Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1890)
THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1890. Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. 31, miztfl. leavfw H?piiner 7:45 a. m. No. 3?, " arrive ' Saw p. m.. daily excnpt Huucbiy. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. 8tntre leaves for Canyon City daily, exce) t Sunday, at 6 :30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 5:00 p. m. There i? Having of 16 bonrs in time and 81' ip canh by taking this route tu Canyon. 0. W. Li.mlar fc C( ., 4'2'., Fifth St., f "tlapil, Or., are mi' '.orized to make a--tiHjiik contracts for the Gazette. They will ajs make orllectifu8 for this paper. II A NIMH! KEMAKKS. Job printing :u Pendleton prices at the (jazktte oflice. A tine line of gold enH, pencils, etc., at E. J, Klocum's drug store. Mat. I.iihtenthal will open your eyes in prices of his boots and shoes. You can buy them no cheaper in 1'ortland. The Newton wauon, hacks and other vehicles, the largest stock in Heppner, can be found at (iiliiam & Bisljee'a. Call on them. Before purchasing your house furnish ings, call on Gilliam & liisbee. The) also do tin-roofing at the lowest figures. The SI Buckingham Sc. Ileoht, men's shoe will not rip. Best in the market for the pnoe. Buy them at M. Lichten thal's. Gilliam & Bisbee have added a stock of tine machine oils. Remember them when you Deed anything in this line. Go to Mat. Lichteuthal's for the Lud low lailies' shoes. Every pair warranted. Also "Fargo" $2.51) ladies' kid shoe. The best shoe for the money in the mar ket. o vou want some dried venison? Go to J. VV. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store for it, and everything else in their lines. The iiiohI complete stock of groceries in Heppner. Coftim k McFarland have made a lib eral offer in presenting customers with a beatiful bound volume for every $25 worth of goods purchased iu the Line of dry goods, hoots, shoes, etc. Roberts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, and in fact there is nothing in the blacksmith) rig line that they are oot able to do. The Standard Mower, for sale by Gil liam & Bisbee, has all the latest improve ments front out, aud is arranged for cutting over either rouhor level ground. Their "six-foot" mower is guaranteed to run as light as any ''three-fujut" machine in the market Don't stink your house up with com mon sulphur matches, but supply your self with Barber's Odorless Parlor Matches. Wilt not take your breath away to inhale the smoke. For sale by Leezer & Thompson. Net oasli buys its value in goods Bny where, but different merchants have dif ferent amounts to oiler for a oertaiu sum of money. For full value in groceries and all kind of supplies go to J. W. Mat lock & Co., Heppner, near skatintr rink. All varieties of canned goods on hand. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Bananas at the "Model." Ice cream at the "Model." Fresh candies just in, the choicest stook in Heppner. The "Model" can furnish parties with ice in small quantities. The "Estaella," "Dirago Club" and other tine cigars always in stock at the "Model." All kinds of soft drinks at the "Model." Try their soda aud sarsapaiilla. In fact the "Model" is the only cigar, tobacco and ooufeotionary store in town. They make a speoialty in these lines. Tub Best Remedy. Wright's Para gon Headache Remedy for uead'iehe and neuralgia. Harmless, tasteless, no bad effects. Stops pain in five minutes. Hold by A D. Johnson. A SrrMMKR Friknd Wright's Black berry Cordial. Once used always used. Reliable and prompt. Pleasant to take. Indiauensible for summer troubles. Bold by A. D. Johnson. Are you married? It not, send your address with stamp, to the American Corresponding Club, P. O. B" 043, Clark ibum, W. Va. 37u-4'22 Weight's Jamaica Ginger Strictly Pure. An excellent remedy for cramps, colic and where a tonio for the stomach is required. Sold by A. D. Johnson. Children and grown folks like the fruit chewing gum which is kept at the "Model." Ask for it. "7. Mrs. Otis Patterson, at the "Model," has ioe for sale in large or small quanti ties. Fresh roasted peanuts at the "Mod el. The "Model" has new potatoes and ci(ubage. 