Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1960)
Former lone Man Married Recently at Portland Ceremony r rvANctxc ciAwrono III IfijCu ,a4in lir dmahtrt f Kir n.t It, li..t.4 M rWllar of Portland became the Urue or ciil Paid R;ur.le, of Mr and Mm Arthur E Kiuhi formerly 01 ian. in a ceremony at the immaculaie Heart thunh August 11 The bridegroom, a student of Portland Stat College to Wft1w at the Federal lie mtv Bank In Portland, Mr and Mm Franklin Umlitrom and Key acruraoanied by Mr and Mr Hugh IW-II of Condon attended the ueddlng. Mr and Mr Herbert Thomi'sun it Hermlston were weekend guest of Mr and Mr Franklin Undstrom, They also attended the Hepner Rodeo. Mr Thomp an m the livestock director of Iht Pendleton Round l"p for 42 year. Mr Thompson wu the first quern of the Pendleton Round I' p. Mr and Mr David Baker and family visited with Mr and Mr Merle Raker and family and Mr and Mr Ivan Orton In Portland over the weekend. Mr and Mr James Barnett and family drove to Portland Tuc day and from there they went by airplane to Eureka. Califor nia to visit Mr and Mr Floyd Barnett Mr and Mr L A McCabe and daughters, Mr and Mr James Pettvlohn and famllv ami fr and Mrs Leland McKinney and Princes Sharon naoiree per ,4 children are .j-ending the I Wra. Aruona, Mr Stetnk Mr eek l Seaside Mr and Mr Cld Crawford ml sons arc tutting In Port land lth Mr and Mr R A lutifd and Mr and Mr ft A v taw fold Jr. Mr and Mrs Rwhaid tlkstroin and Vkkie. and Narwy an4 Paul Crford Uited relative her ort the (seekend, Mr and Mm and Vickie returned to Portland Sunday. Nam? d Pat- U remained l a week visit nh their grandmother, Mr Id Coleman. Mr and Mi Dick Hatutad and dauuhur of Salem were recent guest of Mr Ida Coleman. Mr and Mr Rod Kvuiaa ana children of Eeaverton were week end guest of Mr and Mr Oacar Peterson. Mr Kvlitad U principal of McKay and the new Voe Schottl near Beaverton. Cerald Peterson ha returned home after vacationing In Lo Angele. Mr and Mr Ray Boyc anu children visited relative In Con don Sunday. Mr and Mr Dick Cunnlngton of Portland visited Mr and Mr Ernest llellker last Wednesday. Mr and Mr Don Scheciar ana children and Mr Blanche Scheciar of Salem were week end ruests of Mr and Mrs Leo Crabtree. They were here to set their granddaughter ana niece, son are spending the week at East Lake fishing. Mrs Kathryn Yarnell has re turned to her horn after spend ing the past two months under medical treatment at Wheeler, Oregon. Mr and Mrs Frank Ccnic from L'scondido, California are visit ing her mother. Mrs Anna M Ball. Harold Rletmann. Wayne Ball, and Donald Brlstow are vacat ioning In Canada Mr and Mrs Arthur StefanI Jr form at the Heppner Rodeo Mr and Mrs Franklin Lind strom and Roy. Mr and Mrs Hugh Bell of Condon, and Mr and Mrs Clifford McCabe of Brookings, and Mr and Mrs Don Harris and children of Portland spent a few days recently at Detroit Lake. Misses Alta rhlllips and Betty Sanders of Hermiston were week end guests of the Franklin Lind stroms. Recent guests of Mr and Mrs Ralph Crum were Mr ana Mrs n,itrh Strahm and family of .... tt i r Strahm ol ine Dalle. Mr and Mr Vern Strahm c,f Cecil, and Mr and Mr Tllford t.t IS inland. Mr Betty Ueuallen, Mr R E AlUtott St and Mr Charle Wtl cj all of llermUton attended the Heppner Rodeo parade and vi Ited with Mr and Mr Robert De f naln Saturday. Weekend guest of Mr and Mr Hubert Jensen were Mr nd Mr C L Ueuallen of Pendleton anu Mr John Clerf and children or KUUas. Washington. Mr and Mr Ralph Crum and family visited her parents, Mr and Mr E C Strahm