Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1929)
HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1929. PAGE THREE TiTMs for th by Vancv Hart Many of us have not been able to withstand the temptation of those sparkling new aluminum dripolators which have recently ap peared at the stores. Naturally we have tried out the drip method of making coffee in them and are converts. But do we all know Just why the beverage tastes so much better and why it is better for us? It is because no tannin or bitter ness is extracted from the coffee by the drip process, as it is by boiling; only the full flavor and the good qualities of the bean are obtained. This alone is news enough to make us want to try this modern method which is approved and practiced by. almost every famous chef and domestic science expert in the country. But in case some are thinking of the old-time process which used a slow-dripping muslin bag it should be remembered that this new meth od of making "drip" is almost in stantaneous. One simply puts the coffee (a dessert spoonful for each cup) into Its perforated compart ment, pours boiling water into the top section of the pot and presto, in a second or two the beverage is ready to serve. For the Meutless Meal Cream of Lima Bean Soup Corn Oysters Stewed Tomatoes Cabbage au gratln Apple and Celery Salad Boston Cream Pie Coffee Rabbit a la Mode Joint young rabbit that has been skinned and cleaned; lay meat over night in pickling liquid composed of 2-3 water, and 1-3 vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, cloves, allspice, cel ery seed and sliced onion. Next day remove meat from liquid, dry, dredge with flour and fry in butter as you would chicken. Thicken gravy with brown flour, (add a lit tle pickling juice, if desired), strain and put meat back in gravy and simmer for half hour before serv ing. Mixed Vegetable Salad On a salad platter arrange crisp lettuce leaves, six sections of cooked cauliflower, 1 cup cooked spinach, 1 cup cooked string beans;' quarters of hard-boiled egg. Dress with French dressing to which 1 tbls, chopped pimiento has been added. Apricot Tarts Drain a can of apricots and mush them. Sweeten to taste and add sufllcient flour to thicken to proper consistency. Add a teaspoon of but ter, line tart pans with puff paste, fill with the apricot filling, criss cross with ribbons of pastry and bake until light brown. Dredge with confectioner's sugar and cin namon just before serving. Browns Flour Quickly For thickening meat gravies, browned flour Is usually best. To prepare a quantity which can be used from time to time, spread one cup flour on a pie tin and set in hot oven. Stir frequently to prevent burning. Removes Color From Fabrics You can bleach tinted fabrics that have become faded by washing them in boiling water to which cream of tarter has been added in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of powder to a quart of water. R. B. Wilcox who diversifies his farming activities In the Lexington vicinity was In Heppner Monday morning delivering some choice turkeys for the American Legion dinner that evening. To Trade, for milk cows or sheep, high grade piano in good shape; or will sell. Daisy Butler, Cecil, Ore. 30-32p. septal SfcmaT'iTOTZET? ty Helena Rubin birsiteirt j V I'll, I HjdiiilTjj iMiiiiiiiimimiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiitiii What Is lovely never dies, But paiin into other lovliaeis, - Aldrlch. It Is sometimes interesting to delve into the very distant past, through the many books available to us, to find out how our very an cient ancestors felt about beauty culture. In my search I came across a story which amused as well as en lightened me. The tale was about a very elegant, artistic gentleman of the year 3300 B. C. who suddenly discovered that the feminine sex was losing interest in him. He at tributed this lack to the fact that his hair was turning grey, and so he rushed to a learned gentleman of the village. "Tell me, Oh learned one," he said, "what can I do to recover the color of my hair?" A modern beauty specialist might have hesitated, but the learned one Immediately gave the formula for the treatment "Get the blood of a black cow, rub it up in oil and boil, after which it is to be applied to the locks," answered the Learned One. Unfortunately, the book has no record of the suc cess of this treatment, but there is no question in my mind that much time and money, whatever the cur rency of the day happened to be, was spent both by men and women in trying to prolong youth and en hance beauty. Perfume was