Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1904)
THE IIEPhIEK TIMES. THURSDAY. APR. 7. 1904. Subscription, 151,00 Per Year. NOTES. J. A. Harbke was up from lo'ie Sntur dsy. VV. J. Blake wu la the city Iroui lone Frldsy. J. J. McGce uude a business trip to Cecil Tuesday. ' P. P. Vaugheti m In from ln VAhl Mila raticvi Saturday Joe Kskelaon wat a visitor In town Saturday from Leslngton. C. A. Johnson of lour, wax buaine-s vltitor to Ileppner Saturday. J. L. Howard wait business visitor in town Friday from Butter creek. Archbald P. Hancock wu down from tbe mines tbe Cut of the week. J. W. Vaughan waa down from h'l mountain ranch the fir it ot (lie week. J. A. Brown oi kcaiugtou, waa a bus Ineaa visitor lu Hrppuer last Saturday. llerlry C. Gay ol Rhea creek was transacting business lu town Saturday. J. W. Beckt-t was In this c'.ty on bus ItitM Thursday 1 t from bis Kirfht Mila iVjJif"WsivtH .Mrs, T.J. Kirk la suffering this was with a severe attack of quinsy. Clyda Wells who hasbeen in California and l'ottland tbe past few niontbs, re turned Tueslay evening. R. F. Hynd returned Juescav evening from Portland, where he has bet n fur a couple of weeks on business. Clyde Sallng, who bas been here on a business visit tbe past week, left yester day for bis home at Cnrrlnville. St eet grading was resumed Monday with the result that May street baa been greatly improved from tbe foot of the bill to Willow creelr. Carrol Morrison was accidently run over by a bicycle Tuesday evening while pi ay lnj( on the streut with other bos, Notice) of Sheriff's Sal. Dy virtu of aa rtMjutlnn and ordnr of eale duly lulled ly Urn rlerk of ll I trealt eourt ol till! loimly of Morrow, atate of Oreg'in, dab l tli 'i'.lh day of Mar.-h In a eertalo action In tin- Circuit court for aald county and atate, wherein i. A. Tlioniii.on I'lalutlff. recovered )wlim nt Knlnt 1. Y . Wllilaina an admlnla. tralor of thf! e.late of AnUine Abraliamnlik (le.eaaed, and Herinlue Abrahamali k de caaed i.etu)aiit, for the tho in in of five hundred tlire aud eliclity Kvrn oiic-liunrlrUb dollara, and tliv (urllur nim of forty dollar attorney's fi, and tuta and lll,iirmeiita taxed at tlilrty novel) dollara, on the 1Kb day of March 1!"I. Notice U hereby jlven tliat f willon Haturday tli Mrth day of April wl, at 10 o'clock a. in. of aald day, at th front door of the court houite In Ileppner, Morrow county, Oregon, auli at iu 1,11c auction to the iilfc-lieat bidder for eaah In Imtid, tbe lollowliiKili'ocrll'! property, to-wit: lxt four (4) and Ave (ft) In block I'. In Jones addition to tb town of Ileppner Morrow couLtyOrcKO.i taken and levied upon as the property of the anld defendants or o much thereof an may be neceaaary to aatlafy the aald JudKeuient In favor of i, A. Thompson and !'I hav used. CtunU,,ln'e Stomach j au.J I.ivrt Tablets with mst aatisfactory rtsnlts," sas Mrs. F. I- 'j-lps. Il'ne ton, Trial. Fur indigetton. biliousness and constipation theae tablets are moat acellent. For sale by R locum Drug Co. o y y -c "m rrrr i GENERAL I BLACKSMITHIIIG t I have opened up a P general blacksmith and t wood work shop at Lex v ington, in J. A.lirown'i shop and sustained a ae vere bruit of tbe auk e. agaiuat aald defendanu together with all cou aud Ulnburaementa that have or may accrue. Wm II uk lies was an incoming pi aenger from Fortland Tuesday evening. He wilt remain soma time looking after his livestock Interests In this and Grant nounties. A. M, SI- cum bas just completed tU construction of a residence building on church street. This is the second dwell ing built by Mr Slocum within the pat two months M R Morgan has just Installed a gas olene engine on bis ranch below town, to be ued in pumping water fro pi Willow feck (or Irrigating his alfalfa fields X, M.Hbutt HhurlrT m.ll a'41 by W.0. 1(111 deputy Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Mar, V. 11, rs icb. Prank Bor. returned Saturduy from tbl spring lone Tost Fortlaud wherr be spent a tbrea wctks vacation. 