Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1959)
ension Unit dies Wheat Use I Rhea Creek Extension unit it the home of Mrs Kenneth I Feb 4, for an all day rig. Seventeen members en la potluck dinner, i Batty and Mrs Evelyn Far iemonstrated Oregon wheat cts. They prepared and ba led Star yeast sweet breads erved them for the dinner's rt. A wheat product, ala, lsed in new dishes. It was ed to cook this wheat as as the package directed, t; John Graves, vice presi Conducted the meeting. Or were taken for more pam i, "Know your Morrow Coun and a small fee will be ed for the new copies. The iecided to wear Centennial !S to the festival, April 30, plans were discussed. :t meeting new fabrics and es will be the subject and jn of officers will be held, loor prize was won by Mrs l Rill. !- ;nth Birthday sbrated at Party 3 Molly Becket's seventh lay was celebrated with a f party Saturday. Her i were Sandy Matheny, I Farley, Shannon Farley, I Healy Miss Esther Berg ,' and grandparents, Mr and Walter Becket. Miss Becket f: daughter of Mr and Mrs ince Becket. Fish Cookery Demonstrations Attract Many Women "I like the fish dishes Mrs Groves demonstrated. You'd have all the ingredients in your kit chen except the fish itself," was the comment of one woman who attended one of the two fish cookery demonstrations presen ted by Mrs Helen Ruth Groves, home economist for the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Seattle. The demonstrations, sponsored by the county extension units, were held last week at Board man and Heppner. Good crowds attended both ' meetings. Ar rangements were made by Miss Esther Kirmis, county extension agent. Mrs Groves, who had her own television show in Florida for five years, presented seven prac tical and economical recipes for fish, Besides the demonstrations, Mrs Groves gave Information on the market forms of fish, the proper handling and storage, nu tritive value of fish products and principals or nsn cooKery. She was accompanied by Peter Formuzis, marketing specialist from the Seattle branch of the fish and wildlife service. He dis cussed types of fish products available locally and criteriaor judging their quality. Following the tasting of all the fish dishes, coffee and cookies were served by hostess units. we can for the product we grow." Ala, is a wheat cereal product. The addition of onion soup and cream of chicken soup to the casserole the women found en hanced its flavor. Ala makes a good accompaniment to any meat dish like porkenops, Deei, or chicken. This served with a fruit or vegetable salad and a dessert make an excellent menu. A new inovation in breadmak ing is batter breads. The con sistency of this bread is thin enough that it can be beaten with a spoon or electric mixer rather than kneeded. The result is a courser texture bread which is good for snacks and lunch eons. Miss Barnick demonstrated an onion-ala batter bread which proved very tasty. Using the same type of batter hread doueh. the economist pre pared several coffee cakes with brown sugar-cinnamon Topping, jam or preserve topping and powdered sugar frosting. The food DreDared by Miss Barnick was used for the noon luncheon of the meeting. Irrigon Boys Start Cooking Club Twelve Irrigon boys, ranging fmm 11 to 15 vears of age, have braved tradition by organizing a Bachelor Cooks 4-H ciuo, ac cording to Miss Esther Kirmis, Morrow county extension agent. Under the leadership of Mrs . ni J T ! .n hflVQ L.,'""i: m4 also be discussed will learn now iu m - ,ha;, ik ar and fruit drinks hot cocoa, sana- wu" wiches and hamburgers, raw "? ' - vegetable snacks, fresti iruu e "v - l, .., ' . Hocnrt one goes into any restaurant or They wi rcombine these foods hotel, there is usually a male iney win lu",u"", , , ). fu o ennprv s np the 1ob. to make snacks or s.mpie luncu- -w V , Dptimists Plan entine Party Soroptimist Club of Hepp eld its regular monthly bus meeting last Thursday at O'Donnell's. nmittee reports were given plans were made for an ng meeting to be held, Feb 12 at the home of Mrs e S George. This will be lentine party and initiation be held for new members. ighetti Dinner red by Guild Albin's guild, composed of 1es and servers of All s' Episcopal church, is soring a public spaghetti r on Sunday afternoon, nary 22 from 2 to 5 p m at parish house. :kets may be purchased from of the boys or at the door Many Uses of Ala Are Demonstrated Miss Frances Barnick. home econmoist for the Oregon Wheat League, demonstrated the prep aration of ala casseroles and bat ter breads to extension unit pro ject leaders and club represen tatives Tuesday, January 27, at the Hone Lutheran church base ment in Heppner. The all day meeting was a training for tne "Oregon Wheat Products" exten sion unit lesson which will be presented to the homemakers clubs in February. Arrangements for the project training was made by Miss Esther Kirmis, Morrow county extension agent. Mrs Faye Munkers Lexington, state domestic wheat utilization chairman; and Mrs Max Barclay, Heppner, county domestic wheat utilization chairman, were also on hand to inform the women of their wheat promotion pro gram. "Everyone knows of the great wheat surplus in the Unit ed States," stated Mrs Munkers," It is up to us to find all the uses Mm BUSY SEW 4 SEWS The Busy Sew and Sews held ihoir meeting on February 7. We worked all day on our dresses and hope to be done witn mem before school is out. We have two girls who joined