Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1948)
4 Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Moy 27, 1948 Vacation Bible Schools Slated To Open at Irrigon By Grace Shoun Trip Assembly of God church and the Baptist Community church are both going to have their vacation bible school from June 7 to IS. The Assembly will be held in the forenoon and the other In the afternoon. Both are using home talent, but Rev. Has lern will help the Community church the last week. Miss Mary Jean Rochou and small sister, Margery Kay, arriv ed Sunday to visit their sister, Mrs. Ray Cosner, and family. The Irrigon housewives are busy canning their asparagus at the Hermiston cannery. Miss Betty Acock of Pendleton spent Sunday in Irrigon. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Phaneuf re turned from Seattle Monday eve ning after a few days spent with Mr. Phaneuf's mother who cele brated her 80th birthday Friday The Graybeal and McCoy fam ilies attended a wedding recep tion at the Mack Graybeal home for the Max Graybeais, Jr. Mack Graybeal and Miss Lois Brooks were married at Pasco and came back to the Graybeal home for the reception. Both the young people are well known here and will be at home at Ordnance af ter a short honeymoon trip. James Guerin. S.N., of Whitby Island spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Bill Graybeal, goning back Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand were in Walla Walla Sunday. George Voile and Clarke Ste phens went back to Kennewick Saturday. They had been home for a few days as it was too wet to work in the field. The Columbia river is really high. Rolland Ottostrom also went to Portland Monday night, to return later. Melon weather is here and the melon men are trving to repair the damage so much cold weath er caused earlier. Roy Stamp of Heppner was an Irrigon visiior Friday. Sam Umiker returned to his work in Pendleton Monday night after spending the week end here with his family. Dr. J. Perry Conder of Milton was an Irrigon visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pelton went to Portland Monday. Barbara Provancho of Umatilla spent Monday and Tuesday with Dona Isom. Mr. and Mrs V. J. Gollyhorn and son Howard spent Tuesday in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Cris Strauser have sold their farm to Mr. Robbins of Umatilla and left for Portland Tuesday. Billy Steagall accom panied them down to visit his father, Dave Steagall, and fam ily. Robert Kenney went to Portland Sunday to spend some time with his mother, Mrs. Dave Steagall, and family. Gene Mulkey and Herbert Rand left Sunday for Olex where they have employment for the sum mer. Mrs. George Russell and sons, George and Carl, and Mrs. E. L. Rucker and daughter Jo Ann, and Donald Adams attended the Ar lngton high school graduation Friday. Louis Rucker was among the graduates. He finished there this year, having had the rest of his school education in Irrigon. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thompson and son Ronald tried fishing over the week end above Heppner with negative results. The Irrigon school is closing this week with the baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening at the Assembly of God church by Rev. A. B. Turner. Jack E. White is the only graduate of a class of seven. James and Marietta Had dox moved to Madras. Louis Rucker finished his last year in Arlington where he is employed Norma Mathena also finished at Arlington, and Harriet Smith and Ester Cosner dropped earlier in the year. Adwtrtimmtul - . From where I sit ... fu .In Ma rs U V Mitiw ,,s Leap Year' cir,s! First girl in our town to "get her Bin on Leap Year was the Cop pers' daughter. Jane, who wed Bill Webster's boy last Saturday. When I asked Bill Jr. if it was true that Janey really did the pro posing, Bill said : No, but she made it plain she'd make an ideal wife. Instead of looking for diversion or excitement every evening, she was content to chat beside the fire. "I could plainly see," says Bill, that we'd really have a happy home life which is just exactly what I want from marriage." I know it's usual for older folks to shake their beads over the younger generation. (It's gone on for hun dreds of years, now.) But from where I sit, young people of marrying age today are every bit as commendable as their elders were in their temperance (a glass of beer for instance), tol erance, and common sense. So to Jane and Bill the best of luck! Boy Scout Award Displayed at Kinzua; Two Graduate By Elsa M. Leathers The statue for the outstanding Scout award is on display at the Kinzua Mercantile this week. The following sponsors for troop S2 are the American Legion. 2 scouts: local scout committee. 1; Kinzua Mercantile, 1; Claud Eng land (pastime). 1; Herb Wright (service station), 1; local union 2916. 1; John Mills (Standard In surance Co.), 1; Women's club, 1. Each sponsor will make 1 or 2 scouts happy by a week vacation spent at summer camp. Wallowa lake. Kinzua has only two high school students in the class that graduated on Tuesday night from the Fossil high school, Miss Dor othy Hoover, daughter of Post master Bert and Mrs. Hoover, and Bill Leitzel, son of Frank Leitzel. Not many Kinzua people turn ed out to vote since only 121 votes were cast. The election board was Beth Miller, chairman; 1 1 a h Bird, judge; Evelyn Smith, Marie Wall, Ersel Mills, clerks; assist ing were Mrs. Harve Boyer, Jim my Walker, Roy Woods, Ivar Nel son, Fred Smith. A large crow d of people accom panied the ball team to Wasco on Sunday. Wasco won by a score of 6 to 3. Kinzua plays lone on the home diamond Sun day. Several Masons and their wiv es and friends went to lone Fri day evening to attend the meet ing there. Ivar Nelson took his Master degree in the Masons. Others were Mr. and Mrs. Slip Wright and Ethel Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong, Clay Phillips, Sterling Wham, Jimmy Walker. George Close, Johnny -Mills, bladge Rushing, Joe Hays Al Rudd and Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDaniel left Friday to spend the week end at Pendleton with friends and relatives. Mrs. McDaniel remain ed at Heppner to have dental work completed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson day for their picnic. The grades are joining the community in a picnic with the refreshments fur nished by the mothers. The graduation exercises wi be held Thursday evening with Supt. Henry Tetz of Heppner as speaker. Jack White is the only senior. The eighth grade graduates will be Lorraine Carter, James Kenney, LeRoy Conners, Gerald Hinkley and James Keith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Konen and children, Richard and Helen left Tuesday morning for their home at Kendrick, Idaho, after spending a few days with Mrs. Konen s sisters, Mrs. James Hen derson and Mrs. Minnie Fraser. They brought the mother of all the women, Mrs. Amelia Riley, down to visit the daughters here. The high school is planning on going to Lehman springs Thurs- what it takes to handle MO 19 CALLS A DAY O DPT" if 1. Down the Una come telephone instru ments. ..your first link with an amazing sys tem. They're sensitive and complex but just small part of the facilities required to con nect your home with millions of others and handle nineteen million calls a day. That's Pacific Telephone's present average. In 1940 it was 11,000,000 calls a day. to -A2L. V 2. Intricate twitching equipment like this must be practically custom made and in Stalled before telephones can be used. You've probably never seen it. ..but it's on the job every time you make a call And there's still more to the story. Land and buildings and other equipment must be provided all of it's expensive. 4. Where does the money come from? Millions of new working dol lars. ..needed to extend and im prove ervit...must come, not ron trlc-phone Mils, but from thousands of people who put their savings to work in ibe telephone business. To attract thex working dollars, we must pa a reasonable amount for their un. This depends on the It ot our services at fur and adequate prices. m 3. "Roadways of speech".. .telephone lines and cables. ..have to be ready to carry the calls. There's nearly fourteen million miles of wire now at work in the West...and more is being added every day. Handling more calls than ever in our history keeps all our facilities mighty busy along with the telephone people who man them. The Pacific Telephone () and Telegraph Company More than 70,000 people working together to fur nish ever-better telephone service to the West Central Oregon Plateau Appeals To Motorlog Party From Portland , "NTs. . 