Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1960)
Heppner gazette-Time s Heppner, Oregon, thursdoy, Morch 3, 1960 ONE HEADLINES 9y ECHO FALNATCCR Th Thre Link club tf Buti hcT.i Rrbrkah lvt held at th horn ul Mrs ALn lUmlctt Frlitiy afiernuon if lat erk uiih Mr Man- Sansn at ro hmrtrti, At the bulnc mmmj fin.lui-d by Mr l"W Piake ttrcl!cnt. It ai tSi-cUtti that ihf member tf thi flub r a dinner election day May M. The member a!w !'eiile to purcha fancy work. Mr lie-ho ralmat.vr, Mm Fannl firiffith and Mm Mary Swanson were appointed en a committee to de cide on a card party. There were 17 member and one cuest. Mr Bculah Lundi ll present Mr Ida Coleman wa appointed mar shal: Mr Arvilla Swanson. guardian and Mr VVate Craw ford, chaplain. Mra Palmatecr re ceived the door prize. Mrs Warren Crutcher of Grcsh hiletr urre Mr VlUc Cdartl mJ and Mm CJyd Craw Vr.t. The hotese fur Mr : meeting t:l be Mr Robert Kiet mann and Mr fell Rietmann Mr and Mr Jme UtnUay .jv-i.t th weekend In The Dalle with their datu-htrr and family. Mr and Mr R -y lYttyhn. Mr V G Svhafer vt Board man was a visitor heie Friday of last week. patient In the Plneer Mem hosnltal from here are Mr Oilve Kncleman and Mr David McLeod. Mr Harvey Smith and Mr Arthur Warren were patient there lat week, Mr and Mr Paul Harnett and Sam Barnett of Gresham spent the weekend with their parent Mr and Mr Kay liarnen. Mr Fredrick Martin and son. Ralph, and Kenneth Nelson at rutcher of Grcsn- ,.,,, th rtierim r.iiowshin am and Mr Beulah Lundell of MaJ n)nfertnf( ,n EuBcn. iast Portland visited relatives here . . .none rvy,ni. t.. L. j n " jom tiv. (attended the conference held in Miss Julie Rietmann. a Junior tn m,w Coni-reeatiunnl church at Whitman College In Walla there. 31 Pilgrim Fellowship Walla, was on the honor roll jjroup were represented. The the last semester. She Is the (, heme of the conference was daucntcr 01 ana .Mrs uiui christian youth-world kcvoiui Rietmann. Jon. this theme was developed by Mr and Mrs Frank Lundell of the speaker. Rev Mcholas riea Milwaukle visited relatives here over the weekend. Mr and Mrs Ernest McCabe and children of Bay City spent the weekend here with her par ents. Mr and Mrs E W Brlstow and other relatives. Joan Healy of Butter Creek visited at the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs Ted Palmateer. Mr and Mrs Dick Sherer moved Into the Roland Bergstrom house on Main Street. The Naomi Circle of the Wo men's Fellowship met at the Community church Wednesday evening. Feb 21. Toys were brought to thtf meeting and were mended to be sent to children of migrant families near Forest Grove. Mrs Walter Corley. presi dent conducted the meeting. A study program Is being prepared for the year and the constitution and by laws were adopted. Thej Iscalvl, minister to students and director of Plymouth House at the University of California at Berkeley. His first speech was World Revolution. Christian Faith and You; his second was Christian Youth Responds to World Revolution and his third was Christian Faith and Your Vocation. Discussion periods fol lowed the speeches and also how to help Fellowship groups. Dr and Mrs A J Buttrey. superin tendent of Oregon Congrega tional churches of Portland was also present. The groups were entertained at a banquet and dance Saturday evening. They were also taken on a tour through the University of Ore gon campus and through Chase Cnnlens. Mr and Mrs Robert Rietmann spent a week at the winter Olym pics games at Squaw Valley, California. They saw botn oi- I; ' ' J! Also long years of Study. Service and The Best of Drugs go Into a Prescription you have filled Here! fulal and rrcilo cam". A nuirtf !