77. Strawberries by quantity or dish at the "Model." "7. A FAMOUS WOMAN'S EXPERI ENCE. Chicago, Nov. 13th. Mr. Wisdom: Dear Sir: I beg to thank you for the delightful and refresh ing "Robertine" you so kindly sent me. I have used the toilet preparations of the most celebrated manufacturers of Loudon and Paris, but consider your liobertine" the superior in point of puritv aud excellence. Wishing you the unbounded success which vou deserve, I remain. Faithfully yours. May 2'J, '!!. Emma Abbott ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up, on May 8, by the subscriber, Wing on Rea creek, 12 miles from Hepp ner, one roan gelding, nine or ten years old weight 800 pounds; branded Hon left shoulder. Left stifle, 91 ; right shoul der horizontal H with H above and bar iwitkhali orcleoverit, below, lhe owner man bav-s the Baroe by proving ownership atud paving tuecnarges. J. A. Fristok. nntm in an issue of the Cen tki for advertising purposes oosts tury -o,i iu Harpers ou. a. yen.i. advert it emit in one column ol iuo " vrihiine costs 826,554 for the Chicago a 1300OO for the highest prvo lowest and These figures will doubt ed columns. t fo mea wuo jnVest less be of inte. . anJ nutter theru two or three do .extensive advertis selves that they i. frequently ask ers, and to those aiot be printed whv country papers as cheaply as eity paj ' THE GREAT SPRING VEMCIXE. i- oil "ho realize It will be gratifying to all . . , , the vital necessity o purity.n , MK i ... tl.ut Hibbard s r . . . . TO ivuow " " PIOOU Svrupcanbe reiieu - medicine. Mr. B. C. Robmson, of AIr- l.oll Mich., savs - ,, :t(., Gextlkmkx:-I have suffered in lei , lv billiousuess aud rheumatism lor ov. three years, anu i Tr., Hearing i a i 3 -i .i an ill nil v icui i edies that 1 nan lost ... r ,,:. 1; .,.,.1 tridtlPVS tO my uri " tii.n and done more io p....-.- j than auvtuing j -1 have ever ! recommend it as a wl medicine. Very truly yours. " I l . .lTVt,l of Hibbard s Rheumatic davlight trip through the beautiful uacne "'.' wuC., a bole and found it helped me. I t , "a, a Enabling passengers to view : grim death in the person of a 900 pound nsed four bottles, and it has restored :f t Jlbe Snake j be fastening his grip obout them. hlood River. 1). V . I V - - ' Marshall, Mich. Here and There. Arthur f'offio of Arlington is in the city to-daj. Mrs. Emma Plants, of Milton, is visting her sister, Mrs. S. P. Garrigues, iu this city. Sam Creeson left this week for Pen dleton, where he will spend the summer iu the harvest field. Mrs. C. L. Andrews went to Albany, Or., on last Monday morning, where she will spend the summer. Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer, was married to Miss Dorothy Tnnant, at London, on July 12. Theo. Danner, the photographer, took an excellent picture of Heppner Band on last ftuuday evening. Geo. Gray and family left on Monday's train for The Dalles, where they will re main a short time visiting relatives and friends. Rev. A. Horn, German Lutheran min ister, will hold service in the school house, Heppner. on Sundav. July 2i). at 11 o'clock a. m. J. C. Roberts and Oscar Borg received their uniforms Tuesday morning. Hepp ner Cornet Band now has eighteen men and all uniformed. W. H. Crowlev, of Loog Creek, was in town several days this week. The shop acknowledges a pleasant call from the young gentleman. Uncle Jack Morrow returned from Chicago on Saturday evening, where he has been attending a meeting of the World s r air commissioners. Anyone wanting a sewing machine should oall on Mrs. Patterson at the "Model". She has a bran new one for sale very cheap. Call and see it The residence of J. W. Bosworth at Waitsburg, Wash., was burned to the ground last Thursday, with nearly all its contents. Loss 82,000; insurance, $1,000. Senator Blackman returned from San Francisco last Monday evening. He left Mrs. Blackmail and the children there, where they will spend the remainder of the summer. The death of General Fremont is an nounced. He departed this life on Sun day afternoon, in New York city, after a short illness, of peritonitis. His age was about 78 years. All person whose accounts at Leezer & Thompson's are due are requested to call and settle the same without delay as we are needing money and must have: it, so don't procrastinate. In our item about the fishing party last week, we forgot to mention the name of Dr. B. F. Vaughan, who should bav come in for a share of the honors. We are sorry Doc, for it was unintentional. Col. T. A. Houghton, of The Dalles, paid Heppner and Co. E, 3rd Reg., O. N. G., a visitit on Monday evemug. Co. E. was