Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1948)
so: I t 7 Y 0 K i. J '- j- p. L 1 C A .; u . i POP. TLA--'. 0 ;. - Heppner Gazette Times Volume 65, Number 1 1 Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, June 3, 1948 TO MEET THE PRESIDENT President Truman has arranged for a conference with State Trea surer Leslie M Scott in Portland June 11 to discuss a proposal to transfer the 20-acre Portland Veterans cemetery to the feder al government. The meeting was arranged by United States Sena tor Guy Cordon, This will be the first time un der the present law of succession to the office of governor that the state treasurer has become gov ernor, often erroneously termed "acting governor." When a governor Is removed from office, by his death, resigna tion, absence from the state or other inability to discharge the duties of office, the order of suc cession is: president of the sen ate, speaker of the house of rep resentatives, secretary of state, slate treasurer. Senator Marshall Cornett was killed in an airplane accident last October and no suc cessor to his position as president of the senate has been elected. As Governor Hall, who was speaker of the house of represent atives, and Secretary of State Earl Newbry will be out of the state on June 11 State Treasurer Scott will be governor during their absence from the state. VANPORT DISASTER RELIEF When Vanport was devastated Sunday afternoon by a flash flood Governor Hall Immediately declared a state of limited emer gency, placed the Oregon Nation al Guard and other state depart ments capable of aiding in relief work at the disposal of emer gency relief officials. President Basil O'Connor, of the Red Cross, informed the state de partment that $250,000 of the em ergency funds had been allocated for Vanport relief. J. L. Franzen, Salem city man ager, and first manager of Van port, was on the highway when he heard of the disaster. He arriv ed at Vanport within minutes and was offering the relief faclllles of Salem and directing stricken refugees to the Capitol. McNary field in Salem has been made headquarters for ONG planes. II has taken on a wartime air with everything from the cubs L-16s to AT-6s lined all over the place. United Air Lines Portland ser vice headquarters has been trans ferred to Salem and McNary field i is probably the busiest per square i iuui U. any i..-iu in wit; iinuuii Just now. The Oregon State Fair Grounds barns are stabling more than 600 race horses from flood swept Meadows race track. Many other state departments are hous ing or otherwise aiding in relief work. NEW STATE OFFICE BUILDING State building directories ar ound the capitol group are allu sive. They are always hiding Contir'ied on page 6 Lexington Man Of Home Since One has to get away from home now and then to appreciate his own neighborhood more, thinks Orvllle Cutsforth who, with mem bers of his family, returned with in the week from a trip to Col umbia, Mo., where they attend ed high school commencement exercises at the graduation of Dorothy Cutsforth. For one thing, none of the country traversed looked as good to the Lexington folk as their own vicinity. They were not on a sightseeing tour but could see enough to convince them that this section has been much more favored this season than the re gion traversed east of the Rock ies. Highway 30 was traveled east ward and this route took them through a region where the crop situation is a little backward. Lack of moisture Is evident, Cuts forth said, particularly in Neb raska and Kansas. Returning, through Kansas In order to get a slant on the wheat crop, he found the prospects poor. He be lieves a 20-bushel stand will be a rare thing there this season unless rain comes real soon. Fields where from five to seven bushels is the average are being plowed up. Fear that dust bowl conditions may be returning was seen in fields where dust was blowing through the growing grain. It is dry back there and no doubt about it. Cutsforth said. While the trip was made In good time by car, Mr. Cutsforth said he wished nearly all the way they had taken the piano. "We could have flown four or five hours at a time and set down for rest and then beaten the car time by hours, but more of the family wanted to go than the plane would accommodate so we traveled by car." Dorothy Cutsforth will return to Columbia in the fall and mat rlculate In the college course at Stephens college, Short Term Circuit Court Being Held By Judge Watts Today Several Criminal Cases Submitted By Grand Jury Judge Homer I. Watts opened a short term of circuit court in Heppner this morning and has been