an essential to the life of the Egyptian. Religious rites could not be performed without in cense. Perfume waB used In em balming, and was also a vibrant part of the aesthetic side of living. Famous archaelogists who have in these modern times broken the si lence of the old Egyptian tombs, unearthing mummies buried thous ands of years ago, have brought forth evidence of the activities in the beauty field in ancient times. Some of these explorers discovered cream jars which had been burled with the mummies and which still gave forth a delicate haunting fra grance, which they could not anal yze. To critics who sometimes feel that too much time is devoted by the women of today for beauty cul ture, I should like to recommend these records which date back to the earliest times known to human f Utile CopperRivef at all Strain points Plus Extra Heavy Tested Denim in LEVI STRAUSS Waist Overalls Insure long wear ANEW EDCE IFTHEY I lLL PAIR. RIP Askfor Levi's Qeliabk Merchandise since 1853 mi i m Coming Up! "Whene'er yon cull, w start to tlr," Says hnstllng-, bnitlinf William Der, "Qulok service li onr peoialty Just try ui onoe, and yon will seel" 0-0-0 We pride ourselves on two things the quality of our mer chandise and the speedy service we maintain. We are prepared to deliver to you at once any thing you need In the building material line. Our stock is complete. Therefore there Is no delay waiting for ordors to ar rive. We challnege competition! THD Heppner Planing Mill and Lumber Yard rhonn 1123 The Home of Friendly Service knowledge. For they show conslu sively that there has never been a time in the history of the world when men and women were not in terested In prolonging youth and enhancing their personal appearance. Farm Pointers Selling cows in order to market hay at high current prices, as is be ing reported from some sections of eastern Oregon, is a short sighted policy, believes the college extension specialist at Oregon State college. While there is a 16 per cent short age of hay reported in Oregon over last year and a 9 per cent shortage from the five year average, a herd once built up is profitable to keep over this unusual period. So-called "sweet apples" do not have a higher sugar content than standard varieties, and are thus no better for vinegar making than oth ers, says the college horticultural products department. The sweet taste comes from an absence of acid, rather than a surplus of su gar. Winter varieties of apples are higher in sugar content than sum mer sorts and are thus preferable for vinegar making. One of the greatest factors in get ting high quality in dried Oregon prunes is full maturity of the fruit when It Is picked, tests at the exper iment station show. Too vigorous shaking of the trees dislodges much Immature fruit which reduces both the quality and appearance of the dried product. Immature prunes also dry down more and thus re duce the tonnage. Where a lye spray is used to clean moss and lichens from fruit or shade trees, a coating of vasel ine will protect the faces of the operators, says the experiment sta tion. The usual strength used in Oregon is 1 pound of lye to 8 or 8 gallons of water. The lye solution gives the quickest results but a Bor deaux spray Is more lasting and will be effective for several years. THIS YEAR'S JELLY NEED NOT "OOZE OUT" SAYS O.S.C. Do you remember last year how proud you were as you surveyed the shelves of clear sparkling Jelly all ready for winter use? And do you remember how you felt a few weeks later when you reached for a glass of this same jelly and encountered a sticky mess Jelly all oozed out over the paraffin and run down the glass? You can prevent that mishap this year, says the home economics de partment of Oregon State college, if you pour the jelly into the glass es carefully so as not to get drops on the edge, then allow it to stand until thoroughly set and the sur- Stomach Test Free If poor digestion makes you suf fer from gas, bloating, heartburn, acidity, or sick stomach, try the Dintax 15 Minute Test. Absolutely harmless. Works fast. Five posi tive digestive aids, in pleasant tab let form. No soda, dopes or laxative. Get Diotox from your druggist today for only 60c. Absolutely free under the money-back guarantee, if It doesn't give stomach comfort In 15 minutes, and soon help restore good digestion. SAY Safety IS ALWAYS THE BEST POLICY Why take a chance, when you can get the best? We Have It, Will Get It, Or It Is Not Made 111 HE Yours for service and fair treatment. John Day Valley Freight Line (Incorporated) Operating between