complimented by the Col. for their good attendance on drill that even ing. W. A. Johnston, of the firm of Johnston & Sloan, this week sold his share in the business to T. K. Howard. The business will be continued at the old stand by Howard & Sloan. A. R. Hopkins, of Spokane Falls was in the city for several days of thi9 week. He is a printer by trade, but at present is looking for a location to start a newspaper. This office acknow ledges a pleasant call from him. Geo. Monroe, or Jpeg leg" as be is more oominouly called, was arrested and pnt in the "cooler" Monday night for drunk and disorderly. Tuesday moruing he was brought before the re corder, who agreed to let him off on a promise that he would leave the town, which he did immediately. While the people of the Eastern states are suffering from the extreme heat we, of Eastern Oregon are enjoy ing mild summer weather. It isa little too warm perhaps in the middle of the day for oomfort, but no sunstrokes have been reported yet and the nights are cool enough for a person to sleep com fortably under two pair of blankets. Prof. Leon's athletic and Novelty Show arrived iu town yesturc'ay evening and gave an exhibition of feats if strengib, boxing etc. This is a good show e d ever thing was done exactly as adverti (L They show again this evening and one . i the features will be a glove contest by local sports. Those who did not see the show last night should attend this even ing. The little four year old son of George Kidder w as badly burned on Saturday evening, ilia clothing was ignited Irom firecrackers, and before help reached one side was enveloped in llamas. B. C. Kidder was first tu reach the little fellow and his bauds were badly burned teariug off the burning clothes. The sufferers are getting along as well as could be expected under the oircum stanoes. Pendleton Tribune. Yesterday evening we were shown seme samples ot oats and wheat by Jas. Roberts that beat anything we have seen in Morrow county thus far. They were from the ranch of T. J. Mat lock. The osts, of which Mr- Matlock has 70 acres, is 5 ft. 4 inches high, and well headed. The wheat is 4 ft. 2 inches high and Btands very even iu a field of 40 acres, aud will no doubt mak a heavy yield as the beads are larse and well filled. A Good Showing. The following is a statement of the amount of mouey paid out of the treasury of Morrow county, for the last four years, which is a good showing for the oonnty: Paid state tax es, S30.278.08; paid on county warrants and interest 872.308 11; paid out for schools. $32,974.90; total amount paid out, 124,501.09. THE GREAT BENEFIT Which people in run down state of health derive from Hood's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves that this medicine "makes the weak stroug." It does not act like a stimulent, imparting ficticious strength, but Hood's Sarsaparilla builds j up in a perfectly natural way an cne I weakeued parts, purifies the blood, and assists to healthy action those important organs, he kidneys and liver. No SccH Troirle at Ocr House. Exchange: Go stand where I have stood, go feel what I have felt, eat olam mv half cooked food, and fish and eggs that smelt. Go and take what I have took, go bear what I have borne, throw teaoups at the cook and swear as I have sworn. Go live on juiceless steak, and soggv bread half baked; at midnight lie awake and ache as 1 have ached. Go gnaw with all your might on tough doughnnts and pies, and stop before each breath to piok ont hair and flies. Go do as I have done make of yourself a fool, by winning as I won, a girl from a cook ing school. For Sale. Furniture and undertak ing business in Heppner. Business worth from S2300 to $3000 a year. Will sell stook and carriage for cost and trans fer lease. My sole reason for offering to sell this business is that my health is poor and I am obliged to chsng olim ate or have recreation. Call on or address C. M. Mallory, Heppner, Or. 82 2t SPECIAL EXCURSION LAKE CITY. TO SALT Ob Tuesday, July 29th, low rates will I be in effect for the round trip between t'oion Pacific points ana kalt Dake City, ivi all an opportunity of visiting the stropolis of Utah and indulging " - . - . i. rater swim at the ! in tne or a 9811 w celebrated Itarafia Beaeh- uiacking a t;i.u trains .i .formation cau be obtained upon application to ny ticket agent Union j Pacific System. T. W. Lee, i '1 Pass. Agent, i