spending a busy day dis posing of civil and criminal cas es which have accumulated in the past few weeks. Aside from granting some di vorces, the Judge passed sentence on Charles Buchanan, 19, of Lex ington, charged with being in possession of stolen property. J. O. Turner represented the defen dant and advised his client to plead guilty and throw himself upon the mercy of the court. This was done and the Judge sentenc ed him to two years and probat ed him to the custody of his fa ther. Melvin Moyer appeared before the Judge and pled guilty to fail ure to keep up payments for the care of hfs children. He confess ed to being three months in ar rears. Judge Walts took Moyer's case into his own hands and as sured him that unless he compli ed with the court's order, which Is to catch up on the back pay ments by June 5, or at least most of them, and then keep them up hereafter, it will be the duty of the court to "send him down be low" meaning to Salem. District Attorney P W. Mahon ey read the charge against War ren John Anent, responsible for the death of William Greener. Anent is charged with second degree murder. He is represented by Jos. J. Nys. The D A. recom mended that Anent be released under $2500 ball but the Judge thought that amount too heavy, and recommended a lesser am ount. t Verne Ricketts was awaiting the reading of the charge against him for passing worthless checks. Ricketts was apprehended at Lovelock, Nev., several weeks af ter his visit to Heppner and Sher iff Bauman returned him from there on May 21. He has been held in Jail Mere since. RAN INTO CLOUDBURST Heppner people traveling be tween this place and Pendleton Monday afternoon report run ning Into a cloudburst near the Pendleton Grainprnwprs elpvntnr about 11 miles west of Pendleton, Windshield swipes were of little use ana driving was extreme v hazardous for the duration of the storm, which lasted several min utes. It has not been learned to what extent the highway or ad jacent fields were damaged but the travelers say water was plen tiful for a short time. o Can you remember way back when a .man could afford a yacht even if he only had a million or two? Cuba (Mich.) News & Re view. Thinks More Midwest Visit News About Town . . . Week-end houseguests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fur long were Mr. and Mrs. Conser Adkins and son Frank of Colfax, Wn., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stark and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Low ell Winters and children of Hay, Wn., and Mrs. Melvin Harrington of Vancouver, Wn. Mrs. Delia Duran is here from Umatilla for a few days' visit at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McMurtry. The McMurtrys mo tored over to Umatilla after Mrs Duran on Monday. Dan Brock of Dayville is spend ing several days in Heppner with his sister, Mrs. Susie Hughes. Mr. Brock accompanied Ed Wil son to Heppner, George Darling of Adams vis ited friends in Heppner over the week end. Mr. Darling worked here several years ago before moving to Adams where he has since made his home. Ray Ogletree left Thursday for Alaska where he will be employ ed for a time. Mr. Ogletree came to Oregon last year from Ala bama and has made his home here with his brother, Douglas, working for the Heppner Lumber company during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Collins moved to Cottage Grove to spend Decoration day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sllger of Albany were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Sanger, Among business visitors here Tuesday from Condon were Law rence Farrnr, Walter Jarger, W J. Eaton, Orve Dyer and Will Har- die. Mrs. Grace Nlckerson made a business trip to Pendleton Friday, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES TAKE JOBS FOR SUMMER Several members of the class of 1948, Heppner high school, went to work immediately or have Jobs upon which they will start shortly. Beverly Yocom is the new clerk in the office of Turner, Van Marter & Co., enter ing upon her new duties Tues day, June 1. Corabelle Nutting is working at Scotty's, Don Du Bois is clerking in the postoffice, and Leila McLachlan will suc ceed Mrs. Loreen Ledbetter in the tax department of the sheriff's office beginning July 1. Three of the boys of the class left the first of the week for Al aska to work until about the first of October. Clarence Green up, who spent last summer in the north, was accompanied by Jack Ployhar and Buster Padberg. All three were prominent mem bers of the athlete squads during their term in high school. YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP TO ENTERTAIN VISITORS The Young Adult Fellowship of the Methodist church will play host Sunday to similar groups from other churches of the dis trict. Visitors to the number of about 50 are expected and the local group has planned enter tainment to make the occasion worthwhile. Following the morning services at the church the YAF groups will congregate on the church parsonage lawn for a picnic din ner. JAMES CARTY PASSES James Carty, pioneer sheepman of Morrow county and a resident of Gilliam county the past eight years, died at the family resi dence at Heppner Junction this morning. Funeral arrangements are being held up pending word from Mr. Carty's two daughters. He and his son Packy moved from the Emigrant springs ranch north of lone to the Junction when their ranch was included in the bombing range back in 1940. Wheat Commission Will Seek Lower Freight Rates East Oregon's Wheat commission has decided to fight for lower rates on wheat and flour. Chap man Jens TerJeson announced this week. Present rates do not permit wheat and flour produced in Oregon and other northwest states to be sold to eastern mar kets on equal terms with wheat grown in other areas, he said. The commission at Its recent meeting in Pendleton outlined a broad program of research and education for the coming year. It includes a study of the various markets at home and abroad where Pacific northwest wheat and flour are sold. This study is expected to point to ways of expanding these markets, Ter jeson said. He said, however, that it would be unprofitable to ship northwest wheat elsewhere In the nation as long as transportation costs re mained at present levels. The commission proposes to study the freight rate problem in cooperation with wheat pro ducers, dealers, millers and oth ers interested in the northwest wheat industry. TerJeson said the problem in cluded water as well as rail transportation. The commission also decided to expand its research program to develop better varieties of wheat and to find new uses for wheat. Feeding of wheat to live stock will be encouraged thru the Eastern Oregon Fat Stock show and sale and other shows. The commission plans to coop erate with the Millers' National foundation in an attempt to in crease flour consumption. Use of the types of flours milled from Oregon and other northwest wheat will be encouraged by the Cake Baking contest, which the commission is sponsoring this year for the first tim.e and other similar projects. TerJeson said possible Indus trial uses of wheat would be studied and an attempt would be made to locate more processors of wheat in the northwest. He men tioned wheat gluten, starch anJ alcohol as possible products of wheat in addition to its many uses as human food. Location of new industries would depend, in part, upon favorable transporta tion rates, he said. Much of the basic research along these lines will be done in government loboratories at Pe oria, III., Albany, Calif., and Pull man, Wash. TerJeson said that the program outlined by the commission would benefit the entire region and that the cooperation of grow ers, dealers and millers from throughout the area was expect ed. Other members of the commis sion are Marlon Weatherford, Ar lington; Ralph McEwen Jr., Hain es; Millard Eakin, Grass Valley and William J. Enschede, Hills boro. E. J. Bell, Pendleton, is ad minlstrator. Exofflclo members are E. L. Peterson, state director of agriculture, and D. D. Hill head of the farm crops depart ment, Oregon State college, Graduates In Class of Afm ( 1 prt T y- I t -' ; w 1 k f; i i Top row, left to right Supt Henry Tetz, Richard AUstotL Robert Kilkenny, Jack Ployhar, Doyle Key, Donald DuBois, Principal Leonard Pate. Middle row Elizabeth Ann This class of 21 seniors received i their search for knowledge ended diplomas from the hands of Har- j with receipt of their diplomas or old Becket, district No. 1 school 8huld tney fns!,der. their h'?h , , . , .1 ehool work the beginning. The board chairman, in appropriate Ueniors were left with the thought commencement exercises Friday I evening, at which time Frank Bennett, superintendent of Salem schools, delivered the commence ment address. Mr. Bennett as sured the class that it was up to each individual to decide whe ther it was graduation or com mencement, should they consider Soroptimists To Present Variety Home Talent At Star, June 9-10 By Ruth Payne Plans are progressing for the home talent show which will be presented at the Star theater, June 9 and 10, under the spon sorship of the Heppner Soroptim- ist club, according to Mrs. Joe Hughes Sr., general