In The Dalle Sunday. Mr .Noel Dobyn wa hostess of a urprle birthday dinner In honor of her husband, Noel at Stefan!' on Wednesday evening. Guest were Mr and Mr liaroia rv.hvim. Mr and Mr Walter Dob yn. and Mr and Mr Robert Jep- sen. Mr and Mr Robert Meyer and children. Terry Jonea and Char lotte Reinsch returned to their home In Portland Sunday after visiting Mr and Mr Holme Gab- bart. r.wtu Morrison is a natlent In the Good Samaritan hospital fol lowing surgery. Mrs Morrison Is staying In Portland with him. Mrs Cleo Drake is visiting her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Ray Turner in Eugene. Norton Lundell is visiting rel atives In lone this week. Mrs Adon Hamlett and child ton of Fruitland, Idaho were vis iting relatives in lone this week. Grant Rigby and Bruce were In lone over the weekend. Mr Rig by will teach at Dayton and Mrs Rigby will teach in the Blind school In Salem. The Rlgby's are living In Salem. Mr and Mrs Harold Snider and family and Mr and Mrs Hugh Walter and Bill went to Cannon Beach Tuesday until Friday. On nnr N I. 4s 11' s i 1 DEMONSTRATION of how thrhlnfl wo don around tho tuia ol .. was Sinn at Saturdor'a lodM Mrod bT XB TurOOf m nnu with (Ma tAA Sural Oll-FuU tfOCtOT OBd onu vitm' . - i th pro-1900 McCormlck thrhr. Tn old tlm mochlnorr worked Monday I1 f . ": m iitvu i .. 1 1 am hAl nMtlllfl All lllfl inrilllH IIwDfu DM1UIW tin i - " - - - . tb throahor wo first turned or a cloud ol dust soarl obacurod th dmofittotlon which wo nOTd b hundxoda of proa. (CT Photo) Mr and Mr Wallace Matthew and daughter cr in Pi-rtland exrral dnv tail week. Mi Ann Reynold of poitiand was iltlng friends In lone dur the weekend Mi Itenoll be an Fnglioh leather at ihe fVndletoh senior high nlul (iua year. Roy LliuUtrtitn and Milton Morgan are tuning at Long Itearh, Washington. Mr and Mr Clyde fM-lnson of Biarlm.trt were rerer.t guests of their daughter and family, Mr and Mr Cecil Hicks. Mr and Mr Noel Dohvn left Thurwlay for their new home at Florence. The Dobyn have pur thastst a home on Lake Wau hlnk. Mr and Mrs Clarence Hold have pun hased the Dobyn home In lone and will move into it shortly. Mr and Mr Rav Helmblener and family were In Portland on and Tuesday or ism rri.tav both famine went to num.iiul Lake where the Salter family held a family reunion. Mr and Mr Salter ana Bin returned home Sunday and Mr and Mr Snider and family returned to Cannon Beach and Bay City to visit relative. Miss Helen Salter of Richmond. California Is visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs Hugh halter lor sev eral weeks. Mr and Mrs Guy Noe of Knox- vllle, Tennessee are visiting their niece and family. Mr and Mr Carry Tullls. Mr and Mrs Tom White are the proud parent of a son Le land Thomas. He was born at the Pioneer Memorial hospital. August 23. weighing 10 lbs. 5 oz. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gordon White, and Mr and Mrs Leland Moe of Portland. Great grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ray Creason, Hood River. Mrs Edythe White, and Mr and Mr O S Sniffer of Vernonia. Fred Wehlrll of Arlington is a house guest of the Gordon Whites. Murv and Joan Healy of Hep pner visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Ted Palmateer several SEPTEMBER 1 THROUGH 5 - AT FOSSIL and mm TWO AFTERNOON n SEPTEMBER 3 AND 4 -6 MAJOR RODEO EVENTS- TEAM ROPING e BULL RIDING BULLDOGGING BAREBACK RIDING SADDLE BRONC CALF ROPING GIRLS OBRA BARREL RACE A Buckle Given for Every Event Special AII Around Buckle DON'T MISS THE INTERNATIONAL Porcupine