Heppner and Portland and John Day Highway Points. DAILY SERVICE Prompt delivery, rates reasonable plus personal and courteous service. $10,000 cargo insurance. CITY GARAGE, Local Agent, Phone 172 New York Life Insurance Co. NOT A COMMODITY BUT A SERVICE W. V. Crawford, Agent Heppner, Ore. We Have For Sale TIME TIME for the new book you want to read ; for the theatre, for your friends, for your children for the score of things you really want to do but lack the time. We have TIME for Sale taken from household tasks. Electricity, through its servants you may call them electrical appliances can shorten your hours of work. These electrical servants are within the reach of everyone. A family income must be small indeed that cannot pay Electricity's wage. We have for sale TIME. Pacific Power & Light Co. face well dried before covering with paraffin. If necessary the glasses may be covered with cheesecloth and let stand in the sun a day or two before the paraffin is poured. Rotate the glass after the hot par affin is poured so that it runs up the rim and forms a high ridge. Then as a final precaution cover the glasses with tight-fitting metal tops, and store in a cool, dry place, and you can be as proud of your jelly when you use it as when you put It away. R. E. Harbison of Morgan was in the city Saturday. DRINK MORE MILK Wise old Mother Nature made milk for children. Into it she put every thing needed for sustenance, and In the most easily assimilated form. So, Drink More Milk. Let the children have plenty. It is the cheapest food you can buy. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy W10HTMAN BROS., Props. Phone SOFS TUM-A-LUM TICKLER Published In the Interest of the people of Heppner and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO., Phone 912 Volume 1 Heppner, Oregon October 10, 1939. Ramsey McDonald has arrived and peace will soon be in order. But we wonder how the gangsters will be made to fall in line with the idea. ALBERT ADXnrS, Ma anger-Editor. Uzz French si making his ranch more attractive by the use of some of our good lumber. The proper housing of chickens, the feathered variety, is one of the big problems for poultry men. We know the answer, ask us. TAli LOOK ROUND YOUR HOMI SEC WHAT YOU NEED THEN BUY OP US-- OUR PRICE DON T BLEED so TUM-A-LUM SEXTETTE TAL It is not too late to insulate. Insulation prevents the roam Of heat from the home. TAL Usually the fellow that says it is better to rent than to build has houses to rent The "Arkansaw Traveler" tells of the native who didn't patch his roof for the reason that when it was raining he could not and when it was clear he didn't need a roof. DON'T WAIT UNTIL WINTER to repair or replace a leaky roof Do it NOW. Ray Wise says the reason why so many bakers bake at night Is so they can have a good loaf in the morning. Would the wife appreciate some more shelves? Probably yes. In the cellar and basement, the closets, and other places she can tell you. Do it yourself, its easy with our LUMBER. Little Johnny, a city boy, in the country for the first time, saw the milking of a cow. "Now you know where the milk comes from, don't you," he was asked. "Sure," re plied Johnny. "You feed her some breakfast food and water and then drain the crankcase." The nice rain this week should put everyone in the humor to clean up and fix up their homes and oth er buildings, we mean. Let us show you how cheaply the material for needed repairs and alterations may be obtained. TAL That's all until next week. QUALITY, real quality; ECONOMY, consistent economy; SERVICE, genuine, whole-hearted service; SATISFACTION, complete, lasting sat isfaction; these are the modern food signs and they point clearly to the MacMarr Stores. Follow them and you can't go wrong, because we guar antee every purchase! CHEESE BROOKFTELD $1.59 BRICK A SWIFT PRODUCT. 1 MATCHES 6-Box Cartons 19c LARD Pure Fresh Rendered Lard Pail $1.45 RAISINS nsflM 65c MAYONNAISE "tLZiT Quart 59c FIGS IN WINE - VnrRoKed Can 19c MacMarr FLOUR A PURE HARD WHEAT 49-lb Sack $1.93 Per Barrel $7.49 5- AND 10-BARREL LOTS AT A SAVING. Money-Back Guarantee Bread FULL I POUND n LOAVES " I, LOAF 1 BUTTER- f II NUT 1 1 1 MADE STONE'S COFFEE SPECIAL BLEND 1 Lb 39c 3 Lbs 1.10 SUPREME BLEND I Lb 49c 3 Lbs $1.45 Try itYou will like It Quick Quaker Pals small size pkg. 10c CORN FLAKES LES 3 pkgs. 19C SALAD 0ILInTarrrs47c SUPER SUDS, 3 Pkgs. 29c VINEGAR Bulk Bring your container Gal. 39c APPLES WIXESAPS 99c BOX ORCHARD RUNS Phone 1082 STONE'S DIVISION Hotel Heppner Bldg. lllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll