor age, Alaska, la visiting at the hnmff fir hpr trandDarents, Mr and Mrs Claud Worden. The Wor dens went to Portland last Fri day to meet her. Mr and Mrs Dewey West and children Larrjc and Dewena have returned home from a two weens trip down the Oregon coast as far as Winchester Bay. iney were accompanied by Mrs West's par ents, Mr and Mrs Sam Bceks of Arlington. At Fort Stevens State Park near Astoria they were met by Mr and Mrs William Garner and daughter Anita of Hlnes, who spent a week with them. , Mrs Claud Coats, accompanied hv Reatrlee Scocclns and Lillian Wheelhouse of Arlington, went to Moro Sunday afternoon to at tend the dedication of the new U S post office there. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Marlow were their sons and daughters- in-law. Mr and Mrs Darrell Mar- of Pendleton, and Mr and Mrs Harold Marlow and daughter Anita of Cottage Grove. The lat ter were moving their trailer house from La Grande to Cottage Grove. Mm Vernon Russell was hos to for the Tilllcum Club at her home Tuesday evening of last week. Plans were made ior their fair booth. All members are n unrk on it. The annual Mem bershlp Tea will be held Sept 20 at the home of Mra Ronald Black. The Celanese film will be shown Oct 11, the place to be announced later. The Riverside high school band 1 1 AS "J if 1 r . ' X A- I' ' i - ( :-:jf " : I V- i . i s ' ( i :. " lr . '.V- ' - ' ' , ;rT ,, , frm . - U . . I ( v XJ Lexington News T DtLtKA JOKM ,M... rJ-a tin.cX ar-4 Mr Trlna PafVrr have rrturnd hums fr.m acrral vrrka int at their lummcr home at Camp Siherman on the MHollua river, Mr and M l-ldn Padbrrg and family are Ustlng tht week at Hldaay. Mr and Mra Bu.trr radbffg and Denny McMillan are en Joying a fUhlng trip thla werk In Canada. Mr and Mr Eugene Sawyer and children vlalted Sunday and Monday at the W E McMillan i ranch. Mr and Mr Lee Coulter of Baker vlalted a couple of day this week at the W E McMillan ranch. Mr and Mr Johnnie Ledhetter and children are spending a tevt day at the coait. enroute they planned to attend the Hunt Waddlll wedding at Springfield. Mr and Mr Dean Hunt and children are visiting at the - Miirfn m ir ja. . tami mmiwiiihh i a . . 1 , . . . - M.A fAAtKVll la vnn FOOTBALL II PEnDLETOff SUHDAT on oi ma au-umt gioai f -r ' - i PRO roOTBAi in Mi-, Bama. who will be appearing tn the Pendleton StVdTurTsuTdV. Sept ' Am 'feto ttam rant, Dollo Cowb newe.t t In th. Sional Football Uogu. at 2 p m. In the flrtt pro football gam ever played In Columbia Baain SSSr. b?lng anao7ed by tha PeSdleton Drum and Bugle Corp.. nationally famou. 40-man musical marching unit from the Bound-Up City. iiUDWAL CoXtiM rJOTMADE fRW Enjoy the height of luxury. Toull hara a faallng of wail being when you coma in hare. Delighting you I our dm. It'a tha Truth I HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. Tord Falcon Thundarblrd Phon 6 9152 or 6-I1S3 Hudson Seal coats are not made from ecal Hudson Seal is clipped muskrat. 1 -Encyclopedia Brlttannka. 11th edition. Vol. 9. rg 538, plat 2. won aecond place In the parade at the Morrow County Fair In Heppner, Aug 27. The band will marrh fn the oarade at the North Morrow County Fair in Board- man Saturday, Sept 3. Mrs Arnln Hue went to La- Grande Saturday to take her mother, Mrs Katie Blckiora, nome after visiting here several weeks, visitors this week at the home of Mr and Mrs Elvln Ely are their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Eldon Lilly and children Jimmle, Janet, Jay and inrrv. of La Grande: Mrs Grace Tyler and son Lawrence, Mr and Mrs Joe Yuskat and cnuaren Gary, David and Diane of Portland. Mr and Mrs Darrel Rash and daughters Valerie and Denise of Portland were weekend visitors at the homes of their parents, Mr and Mrs Harold Rash and Mr and Mrs Henry Zivney. The ntrl Hrls remained here with their grandparents this week while their parents weni xo i nko. other visitors at the Ziv ney home were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Tvrt 7lvnev and children Teddy Joe and Susan of Portland. Monument By MARTHA MATTESON Mr and Mrs Wayne Leathers have gone to California to visit their daughter, Mrs Ab Gates and family. Mr and Mrs Fred Shank left Sunday. Aug 21 for Fall River Mills, Calif and other points, to visit her folks, their daughter and family, and other relatives. Mr and Mrs Henry Cupper left