RACE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 OTHER MONDAY EVENTS HORSE SHOW Juniors & Seniors Will Compete In Games HORSEMANSHIP CONTEST TO COMPETE FOB Albert Williams Memorial Trophy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MONTE BLUE AND EXHIBITS his Castle Jazz Band CARNIVAL day last week. Janet Talmateer visited at the Bill Healy ranch on Buttercreek also. Joyce and Jackie llowton of ll...n.ll..n in.l tin Wilson Of Council, Washington visited Mr and Mr Harold Sherer. week Mr and Mr Con Chauerman of Odessa. Wash were recent guest of their daughter and family. Mr and Mr Ray Helm bigner. Mr and Mr Richard Sherer were on a trip last week to Reno and Squaw Valley. Their on Scott stayed at the home of Mr and Mr Keith Rea last week. Arthur Undstrom. son of Mr and Mr Franklin Undstrom re ceived his discharge from the Army at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. He visited relatives In Boston be fore coming to Portland on Aug 27. Roy Undstrom met hi bro ther In Portland and they re turned to lone. Rev and Mrs James Riley and family have moved to Vancouver, Washington. Mis Sharon Cutsforth of Fas- co wa visiting relatives here over the weekend. Mr and Mrs Claude Devlne of North Bonneville visited Mr and Mrs Ernest Hellker Monday. Mr and Mrs Herbert Ekstrom are taking some of their regis tered Hereford cattle to ths State Fair on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Keith Rea and son, and Mr and Mrs Leland Mc Kinney and son were vacationing U( vt.k t a Uke r tar Orville. WhlngU.ii. Mi Re a!i visited tfl.iU-, Mr and Mr AnvM Hley st OnllJe. Mr and Mr Walter IV.bM re turned ft w a vacation where they had wnl at tfreitertbusll ramp r.esr alin. They ere ar companle4 t y Mr and Mr Tad .r ity and family. Jfiry Brut. lft Sunday for Ttllamix'lc where he will lwPE te;u her at the Liberty Junior high tthoid Mr Tom BrUtow and children accompanied him to Portland. Midt-e RrUtuw and a friend fn.m Portland were guet of Mr and Mr r.t!d Rletmann anil family over the weekend. Mr and Mr Roland Wade and daughter ft Walla Walla were Sunday guoM it Mr and Mrs David Rletmann. Wayne LMetmann. -n of Mr and Mrs David Rl.tmann. left Monday for Portland for his In duction Into the U S Army. Mr and Mr Dick PIpr n famtlv of Milton were recent guest of Mr and Mr Charle Hudson. Mr and Mrs J L Hudson of Pendleton Islted With Mr and Mr Chatles Hudson and family several day lat week. Mr and Mrs B B miliary and son of Corruna, Ontario Canada visited their cousins. Edmund Brlstow and Mrs David Rletmann and families for several days last week. Mr Hilllary Is research manager for the Dow Chemical of Canada ltd. Sarnla, Ontario. Sarnla is located on the St Clair River and Lake Huron Midway on the seaway. Its neighboring American city across the river Is Tort Huron. Michigan. rr. v n 1 v. l; I ' 1 -n- . (""" j 2 fT. ' ! PHILLIPS 66 AGRICULTURAL AMMONIA to 50 and more in recent years. Other applications of Phillips 66 Agricultwl Am to wheat stubble before planting have returned $4 to $ 0 in wheat Tor every dollar spent for agricultural ammonia fertilizer when used with good management practices. To increase your average wheat yield apply Phillips 66 Agrf oiltural Ammonia. It's 82 Nitrogen - more nitrogen per ' dollar than you can get in any other type of fertilizer. See us for full Information. I i!UY.Wn Uw4 ' f III 1 WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS ON 30 DAT ACCOUNTS Ekstrom Farm Chemical H0ME 0WNEI ?EHATED I0XE. OREGON PHONE 8-7289 Sumwr. Arlington - Phon. B-F-U