a heaituy ' Their cries struen terror to the tiaart ot etmlpd time or No Good. We had begun to think that Heppner was going to have a rest from Bnide shows and entertainmeuts for one season at least, but we have been dissappointed oi that line ouce more. The McKanlass minstrels were advertised to show here on last Saturday evening, and a large audience greeted tbem at the hall, expecting of course to see a first class entertainment, but were badly fooled as it turned out to be only a second-class nigger show. Their jokes, songs and dancing were all old, not a now feature being introduced. Everv one in the audience left the hall at the close of the entertainment very much dissapp iuted and no less disgusted. A Suud.-iy afternoon ooncert was announced but no one attended, so they turned the concert iuto a rehersal. Should that company see fit to come back to Heppner again, they will have to show to empty seats if they show at all. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in ease of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can bu from our ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief iu every ease. when used for any affection of lhroat, Luugs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs Bronchitis, Asth ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeabe to taste, per fectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at A. 1). John son & Go's Drugstore. 1. Accidentally Shot. Frank Cunning ham, aged 17, son of J. H. Cunningham, of Castle Rook, accidentally shot him self last Thursday. He hud charge of a band of sheep iu the mountains, aud was carelessly whirling a six-shooter, which was discharged, the bullet enter ing the left leg about four inches above the knee and ranging upwards. After the accident the boy walked about two miles to the cabin, where he got a horse and rode as far aa D. A. Hamilton's place, when he became exhausted. Mr. Hamilton hitched up his team and brought the young man on to town, and medical assistance was procured. The boy is getting along nicely at present, but the physicians have not been able as yet to looate the ball. HEART DISEASE. Read the hospital reports, read the medical puplioations, read the daily newspapers, and learn how wide-spread is heart disease, how diffioult of detect ion it is to most people, bow many and how sudden are the deaths it causes. Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on Heart Disease, and learn what it is, what cau es it, what diseases it gives rise to, what its symptoms are, and how it may be at tacked. If you find that you have heart disease, ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. Flint's Remedy. The treating may be had on application to Mack Drug Co., N. Y. The Pendleton people are over $200 short on their celebration expenses. The shortage will be made up by sub- csription, or otherwise it will have to be paid by the committee ot arrangements. TAKE IT BEFORE BREAKFAST The great appetizer, tonio and liver reg ulator. In use lor more than oo years in England. Posititive specific for liver oompl'iint. Bad taste in the mouth on arising in the morning, dull pains in the bead and back of the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, languor svmptoms of liver complaiut. Remedy Dr. Henley's Eng lish Dandelion Tonic. Relieves consti pation, sharpens the appetite aud tones u.j the entire system. Get the genuine trom your druggist for $1, and take ac cording to directions. 74-426. GRANT COUNTY. From the Eagle: Wm. Hughes and Albert Matteson, of Heppner, are euioving a recreation at the McDuffee Warm Spring this week. Slock inspector, Walker Hintoo, Mo nument, called upon us last Wednesday. He reports considerable scabby cheep in the county at present, especially on the South Fork of the John Duv. Thomp Keiffer came over from Hepp ner Moui'ay, returning again Wednesday. He reports the feed yard business, in which he is engaged, lively with prospects fair toward maiutaiuiug a good trade du nnir the year. An accident happened to one of the miners of the Sloan & Haskell placer mine last week, which totally paralyzed bim for the moment, tie was struck m the back of the neck by the hydraulic, which taps a reservoir some distance above, rendering him unconscious for some time but doing no serious injury more than impairing bim for work for a few davs. J. B Keeney lntorms our reporter that it is his