chairman. Several vaudeville acts have been scheduled which will be featured a "Barbershop Quartette,"- a "Gay Nineties Revue," and a "Hillbilly Routine." In ad dition to these skits there will be the regular movie, "Always Together" and "The March of Time." Prizes are being offered to anyone in the audience who can identify the "Man of Mys tery" from clues given at inter vals during the performance. This week, Heppner has taken on the' appearance of a "main line" city with cars bearing li cense plates from all over the United States becoming a com mon occurrence along Main street. Because of flood condi tions along the Columbia River highway, normal highway traf fic has been routed through the interior. Tourists are given the opportunity to view some of the Oregon country which is ordin arily by-passed. Miss Helen Phelan returned to her home in San Francisco Mon day after spending the week end n Heppner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Phelan. Miss Phe lan made the trip by United Air lines and was met in Pendleton Saturday by Russell O'Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rood of Athena were week-end visitors in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore and daughters were over from Monu ment Saturday transacting bus iness In Heppner and visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Add Moore. Mr. and Mrs. George Carey and son, Jimmy, of Portland arrived Saturday to spend the week end holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ulrich. The Careys came up by motor via the Mt. Hood loop highway and over the Wapanltia cut-off. Mrs. E. H. Burns of Spokane was a week-end guest at tne country home of her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and, Mrs. Ralph Thompson. Mrs. Bums flew from Spokane and was met in Pendleton Saturday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers and Mrs. Sara McNamer motored to Walla Walla and Prescott, Wash., for Decoration day. In Pendleton they were joined by Mrs. McNa mer s brother, James Kodgers 01 Meadows, Idaho, who accompan ied them to Walla Walla and returned to Heppner for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentry and daughter, Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Frankie V. Gentry of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gentry and children, Phyllis and Gary of Bend, and Roy Gentry of Okano gan, Wash., spent the week end in Heppner with their mother, Mrs. Ordrie Gentry, who is ser iously ill at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Alice Gentry. Mrs. Har old Gentry and Hoy Gentry re mained to assist with Mrs. Gen try's care while the others re turned to their homes the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs Herman Talker were over from Pasco to spend the week end here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cllve Huston. F. W. Turner and Robert Dobbs returned Friday from a business trip to Portland. '48 Receive Diplomas At Exercises i ' i. Smethurst, Clarence Greenup, Morgan Connor, Kenneth Green, Myron Rill, Donald Rippee, Harriet Ann Ball, j Front row Corabelle Lee (Nutting, Mary Ellen Gearhart, i Leila Joan McLachlan, Beverly I that it was up to them to decide what they would do wtih their lives and that there are still plenty of things to be done in this world if they will but be alert. Citizenship, scholastic, activi ties, and leadership awards were made by Principal Leonard Pate. Among those attending the baseball game in Condon Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bec ket and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Par rish. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hope of Ventura, Cal., who are vacation ing in Oregon, spent several days in Heppner the first of the week, looking after business matters. Kobert Welty was here from The Dalles Tuesday. Mr. Welty found travel conditions between libre and The Dalles rather dif ficult, having been routed thru Tygh and Grass Valley and over roads which are under construc tion at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Musgrave of Fox Valley were business vis itors in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bucknum and Mrs. Fay Bucknum motored to Hermiston Monday to spend the day visiting friends. Tom Black of Walla Walla, representative of the Bonneville Power administration, was a bus iness visitor in Heppner Tues day. Joe Hughes Jr. returned Tues day from Los Angeles where he had been attending school for the past several monlhs. Mr. Hughes thinks he may go to Alaska to work during the summer. James Butler of Rufus was transacting