1 '?'s 7- - r i lum .... M " i til L V - Hi Not all ot Central Oregon plateau is flat. Hete Oregon State Motor association white travel car skirts Abert lake, from which Abert rim rises perpendicularly in the background. TU. Is ft randnuatloa ot a wttorlwf appearing la Th Or.cealan Sandar. May ', ,m af a arrlM aiada la M-op.ration Vila lh Oron Slat Motar aasoclation. Motar hl article! thlr year ar brine arlttrn la lora af l.ltrn la actaal arraons tivlna la alhrr of thr rountrr- Thla Irltrr wai written br Lrrerrtt O. Rlrharda. avia tion writrr of The Orrirflnlan, to Jullaa Hraaehael, reaearcb engineer. Plttibarf b, fa. DEAR JULIUS: You haven't seen the West, the wild and woolly West, until you've seen the high desert country oi Eastern Oregon. Here's a land as big as the combined states of New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Connecti cut and Rhode Island, where the deer and the antelope still roam, where you can almost see the bend ot the earth and the silence is deafening. We explored this high desert of Central Oregon from the hurricane deck of the Oregon Motor association's AAA tour car the other day, in a 450-mile triangle bounded by Bend and Burns, with Lakeview at the southern apex, and we're still bug-eyed. Leave Bend headed east to ward Burns as we did and you Immediately climb up Horse ridge onto what the pioneers knew as the high desert, 4000 feet in elevation. First spot you hit. if you don't happen to be looking the other way and miss it altogether, is mighty Millican. Population Quadruples You've heard of one-man towns. Well, this is it. the orig inal one-man town, the biggest, littlest town in the West. For many years it had but one resi dent, Billy Rahn. The wartime boom has quadrupled its popu lation probably the greatest growth recorded by any incor porated town, but it is still a one-man town. W. A. Mellen Is the man. Rest of the population, as shown on the census rolls, are Mellen's wife and two small daughters. With this introduction you will think you're drunk when vou droD down out of an end less plateau of sagebrush and greasewood into Burns to find yourself suddenly confronted with one of the big sawmills of the West, the Edward Hines Lumber company and not a tree in sight. The logs are freighted 50 miles from the Ponderosa pine forests on the company's own permanent rail road. Don't miss the Malheur bird refuge, 25 miles south of Burns. On the 158,000 primitive acres of lake and marshland in this biggest and finest game refuge in the West are found hundreds of species of rare and plentiful game birds. Back to the high desert and the high sagebrush. Fill your tanks with gas and keep them filled, for this is a lonesome land! Next stop on the southern RORTLRIID BIND 09 L c, '" Summer MCONtlRC 'iiAiieyriiis o,. itAHVliW Map above shows route taken by motorlog party from Port land via Mt. Hood Loop high way and Wapinitia cut-off to Bend then over plateau triangle. swing toward Lakeview is Wagontire because the rusting tire of a massacred emigrant's wagon still hangs forlornly on a juniper tree up on the moun tain side. Bitter feucis were once fought over the waterholes here. All is peaceful now. Look ahead as you roil through the greasewood desert south to Lakeview. There lies A. Conan Doyle's lost world. High above the highway towers tlie ominous 2500-foot escarp ment of Abert's rim, called one of the highest fault scarps in the United States. At its base lies the unreal waters of Abert lake, one of the largest, but shallowest, in the state, 30 miles long, but only six feet deep at its deepest. At the south end of Abert lake we turned north again at Valley Falls and meandered northwest through he Chewau can marshes to Paisley in the heart of the rich cattle country of the Summer lake valley. Mule Deer Aggressive Along the shores of Summer lake, under the. snow-crusted brow of Winter ridge, lies the state's game refuge and public shooting grounds something new in game "growing and har vesting. Just north of the game refuge we saw 16 of the most beautiful mule deer a hunter could rieaw bead on. They kept chasing us off the road all the way to Bend. Topping the ridge at Picture Rock pass (4830 feet), we saw what some old maps still de scribe as a lake. Silver lake. Silver lake itself, once a 20. square-mile body of water six. miles east of the town, is gone. You can see the bed of the lake blowing across the road southeast of town about 15 miles. If you want to steep your soul in solitude, if you want to pio neer as the pioneers pioneered, but do it sittuig down in air conditioned comfort on modern, high speed highways, try this High Desert triangle. Yours, ' LEV two weeks, was called to work at the store in Mrs. Frank Denton's place while the latter Is sick with the mumps. Mrs. Wright was checker at the store for several years. Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown and daughter of Heppner were visit ing friends here Friday, the Heppner mill being laid off due to log shortage. Harlan Schroder left this week to visit a sister, Mrs Pearl Walk er, who is HI at MeComb, Miss. He expected to be gone two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woods and Dixie and Mrs. Wm. Phillips and daughter, Mrs. Monte Beard, were in The Dalles Thursday on business. Mrs. Earl Swanson of Free water is visiting her daughter's home, Mrs. Frank Denton's. Mrs. Joe Schott and Bill Leitzel motored to The Dalles to attend the high school graduation exer cises Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Schott's daughter, Lillian, was one of the class of 85 who received diplomas. They return ed to Kinzua Friday p.m. Mrs. Ralph Moore and Mrs. Marvin Jackson were hostesses for a surprise stork shower giv en to Mrs. High Cook on Tuesday evening. Many friends were there and she received beautiful pre sents. Refreshments were served. Mr. Kdge is improving slowly at The Dalles hospital where he was taken when he received a .broken hip when he fell off the cabin he was building. Mr. Kdge had contracted to build several two-room cabins that are to he moved to Camp 5 and he fell from the top of one of these, breaking his hip. His son Art is working on the cabins now. The qualifications for. both the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates as stated in the Constitution, are that they he at least 35 years of age, natural born citizens, and residents in the U. S. for more than 14 years. and children of Vancouver, Wn., spent the week end here visiting friends and at the Harve Boyer home. Mrs. Boyer returned home with her daughter to spend the week. Mrs. Bob Laughlin entertained her Sunday school class with a picnic Sunday. Eight girls be sides Mrs. Laughlin and small son were present. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens and children were at Pendleton Sat urday seeing a dentist. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright and son went to The Dalles Saturday to consult a doctor and shop. Mrs. Jerry Rood motored to Portland Thursday to consult a skin specialist. While there she visited in Vancouver, Wash., with Evelyn O'Rear and family. Mr. and Mrs. Art Watson accompan ied her to Portland and stayed. Mrs. Rood returned home Satur day. Louie Canick went to Camp 5 to work in the timber. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hines and daughter Ginger and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers Sr. went to Pendleton Saturday to see an op tician. They also visited in Hepp ner and Lexington. John Asher returned to his home here after spending some time at John Day doetoring.While there he was at the home of his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hadley were In Kinzua Saturday. They have moved to their home at Camp 5 from Fossil. Mrs. Hartley's par ents and brothers are here visit- Your Sunday Dinner Problem Is Solved Drive down to the Vcitory Cafe at lone and eat a wholesome CHICKEN DINNER or your choice from the menu. Good Food Courteous Service You are always welcome at the Victory Cafe Roy and Betty Lleuallen Ione Oregon ing from Windover, !Cy., Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morgan, Jacky and Clayton. Lillian Searcy returned to Kin zua from Condon where she had spent the past week taking care of her mother, Hattie High, who is ill. Mrs. Bill Wright, who has been working at the factory the past I form 7- 1 In Vfittis c p- y Viiw X4 fUTMI yfi!W7TrF!i Women, e.pecioHy. lit ST .eWi n I ' eaa.-L. iil 1 ' Itel iFMtmtf and imortly ityted 1" 'or tho who ehe e trie medium tti of this rocker . . , eipreuly crt- riih comfort. AU (or Lynch Rocker m SPECIAL A! 59.5 Case Furniture Co. Only the KAISER and FRAZER have it ! Some "NEW" cars are like this end some "NEW" cars Ore like this but only tho KAISER and FRAZER are like IhJi k seatroom but no headroom lf m V t i headroom but no seatroom ptent of headroom) plenty of seatrooml TRUE FUNCTIONAL DESIGN True Functional Design is beauty with a pur pose. For example, the STREAM-THRU fenders of the Kaiser or the Frazer are a style feature others have attempted lo copy. But the real reason for the design has been overlooked. The true function is to provide more usable space without increasing over-all width. Only the Kaiser and the Frazer have more usable space. MORE SEAT WIDTHI . . . MORE HEAD. ROOM . . . MORE 1UGGAGE SPACE1 The Kaiser and the Frazer aren't the same old girls in a new dress they're new from the road upl Best of all these modern cars from Willow Run are yours at no increase in pricel Service wherever yew ge We Invite You to SEE, DRIVE and COMPARE Themjodayt ME1PPWE1R MOTORS 0.