Friday afternoon for La Grande to spend the weekend with their daughter, Mrs Joe Batty and family. They also plan to visit other friends while there. Mrs Darrell Farrens and daughter Donna went to Heppner, Aug 20 to take Mrs Evelyn Far rens home. She had spent the week with her son Darrell at Happy Jack. Donna had her pre school physical. Vera Gardner and her father, Oren Stubblefleld are on a week's vacation In Portland. Georgia Lee Stubblefleld is work ing full time at the Columbia River Power Co-op Ass'n during Vera's absence. Mr and Mrs Charles Roach spent most of the week at Che halls, Wash with his mother, who Is very 111. Mrs Oma Cox of Heppner spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Helen Brown. Mrs Ellen Stubblefleld is stay Ins with her son Johnny and his two sons at their home in t-ugene while hia wife Pearl and daugh ter are In Dayton. Ohio to visit her mother who Is in III health. Mr June Hutchison left Tues day morning for Twin Falls. Idaho and other points to visit rotative and to cot her four children who have been visiting there for the past month. Mr and Mrs Marvin Howell and two sons and Mr and Mr Frank Howell drove to John Day Monday on business. Mr and Mr Clayton Sweek and three sons of Heppner apent the, weekend here visiting her sisters. Mra Stella McCarty and Mrs Lois Dulaney. Mrs Ray Craig and children of Yakima, Wash visited last week with her sister, Thelma Williams and family. A number of folks took in the fair and rodeo at John Day and the shows at Heppner. vt and In Portland thi wk. and al) planned ta attend the WaddUl Hunt djtr.g In Hpilrg Held. Crrg Lryva wa In Portland Irtday and $urdy, tehri l. VUUrd liutih Hatch who ta In a hipltat there following ma jor aurgery on Friday night Mr and Mra Srrge Coval and children were ratlrf on Friday night at the O W Cuuforth ranch from thrtr home In Cetrhart Kojjt-r Sthoonovrr la vlaittng Ms father and brother In Port land thla week. Mr and Mr E E Petk and children are vacationing at Chelan Lake thla week. Mr Wil liam J VanWInkle la working at the More during Mr Peck' abaence. Mr Nlta Grey and daughter Mickey of rhoenlx. Arizona have bcn vUltlng Mr Grey' daugh ter and family. Mr and Mr George Hermann. aaaoaa,ai 1 1 am l x mi BAND CONCERT i GATES OPEN 10 A.M. EVERY DAT- ' ADMISSION , U mat to M U axiU fit 10UIS CJ1TCHMQ,, ARMSTRONG ; JTACESHOW BIO RODEO HORSfSHOW RACJNO ' FLOWER SHOW CAYWAY EXHIBITS FARM SHOW Now Ready With Best of Service GRAIN CLEANING AND TREATING 2 MACHINES AVAILABLE New Clipper Cleaner And Superior Cylinder Cleaner HAROLD ERWIN ...ana HEPPNER LEXINGTON Mr and Mrs Gene Majeske and children have returned after a visit to the coast and Portland. Miss Joan Patrick was a caller In Lexington Saturday enroute to Portland from the East where she has been stationed wun m WAVta I I 1- 1 r BUY IT FROM INLAND CHEMICAL AND HAVE IT APPLIED IF YOU WISH Inland Chemical Service Phon 6-9103 Heppner . 1 i 1 NOW DDI witli Stoi u hi Pert rnoraii fro I glory jl "1 (Rj " ' " ' .0 Cl a : WEED KILLER New liquid weed killer also controls RUSSIAN KNAPWEED CANADA THISTLE . BUR RAGWEED LEAFY SPURGE Spraying with new Du Font "Try W 200 give excellent control of morning glory. ..keep this deep-rooted pest from taking over your land. "TrysW 200, one of the benxolc acid group, attack ia two way: through the leaves and through, the roots. Stops morning glory cold I gCONOMICAL AND EASY TO USE, TOO. Just dilute 'Trysben" 200 with water for pray application. Usual mixture is 5 to 10 gallons of "Trysben" 200 per acre. (Equivalent to 10 to 20 lbs. of tn chlorobensoic acid per acre.) "Trysben" 200 has proved highly effec tive in farm and ranch use. It will help you control a wide variety of broadleaf weeds, as well as many woody vines, such as trumpet vine and certain kinds of brush. See your dealer for a supply. StND FOB FREE BOOKLET about "Trysben" 200 how tt worka. how to apply it to control stub bora ooxioua weeds. Just fill out coupon below and mall It today for your free copy. E. I. du Pont da Nemours & Co. (Inc.) Industrial and Biochemicais Dept. 701 Welch Road, Palo Alto. Calif. I Please send me your new booklet on morning glory con trol and tne name of my nearest suppl er of "Trysben" 200. Name t) TRYSBEN 200 I Address. aarrxa thinos roa bettt u ino . WEED KILLER , THKL'OM CHM:STr I CJty. 2ore .State. E