business in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Case mo tored to Portland Wednesday. There, Mrs. Case will Join her mother, Mrs. Ida Grimes, for a month's vacation trip. Mr. Case returned to Heppner the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bucknum left Tuesday afternoon for Los Angeles where they were called by the serious illness of Mrs. Bucknum's father, H. H. Everette. Mrs. Harold Evans, Mrs. Emma Evans and Miss Yvonne Bleak man returned the end of the week from a motor trip to Utah. The ladies enjoyed several days sightseeing in and around Salt Lake City and were especial ly impressed with Mormon . Square, where they attended an organ concert in the world fam ous tabernacle and visited other points of historic interest. They returned by way of the Salt Flats, Nevada and Idaho. James Farley of Arlington was looking after business matters in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pierson and daughters, Marjorie and Rose marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell motored to The Dalles Monday. Mrs. James Boland and daughter Mary returned to Hepp ner with them and will remain with the Howells until after the flood danger is over in The Dal les. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin and children returned to their home in Portland Wednesday af ter spending a few days In Heppner visiting relatives. They were accompanied by Mrs Lil lian Cook who is returning to her home in Oregon City after spending the past few weeks here assisting with the care of her father, George Mead, who has been seriously ill at the home of another daughter, Mrs. Sic Walker. Mrs. Gerald Boohor returned to her home In Boise Idaho, Thurs day after a brief visit in Hepp ner with her mother, Mrs. Corda Saling. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles and daughter motored to Moro for Decoration day. . IK 2 1 . ' )' 'V ess Ann Yocom, Edda Mae Thorpe, Ollie Eyvonne Hastings, Clara Sue Ledbetter, Joan Marie His ler. Not in picture Bernard U. Merle Padberg, Hervel Ray Pet tyjohn. Leila McLachlan received the valedictory award for having maintained the highest scholas tic average during her four years of high school work; to Morgan Connor went the salutatory medi al; Beverly Yocom received the activity medal; Harriet Ball, cit izenship award; Buster Padberg, outstanding athlete award; Don DuBois, student body president, the leadership award, and Joan Hisler's name will be placed on the school's honor plaque. Eighth Graders Receive Diplomas During Past Week Graduation exercises were held last week for eighth grade class es of the county with the result that 66 young people are ready to enter high school in the fall. Heppner graduated about the largest class in history Wednes day evening, May 26, when 35 diDlomas were passed out. De spite interruption by a heavy thunder storm which caused a blackout of lights, the program was carried through on schedule, with candles and flashlights at hand toprovide light in case of necessity. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers was guest speaker, and Principal Waldo Jackson introduced and presented the class to Supt. Hen ry Tetz who presented the dip lomas. A feature of the exercises were two first graders, Carolyn McDaniels and Dickie Robinson, dressed for the part, who turned the pages of a large book reveal ing the program for the evening. Members of the class were Nancy Jane Adams, Dale William Baker, Edwayne E. Bergstrom, Marilyn Louise Bergstrom, Don ald Earl Blake, Jeanne M. Both well, Albert Faye Burkenbine, Sally Cohn, Marvin Gary Connor, Robert Keith Connor, Genevieve L. Cox, Jo Jean Dix, Marlene June Duran, Afton Lenora Eberhart, Dorothea E. Falcon, Nancy Fer guson, Dona Marlene Gayhart, Floyd Elmer Green, E. Allen Hughes, Bernice Mae Huston, Mi chael Conley Lanham. Eugene M. Miller, Marilyn V. Miller, Nancy A. Moore, Jimmy Vernon Prock, Eleanor Lee Rice, Charleen Elsa Rill, Lynville Woodrow Rill, Charles Stout Jr., Roy M. Taylor, James Lewis Smith, Kenneth J. Turner, Betty Jean Washburn, Jack Yeager, Rieta Mae Graves. District No. 25, Boardman, was second on the list with a class of 14. These are Franklin B. Ball, Richard Barliem, Larry L. Car penter, Douglas Califf, Elnora Earwood, Max Fussell, Donald I. Gillespie, William D. Palmer, Pe ter D. Cassidy, Carol Robertson, Nancy Rands. Stanley Shattuck, Gracia Ann Veelle, Delores Ziv ney. Five young people were award ed diplomas at Irrigon as follows: Jim Kenny, Leroy Conners, Ger ald Hinkley, Lorraine Carter and James Keith Jr. District No. 35, lone, graduated 14, as follows: Clarence