Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1958)
t gOCIAL -AppENNes Iliii'liii'iiiiiiM'liiPiilllilliiiSMilTISliMl! HlililllP lllllWWiifil"! IHi1 ANY OUT OF TOWN GUESTS HERE OR ANNUAL SOROPTIMIST BANQUET i The eleventh annual installat-1 Musical numbers were a piano l banquet of Soroptimist In-1 solo by Miss Karen Lundell of lone who played Brahms' "Hun garian Dance No 5". Mrs Char les Knox accompanied Mrs Fred Hoskins Jr as she sang "The Lamplit Hour" and Mocking Bird Hill." Two new members, Mrs Fran cis Connor and Mrs Alfred Mat toon, were initiated by the out going and incoming presidents, Miss Leta Humphreys and Mrs Floyd Adams. Assisting were past presidents Mrs Elaine S George, Mrs F B Nickerson, Mrs W. C Collins, Mrs Robert Pen land and Mrs James Hager act ing for Mrs E E Gonty. Mrs George Gertson, member-at-large of the Heppner club, was installing officer, assisted by Mrs Clinton McQuarrie. The new roster of officials for the 1958-1959 fiscal year are: Mrs Floyd Adams, president; Mrs John Pfeiffer, vice president; Mrs F B Nickerson, treasurer; Mrs Oliver Creswick, corresponding secretary; Mrs Eddie Gunderson, recording secretary; Mrs Robert Penland, board of directors. As Miss Humphreys turned her president's pin and gavel over to Mrs Adams, she was pre sented a large basket of glad iolis and a past-president's pin by Mrs Penland, immediate past president. Mrs Adams dismissed the gathering after speaking of her hopes for the future activi ties of the club. Out-of-town guests attending were Mrs Christine Dickerfcon, Miss Loy Wisdom, Mrs Lee M Carson and Mrs Maud A Schroe der of Baker; Miss Bernardine Batters and Mrs Bertie Mont- national of Heppner was held the Christian church Satur y? evening. In addition to lo- nembers, their husbands and 3T guests, there were Sorop Jts from a distance includ one regional officer, repre tatives of other Heppner ser B; organizations and recipients it h e various scholarships ded by the Heppner Club. .$e invocation was given fey 4 Joseph B Hughes. Mayor .Ijiam C Collins leadjthe salute tjie flag. I.fis Mary Van Stevens, for- . i TTHn. ....... ,1 r'fof Soroptimist International Eeppner, and now president The Dalles Club, presided as jjress of ceremonies. Mrs Ste al introduced Miss Bernardine ters of Vancouver, Washing i who spoke on the achieve rs and economics advance jt of women. Miss Batters is rman of classification and bership of the American ration of Soroptimist Clubs is a member of the Federat- ij nominating committee. Mis Loyal Parker received the ttandance award with a one u.iiiir-ii ljitl v-criiL ci li i ma i it r- jpng me yaai yem aiiu ail .tptanding record of one ab K e during the past six years, jjlrs Eddie Gunderson won the Marship award for her most Ique method of earning the Iney for her contribution to club s scholarship fund. Her rage in acting as caddy for husband on the local golf Irse was considered extremely tiscientious. lull --..'- , ' - -: I'T. ' v. .. Vs i f uu Pr ' I - is NEW OFFICERS of Soroptimist International of Heppner installed at the annual banquet Saturday evening are from left to right. Mrs Grace Nickerson, treasurer; Mrs Floyd Adams, president; Mrs John Pfeiffer. vice president; Mrs Oliver Creswick, cor responding secretary; Mrs James Hager, board of directors; Mrs Robert Penland, board of directors and Mrs Eddie Gunderson. recording secretary. . .I ' ? ,. . ' ' s 7 : '' 7''Vfc'"?-Jitv.. gomery of Vancouver, Wn; Miss Dorothy Eakin, Miss Helen Stein, Miss Lillian LaVoie, Mrs Mary Van Stevens of The Dalles; Mrs Beatrice Canfield, Mrs Nettie Elder and Mrs Esther Allen of Hood River. Mrs Canfield is starting a second two-year term as treasurer of the Northwestern Barbara Hutchens Guest of Honor At Birthday Party Miss Porter Weds Mac Griffith At Church Ceremony Miss Marilyn Porter, daugh ter of Mrs Bertha Porter and Arvine Porter, Pilot Rock, be came the bride of Mac Griffith, son of Mrs Eva Griffith, Hepp ner, at a 2 o'clock ceremony Friday afternoon at the Christian church. The Rev Charles Knox officiated. The bride wore a pale yellow afternoon dress, princess style, with white accessories and car ried yellow rosebuds on a white Bible". Attendants were Mr and Mrs Don Griffith, Fossil, brother and sister-in-law of the bride. The matron of honor wore a pink afternoon dress with white ac cessories and carried pink car nations. A reception for members of the family was held at the home of the groom's mother following the service. Mr and Mrs Griffith will live at Fossill where he is employed by Kinzua Pine Mills. Mrs Grif fith is a graduate of Heppner high school. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, June 19, 1958 Farewell Dinners Miss Judy Groshens entertain ed at the home of her parents, I Honor Mrs Mallory Mr ana ivirs vie vjiusiicub, m- Hnv pvpninir. June 13 with a Mrs Jean Mallorv was guest Region of the American Feder- ( weiner an(j marshmallow roast! of honor at an outdoor supper honoring Miss Barbara Hutchens party given bunday evening by on her 13th birthday. Mr and Mrs Paul Koenig at their The 13 guests were Sonny Bid-1 nome- Eleven couples attended. jiviia lMdiiviy wtt iji cciiit-u a David Creswick, Terry Campbell ation of Soroptimist clubs. Miss Karen Lundell of lone and her mother, Mrs Raymond Lundell. Heppner Bu,u, weie """'die, Ellis Ball, Dennis Campbell, Libby Van Schoiack, recipient oi tne clues scnoiMup a ma gandra Campbell her mother, Mrs Andy Van rnoonn Wavn Ham Norma Fergeson, Wayne Hams, Julie Pfeiffer and Carol Burken bine. Dancing was enjoyed in the rumpus room later in the evening. Bridal Attendants Honored At Tea Mrs L A McCabe and Miss Grace McCabe gave a tea Tues day afternoon, June 3 in honor of Miss McCabe's bridal party and their mothers. Those present were Mrs Keith Rea, Mrs Lloyd Howton, Mrs E M Baker, Miss Mardine Baker, Mrs Harold Sherer, Miss Kay Sherer, Mrs Alvin McCabe, Mrs Leo Crabtree, Mrs Raymond Lun dell, Miss Karen Lundell, Mrs Jimmie Pettyjohn, Miss Linda Pettyjohn and Christine McCabe. farewell gift from the group, On Wednesday evening, Mr and Mrs William C Turner and Mr and Mrs Jack Loyd and fam ilies entertained at dinner for Mrs Mallory and daughter, Don nelle, at the Turner home. Public Installation Set By Eastern Star Ruth chapter no 32, Order of the Eastern Star, held its regular election of officers recently. New officers elected are Mrs L D Tibbies, worthy matron; Claude Graham, worthy patron; Mrs Paul Jones, associate matron; Paul Jones, associate patron; Mrs Earle Bryant, secretary; Mrs Edna Turner, treasurer; Mrs Ol iver Creswick, conductress and Mrs Lester Boulden, associate conductress. Public installation will be held Friday, June 27, in the Masonic hall. All friends are invited. Mrs Bill Heath Is Bridge Club Hostess Mrs Bill Heath was hostess to the Friday evening bridge club at her home last week. Prizes were won by Mrs Kemp Dick, high, Mrs Don Bellenbrock, sec ond and Mrs Ned Sweek, low. Other guests were Mrs Bruce Lindsay, Mrs Marion Green, Mrs James Prock and Mrs Creston Robinson. ces.' Call us and day! insure it to- hr .. V A j . . Schoiack; Miss Joann Brosnan, who received the club's $100.00 high school scholarship and her mother, Mrs Jerry Brosnan; Miss Rhoda Ott who was awarded the citizenship scholarship for high school girls, and her mother, Mrs Cecil Ott; Miss Carole Anne An derson, who received the club's Girls' State scholarship; Miss Laura Lee Sumner received the citizenship scholarship for ele mentary school girls but was out of town at the time of the ban quet; Mayor William C Collins; Mrs Donald Bennett, represent ing the American Legion Aux iliary and Mr Bennett; Kenneth H Keeling, representing the Heppner Parent-Teachers Assoc iation and Mrs Keeling; Paul W Jones, representing the Hepp ner Cemetery Maintenance Dis trict, and Mrs Jones; Miss Bess Huddleston, Mrs Claude Graham, Mrs Charles Knox, Mrs Fred ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 till 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 I til I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Hoskins Jr, Eddie Gunderson Jr, Clinton McQuarrie, Mrs Jarvis Chaffee, Mrs Ethel Zeimantz, Ol iver Creswick, Loyal R Parker, Robert Penland and Alfred Mat-toon. Flag Day Services Held At Elks Lodge Flnj; day services were presen ted at the Elks lodge preceding lodge and ladies night Thursday evening. The program included a history of the flag by J O Tur ner, presentation of the flags by scouts from troop 8G, spec ial rites by officers of the lodge and a vocal selection by Oliver Creswick. Tiano music was by Mrs C C Carmichael. Hostesses for cards and re freshments were Mrs E E Pad bere. chairman; Mrs William J Van Winkle, Mrs E E Peck, Mrs F S Thornburg and Mrs Car michael, all of Lexington. Bridge prizes were won by Mrs Ed Dick, high and Mrs Claude Graham second. Pinochle priz es were won by Mrs Martha Van Schoiack, high and Mrs A L Casebeer, second high. Mrs Becket Hostess To Pinochle Club