-em were the Ud.e d wn hl!l skitns. th speed raee. th til n! HI meter ski Mcr and ke katinc, They were alo In Reno. Mr and Mr RuII Miller and J.mml and Patty vt Bvurdnv n and Mr and Mr Lib Aker and Lelie and Danny were guest at the Bel Aker home hunday. Mr R.tert Jep&en gave a bridge party Sunday evening In honor .f Mr Lrnest MCabe of Bay City. Other present were Mr Waller Jacob. Mr Pete Cannon. Mr Robert IVSpaln. Mr Ray Royc. Mr Gene Hall. Mrs Delmer Crawford and Mr Walter Corley. Those scoring were Mr Cannon high; Mrs Ja cob, 2nd high and Mr McCabe. low. Mr and Mr Norman Berg strom and daughters. Donna and Dlanne of Brookings were vis itors at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Carl Bergstrom for a few davs. Mr Bergstrom. a nrlnrinal In the Brookings school. will attend the National Assoc- latlon of secondary principals convention In Portland this weeK. Sunday guests at the Carl Bergstrom home were Mr and Mrs Norman Bergstrom and daughters of Brookings, Mrs A A Stefanl and children and Mr and Mrs Roland Bergstrom and daughters. r.i!p O'Hara of Condon was the pulpit guest at the Com munity Church Sunday. Miss Mardine Baker, student at Eastern Oregon college oi Education at LaGrande, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr and Mrs E Markham Baker. Harold Holtz Is home from Multnomah College In Portland. Mr and Mrs Harold Dobyns and John Jensen are attending a pest control meeting tn Seattle, and also visiting relatives. Mrs Jo Gaarsland and Mrs James Morgan recently gave a pinochle party at the Joe Gaars land home. Those receiving arizes were Mrs Eldon Tucker. hich: Leo Crabtree. low; W G Seehafer 300 pinochle and Elmer Peterson the door prize. Mr and Mrs Fred Anuerson of Prosser, Wash visited at the Edvthe White home last week. They brought Mrs White and Mrs Imotrenc Mooney back from Prosser with them where they had been visiting. Dates to remember:- March 8 Garden club meeting at the home of Mrs Echo Palmateer at 2 p m. March 9 Maranatha club meet ing at the home of Mrs Al fred Nelson Jr at 2 p m. March 9 P-TA meeting at the school cafetorlum at 8 p m. The program is 4-H style review and 4-H story. Miss Esther Kirmis will be th speaker. Evelyn Jepsen will give her United Nations speech. March 11 Topic club meeting at the home of Mrs Charles Carlson at 2:15. The Oregon Congrega 1 1 o n al conference is having a meeting on stewardship in The Dalles March 15 from 7:30 to 10 p m. Dianna Pettyjohn was honored with a birthday party on her 16th birthday, at the home of Mr and Mrs Lewis Halvorsen Wednesday evening, Feb 24 with Linda Halvorsen and Sharon Crabtree as hostesses. Others present were Wayne Hams, John Swanson, Michelle Morrison, Jack Crum, Kenneth Nelson, Joe Palmer, Bruce Rigby, Tom Har ris, Marilyn Morgan, Sherry Ben- way of w'fklfij. It Thry wrf . v!csi a meat the t!Hnt .Hind l:k U wvuld b U n Uwitfi iu4lr.S". The m)r part if the mretinfi Mtt prl In my rrUewim: th material I had pfr-entvl ta the program danrr on February 19 on th!ng the P"l home economics Ingram. W hv been taking a searching lk at our home nvnomU program under the extension unit tem and fl that we are not reach rg too many women. The ug fectton ha hven made that p nbly more of the agent' time could be spont In public meet Chals With Your Home Agent If ESTHER KIRMIS Meetings prt-uy well occupied my t!nu thl pat week. Meat. jnfc.a ar)d workshop rather than amj national u ciun ' rrr wtmen are n-acneq a monin. . -, ,., ,r,i.