8. I. Strslton, oi tbe lone Trading Compauy, was a visitor in this city Friday last. Mrs. M. Church o I'atterso r Wali bas been vi uing iriends m Ileppner the p ist week or so. R. N. Stanfi i, the I utter creek stockman, sti a buaiucaa viattor lu II' ppner Monday. J. II. Pearson, prom i.eut rauiher of Little Butur creek, wa in town on busin-ss ye-terday. Toe Kplscopal church is nearing com pletion. The finishing touches are being put on this week. Tbe building is very tiftat and conveniently arranged, the cost complete being about $4000, Thompson Broa. have leased tbe rooms vacated by the T. R- Howard estate and will use same in connection with their present rooms. This increases their space by more than one half, giving them ample room for conducting their Inircasing business. B, L. Akers, a rot-perous farmer of W. n Connor, republican nominee Gooseberry, who was In the city Satur for assessor, was a visitor iu Hcppuer day attending the democratic convention, tbe latter par. of last week. K. G. Sperry of lone, was n'viailor in Ileppner Friday and S urday lookiug after some business matters. Attorney . 1J. Njtaon oi Leiingion, was in Heppucr Saturday looking after aomc mallera of a legal nature J. D. Carmichael, a prominent farmer of the vicinity of Lesinntou, Iran a.-lrd buslnesa in IKppncr Friday laat. Dr. Kistner reports tbe arrival of a nine pound boy at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Johnn Stewart March 31. There will be no preaching services at tbe M. K church neit Sunday, aa the pastor will be at Pendleton on that dale. Win. Duncan of Baker City, a former reaidenl of Ileppner, arrived Friday and will shear with tbe Golf crew during the season. E. F. Jarmon arr.ved in tbe city Tues day fiom Silver, Washington. lie came down to look after bis property on Butter cieek. V. A. Stevens returned Thursday laat from a three month's visit at liis old home at liussv. Iowa. He reports a very severe winter in Iowa. P K. McKnight, who wss in town on business Saturday from flutter creek, reports stock loing well notwlthstaod log the re-ent disagreesblc spell of weather. (June a .arge crowd of O i l Fellows of this city went to lone Saturday evening to participate in tbe initiation of new mentlrs of the lone lodice They re port a very pleasant lime. S. F Garrigurs bas commenced the conatnuti nofalKistiO loot addition to bia ieniilrnient warehouse tt will "C Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By vlrttire of an execution and order of tale duly luaucd by the clerk of the Circuit court ol the county of Morrow, alate of Oregon, dated the 'Mb day of March 1WH, In a certain action In the Circuit court for aald county and aUtte, wherein Harab K. Hhlpley and Lottie Hhlpley plaintiff, recovered judgement agalnat Ham K yvillla aa administrator of the eiitate of Kllza M. Wjljla dcctMnfd etsU dtfendanu, for tbS sum of eighteen and flfly one-huii lrclh dpi lara, and the further turn of twenty dollara attorney's fee, and coat and diaburaementa taxed at fifteen and forty one-hundredth dol lars, on the Dili day of March HHM. PfiUca I hereby given thsl I will on Hstur day the Huiii day pi April IWH at 2 n'cick ). in of aald day, at the (rpnt door of the vourf houae lu ileppner, Morrow county, Oregon aell at public auction to the tilgheat bidder for caul) In hand, the following deacri bed property to.wlti !'! H-ven l"J and eight H in bloc;! wn(2)lp (hlpleya addition to t)a Uiyvu ol Ileppner Morrotv county Orcgori. Taien and. levied upon as the property o( (lie said defend. ants or o luucll thereof aa piay be neeeaaary to aatlnfy tha aald judgement In favor of Hareh K, Hhlpley and tattle Shipley and agalnat suit! defeudauta toguther with all coata and dla buraemenu that have or may accrue, K. M. Bhitt, Bherlff mm aa by W. O. Hill deputy Dated at llcincr, Oregon, Mar. IS, 'M reports very favorable conditions in bis locality for big crops this reason. Spring seeding is progre-sing nicely in tbe Gooseberry country. " Tbe Heppncr, Jr , band will give a n usical entertainment in Roberts' ball tomorrow evening, Tbe i.oys have pre pared a aplended literary and musical program which promltes to be Vi-ry ioter- eating. Their efforts to build up a good band are deserving of encouragement. Blearing Is now quite ge.ieral in Mor row county, tbe favorable weather of the past ten dsys hsving started the work up in earnest. It will not be long now until wool by the