Mrs Walter Becket was hostess to the Pinochle club at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs Max Har ris won high score, Mrs Earl Evans, low and Mrs Henry Hap pold and Mrs Orian Wright won the pinochle prizes. Other guests were Mrs Ben Anderson, Mrs Fred Mankln and Mrs Ed LeTrace. Anniversary Party Honors Four Couples An anniversary party compli menting four couples whose wedding dates fall on June 11 was held at the Christian church Wednesday evening. They are Mr and Mrs Frank S Parker, married 53 years ago; Mr and Mrs Lester Doolittle, 38 years; Mr and Mrs Edgar Albert, 27 years and Mr and Mrs D O Nel son, Lexington, 19 years. Bouquets of roses were pre sented to the honored couples by the Rev Earl Soward who spoke briefly. Mrs Charles Knox and Mrs J O Turner played piano duets and the Rev Charles Knox sang a solo. Pouring at the serving table were Mrs Earl Soward and Mrs Charles Barlow. Mrs Roy Neill and Mrs Give Huston were hos tesses for the event which was sponsored by the Christian Wo men's Fellowship. SANDRA GOULD whose rapid fire delivery is known to ra dio and TV audiences on Red Skelton and Jack Benny shows and 12-year-old Rudy Lee of Climax and Screen Director's Playhouse - have good roles in THE GREAT AMERICAN PAS TIME, Star Theater, June 19-20-21. Second feature: SADDLE THE WIND, a superior wes tern, filmed against the gran deur of the Colorado Rockies. jj AGENT Insurant uivisnrou msi Why Worry? That grain & hay, growing fast, Could burn before many a day! Why worry or take such chan- (Costs the same now or laterl) For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-962S Box 611 HEPPNER, OREGON V ' v : ' :.''. Y' ' i& : Bridal Shower Held Monday Evening For Miss Grace McCabe Miss Grace McCabe was hon : ored with a bridal shower held Monday evening, June 9 at the j lone region nan. The room was decorated with ! gladioli, delphinium and sweet williams and Mrs Jimmie Petty john and Mrs Alvin McCabe as sisted with the gifts. On the program Arleta Mc Cabe gave a piano solo; Dianna Pettyjohn, Lona White, Dalene i McDonald and Linda Halvorsen I sang, accompanied by Karen Lundell; Karen and Cheryle1 Lundell; sang a duet. I The hostesses were Mrs E M , Baker, Mrs Ida Coleman, Mrs Harold Sherer, Mrs W G See hafer, Mrs John Botts, Mrs Berl Akers, and Mrs Lloyd Howton. Miss McCabe, daughter of Mr and Mrs L A McCabe, , is the bride elect of Leland McKinney, son of Mr and Mrs Earl McKin ney. The wedding will take place June zi at i:w pm ai me lone Community church. multicolor spatter paint AW it can be rolled! Right from the jar, spatter fabulous flecks of color with VARI-KROM. No more dull monotones for you. Instead, 20 "ninch-me" color blends and hundreds more if you intermix. But VARI-KROM is more than multicolor-it's a handsome, nardy texture that works wonders on walls, woodwork, furniture . . . any 'ulterior surface, even masonry. This scrubbable,c .,p-proo paint covers nicks and mars, foils soil. It's the orig.nal do-it-yourself multicolor paint. . This Paint Is In Stock MRS DOROTHA CANE WILL DEMONSTRATE Wednesday, June 25 FROM 10 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. GILLIAM and BISBEE HARDWARE CO. PHONE 6-9433 Baby Shower Honors Little Molly Pierce Mrs Paul Brown and Mrs John Williams entertained with a shower for Mrs Gene Pierce and her new daughter, Molly, Mon day night at the Williams home. Refreshments were served to 12 guests after the presentation of gifts. WL6R f ESTIVA. 2 HlWlctarylake HAT ROCK PARK. -fr WATER, SHOW AIR. FROLICS lL KING NEPTUNE'S C0URJ of Eastern Oregon Jewries f F IRE WORKS A Nary U fee FREE r Teens so Adults n A W4 t'k ' - - . : . m.: - v. .v. i 4 & ' i. All iiiii i itoitt ,iii(Bfr fjMity Spots and spills are no problem with Wunda Nylon Broadloom Even the worst stains lipstick, coffee, ink-come right out of Wunda Jfylon Broadloom. Hie magic 100 nylon fibers can't absorb stains. And Wunda Nylon Broadloom is loom-woven-the tough nylon pile yarns are woven simultaneously with the sturdy cotton backing into the most wonder fully long wearing broadloom you can buy. You'll love the beauty of Wunda Nylon too, it comes in colore that add a new note of elegance to your home. Come in and choose your Wunda Nylon Broadloom today! A beautiful 9 x 12' Wunda Nylon can be yours for only $ 14 95 SQ. YD. CASE FURNITURE COMPANY i mini i iimimiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiimi iiimiiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiin nun