Leroy Brenner, Barbara Jackson, De lores Ann Drake, Clarice Fern Jones, Wilma Edna Dalzell, Elise Bauernfeind, Llla Botts, Allen Ely, Donald Eubanks, Mary M. Jepson. Elizabeth Jane Griffin and Ed na Jane Ivey were awarded dip lomas at Lexington. o CHURCH SPONSORING SHOWER FOR VANPORT FLOOD VICTIMS The women of the Heppner Church of Christ are sponsoring a miscellaneous shower at 3 p. m., Friday, June 11, for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoyt and son who lost everything in the Vanport flood. All friends are Invited. The Hoyts were just ready to eat when someone shouted to them to make a run for it as the dike had broken. They grabbed the baby and ran to the car and succeeded in escaping the water. Upon reaching higher ground they looked back and saw the water envelop their house. Services Held At Graveside For Nickerson Infant Graveside services were held at 4 o'clock p.m. Wednesday for Dane Francis Nickerson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Nickerson, whose death occurred at an early hour Tuesday. Rev. Neville Blunt conducted the ser vice. Dane Francis was one of a set of twins born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Ncikerson, the other being a girl. The little fellow was not strong enough to cope with the struggle of living and breathed his last at the age of two days. Mrs. Nickerson and the little daughter, Alice Adelle, are gain ing strength daily at the Corda Saling home. Vacation School To End June 10 Vacation Bible school under the auspices of the protestant chur ches of the city opened Monday at the Heppner school with a good attendance. The intensified training given the young people will culminate in a program to be given at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, June 10, at the Methodist church. TAKES LONG DRIVE Mrs. Frances Mitchell knows something about detouring since venturing forth into the flood area last Friday afternoon. She left for The Dalles Friday after noon accompanied by her daugh ter Lorene who has taken a posi tion in a hospital there for the summer, and Johnnie Molla- han. Reaching Dinty's station Mrs. Mitchell was told she would have to detour there via Grass Valley and Tygh Valley to highway 97. Coming back up Saturday she crossed Shearer's bridge and took a cut-off road that brought her down to the mouth of the Deschutes. The water was nearly up to the floor of the bridge but she crossed over and headed up the river only to run into the flood waters above Arlington. Negotiating this she headed on up the highway en route to Wallowa county. Little difficulty was experienced the rest of the way, although the Grande Ronde river was on a rampage and the Wallowa's banks were full where that river and the Minam join. She spent Memorial day at Joseph. Johnnie Mollahan stopped off at Pendle ton to visit relatives while Mrs. Mitchell went on up the line. MRS. MINNIE GAUNT Chapel services were held at 2:30 o'clock p.m., Wednesday for Mrs. Minnie Gaunt, 76, who pass ed away Monday night at Her miston. Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien conducted the service. Interment was in Heppner Masonic ceme tery. Mrs. Gaunt was born July 15, 1872 at Myrtle Point, the daugh ter of Jesse and Elizabeth (Brown) McFerrin. She was mar ried to John Gaum and they came to Morrow county to make their home. They resided in the Matteson butte district for a number of years, later moving to Heppner where Mr. Gaunt died. Mrs. Gaunt continued to make her home here until a year or so ago when she went to Hermiston. She was a sister of Mrs. Grace Hughes and had other relatives here. Big Fish Opines Time For Cruise Late spring run-off has caused a drouth in fish stories this year and it remained for the Colum bia flood waters to produce a tale which may be believed or taken with a grain of saltby Gazette Times readers. But be fore describing what was seen let it be known that the writer and his family were stone sober, in their right minds, and were not fishing but merely riding along the Columbia river high way watching the logs, parts of buildings and other debris breasting the 10-miles-an-hour current. It was late Sunday afternoon. Our party was taking a leisurely drive from Arlington down the river towards Rufus. Opopsite the railroad station of Hook, a few miles east of the mouth of the John Day river, a shoal of black rock is visible in low water but at present it is several feet un der the surface of the swirling waters. While passing that point it was noticed that a grayish rock was sticking out of the wa ter Just above the rapids formed by the shoal. The object