tons will be rolling into Hcppuer preparatory for sales dsys, which will be held some t'tne during the latter pert of May. The Easter services st the M. V, church Bunday evening were largely attended, the seating capacity of the church not i-eiiig sufficient to seat more than two- thirds of those who sought admission, The services consisted of recitationa, dialogues and music by tbe cbnir and msle quartette, followed by a short ad dress by tbe pastor, All Saints Episcopal Mission first Sun day after foster, April 10th. No Sun ila school. The service of dedication ot the new Memorial church will take place at 10:30 a. m. The ceremony will be performed by the Right Reverend B Wiata Morris the venerable Biabop of Oregon, assisted by the Rev. W. K Potwine, serretsry of the iMocese, the Rev. Wm Symore' Short, of Astoria, and John Warren missionary In charge of All Saints Mission. The consecration sermon will be preached by Rev. Wm Short who laid the corner stone Jsn. i.J. The evrnlmr vice will be preached at 7:3"p m. bvRfv. W. E. Potwine. his Notice gf Sheriff's Sae By " irture of aa execution and order ul ale duly laaiied by tbe clerk of tbe Circuit court of the county of Morrow, atate of Oregon, dated the 2.fth day of March 19m, In a certain action In the Ircult court for laid county and atate, wherein J. A. Thompum plaintiff,' recovered )udgniont e(fBi)it f, K, end C. . VauWinkle defendants, for the auw of wu bupdrnd and eighty eight und fifty one-hundredth dollara and the further aum of thirty dollara attorney'a fee, and coata and diaburaementa taxed at twenty one aud ten one-hundredth dollara, on tbe th day of March 19m. - Hi)tr3 a hereby given that I will on Satur day thaHutb day ol April ISM, at 2 o'clock p. m of aald day, at the front door of the court bouae in Ileppner, Morrow county, Oregon aell at public auction to the highent bidder (or cah in hand, the lollowlngdeacrlbed property lo-wlt: The eaat half of lot eight fa) In block three (:f) In I'reaton Looneya addition to Ilepp ner, Oiogni). Taken and levied upon aa the property of the said dufeqdanta or so much thereof ai may be neceiuary to aatiafy the said Judgement In favor of J. A, Thompson and again! laid defendant)! together with all coiU and dlnburtuuiuut that have or may accrue. JC, M,HHITT, Hherlff mltl-aM by W. O. ILU deputy. Dated at Ileppnor, Oregon, Mar. &, 1001. S call. Give me a j FRANK HALL. J pooooooooooooocoooooooooc GENERAL DRAY I have engaged in the gen eral drayage bueinps and so licit a share of the patronage All kinds of dray work done with promptness and care. j. t. Mitchell ooooooooooc tfr 9 MINOR &CO, ''I CORSETS Five new modes in the ROYAL W0RSTE CORSETS just re ceived, full line of sizes in each. Corsets made especially for the medium slender or the figure between the slender and the regu lar, also corsets designed for the regular figure, another for the medium stout, or the figure between the regular and the stout, and still another for the very stout figure. Real comfort in wear ing a corset is realized only in having a perfect fit, a corset de signed for your particular figure. In these new modes we feel prepared to give you a corset especially adapted to your figure. '""HtlMtBtfirfof i-'tfifWU irfir1i-l',rf taints I Contractors and Builders I ESTIMATES ANp PLANS I FtJRNISHEpQN At-LWOPK I A share of the patronage j solicited. j HOUSES MOVED and REPAIRED i Office one door north of Scrivner'a i blacksmith shop, Main street. I f I ARTHUR SMITH Watchmaker and Jeweler HEPPNER OREGON RTYI F I designed 9 a ! ,or tbe I'' 4ii0 slender fig- ! ore, has short bins. '"ight front, 10 inch VI clasp, lace trimmed at top and bottom. Ba tiste in white. . $1.00 3l tilar figure, bas the straight front, princess hip (the dip ftl hip), velvet grip hep, fi supporters in front VJ side, lace trimmed at top, 10 nch elapp. ' White Batiste... $1 00 Si The above cnt reprcaenta a corml d'taed t-npecially for the mull urn aledder fig ure, la made oi while batiate and haa the velvet grip hove aupportera, price H.uO STYLE wager cerset which 4 0 600 is designed and made for the very atout or fleshy lady, has tbe princess U inch clasp, lace trimmed at top, made of cortilla in white and drab. - !!jt