our club. They are Beverly Blake and Sara Mae Burnside. Our next meeting will be on Feb 18 at Maxine Gray's house. At this meeting, we are going to see movies that will help us in nnr clothing. Bernice Thomson, reporter HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, February 12, 1959 es, picnic lunches, and special, Glen Schmeder; song leader, entertainments. I Mike Smith; and news reporter, Tn Moaltim Pun 4-H foods vvh.u-i--.fuv... project I, they will also exper ience the correct way to wash dishes, set the table, and how to help with family entertain ing. Foods for good health will throughout $1.35 .... , making in this Irrigon club t,,,o wnn noistereci ,,. , .L. nciuina ..v... i (jinceas oi me new liud j.c. v... nt!nimH incentive navments ... . c-i i. uy wmn.". ..... r . I'resiaenr, uarry ociiuau; seem likely to improve during president Lynn Hobbs; secretary, nnvt 19 months as manu-!r facturers clear inventories of woolen goods and rebuild sup plies of raw materials. Seed market prospects are es pecially encouraging for grow ers of ryegrasses, vetch, and for age crop seeds. Lawn grass seed, especially bentgrass, is plenti ful and market prospects are less promising. Oregon's two main vegetable crops snap beans and peas are in a good supply posi tion. Plantings and prices of pro nocaintr vegetables aren't likely to change much in 1959, Thomas says. Potato prices during the first half of 1959 are expected to be lower than a year earlier, but may do a little better in the second half. Onions are likely to be over-planted in 1959 in re sponse to improved prices this winter. Little change is seen in the strawberry picture. Other fruit trends point toward a smaller apple crop at better prices, but more nears and cherries at low er prices with little change in total income. Other members are: Mike Sny der, Jim McCoy, Bon Brownlee, Richard Colson, John Lathrop, Mike McCoy, and Howard Califf. 4-H also offers a "Bachelor Clothing" project for boys inter ested in learning the use of the sewing machine and simple clo thing construction. MISSIONARY MEETING The Union Missionary meeting will be held this Friday, Feb 13, at the Episcopal parish house. The meeting will be at 2:00 p m. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Authorized heritor - VACCINES aria SUPPLIES CATTLE, SHEEP HORSES, HOGS ..d POULTftf HUMPHREY'S DRUG CO. S & H GREEN STAMPS mm '-! - - uJZ. -al "- j- " I ' O'Donnell's Cafe SUNDAY SPECIALS SERVED IN OUR LOUNGE CHOICE or ROAST OF YOUNG OREGON TOM TURKEY Giblet gravy, Whipped Potatoes, Buttered Whole Kernel Corn, Cranberry Sauce, Dressing PAN FRIED CHICKEN Toast and French Fries BAKED VIRGINIA HAMFRUIT SAUCE ALSO CHOICE STEAKS $1.35 2-4 D Weed Killers ALL TYPES ALSO FULL LINE OF - CATTLE SPRAYS - SOIL STERILANTS - GRAIN FUMIGANTS - SURFACE SPRAYS Let us talk to you about your needs. We will deliver one jarrel or a carload to your job, PAUL PETTYJOHN Distributor For All Leading Chemical Companies At SheU Oil Plant jne, Oregon hone 8-7254 HOOF AND HORN CLUB The Hoof and Horn cluD met at the Marcel Jones home Sun dav. Feb 8. The president, Doug las Anderson called the meeting tn order. Susan Drake led the American flag salute and Judy Jones the 4-H flag salute. We answered roll call by temng what we fed our pigs. Mr Jones passed out the safe tv euide and Mr Anderson ex plained about it and he also talked about a field trip we Id take Saturday. Steve and Mike Warren made a report on the care of pigs, then we naa twn movies. Our recent visitors were Mr and Mrs Drake, Mr and Mrs Warren and Mrs Anderson. Judy Jones, reporter 1959 Farm Income May Slip Some, But Good Year Forecast Oregon farm income in 1959 mav sliD a little from the 1958 level but should be nigner man in most other recent years, re ports M D Thomas, Oregon State College agricultural extension economist. Despite some weak spots in Oregon agriculture during the past year, total farm income for 1958 is expected to top $400 mil lion. Finally tally may place it third highest on record, exceed ed only by 1951 and 1952. Mean while, farmers costs have risen and may go up a little more in 1959. Thomas explains. Reduced support price level on wheat, coupled with large sup plies and lower prices for pork and poultry products in the year ahead, are cited as key reasons for probable income decline in 1959. Among the brighter spots are cattle and sheep which are ex pected to hold the sizable price eains made in 1958. Lamb prices usually follow beef trends, the economist states. I III IBQVI : " X' I I I I I MfAW I I I w ii i sill n I mi II I h 'J ' 8 GLORIOUS DAYS FOR 2 CATSUP HEINZ 4 . 94 f HUDSON HOUSE $Freestone Peaches 2 for 63 DUNDEE Bartlett Pears O for Qc! j; HUDSON HOUSE Pears f DUNDEE : 2f0,73e! tAnnlocnurA 1 for & EZC l x A T-r j. ? Sia-Ho STARCH, Vz gal 35c LENT SPECIAL Carnation COTTAGE CHEESE MADE FROM LOCALLY PRODUCED GRADE A MILK Special 2 Days Only Friday & Saturday Feb. 13 & 14 At Your Grocers In Heppner, Lexington, lone and Ruggs CHET'S POT PIES Turkey, chicken or beef 4 For 89 -FROZEN FOODS SWANSON HADDOCK DINNER 59e FOUR FISHERMAN ECONOMY FISH STICKS 53' HOODY'S CRUSHED OR CREAMY 16 OZ. PEANUT BUTTER jar 39c I MONTANA DBY LAND J J CDV UCART POTATOES 1 CELERY HEARTS I 1 A "S. ICC i I EA. ? ................. ..... .. . . . l tii.xi.i.iuilUiti iA ttttttttttTttTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTii ...... Central Market & Grocery 25c PHONE 6-9614 HEPPNER