intention to have his head quarters for his entire stage line from Heppner to Burns, here at Ljong Creek. This will make a ready market for any amount of grain and hay in this section. Having several Eastern Oregon mail routes in charge, it delayed him in put ting bis teams on the Heppner and Burns route for some time, but he assures ps that he will have the line in good satis factory working order in the near future. From the News: The nitre fact of the prisoners escapiug from the jail Sunday night caused a creepy" feeling along the spine of many. It was just two years ago Saturday night whu n two prisoners murdered deputy sberriff Lockwood and escaped from the jail, and the excitement of that occasion is not easily shaken off or forgotten. It is evident that the escaped prisoners made a key out of a case knife and un locked the outside door of the jail, po king a wire through the grating and lif ting the lock so the key could be insert ed. Three knives were known to be in the jail, and only one could be found af ter the boys left. That one had been tempered in the fire and used for a tile. Ed. Sheffield is another good man gone wroDg if all reports and suspicions are true. Sheffield drove Jas. Loiton's team to Heppner after a load of freight, and while th re hired & fellow to drive the team back, saying that he intended going up to Idaho to visit some relatives. The fellow started over here with the load of freight, and while in oamp the first night three of the best horses stray ed or were driven off. They could not be found in the entire country, and Mr. Lofton took over some horses to take their plaoe and bring over the load. It is a bad looking state of affairs. A bear made a visit to the sheep camp of Kenneth McRace away up in the wilds of the Blue mountains south of this valley at the witching hour of mid night lately and watched the somnam bulent beauty of the two herders for the space of a while, and then, not finding any salt bacon or fresh mutton hanging in the camp be concluded to sample a herder or two by way of whetting his appetite. He therefore approaohed one of the sleepers and grabbed him by the aiioulder, pulling him out of the blan- keta. Ul course ine neraers yenea as the bear and he ran away from th em af ter scratching one of the men pretty severely. It is safe to prediot that they bave not slept on the ground id open air since tnat memoraoie occasion. THE FIRST STEP. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do any thing to your satisfaction, and you won der what ails you. Y'ou should beed the warning, you are taking the hrst step in to Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your system to its normal healthy con dition. Surprising results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera tive. Your appetite returns, good diges tion is restored, and the Liver and Kid neys resume healthy action. Try a bot tle. Price 50c. at A. D. Johnson fe Co's Drugstore. It was reported here a week or so ago that Mrs. G. W. Foor, of B iise City. Idaho, formerly Mrs. Fuller, of Heppner, was dead. We have been informed thai tha report ws untrue. Mrs. Foor has beeu very ill but is on a fair way to reco very now. ARLINGTON OATS. Amongst our visitors from Heppner last week were Messrs C. and T. Khea, Cha. Lewis aud iYliss E. Swaggart of Pendleton, who has been visiting friends iu yuur burg. The McKaulas Minstrel Comedy Co., showed here Friday to a food audience. They went to Heppner where they Bay they received a royal reception. Prof. H. Leon who has a knaok of I breaking stones with bis fist, gave an exibition here Tuesday assisted by two pugilists who ere this is in print will have given Heppner a repetition of their programme. The new sheriff Wilcox, is now on deck, his predecessor. Sanderson, having gone to California. Saturday Frank Cunningham of Castle Rock, had the misfortune to send' a 44 calibre bullet into his left leg. He came down to be treated be Doc. Baoon who was unable to extract the wicked missile. Mark. C. Thompson, former henchman for C. Wenner has accepted a position with Coffin & McFarland here. Capt. G. Pope and J. E. Hampei were among our Tuesday visitors. The ferry boat is being repaired pre vious to boat inspection ou the 18th inst. John Cunningham swam a horse across the river Sunday. S. G. Hawson, of Fossil, drove in Sunday evening and is staying with his brother Dock. Lone Rock is represented by F. Sween ey aud W. H. Colwell. H. C Condon, F. G. Rollo and Mr. Chipman took a trip of twenty miles np the river Sunday. The "boys in blue" have orders to be at the armory hall Wednesday for in spection by the Colonel. Hank Putnnm has returned to town after a two month's absence. L. BInmentbal has just come from Stockton, Cal., where be bas been stay ing for a month with his family. The calm before the storm wool is uearly all shipped and we are patiently waiting for wheat. Corp. The World Enrlc'ued. The facilities of the present d.