The ABDOMINAL $ BAJUb tor reducing proportions to grace ful lines and taking strain from parts re quiring freedom is the new feature in this popular corset. Sizes 26 to 36 inch waist. Ask to see the corset designed for your figure and jj take it home and try it on. The Princess Hip gives a round plump figure V ia. -. Hardware A new line of the Graniteware for the home and catnp Nested camp buck- ,j eta, frying pins, all, coffee and ( . , . mm wuu iuur, iiau9 sheep shears and hooks, etc. Rex Animal Food A thrifty animal makes money for its owner. An unhealthy one is expen sive property We have the Rex Con ditionary for horses, cows and bogs We also have Egg Producer and Lice Killer 25c, 50c, 75c and f 1 per pkg. It will pay you to invest. cup) the same ground a that which was frrwrll srrmon Mote leavirg for runovrd bv I he H.kxI. i Honolulu. Art Minor and B. K. Tatter-on received roupl of artier dons from low t Tu lay evening ihst are 6ne lookers It is to he hoped that others if our community Annual Banquet. Tha Scottish Kilil Masons of Mor row county lit'l.l ilieir annual banquet ill (ollow In tha effort for better breeds t( tba I'alace bote! last Thursday even ofooga. hng. The follow ing int-Wrs were prea Mrs L.K.Coha, tha leadln milliner, i nl. M Frink c.tthtm, t?.H. J ..'. - Currln. U W. I'bfliNi, D V. 8. Uid lay. Chlllrens.lrrs-natsrea.iy rni.y Milk and velvet rlbUm on aa. Order. J I altera -n, W. J. lllake. tt . T. M given promH attention by Miss Stewart, Nabb F. J. HaU-ll and Hnry Black of rortlaml. j n an. J. 11. M en, one of the pmsperouai Tbe occaalone are a prominent farmers of tha vicinity of llardmsn, who iH(ltl,r(, of ortiH,f IK,ng lne Terr wss in Ileppner on Ims neas Mnnilsy Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtu ol an execution and order of sale duly laiueil by the Clerk ol tha Circuit Court of the county of Morrow, Butte of Oregon, dated tbe lth day of March l'.an in a certain action In the Circuit court for aald county and tate, wervln E. I. Kood plaintiff, recovered udKeinent agalnat Oacat Mitchell one of tliede- Icndatita for the aum of I3.00 and the further iuiu ol U'iVW attorney! fee, and coH and dia buraementa Used and allowud, at l-irt.W on the 9th day of March i'AH; and Jane I'euland one of the defendanta recovered Judgement agalnit Oacar Mitchell one of the defendants lor the aura of t-'il",07, and (he further aum of $.'.00 altorueya fee, on the VI li day of March 1!4, and Joacjih A. V'onlery one of the defendanta recovered Judgement agalnat Oacar Mitchell one of the defendanta fur the sum of 7il.41 and the further aum of f.'i0.0l) attorney! fee. On tha yth day ol March VM, all of aald Judge- menu being recovered on said day In a nitt wherelu K. I). Rood waa ilaintirl and Gu ar Mitchell, et ala, were defendanta; I Notice la hereby given that I IllonTuenday J tha 19th day ol April 1904 at one o'clock p. m. 1 ol Hid Cay, at the front door ol the court houae la lleiitmer Morrow county Oregon aelt at iilille auction to the iilglicut bidder for ch n liauil, the folluwliig deacrltn-d proH-rty tivmlt: The tiorth-wrat quarter of the north ml iiiarter l (h-cIIoii twenty four, and t lie Weil hull of I lie aoullieaKt quarter, and the aotilhwcM quarter of the norllieaul quarter of Section thirteen in lowntiiip one fouin KanKe Iwi nty four Kal W. M taken ami leu. . I Uhiii aa tha p'omrly of tha nald ear M IK hell or no much lln-ieol aa may be liei ery to aatlafy the mid linlgiiieiita In favor of K. I, KimhI. Jann Ivnlnml, and Jowph A. Woolery In the CROSHEHS AND ZOLLINGER Have Just opened a new saloon at the corner of Main and May streets Finet Liquora and Cigars Pendleton. Beer On Draught Hot and Cold Lunches Heppner, Or. ol MINOR & CO. Sporting Goods i Fishirsg tacle, poles, lines, baskets, fly hooks and the like. Shotguns, rifle3, revol- vere, cartridges, pow- w 1 1.1 1 . 