-. i ,.,. r .,opicsof..nve(M,n,n.,,WTnl. will d.eul by SS meeting. tweram planners In the March i . ,.; .., The county committee fur the .unit meeting. rrunnetrr fur their knoUslee vf meat cut. Mi tiri;e Rugi;. j.jeldent of th Marrow County tVw twlle who puivrcd Hi meat demon ktistlun. ga away several cut of nwt a d.r iUe. lOne wa their own curej ham. Coif. and cookie were red at the cl. tf the meeilns by memtet tf the ltoardmart and trrlgon extetihlon unit. Noith and Suth Marrow county 4 11 coutuil met thi pt week. The north group of leader met at the lirlion 1 extension unit of the county e.nhcred at the hMe of Mr Richard Waymlw In Boardman on February 23. Member at tendino Included Mr Jhn Rerc orom and Mrs Gn Fereuson of Henrner: Mr Brjce Keene lone; Mrs Wlllard Trench. Pine City: and Mrs Warren McCoy. irrlgon. The women answered roll call with the house-hold job that teemed to take the longest. 1 wasn't too surprised when ser- eral of them mentioned dusting. That does seem to be a menial task which most of us dislike. The question came up because of a project lesson suggested by Bernlce Strawn. home manage ment specialist from OSC, called "How to Find time for the Things you Enjoy." Miss Strawn brings out that first you must choose the thine, above all else you want most, that Is worth working for. Then you need a firm reali zation that to accomplish this you need to change some of your IONE School Notes nlaee in the Americanism con test sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary and Melvln Announcement wa made of the following events that will be coming up: March H Preliminary inniprim and eommltlee to belli advance M work In the north end. We have an all time high of 19 clubs Involving 23 leaders In north Morrow. rug Joe Hay and I met with the About 40 men and women at tended our second presentation, "Bon ne ud on Meat at the Boardman Grange hall on Wed nesday, February 24. Thank heavens the meat dem onstration went off better than my "fire making"! The Grance hall is heated by two temperamental coal stoves. I haven't built a coal fire for a eood many years, so consequent- . . , . lv the hall was plenty cool until Charlene Jones received 1st Nafhnn Thome and John Landers took over the chores af ter lunch. j jonn ianuers, aium.u Martin 2nd place. This was In rtf cnnr ,11 kf Attn I fits. the senior division and the sub- u d sucn tnncs as how to ject was "Why My Education Is sopct mcat now to care toT Important to the Future of Amer- moat anj now to cook meat by lea." Mrs Earl McCabe Is Amer- varIous moist and dry heat Icanism chairman. methods. I prepared a roast The 6th irrade pupils spent eUn,, i,mh and beef Rtroc- Cnlnnliv In the mountains at ii ... onmntlnn o rt1 KTi- T an. .,m..v. artOU 4UI oaillj'll.ifi niiu .. Cutsforth park where they went dors did the carvlng. skiing and sleding. Those from Mr and Mrs M e Hadwlck, here going with them were, Mr jrrgon( tied for first place In and Mrs Donald Linnell, Mr and tn meat identification contest. Mrs uarry luios uou i inHsirom. The teacher Jack Loyd and Mrs Loyd and son, Tim and Mr and Mrs Orvllle Cutsforth were also there. Dallas Shockley, superinten dent of the lone schools, is at tending the National Association of secondary principals conven tion in Portland this week. The lone Cardinals won the basketball game with Heppner Saturday evening. Dalene McDonald attended the Pacific Slope high school news paper conference In Seattle re cently. Evelyn Jepsen will give her United Nations Pilgrimage speech at the P-TA meeting Wednesday evening, March 9. msklnn lesson (braided and south Morrow council at the E hooked I Pine City School 10:30 a m. (Sack lunch). March 1 County committee' visit to