-.y for the production of everything that will con duce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost i;::amited and when Syrup of Figs was firr.t produced the world was enriched with the perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the tasta and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, iu fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. SIGNAL SERVICE RECORD. For Week Ending Wednesday, Jane 19. 1890 Mean Mean Pre- t'har- Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. acter. JoTylO H5.II0 Sl .01) 45.511 3U.245 0.IU cl'r 11 119 50 Sfi.Ut 52.(10 ii.'l.l:!.'. 0.(10 fair 12 B5.50 78.(10 uU.00 J.20."i 0.IKI cl'r 18 60.50 7K00 4K.0O aU.liC) 0.110 cl'r 14 08.50 85.00 49.00 .lO.IKO I 0.00 cl'r 15 71 50 85.00 48 00 30.095 0.00 cl'r 16 78 Oil ta.'KI 51.00 311.030 I 0.00 cl'r what is SCROFULA It Is that Imparity in the blood, which, ac cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which develops ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which Is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, it Is the most general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. How Can CURED It Bo By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If yon sufferfrom scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neckfrom the time she was 22 months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child." J. S. Carxtle, Nauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyalldniggisM. $l;atxfor$5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maaa. IOO Doses One Dollar The Read to Wealth Cannot be successfully traveled with out good health. To reach wealth or any coveted position in life requires the full possession and operation of all the fac ulties kind nature has endowed us with. These conditions cannot exist unless the physical being Is In perfect working order, and this is impossible when the liver and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct ing the secretions, causing Indigestion and dyspepsia, with all of their accom panying horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic exerts a specific Influence over the liver, excites it to healthy action, resolves its chronic engorgements, and promotes the secretions ; cures indigestion and consti pation, sharpens the appetite, tones up the entire system, and makes life worth living. t Golden Female Pills. For Female Trregnlar ities; uothinelikethem on tlie market. Hever faiL Sapcessiully used by prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humbueired. Save Time, Health, and money ;tate no oth er. Sent to any address, secure by mail ou re ceipt of price, 12.00. Address, THE APHRO REOICINE C0RP1NY, Western Bianclj, ox27, PORTLAND, Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., I Agents for Heppner. tf. OB" Sol tabor's SHOPPING BY MAIL. Shopping by mail affords advantages to out-of-town people which are of special im portance. They get advanced styles, larger assortments and lower prices. HALE BSOS. & CO. make a special ty of this business. Their patronage extends from Arizona to Alaska, and is constantly on the in crease. There are rea sons for such a heavy trade. Do you want to know them? COAST. Hale Bros. & Co. XOS. 825, 827, 829, 831, 833. and S35 K ST., and 1020 NINTH ST. Saorameto, Cal. HOW THEY TREAT YOU. They aim to give satisfaction in every transaction. . You can send to them with the certainty that you will be treated with the same courtesy and attention as though you were at their connters. They fill orders promptly, and take no unfair advant age of patrons. If you have not been satisfied with the way other firms have treated you, note the change in sending to HALE BROS& CO. FOR THE SPOT CASH You Will Find that You Can Get the the Least J. W. Matlock & C.'s New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink MAIN STREET. When They Say they Keep a Complete Stook They Mean It. See for Yourself. The Moat Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Meats, Salt, Glassware and Queensware, Anything and Everything. DON'T FOIiGET THE NEW STORE, MAIN STEEET, HEPPNER, OREGON. SHIPLEY'S Heppner, i j 6C I WW i i i MUGGINS oi ; - j - L " I KEITHLEY The above 32 Lots, situated between the original City of tleppnar and the Mount Vernon Addition, are finely located for Residences, be sides, being EXTRA GOOD LAND. The whole property, or any part thereof, is now offered for sale, TERMS: One-thiid cash; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with approved security and 10 per cent, interest. Apply to DR. L 83 A SHOPPING GUIDE. It requires no exper ience to order from us. Our illustrated cata- logue, issued twice a year gives illustrations and describes faithfully evervthinof in onr im- mense establishment. It is a book of 100 pag es and shows you every thing that faohion de mands. Though laree and expensive we send FREE to all. It gives you prices that you little dream of. WHAT THEY KEEP. No matter what you need you cag get it at HALE BROS. & CO They carry immense assortments of Dry Goods, Household sup plies and all kindr of wearing apparel for both sexes. Samples of all good by the yard sent on application. It pas to deal with them because they buy more goads in the East and abroad than any house on the coast. Tes evi dence of it is their prices. I Most Goods MoDey at of the Same Class for DDISIOI Oregon I j i - ' WW. J a STREET, ot : vv H-( STREET F. SHIPLEY, Heppner, Or. A HORSE; will txavel well wlien sliod by ROBERTS SIMONS, Grenei'al Bl?cksmitlis & Fariers. REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. Horsesuaeing $4.00 w Span aftei Slay 1st, 1089. J-A FIRST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS tf 3VXa.t ockCoruer, Alaiii Street, Heppuor, Ox- CT 1 T TV 7 MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES This Popular Millinery Establishment Las a Fresh and Neat Stock Just Open for Inspection at the Hands of the Public. New Hats! New Styles! New Prices! LADIES' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY ! MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES, - tf English r (15g.-T " ' Bred by Thomas DeuhnrBt, Whittingbam, Scotland. Hattie, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1889. Xt2 li lMt?l tJU of Great Britain ITIilv five - year Oclllllj' the season at ni4-T-iii o 20 to insure, XtJlIllfe. gleleap.: tf Are You Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on V. D.JOHNSOX, We have just received a fine line of MIXED PAINTS bought at assignee's sals which we offer at very low prices. Also a stock of the celebrated CHICAGO MIXED PAINT. We a complete stock of Oils, Colors, Brushes Glass, etc., etc. carry A Full Line of WALLPAPER of the Latest Styles Just Received From Chicago. Call and See Them at the CITY DRUG STORE, tf A. D. Johnson, Prop. W. J. LEEZER. LEEZER & TOOLS A ! ! PUMPS And Piping Always on Hand. MAIN STREET, E. J, SLOCUM Ch emlonu, I "nto n t .Mn. IU-itio!. . '.viio;. wail A WULL, SHUKUliiU STOCK OF NOVELS The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oreo-on. .AS't for Portland Leezer & Thompson's Corner, HEPPNER, - - . . tf - W. A. KIRK. KIRK DEALERS Saddles,Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con eeivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Repairing; ti Specialty ! Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Salfe Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE.. Warranted tot five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine tbik machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - , HJBPPNER, OREGON 7 A A C7 MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR SANDY. :0. Shire Stallion. Imported by John Me- , Shire Horse and Ireland. Society - old chestnut stallion, and will make Heppner. S15 for the season, $10 sin XELSOX JONES. P. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON -DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tinware, Grantee, Wood and Willow Ware, BARB WIRK. 1 Bii.l Cages, XEw HOME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line of Groceries ami Confectionery ! tf - - HEPPNER, OREGON ist. Toilet Oils. Grlass and I'aper, AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Oregonian. : Main Street, OREGON J. C. HAYES HAYES IN-