seemed to be moving but that is an op tical illusion often formed by water passing over rocks, yet In this instance the "rock" was most surely moving away from the rest of the shoal, and as said before, the shoal rock is black and this whatever-lt-was was gray. The car slowed down and our party watched the object gradu Interior Highways Bear Brunt River Traffic In Crisis Passenger Cars, Freight "Outfits Routed Thu Here Literally thousands of travel ers learned of new, interesting highways this week when flood conditions along the Columbia river route forced diversion of traffic over interior roads. Mon day and Tuesday saw a steady stream of traffic through Hepp ner as cars turned from Highway 30 above Boardman were directefl to come this way and over the Heppner-Condon highway to the John Day where they chose a north or south course, as their destinations called for. Others headed for Arlington were sent down the Willow creek highway and detoured over the Rhea Siding-Arlington cut-off. People trying to make Portland and Columbia river points be tween Arlington and Portland were compelled to travel many extra miles. The first detour was between Dinty's, at Biggs, and The Dalles. Travelers going west were detoured at Dinty's as far south as Grass Valley, thence over the Grass Valley-Tygh Val ley highway to 97. By Sunday the detour started at Rufus be cause of the unsafe condition of the highway west of that point. Many local people have driven to points on the river within the week to see "the highest water since '94." The Columbia has backed up Willow creek for more than one-fourth of a mile and ranchers were busy Saturday try ing to save a hay crop in the path of the swollen stream. Water from the swollen Colum bia swept through a culvert un der the Union Pacific railroad about five miles west of Heppner Junction and flooded the high way. The railroad bed remained well above the water line while the highway was submerged un der as much as two feet of water for a distance of approximately one-half mile. Travelers who were fearful of negotiating the water returned to Heppner Junc tion or Arlington and took the Arlington-Rhea cut-off. By Mon day the rising river water had penetrated more railroad cul verts in the Boardman area and a sizeable territory along the highway was flooded. This start ed the interior travel in a big way; particularly for people re turning to western points from holiday trips to eastern Oregon and Washington, or Idaho. Heppner and other interior towns enjoyed a real tourist bus iness for two or three days, par ticularly in the restaurant and gas station services. Strings of cars and trucks passed through, some stopping, others njerely ob serving traffic regulations as they sped on their way homeward. Numerous out of state cars were included, the detour affording them an unsought opportunity to see more of Oregon than they would have otherwise seen. MARRIAGE DATE SET Mr. and Mrs. Ottis East an nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Maxine, to Les ter Cox of Lexington, on Satur day evening, June 19 at 8 o'clock p. mr-in the Heppner Methodist church. Friends of the couple have been extended an invitation to attend. High Water Good Up Columbia River ally gain headway against the heavy current. It had moved away more than 100 yards when the conclusion was reached that it was a fish of some kind but what? We moved down the highway at a leisurely pace.' reaching Ru fus where state police directed us over the Rufus-Wasco cutoff, but as we were only cruising down the river and Arlington was our objective for the night, we turned back up the river. Pic tures were taken along the way and when Hook was reached nothing more was seen ol the mid-stream denizen. Some dis tance above Hook our attention was again called to the activity in the middle of the river and sure enough there was the big fish still battling the current and making good progress up the riv er. This time the car came to a stop and closer observation was made of the big fellow's motions. With head bobbing in and out of the water at intervals, the tall maintained a steady threshing. The fish appeared to bo at least 12 feet in length and the head had the resemblance of a whale. Not being ichthyologists (that's a whale of a word) we could not say positively that it was a whale and this Is being written with the hope that others may have seen the same thing and will come orth with the right name for it. Since It took the middle of the stream It was too far away to be photographed, hut it could be plainly seen from shore and doubtless others than ourselves saw it.