1. . A 1 uer, leau ana snoi, jackets and coats, car- iriuge uens auu nui- sters. t; TENTS g All Bizf a in wedge and wall Lime and Bulphrr, mark- t! ing ink, lamp black and jH oil, Btock and dairy ealt. M minor a co. k:i ' Real Estate And Fire Insurance Mbltds a flbatteuson a I 1 nriler "I their priority, and agalnat aald Oacar Mitchell togetln menu that have or may ao ur. lier Willi all eola and Ulabtirae- laled at ileppner, Oregou, March ltlth, 1901. K. M. BlU TT mlTall Hherlff f sports thst stock olTered ?er Utile In his section a a result of lha sesere westhcr during the lter days of March W. Ilelaa Imnght this week, through Wbllels & ratlerson, tbt 1. A. llerreo properly on May street, from (illlijm & ItlaliM. Tha ronaidrrstioo as fl'AH). Mr. Pie las has In turn rented tha build Irt for a year and a half to an Athens merchant, who will tne Into It as soon j as It csnU put la condition to rrceltra .lsst4k. pl. a ant affairs, and tha present was no esceplion to tha gi-neral rule). Auction Sato. W II s ll a- pnhllo auction at Cant wdl's hlcycle shop on April sj, 1904, all kinds t( utenalla tt-ed for cooking iiiraM, s'lllal.ln (ur shearing and harvest rrews. Alanal rir rialte ov-n and a douhle harnraa In poo1 condition. Laa Caxtwku., Auctioneer. Summons. In the circuit court of the state ot Oregon for the county of Morrow. Patrick Mt'Oald, plaintiff, v.. Catherine ICeaney, Krank Keancy and I. II. Foraylhe, delvudNiita, To Catherlnp Koancy, Frank Reaney and J. II. Kor.yltie, .lelenclaiita; In the name of the (Mate of Oregon, yon and each ol you ar hereby required to ai. r III the alaive aniliieii court mm caiiMt ami ali.aer the complnlnt ol ilalullff hleil aanlnut roil, on or beloie I hurwlay, May Ulh 1 M, aadl date tielng all weeki from the date ol the Aral pub lication ol thla auiiinioiia, and II you fall to ao appear and anawer lor want Ihereol, the l.laln tiff will apply to the court lor the relief prayed lor In hi complaint. The relief prayed lor la that yon and each of you l required to appear In aald court and iti'leudany right claim or title you may have In the lolluwIngdeM'rllied real proerty, to wit : The aoiith ! quarter of hei tlou aj. In Tp. i, Nollli KaligK 'it Vail W. M. That at Ilia bearing all conflicting claim. h ell I' d and determined by the court, and that tin-title to aald Und Ihi conllrmcd aud forever veiled In th pUlnilff. ami the cloud now upon ni aol (ilie 1 hi reinoveo. Till. biiiiiiiiiiu ia aerved upon ynil by pub. Ili allon tlirreol by order of the lion. W, K. Kill. Jiolgo ol the aUiv entitled court, which March ltl, and i,i.'. rll'. that (lil. aiiinmona ahall le puli Imhed or a perlixl ul ! .111 cei.lve aeck. Irolil and alter i'l date. u. W. I'mfi ea 111.1l mayl Attorney lor l lalntlff. MBS. CECEUA STOWC, Orator, Eutre Nona Ciub. 176 Warren Arentifl, Ciucaoo, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years 1 suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to pet well. 1, howeTer, strongly objwted to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman ia a disconsolata place at heat. A friendly druggist advised him to (ret a lottltof Wine of ( ardui for me to try, and he did so. 1 began to improve in a few dars and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks 1 was another being. Mrs. Slowe's letter shows every woman bow a home is saddened by female weak nci and bowcoinpl.-tely Wine of ('ardui cures that sick neas and brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on suffer ing. Go to tour drupgigt t"day and secure a 11.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. I'Jin&tQinmjf If you have a Farm, Grazing Lands or City Property for Sale call on us. Or if you Want to Buy we can suit you as we have a Long List of Properties to Select from. OaooJ4 jajauauauQ Land Scrip For Sale O000000 0 00600000 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00 0O0O6O00 400 000 006? LOUIS & PLEISS -TAILORS- First class work, Reasonable prices A fit guaranteed. May street, HEPPNER, OREGON. o o o o s 0 6 o o c o o o o o O00060 60060606 6 60966 0666 6060960696006000090960600 66 O HUDSON & BROWNHILL Real Estate and Investment Co. THE DALLKS, ORKGON. We will make you a blue print of any township in The Dalles, Lantl Dintrict, corrected up to date, tthowinu all filings and vacant land, for fifty cents. We have 10,(XX) acna of Formt Uenirve Lien land scrip forialo in iuantilit'8 from 40 acrca up, and will uhdprw-U any quo lation fitht-r in Portland or Ban Franciuco. Don't fail to get our price In-fore ordering. : :::::: aO s S