State Hospital In Pendle-ton. March ISSecond prof ram planning meeting Pine City; 10:30 a m. March 22 23 and 29 30 Dress- makinc I workshop at Heppner fair pavilion for project leaders and 4 If clothing leaders. April 29 Homcmakers festival in Heppner. May 3 J State homcmakers festival at Corvallls. M lUWcf home. I-jne. on Thur. February We dwu-d yUm for National 4 If ciuti week promotion In the county, and an ai jn-al va made for families U hot the six IFYE (International Farm Youth Ex change students that will be Ultiiig Oregon thi summer. J,e presented Ir.formatlon on 4 II Judging and I presented a filmslrlp on "Demonstration the 1 II Way". I am planning to vUtt each home economic 4 11 club In the txunty during Manh and Apill with ih Information on dcmuni-tration. Marjorte Baker, always Die cr.teiou hostess, served u a "Washlncton Siecial" cherry pie and Ke cream! There went my diet again! USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Eighth Annual All Angus Bull Sale WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 125 TOP QUALITY BULLS Bulls Available for Inspection March 13. BAKER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE Sale Starts at 1:00 p.m. SPONSORED BY OREGON ANGUS ASSN. For Catalogs or Information, Contact Joe Freeman, Baker, Oregon. Non-Surgical Method Cures Hemorrhoids Painlessly A relatively painlcs. non surgical method of treating hemorrhoids (piles) is work ing therapeutic miracles for thousands who suffer from rectal and colon disorders. A recently developed elec tronic treatment is proving more effective than surgery, with none of the after effects of surgery. The relatively new tech nique requires no hospital ization or confinement. Pa tients show marked Im provement almost immedi ately, and uncomplicated cases can be frequently cor rected in as little as 10 days. Further information with out obligation may be ob tained by writing the Dean Clinic, Chiropractic Physi cians, 2026 N. E. Sandy Blvd., Portland 12, Oregon. IIIIIIlIllllllljlllllllTN I M son, and Dalene McDonald. Dinner guests at the G Her mann home Sunday were Mr and Mrs Harlan Crawford and child ren of Echo, Mrs Alec Hunt of Heppner, Mr and Mrs Garry Tul lis and sons and Mr and Mrs Lee Palmer and daughters. Trod FJv returned home last week. He has been visiting his daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Lester Hoak in Seattle and his son and family, Mr and Mrs David Ely In Ordnance and also In Portland. '- OW flfl RE E)LILfll2 ELEPHANT BRAND" fon. tak "or crate) cos. you less to grow. The result u Lower Production Cost per unit L.P.C. Siart making extra money from your crop. This year fertU "h Elephant Brand. See your Elephant Brand deakr E A,i him about the Elephant Brand water soluble fertilizers for your crops and soil. IT PA YS TO CHOOSE FROM THE ELEPHANT BRAND LINE 1 i?oo I ?3Q I 24 200 I i I ...... n.ii.n I 14. 14. 7. J1 . I .0 30 10 I 3 13 13 I 14 14 7 AMMONIUM cut pha 1 1 TBlPl F SU PHOSPHATE Elephcni Brand water soluble FERTI LIZERS ." Bmbbwi l i I 7 : -jf h rs7 U 1 B v. ; H LOWER PRODUCTION COST per unit FOR ALL YOUR FOOD NEEDS AT u MARKET AND LOCKERS 178 W. WILLOW THOMAS S. HOWELL PHONE 6-9922 f LAV-H-PAC Frozen t Hx pkga, STRAWBERRIES 3 For 00 " - a Four Fishermen, Economy Pack FISH STICKS Pkg. ggC Sonny Boy. 2V2 Cans DFArHF; 4 Cans $-100 I wm - JMm - AT OUR MEAT DEPT. - Picnics lb. 39c Ik-. S lb. A.NC 2 Lbs $1.37 BACON WHOLE OR HALF lb. ore 35' SAUS AGE 3 lbs. $ oo -FRESH PRODUCE CflLAVOS 3 for 25c PINK GRAPEFRUIT, Indian River 2 for 25c WINESAP APPLES 2 Lbs 25c BULK CARROTS 3 Lbs 25c SPECIALS FOB FHIDAT & SATURDAY. MARCH 4 4 5 V.A J