Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1928)
PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1928. BOARDMAN A. E. McFarland of Umatilla was reelected director of the West Ex tension Irrigation district for a term of three years. Only seven votes were cast here. T. E. Broyles, C. S. Calkins and Claude Myers were on the election board. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham, Mrs. Nate Macomber, Mrs. A. T. Hereim and son A. T., Jr., were In Pendle ton on Wednesday. Mr. Gorham went up to consult Dr. McKenzie about his eyes which are much im proved. He had ulcers on one of them. A. T. Hereim Jr. was fitted with glasses by Dr. McKenzie. The Boardman people who ship ped turkeys in the first pool of the Idaho Turkey Growers association were well pleased. A high grade of birds was shipped from here and prices averaged from $4.50 to $5.30 per bird. Mrs. Glen Hadley received the neat sum of $218 for 42 birds, the Johnsons received $172.50 for 33 while Hollands and others re ceived similar prices. Ellises ship ped their birds to a commission house in Portland which quoted 40c but when the birds were received the price had dropped to 35c, as commission house prices have a way of doing, and' the producer has no come back. Supt L. E. Marschat purchased a new Pontiac sedan about three weeks ago. There are now three Pontiacs in town, Carrol Kennedy and B. B. Lewis having the other two. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Messenger and daughter Lois motored to Portland for the week-end. Richard Berger, the small son of Clarence Berger, received a serious injury on Sunday, Nov. 11, while i playing out at the sand dune. He fell in such a manner that one of the bones in the ball and socket hip joint was broken. He was tak en to a doctor at Hermiston and then to Pendleton where an x-ray was made on Friday, and he was put in a plaster cast which he will be obliged to wear for several months. Jess Lower hsa returned from a. trip to Missouri. Mrs. Chas. Nizer left on Friday for her home in La Grande, going down with the motor truck which transported their goods, and Mr. Nizer left Saturday, driving through in the Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Chas'. Goodwin spent the week-end in Pendleton. ' ' Mrs. Dan Ransier was called to Pendleton Thursday by the illness of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Thurman. The latter was taken to Portland where she will undergo an opera tion for goiter. Boardman friends of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beck will be interested to hear that they have a son, Born Nov. 12. Becks lived in Boardman for Beveral years, but are now at Grand- view, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Victor and children of Stanfleld were guests Sunday at the Glen Macken home. Mr. and Mrs. O.- H. Warner made a business trip to Heppner Monday. Mratin Anderson of Moscow, Ida., is visiting his father-in-law, Mr. Darr on the Mulkey place. Catholic services were held Sun day at Root hall by Rev. Brady of Heppner. Mrs. L. V. Root had a birthday on Tuesday, Nov. 20, of this week but the occasion was celebrated on Sunday when a number of friends and relatives went to the Root hall and prepared a sumptuous feast while Roots weqp at church. Pre sent were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mefford, Evelyn and Olive Mefford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow, Mrs. Claude Coats, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gilles pie and Mr. Gillespie's father and two brothers who are visiting here. Gladys and Carl Wicklander en tertained a group of the younger folks on Saturday night, about 18 or 20 of the high school students be ing present who enjoyed an evening of games, music and dainty refresh ments. ' Horace Williams of Pendleton vis ited at the Messenger home Sunday. Chas. Wicklander 'has been busy for the past few days shipping out a large quantity of nursery stock. Two men from the nursery at Port land for which he raises the stock were here assisting. Mrs. L. G. Smith entertained sev eral ladies at a lovely one o'clock ' luncheon on Friday at her home. The, afternoon was spent in visiting and completing some work for the bazaar. Guests were Mesdames W. A. Price, Lottie Attebury, J. F. Gor ham, J. R. Johnson, and W. A. Por ter. Mrs. E. T. Messenger was un able to be present Mrs. Ray Brown is home after an absence of five weeks in Walla Wal la. Mr. Brown is home from Reith where he has been employed with the Joslyn McCallister Construction company all summer. He will go to Willow creek shortly to work on the baler. Mrs. John Jenkins, Mrs. Chas. Dillon, Robert and Glen Berger mo tored to Pendleton Friday to visit Richard Berger who is at St An thony's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bedwell and chil dren have moved from Hermiston to Boardman and are located in the old post otJlce building where Mr. Bedwell has opened a shoe repair shop. Mr. Bedwell is a brother of Mrs. Stevers of Coyote. In reporting the item about Miss Edna Broyles being here from Eu gene, Mrs. Broyle's name was un intentionally omitted. O. H. Warner went to Hermiston last week where he had the rest of his teeth extracted. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier, ,Mr. and Mrs. Glen Macken, and Mr. Sanders were initiated into the Grange at the meeting Saturday night ALPINE. Mrs. G. L. Bennett and daughter Ruth, also her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr3. Merle Bennett, spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Schmidt John Williams who is employed fig DRINK MORE MILK Wise old Mother Nature made milk for children. Into it she put every thing needed for sustenance, and in the most easily assimilated form. So, Drink More Milk. Let the children have plenty. It is the cheapest food you can buy. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BROS., Props. 1 Phone 30FS on the Frank Saling ranch visited at West Camp on Sunday afternoon. Sunny .Rauch. son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rauch is suffering from infantile paralysis. Harry Hammond and Leo Earn hardt of Hermiston and Paul Lee, accompanied by the Misses Ruth Bennett, Celathea Lambirth and Hazel Ritchie, attended the dance at lone' Saturday night The young men in this commun ity will hold a turkey shoot at Jun pier hall on Sunday, November 25. The shooting will commence at 'noon. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lloyd and family of Eltopia, Washington, were visiting in this vicinity Sun day. Mr. Lloyd is looking about for a suitable location, for farming 8m0 MM mum rrrc 41 on a large scale. He was out Sun day looking over Dr. J. P. Conder's ranch. It is rumored that he will move his family here in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsey are the proud parents of a baby girl whose name is Anna Ree. The mo ther and babe are still at tbe hos pital in Hermiston and are doing nicely. Mrs. Mike Sepanek and daughter Bertha made a business trip to Her miston on Sunday. Whlie there they called on Mrs. Dan Lindsey and infant daughter who are in Dr. Sear's private hospital. Merle Bennett accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. George Lambirth, spent Monday in Hermiston. Church services were held at Al pine on Sunday. A good crowd at tended both services. The Alpine high school students gave an Interesting program, follow ed by a parcel post sale and cafe teria style luncheon. The total re ceipts were $78. There was a large crowd out and all enjoyed the in teresting program, as follows: Piano duet by Mrs. Merle Ben nett and Ruth; monologue, Mrs. Caudle's Umbrella Lecture, by Ger trude Tichenor; vocal solo, "Roam In' in the Gloamin'," by Dan Llnd- I U i k I H J K H CHESTER DAEBEE , Agent Heppner, Oregon Auto Owners- Our electric hoist and power greasing equipment enable us to give you the MOST EXPERT GREASING " in the city and at reason able prices. HEPPNER GARAGE NOTICE We clean chimneys, furnaces, stoves; new and clean way; no pipes taken down; all work guaranteed. GILLIAM & BISBEE Phone 333 TURKEY SHOOT Juniper Community Hall SUNDAY; NOV. 25 Beginning at Noon Bring your .22 rifle and get a Thanksgiving Turkey. PLENTY OF GOOD BIRDS Night Service DISCONTINUED We will keep open until 10:00 p. m. until further notice 'and later on Saturday nights. Let us fill your radiator with anti-freeze before the big freeze comes. We can refinish your car in Duco any color. C. A. Saunders of Pendleton is now located here and does the work. ASK US FOR PRICES Ferguson Chevrolet Go. R. B. FERGUSON and A. H. BERGSTROM General Managers ' sey; vocal duet, "Beautiful Ohio," by Mrs. Anna Heiny and Gertrude Tichenor; Dutch dance, Hans and Hilda, by Rutb Bennett and Cela tha Lambirth; a trio. The Bull Frog on the Bank, Dan Lindsey, Anna Heiny, Gertrude Tichenor. This was followed by a short comedy, "The Triumph of Pauline." Pauline, wife of scientist, Betty Sepanek; Rosalie Dumont, her frined, Ruth Bennett; Jack, Paul ine's husband, Elec Lindsey; Prof. Theo. Jiberay, friend of Jack, Law- rence Doherty; Mary the maid, Ce latha Lambirth; Bridget the cook, Gertrude Tichenor. Scene: The breakfast room at Pauline's. Time: Present. , Mrs. Helen M. Walker, county school sunerintendent is conflneil in her home by sickness, becoming quite 111 iuesaay nigni. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones and Mrs. Henry Howell were week endH'lsit ors in Pendleton, returning home Saturday evening. For Thanksgiving We have a full line of everything that g goes with your Turkey Dinner all the g fixin's that make a real dinner. See our g window for Saturday and Monday Spec- g jials. Real bargains in our Gold Bar can- H ned goods. Be sure and take advantage of them. One can free with either glass or canned goods. All kinds' of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, g BETTER homes are built with better lumber and that doesnjt mean high priced lumber either. Our quality, our service, and our prices will satisfy you. Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard A. R. REID, Proprietor Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123 1 THOMSON BROS. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ml igbtni Gathering clouds . . . Darkening skies . . . Then ... a loud clap of thunder and -sheets of torrential rain, amid vivid flashes of lightning. Miles of exposed electric wires are in the storm area. Lightning strikes them. Yet, maryelously, electric ser vice is uninterrupted. The lights of the city burn while the storm rages. The electric light and power companies expect such contingencies and are pre pared to overcome them. High-voltage lightning discharges that would burn out transformers and cripple un protected lines are passed off harm lessly to the ground through intricate ly constructed lightning arresters. These silent sentinels of public service are but one of the endless array of safeguards with which the electric light and power companies protect the flow of power which soon will bring every family and community freedom from toil and drudgery. Are you getting your share of the in estimable benefits electricity provides? Pacific Power & Light Co. , , ' n fe " : """" " Jzm mtnr""m""""""""""M'""'"'''"'""'''"""'r"""""" ......Hm.iiiiimHiH,,tr muim-iiiiiiiriillUimilllimilHIUIilliilllllllHlllllilll il.uuim Ours Are the Blessings for which TheyJourneyedFar Let us pay humble tribute to those God-fearing Pilgrim fathers next Thursdayl ' ' Thanksgiving Day. This Bank will be closed all day. , ' First National Bank of' heppner'